The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSrepl_snapshot_helppublication(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @publisher)
create procedure sys.sp_MSrepl_snapshot_helppublication ( @publication sysname, @publisher sysname ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Declarations. -- DECLARE @pubid int DECLARE @has_subscription bit DECLARE @retcode int DECLARE @publish_bit int SELECT @publish_bit = 1 -- -- Security Check -- EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1) -- Parameter Check: @publisher IF @publisher IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publisher', 'sp_MSrepl_snapshot_helppublication') RETURN (1) END -- Parameter Check: @publication IF @publication IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publication', 'sp_MSrepl_snapshot_helppublication') RETURN (1) END EXECUTE @retcode = dbo.sp_validname @publication IF @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) SELECT 'pubid' = sp.pubid, 'name' =, 'restricted' = 0, 'status' = sp.status, -- using 'task' is for backward compatibilty 'task' = convert(int, 1), 'replication frequency' = sp.repl_freq, 'synchronization method' = sp.sync_method, 'description' = sp.description, 'immediate_sync' = sp.immediate_sync, 'enabled_for_internet' = sp.enabled_for_internet, 'allow_push' = sp.allow_push, 'allow_pull' = sp.allow_pull, 'allow_anonymous' = sp.allow_anonymous, 'independent_agent' = sp.independent_agent, 'immediate_sync_ready' = sp.immediate_sync_ready, -- SyncTran 'allow_sync_tran' = sp.allow_sync_tran, 'autogen_sync_procs' = sp.autogen_sync_procs, 'snapshot_jobid' = sp.snapshot_jobid, 'retention' = sp.retention, 'has subscription' = CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM IHsubscriptions WHERE article_id IN ( SELECT article_id FROM IHarticles WHERE publication_id = sp.pubid ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, 'allow_queued_tran' = sp.allow_queued_tran, -- Portable snapshot 'snapshot_in_defaultfolder' = sp.snapshot_in_defaultfolder, 'alt_snapshot_folder' = sp.alt_snapshot_folder, -- Pre/post-snapshot commands 'pre_snapshot_script' = sp.pre_snapshot_script, 'post_snapshot_script' = sp.post_snapshot_script, -- Snapshot compression 'compress_snapshot' = sp.compress_snapshot, -- Post 7.0 ftp support 'ftp_address' = sp.ftp_address, 'ftp_port' = sp.ftp_port, 'ftp_subdirectory' = sp.ftp_subdirectory, 'ftp_login' = sp.ftp_login, 'ftp_password' = sys.fn_repldecryptver4(sp.ftp_password), 'allow_dts' = sp.allow_dts, 'allow_subscription_copy' = sp.allow_subscription_copy, -- 7.5 Queued updates 'centralized_conflicts' = NULL, 'conflict_retention' = 14, 'conflict_policy' = NULL, 'queue_type' = NULL, 'backward_comp_level' = sp.backward_comp_level, 'publish_to_AD' = CASE WHEN sp.ad_guidname IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END FROM syspublications sp, MSpublications msp, master.dbo.sysservers ss WHERE sp.pubid = msp.publication_id AND msp.publisher_id = ss.srvid AND UPPER(ss.srvname collate database_default) = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default AND (( = @publication) or (@publication = N'%')) ORDER BY IF @@ERROR <> 0 RETURN 1 RETURN (0) END