Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list
Definition or
MetaData sys.sp_help_peerconflictdetection(
nvarchar @publication,
int @timeout)
create procedure sys.sp_help_peerconflictdetection ( @publication sysname, @timeout int = 60 -- seconds ) as begin set NOCOUNT on declare @retcode int ,@pubid int ,@options int ,@OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P int ,@OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION int ,@OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONTINUE_ONCONFLICT int ,@originator_node sysname ,@originator_version int ,@originator_db sysname ,@originator_db_version int ,@originator_id int ,@conflict_retention int ,@continue_onconflict bit ,@subscriptions xml ,@sub_srvname sysname ,@sub_db sysname ,@request_id int ,@conflictdetection_enabled bit ,@elapsetime int -- in seconds ,@phase_timed_out bit ,@cursor_allocated bit ,@cursor_opened bit select @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P = 0x1 ,@OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION = 0x8 ,@OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONTINUE_ONCONFLICT = 0x10 ,@originator_version = @@microsoftversion ,@originator_db = db_name() ,@cursor_allocated = 0 ,@cursor_opened = 0 -- Security Check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return(1) -- Check to see if the database has been activated for publication. if sys.fn_MSrepl_istranpublished(@originator_db, 1) <> 1 begin raiserror (14013, 16, -1) return (1) end -- Parameter Check: @publication. -- The @publication name cannot be NULL and must conform to the rules -- for identifiers. if @publication is NULL begin raiserror (14043, 16, -1, N'@publication', N'sp_help_peerconflictdetection') return (1) end execute @retcode = sys.sp_validname @publication if @retcode <> 0 return (1) select @pubid = pubid, @options = options, @originator_id = originator_id, @conflict_retention = conflict_retention from syspublications where name = @publication if @pubid is NULL begin raiserror (20026, 11, -1, @publication) return (1) end select @originator_node = publishingservername() if (@options & @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P) <> @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P begin raiserror (22808, 16, -1, @publication, N'sp_help_peerconflictdetection') return (1) end -- parameter check: @timeout if @timeout <= 0 begin raiserror (22811, 16, -1) return (1) end -- this procedure can not be executed in a user -- transaction because it needs to be in its own tran -- space (it can not be mixed with replicated cmds). -- -- we use this tmp table insert to force any implicit -- transaction (user may set IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS on) declare @check_tran table(col1 int) insert into @check_tran(col1) values (1) if @@trancount > 0 begin -- The procedure 'sp_help_peerconflictdetection' cannot be executed within a transaction. raiserror(15002, 16, -1, 'sp_help_peerconflictdetection') return (1) end if (@options & @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION) = @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION begin select @conflictdetection_enabled = 1 if (@options & @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONTINUE_ONCONFLICT) = @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONTINUE_ONCONFLICT select @continue_onconflict = 1 else select @continue_onconflict = 0 end else begin select @conflictdetection_enabled = 0 select @originator_id = NULL select @conflict_retention = NULL select @continue_onconflict = NULL end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetdbversion @current_version = @originator_db_version output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 begin raiserror(21542, 16, 1, @@error, 'sp_MSgetdbversion') return (1) end -- begin transaction begin tran save tran tr_sp_help_peerconflictdetection -- obtain subscriptions declare @peersubtab table (sub_node sysname, sub_db sysname) insert @peersubtab select distinct A.srvname, A.dest_db from syssubscriptions A join sysarticles B on A.artid = B.artid where B.pubid = @pubid and A.srvid <> -1 if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO select @subscriptions = (select * from @peersubtab as sub for XML auto) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO select @subscriptions = convert(xml, N'<peer_subs>' + convert(nvarchar(max), @subscriptions) + N'</peer_subs>') -- in order to obtain the result in relational form, run the following statements -- declare @DocHandle int -- exec sp_xml_preparedocument @DocHandle OUTPUT, convert(nvarchar(max), @subscriptions) -- select * -- from OPENXML (@DocHandle, N'/peer_subs/sub', 1) -- with (sub_node sysname, sub_db sysname) -- exec sp_xml_removedocument @DocHandle -- delete existing requests and responses delete from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO delete from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO -- new a request insert MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest (publication, timeout, progress_phase, phase_timed_out) values(@publication, @timeout, N'started', 0) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO select @request_id =MAX(id) from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest -- insert the response from local peer insert MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse (request_id, peer_node, peer_db, peer_version, peer_db_version, is_peer, conflictdetection_enabled, originator_id, peer_conflict_retention, peer_continue_onconflict, peer_subscriptions, progress_phase) values (@request_id, @originator_node, @originator_db, @originator_version, @originator_db_version, 1 -- is_peer -- , @conflictdetection_enabled, @originator_id, @conflict_retention, @continue_onconflict, @subscriptions, N'status collected') if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO -- insert sub entries of this peer insert MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse (request_id, peer_node, peer_db, progress_phase) select @request_id, sub_node, sub_db, N'started' from @peersubtab if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO commit tran raiserror (22817, 10, -1, N'Scanning topology', N'started') with nowait -- starting first round: topology exploring update MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest set progress_phase = N'exploring topology', modified_date = GETDATE() where id = @request_id exec sp_MSpeerconflictdetection_topology_sendrequest @request_id, @publication if @@error <> 0 return (1) select @elapsetime = 0 while (@elapsetime < @timeout) begin waitfor delay '00:00:01' -- 1 second select @elapsetime = @elapsetime + 1 if exists(select * from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse where request_id = @request_id and is_peer is null) continue else break end if @elapsetime >= @timeout begin raiserror(22812, 10, -1, N'exploring topology', @timeout) with nowait -- raise a warning update MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest set phase_timed_out = 1, modified_date = GETDATE() where id = @request_id end raiserror (22817, 10, -1, N'Scanning topology', N'ended') with nowait raiserror (22817, 10, -1, N'Status collection', N'started') with nowait -- starting second round: status collecting update MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest set progress_phase = N'collecting status', modified_date = GETDATE() where id = @request_id exec sp_MSpeerconflictdetection_statuscollection_sendrequest @request_id, @publication if @@error <> 0 return (1) select @elapsetime = 0 while (@elapsetime < @timeout) begin waitfor delay '00:00:01' -- 1 second select @elapsetime = @elapsetime + 1 if exists(select * from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse where request_id = @request_id and (is_peer is NULL or progress_phase <> N'status collected')) continue else break end if @elapsetime >= @timeout begin raiserror(22812, 10, -1, N'collecting status', @timeout) with nowait -- raise a warning select @phase_timed_out = 1 end else select @phase_timed_out = 0 update MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest set progress_phase = N'status collected', phase_timed_out = @phase_timed_out, modified_date = GETDATE() where id = @request_id if @@error <> 0 return (1) raiserror (22817, 10, -1, N'Status collection', N'ended') with nowait -- status report if exists(select * from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse where peer_version < 0x0A000000) begin -- peers earlier than Katmail exist raiserror(22813, 10, -1) with nowait end if (select count (distinct originator_id) from MSpeer_originatorid_history where originator_publication = @publication) < (select count (originator_id) from MSpeer_originatorid_history where originator_publication = @publication) begin -- duplicate peer IDs are found raiserror(22814, 10, -1) with nowait end select * from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigrequest select * from MSpeer_conflictdetectionconfigresponse select * from MSpeer_originatorid_history return (0) UNDO: rollback tran tr_sp_help_peerconflictdetection commit tran return (1) end