The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_getqueuedrows(nvarchar @tablename, nvarchar @owner
, nvarchar @tranid)
create procedure sys.sp_getqueuedrows ( @tablename sysname ,@owner sysname = NULL ,@tranid nvarchar(70) = NULL ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int ,@dbname sysname ,@qualified_tabname nvarchar(1000) ,@tabid int ,@agent_id int ,@publisher sysname ,@publisher_db sysname ,@publication sysname ,@queue_id sysname ,@update_mode int ,@failover_id int ,@cmd nvarchar(4000) ,@queue_server sysname ,@indid int ,@indkey int ,@key sysname ,@colid int ,@typestring nvarchar(4000) ,@artcol int ,@xpinputstr nvarchar(4000) ,@selectcl nvarchar(4000) ,@joincl nvarchar(4000) ,@curuser sysname -- -- prepare the fully qualified table -- select @owner = case when (@owner IS NULL) then N'dbo' else @owner end ,@dbname = db_name() ,@curuser = user select @qualified_tabname = quotename(@dbname) + N'.' + quotename(@owner) + N'.' + quotename(@tablename) select @tabid = object_id(@qualified_tabname) if (@tabid IS NULL) or (@tabid = 0) begin -- error raiserror(21078, 16, 1, @qualified_tabname) return 1 end -- -- current user should have SELECT permission on the table -- if (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@qualified_tabname), 'OBJECT', 'SELECT')=0) begin -- error raiserror(21752, 16, 1, @curuser, @qualified_tabname) return 1 end -- -- make sure the table is participating in a active queued subscription -- select @agent_id = agent_id from dbo.MSsubscription_articles where dest_table = @tablename and owner = @owner if (@agent_id IS NULL) begin -- error raiserror(21753, 16, 1, @qualified_tabname) return 1 end -- -- get the details for the subscription -- select @publisher = publisher ,@publisher_db = publisher_db ,@publication = publication ,@update_mode = update_mode ,@queue_server = queue_server ,@queue_id = queue_id ,@failover_id = failover_mode from dbo.MSsubscription_agents where id = @agent_id if (@update_mode not in (2,3,4,5)) begin -- error raiserror(21753, 16, 2, @qualified_tabname) return 1 end -- -- If we are in Immediate Failover mode - no queued messages -- if (@update_mode in (3,5) and (@failover_id = 0)) begin -- -- do an empty select on the source table and return -- select @cmd = N'declare @dummy_action nvarchar(10), @dummy_tranid nvarchar(70) select action=@dummy_action, tranid=@dummy_tranid, * from ' + @qualified_tabname + N' where 1 = 2 ' exec (@cmd) return 0 end if (@update_mode in (2,3)) begin -- -- set queue prefix for MSMQ cases -- select @queue_id = N'DIRECT=OS:' + @queue_server + N'\PRIVATE$\' + @queue_id end else begin -- -- Check the queue table for SQLQ -- if not exists (select * from dbo.MSreplication_queue where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication and tranid = case when @tranid IS NULL then tranid else @tranid end) begin -- -- do an empty select on the source table and return -- select @cmd = N'declare @dummy_action nvarchar(10), @dummy_tranid nvarchar(70) select action=@dummy_action, tranid=@dummy_tranid, * from ' + @qualified_tabname + N' where 1 = 2 ' exec (@cmd) return 0 end end -- -- Now find the PK columns for this table -- select @indkey = 1 ,@artcol = 0 ,@xpinputstr = N'' ,@selectcl = N'' ,@joincl = N'' ,@retcode = 0 select @indid = i.indid from dbo.sysindexes i where ((i.status & 2048) != 0) and ( = @tabid) if (@indid is null) begin raiserror(21750, 16, -1, @qualified_tabname) return 1 end -- -- create an enumeration of all the columns that are part of PK -- create table #pkcoltab(pkindex int identity, keyname sysname collate database_default not null) while (@indkey <= 16) begin select @key = index_col( @qualified_tabname, @indid, @indkey ) if (@key is null) break else insert into #pkcoltab(keyname) values(@key) select @indkey = @indkey + 1 end -- -- initialize the commands that we need to build -- if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'tempcrtcmd' and schema_id = schema_id()) drop table tempcrtcmd create table tempcrtcmd (c1 int identity NOT NULL, procedure_text nvarchar(4000) NULL) select @cmd = N'create table tempqjointab (action nvarchar(10), tranid nvarchar(70) ' insert into tempcrtcmd(procedure_text) values(@cmd) -- -- now walk through each article col and if it is -- a part of PK, then check find the column position of the key -- corresponding to any article column is set -- DECLARE #hCColid CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select column_id, [name] from sys.columns