using System.Configuration; using System; namespace PawJershauge.Extensions { namespace Configuration { /// <summary> /// Provides Extension for the Configuration manager /// </summary> public static class ConfigurationExtensions { #region SettingsPropertyValue /// <summary> /// Get the string value of the property /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValue object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <returns>null if value is null; else the string representing tha value.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static string GetValue(this SettingsPropertyValue obj) { return obj.PropertyValue == null ? null : obj.PropertyValue.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Get the T value of the property /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type to get as</typeparam> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValue object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <returns>The T value of the property, if the value is null, then default(T) is returned.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static T GetValue<T>(this SettingsPropertyValue obj) where T : struct { if (obj.PropertyValue == null) return default(T); else return (T)Convert.ChangeType(obj.PropertyValue, typeof(T)); } /// <summary> /// Tries to get the T value of the property. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type to get as</typeparam> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValue object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <param name="value">if return value is true, the out value parameter has the T value of the property</param> /// <returns>True if the value is not null, else False.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static bool TryGetValue<T>(this SettingsPropertyValue obj, out T value) where T : struct { if (obj.PropertyValue == null) { value = default(T); return false; } else { value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(obj.PropertyValue, typeof(T)); return true; } } #endregion #region SettingsPropertyValueCollection /// <summary> /// Checks if the collection contains the key. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValueCollection object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <param name="name">Name of the key to lookup</param> /// <returns>true if the key exists else false.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static bool ContainsKey(this SettingsPropertyValueCollection obj, string name) { if (obj == null || obj.Count == 0) return false; foreach (SettingsPropertyValue item in obj) { if (item.Name == name) return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Get the string value of the property /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValueCollection object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <returns>null if value is null; else the string representing tha value.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static string GetValue(this SettingsPropertyValueCollection obj, string name) { if (!obj.ContainsKey(name)) return null; return obj[name].GetValue(); } /// <summary> /// Get the T value of the property /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type to get as</typeparam> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValueCollection object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <returns>The T value of the property, if the value is null, then default(T) is returned.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static T GetValue<T>(this SettingsPropertyValueCollection obj, string name) where T : struct { if (!obj.ContainsKey(name)) return default(T); return obj[name].GetValue<T>(); } /// <summary> /// Tries to get the T value of the property. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Generic type to get as</typeparam> /// <param name="obj">SettingsPropertyValueCollection object to extend the method onto.</param> /// <param name="value">if return value is true, the out value parameter has the T value of the property</param> /// <returns>True if the value is not null, else False.</returns> /// <remarks>Developed by Paw Jershauge (Check my Blog fore more C# tips: [C# and I] Url:</remarks> public static bool TryGetValue<T>(this SettingsPropertyValueCollection obj, string name, out T value) where T : struct { if (!obj.ContainsKey(name)) { value = default(T); return false; } return obj[name].TryGetValue(out value); } #endregion } } }
June 11, 2012
SettingsPropertyValue and SettingsPropertyValueCollection Extensions
I wrote some Configuration Extension, hope you like em ;)
.Net Framework,
Framework 3.5,
sp_tableoption (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, varchar @OptionName
, varchar @OptionValue)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_tableoption(nvarchar @TableNamePattern, varchar @OptionName
, varchar @OptionValue)
create procedure sys.sp_tableoption @TableNamePattern nvarchar(776) ,@OptionName varchar(35) ,@OptionValue varchar(12) as -- declare AND INIT VARIABLES declare @OPTbulklock varchar(25) ,@OPTtextinrow varchar(25) ,@OPTpintable varchar(25) ,@OPLargeValOutOfRow varchar(28) ,@OPUseVarDecimal varchar(25) ,@CurrentDBId int ,@ColId int ,@TabId int ,@opt_value int ,@opt_flag bit ,@permit bit -- locked after permission check? ,@ret int select @OptionName = lower(@OptionName collate Latin1_General_CI_AS) ,@OPTbulklock = 'table lock on bulk load' ,@OPTtextinrow = 'text in row' ,@OPTpintable = 'pintable' ,@OPLargeValOutOfRow = 'large value types out of row' ,@OPUseVarDecimal = 'vardecimal storage format' ,@permit = 1 ,@CurrentDBId = db_id() -- DISALLOW USER TRANSACTION (except for in 'text in row' and 'large value types out of row' ) -- set nocount on set implicit_transactions off if (@@trancount > 0 AND @OptionName = @OPTbulklock) begin raiserror(15002,-1,-1,'sys.sp_tableoption') return @@error