Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list
Definition or
MetaData sys.sp_MSmakedynsnapshotvws(
nvarchar @publication,
nvarchar @dynamic_filter_login,
nvarchar @dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name)
create procedure sys.sp_MSmakedynsnapshotvws( @publication sysname, @dynamic_filter_login sysname, @dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name sysname = NULL ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int declare @string_literalized_dynamic_filter_login nvarchar(4000) declare @articles_cursor_allocated bit, @articles_cursor_opened bit declare @pubid uniqueidentifier declare @partition_id int declare @publication_number int declare @dynamic_filter_hostname sysname declare @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn nvarchar(350) declare @get_dynamic_filter_login_value nvarchar(300) declare @stmt nvarchar(4000) select @articles_cursor_allocated = 0 select @articles_cursor_opened = 0 select @retcode = 0 -- Security check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 return 1 if @dynamic_filter_login is null or @dynamic_filter_login = N'' begin select @dynamic_filter_login = suser_sname() end if @@error<>0 begin return 1 end select @string_literalized_dynamic_filter_login = fn_replmakestringliteral(@dynamic_filter_login) collate database_default select @dynamic_filter_hostname = host_name() -- map the dynamic filter longin to a partition id select @partition_id = -1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSget_subscriber_partition_id @publication, @partition_id output, NULL, @dynamic_filter_hostname, @dynamic_filter_login if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 or @partition_id is NULL or @partition_id = -1 begin raiserror(20629, 16, -1) return 1 end -- Compute the proper view creation order, code is copied from sp_MSpublicationview declare @progress int declare @article_level int select @progress = 1 select @article_level = 0 select @pubid = pubid, @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where upper(publisher) = upper(publishingservername()) and publisher_db = db_name() and name = @publication if @pubid is null begin raiserror(20026,11,-1,@publication) end select @get_dynamic_filter_login_value = sys.fn_MSget_dynamic_filter_login(@publication_number,@partition_id) select @get_dynamic_filter_login_value = 'N''' + replace(@get_dynamic_filter_login_value, '''', '''''') + '''' create table #creation_order ( creation_order int identity not null, art_nick int not null, article_level int not null ) if @@error<>0 begin return 1 end while @progress > 0 begin insert into #creation_order(art_nick, article_level) select nickname, @article_level from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and nickname not in (select art_nick from #creation_order) and nickname not in (select art_nickname from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid=@pubid and (filter_type & 1) = 1 and join_nickname not in (select art_nick from #creation_order)) select @progress = @@rowcount select @article_level = @article_level + 1 end -- Create temp table for storing the view definitions and -- also for acting as a symbol table for views create table #view_defs_and_syms ( creation_order int identity, original_view_name sysname collate database_default, dynamic_snapshot_view_name sysname collate database_default, dynamic_snapshot_view_definition nvarchar(max) collate database_default ) if @@error<>0 begin return 1 end -- By the time this procedure is called by the snapshot agent, a regular -- snapshot is assumed to have been generated. -- The specified publication is assumed to have dynamic filtering enabled -- Open a transaction to make sure that no stale temporary views -- can be lying around for longer than they have to. begin transaction save transaction sp_MSmakedynsnapshotartvws -- Create a global temporary table to track the sync-views -- that we are about to create here. if @dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name is NULL begin select @dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name = N'##DYN_VIEWS_' + replace(convert(nvarchar(36), newid()), N'-', N'_') set @stmt = 'create table ' + quotename(@dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name) + ' ( artid uniqueidentifier primary key, dynamic_snapshot_view_name sysname not null unique )' exec(@stmt) if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end end declare hArticles cursor local fast_forward for select artid, sync_objid, co.art_nick from dbo.sysmergearticles sma inner join #creation_order co on sma.nickname = co.art_nick where sma.pubid = @pubid order by co.creation_order asc if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @articles_cursor_allocated = 1 open hArticles if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @articles_cursor_opened = 1 declare @sync_objid int declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @dynamic_snapshot_view_name sysname declare @original_view_name sysname declare @insert_command nvarchar(4000) declare @min_id int declare @db_name sysname declare @original_view_definition nvarchar(max) declare @artnick int select @db_name = db_name() -- Stage 1: Build up the symbol table with -- regular sync view definitions fetch hArticles into @artid, @sync_objid, @artnick while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin declare @row_number int, @max_row_number int select @max_row_number = 1, @row_number = 1 -- Get name of the original sync view select @original_view_name = object_name(@sync_objid) -- Construct name for the dynamic snapshot view select @dynamic_snapshot_view_name = N'MSmerge_DYN_VIEW_' + replace(convert(nvarchar(20), @artnick), N'-', N'_') + '_' + replace(convert(nvarchar(36), newid()), N'-', N'_') select @max_row_number = max(colid) from dbo.syscomments where id = @sync_objid select @row_number = 1, @original_view_definition = N'' while @row_number <= @max_row_number begin select @original_view_definition = @original_view_definition + text from dbo.syscomments where id = @sync_objid and colid = @row_number select @row_number = @row_number + 1 end -- Insert a row into the symbol and view def table -- for further processing -- Neither original_view_name nor dynamic_snapshot_view_name should be quoted here as both columns -- are sysnames and could potentially be truncated insert #view_defs_and_syms values (@original_view_name, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name, @original_view_definition) if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @insert_command = N'insert ' + quotename(@dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name) + ' values (@artid, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name)' -- Insert the mapping into the global temp table exec @retcode = sys.sp_executesql @insert_command, N'@artid