where object_id = @tabid order by column_id asc OPEN #hCColid FETCH #hCColid INTO @colid, @key WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1) begin exec sys.sp_MSget_type @tabid, @colid, NULL, @typestring output if ((@typestring IS NOT NULL) and (@typestring != N'timestamp')) begin -- -- this column is part of the article -- select @artcol = @artcol + 1 if exists (select * from #pkcoltab where keyname = @key) begin -- -- this column is part of PK (offset and precision, scale) -- prepare the input string for XP -- prepare the create join table command -- prepare the join and select clause for the result -- select @xpinputstr = @xpinputstr + N';' + cast(@artcol as nvarchar) if (@typestring = N'bigint') select @xpinputstr = @xpinputstr + N'(19,0)' else if (@typestring like N'decimal%') or (@typestring like N'numeric%') begin declare @startpos int ,@endpos int select @startpos = charindex(N'(', @typestring, 1) select @endpos = charindex(N')', @typestring, @startpos) select @xpinputstr = @xpinputstr + substring(@typestring, @startpos, (@endpos - @startpos + 1)) end select @cmd = N',' + quotename(@key) + N' ' + @typestring insert into tempcrtcmd(procedure_text) values(@cmd) select @selectcl = @selectcl + N', b.' + quotename(@key) if (@joincl = N'') begin select @joincl = @joincl + N'a.' + quotename(@key) + N' = b.' + quotename(@key) end else begin select @joincl = @joincl + N'and a.' + quotename(@key) + N' = b.' + quotename(@key) end end else begin -- -- this column is not part of PK -- build the select clause for this column -- select @selectcl = @selectcl + N', a.' + quotename(@key) end end -- -- get the next column -- FETCH #hCColid INTO @colid, @key end CLOSE #hCColid DEALLOCATE #hCColid drop table #pkcoltab -- -- create the join table now -- select @cmd = N') ' insert into tempcrtcmd(procedure_text) values(@cmd) if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'tempqjointab' and schema_id = schema_id()) drop table tempqjointab select @cmd = 'select procedure_text from dbo.tempcrtcmd order by c1' exec @retcode = sys.xp_execresultset @cmd, @dbname if (@retcode != 0) goto cleanup -- -- populate the join table now -- if (@update_mode in (2,3)) begin -- -- MSMQ case : one call to the xp should populate the join table -- insert into tempqjointab exec sys.xp_readpkfromqueue @tablename, @queue_id, @xpinputstr, @tranid end else begin -- -- SQLQ case : select the data for this subscription and call the -- xp for each row in the cursor to populate the join table -- declare @spancount int ,@data varbinary(8000) ,@state bit declare #hcurQInfo cursor local FAST_FORWARD FOR select data, cmdstate, tranid from dbo.MSreplication_queue where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication and tranid = case when @tranid IS NULL then tranid else @tranid end and commandtype = 1 order by orderkey FOR READ ONLY select @spancount = 0 open #hcurQInfo fetch #hcurQInfo into @data, @state, @tranid while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin declare @qbdata0 varbinary(8000) ,@qbdata1 varbinary(8000) if (@state = 1) begin -- -- command spanning more than a row -- we will allow spanning upto 2 rows -- if (@spancount = 0) select @qbdata0 = @data else begin raiserror(21754, 16, 1) close #hcurQInfo deallocate #hcurQInfo select @retcode = 1 goto cleanup end select @spancount = @spancount + 1 end else begin -- -- final row for the command -- if (@spancount = 0) select @qbdata0 = @data else if (@spancount = 1) select @qbdata1 = @data else begin raiserror(21754, 16, 2) close #hcurQInfo deallocate #hcurQInfo select @retcode = 1 goto cleanup end -- -- call the xp to populate the join table -- insert into tempqjointab exec sys.xp_readpkfromvarbin @tablename, @xpinputstr, @tranid, @spancount, @qbdata0, @qbdata1 -- -- reset the span count -- select @spancount = 0 end -- -- fetch the next row -- fetch #hcurQInfo into @data, @state, @tranid end close #hcurQInfo deallocate #hcurQInfo end -- -- Now perform the join -- select @cmd = N'select b.action, b.tranid ' + @selectcl + N'from ' + @qualified_tabname + N' a right join tempqjointab b on (' + @joincl + N') ' exec (@cmd) -- -- all done -- cleanup: if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'tempqjointab' and schema_id = schema_id()) drop table tempqjointab if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'tempcrtcmd' and schema_id = schema_id()) drop table tempcrtcmd return @retcode end
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