uniqueidentifier, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name sysname', @artid = @artid, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name = @dynamic_snapshot_view_name if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin goto Failure end -- Insert the view name into the global tracking table so it is -- guaranteed to be cleaned up properly insert MSdynamicsnapshotviews values (@dynamic_snapshot_view_name) if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end fetch hArticles into @artid, @sync_objid, @artnick end close hArticles select @articles_cursor_opened = 0 deallocate hArticles select @articles_cursor_allocated = 0 -- Stage 2: Fix-up all the internal references to non-dynamic snapshot -- views inside the dynamic snapshot view definitions and -- create the views along the way. -- Cursor state variables for ensuring proper cursor cleanup declare @viewdefs_cursor_allocated bit, @viewdefs_cursor_opened bit, @symbols_cursor_allocated bit, @symbols_cursor_opened bit declare @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition nvarchar(max) declare @dynamic_filter_login_fn_definition nvarchar(max) declare @dynamic_snapshot_view_name_symbol sysname declare @qualified_dynamic_snapshot_view_name nvarchar(4000) select @viewdefs_cursor_allocated = 0, @viewdefs_cursor_opened = 0, @symbols_cursor_allocated = 0, @symbols_cursor_opened = 0 -- Declare a cursor for each dynamic snapshot view definition declare hViewDefs cursor local fast_forward for select dynamic_snapshot_view_name, dynamic_snapshot_view_definition from #view_defs_and_syms order by creation_order asc if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @viewdefs_cursor_allocated = 1 -- Declare a static cursor for symbol lookup so we can go back to the -- first row without tearing down the cursor declare hSymbols cursor local static for select original_view_name, dynamic_snapshot_view_name from #view_defs_and_syms if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @symbols_cursor_allocated = 1 open hViewDefs if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @viewdefs_cursor_opened = 1 open hSymbols if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end select @symbols_cursor_opened = 1 -- For each view definition... fetch hViewDefs into @dynamic_snapshot_view_name, @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin select @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn = N'dbo.' + quotename(@dynamic_snapshot_view_name + N'_FN') -- For each dynamic snapshot view name to original view name mapping... fetch first from hSymbols into @original_view_name, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name_symbol while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin -- Do view name replacement select @qualified_dynamic_snapshot_view_name = quotename(@dynamic_snapshot_view_name_symbol) select @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition = replace(@dynamic_snapshot_view_definition, quotename(@original_view_name), @qualified_dynamic_snapshot_view_name) fetch hSymbols into @original_view_name, @dynamic_snapshot_view_name_symbol end -- Replace suser_sname() with string literalized version of the given -- dynamic filter login select @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition = replace(@dynamic_snapshot_view_definition collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, N'suser_sname()' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn + N'()' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) -- Replace system_user with string literalized version of the given -- dynamic filter login select @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition = replace(@dynamic_snapshot_view_definition collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, N'system_user' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn + N'()' collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) if datalength(@dynamic_snapshot_view_definition) = 7000 begin raiserror(21387,16,-1) goto Failure end -- Create the function with schema binding and mark it as a system object. -- @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn is already quoted, so there is no need to quote it here select @dynamic_filter_login_fn_definition = N' create function ' + @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn + N'() returns sysname WITH SCHEMABINDING as begin return ' + @get_dynamic_filter_login_value + N' end' exec (@dynamic_filter_login_fn_definition) if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject @get_dynamic_filter_login_fn if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin goto Failure end -- Create the view and mark it as a system object exec (@dynamic_snapshot_view_definition) if @@error<>0 begin goto Failure end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject @dynamic_snapshot_view_name if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin goto Failure end fetch hViewDefs into @dynamic_snapshot_view_name, @dynamic_snapshot_view_definition end close hViewDefs deallocate hViewDefs close hSymbols deallocate hSymbols drop table #view_defs_and_syms drop table #creation_order commit transaction -- Construct the result set declare @dynamic_snapshot_view_owner sysname -- Since all views will have the same owner, we may as well just -- find it once and then return it in the second row of the result set -- (see header) -- Note: Even the cursors are closed, the @dynamic_snapshot_view_name -- variable should still contain a valid value select @dynamic_snapshot_view_owner = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where name = @dynamic_snapshot_view_name declare @result_command nvarchar(4000) select @result_command = ' select ''article_name'' = null, ''dynamic_snapshot_view_name'' = ' + fn_replmakestringliteral(@dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name) collate database_default + N' union all select null, ' + coalesce(fn_replmakestringliteral(@dynamic_snapshot_view_owner) collate database_default, N'null') collate database_default + N' union all select, dsvt.dynamic_snapshot_view_name from dbo.sysmergearticles sma inner join ' + quotename(@dynamic_snapshot_views_table_name) + N' dsvt on sma.artid = dsvt.artid where sma.pubid = ''' + convert(nvarchar(128), @pubid) + '''' exec (@result_command) if @@error<>0 return 1 return 0 Failure: if @articles_cursor_opened = 1 begin close hArticles end if @articles_cursor_allocated = 1 begin deallocate hArticles end if @viewdefs_cursor_opened = 1 begin close hViewDefs end if @viewdefs_cursor_allocated = 1 begin deallocate hViewDefs end if @symbols_cursor_opened = 1 begin close hSymbols end if @symbols_cursor_allocated = 1 begin deallocate hSymbols end drop table #view_defs_and_syms drop table #creation_order rollback transaction sp_MSmakedynsnapshotartvws commit transaction return 1 end