end -- VALIDATE OPTION VALUE select @opt_value = case when (lower(@OptionValue) in ('1' ,'on' ,'yes' ,'true')) then 1 when (lower(@OptionValue) in ('0' ,'off' ,'no' ,'false')) then 0 when (@OptionName = @OPTtextinrow AND ISNUMERIC (@OptionValue) <> 0) then convert (int, @OptionValue) end -- ERROR if INVALID OPTION NAME OR VALUE if @opt_value is null OR @OptionName is null OR (@OptionName NOT IN (@OPTbulklock, @OPTtextinrow, @OPLargeValOutOfRow, @OPTpintable, @OPUseVarDecimal)) begin raiserror(15600,-1,-1, 'sys.sp_tableoption') return @@error end -- Return silently when option pintable is specifed. This functionality no longer exists. if (@OptionName = @OPTpintable) return 0 if (@OptionName = @OPTtextinrow) begin if (@opt_value != 0 and @opt_value != 1 and (@opt_value < 24 or @opt_value > 7000)) begin -- Invalid value raiserror (15112,-1,-1) return @@error end end -- vardecimal storage format is locked down in SQL Azure. if (@OptionName = @OPUseVarDecimal and serverproperty('EngineEdition') = 5) begin raiserror(40512,-1,-1,@OptionName) return @@error end BEGIN TRANSACTION -- VERIFY WE HAVE A USER-TABLE BY THIS NAME IN THE DATABASE select @TabId = object_id from sys.tables where object_id = object_id(@TableNamePattern, 'local') if not (@TabId is null) begin -- LOCK TABLE, CHECK STANDARD TABLE-DDL PERMISSIONS EXEC %%Object(MultiName = @TableNamePattern).LockMatchID(ID = @TabId, Exclusive = 1, BindInternal = 0) if @@error <> 0 select @permit = 0, @TabId = null end if @TabId is null -- Not found/permission deny begin COMMIT TRANSACTION raiserror(15388,-1,-1,@TableNamePattern) return @@error end -- HANDLE TEXT-IN-ROW option if (@OptionName = @OPTtextinrow) begin -- invalidate inrow text pointer for the table -- dbcc invalidate_textptr_objid(@TabId) dbcc no_textptr(@TabId, @opt_value) end -- HANDLE TABLOCK-ON-BCP option else if (@OptionName = @OPTbulklock) begin -- Make required change if ObjectProperty(@TabId, 'TableIsLockedOnBulkLoad') <> @opt_value begin -- SetLockOnBulkLoad expect bit value select @opt_flag = @opt_value EXEC %%Relation(ID = @TabId).SetLockOnBulkLoad(Value = @opt_flag) end end else if (@OptionName = @OPLargeValOutOfRow) begin -- SetLargeValuesTypeOutOfRow expects bit value select @opt_flag = @opt_value EXEC %%Relation(ID = @TabId).SetLargeValuesTypeOutOfRow(Value = @opt_flag) select @ret = @@error if @ret <> 0 begin COMMIT TRANSACTION return @ret end end else if (@OptionName = @OPUseVarDecimal) begin -- SetUseVarDecimal expects bit value. select @opt_flag = convert(bit, @opt_value) -- No-op if the property is already in the desired state. if ObjectProperty(@TabId, 'TableHasVarDecimalStorageFormat') <> @opt_flag begin exec %%Relation(ID = @TabId).SetUseVarDecimal(Value = @opt_flag) select @ret = @@error if @ret <> 0 begin COMMIT TRANSACTION return @ret end end end -- EMDEventType(x_eet_AlterTable), EMDUniversalClass( x_eunc_Table), src major id, src minor id, src name -- -1 means ignore target stuff, target major id, target minor id, target name, -- # of parameters, 5 parameters EXEC %%System().FireTrigger(ID = 22, ID = 1, ID = @TabId, ID = 0, Value = NULL, ID = -1, ID = 0, ID = 0, Value = NULL, ID = 3, Value = @TableNamePattern, Value = @OptionName, Value = @OptionValue, Value = NULL, Value = NULL, Value = NULL, Value = NULL) COMMIT TRANSACTION -- return success return 0 -- sp_tableoption
sp_tablecollations_100 (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_tablecollations_100(nvarchar @object)MetaData:
create procedure sys.sp_tablecollations_100 ( @object nvarchar(4000) ) as select colid = s_tcv.colid, name =, tds_collation = s_tcv.tds_collation_100, "collation" = s_tcv.collation_100 from sys.spt_tablecollations_view s_tcv where s_tcv.object_id = object_id(@object, 'local') order by colid
sp_stoppushsubscription_agent (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @subscriber
, nvarchar @subscriber_db
, nvarchar @publisher)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_stoppushsubscription_agent(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @subscriber
, nvarchar @subscriber_db
, nvarchar @publisher)
create procedure sys.sp_stoppushsubscription_agent ( @publication sysname, @subscriber sysname, @subscriber_db sysname, @publisher sysname = null ) as begin set nocount on declare @cmd nvarchar(4000) declare @retcode int declare @pubtype sysname declare @stop tinyint set @retcode = 0 set @stop = 1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_getpublisherinfo @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_type = @pubtype OUTPUT, @rpcheader = @cmd OUTPUT if @retcode <> 0 return (@retcode) -- Add sp set @cmd = @cmd + N'sys.sp_MSrepl_subscriptionagentjobcontrol' exec @retcode = @cmd @publication = @publication, @subscriber = @subscriber, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_type = @pubtype, @action = @stop return @retcode end
sp_startpullsubscription_agent (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_startpullsubscription_agent(nvarchar @publisher, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication)
create procedure sys.sp_startpullsubscription_agent ( @publisher sysname, @publisher_db sysname, @publication sysname ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int ,@start tinyint set @retcode = 0 set @start = 0 -- Security check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSpullsubscriptionagentjobcontrol @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @action = @start return @retcode end
sp_syspolicy_execute_policy (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, xml @event_data
, bit @synchronous)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_syspolicy_execute_policy(nvarchar @policy_name, xml @event_data
, bit @synchronous)
CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_syspolicy_execute_policy @policy_name sysname, @event_data xml, @synchronous bit = 0 AS BEGIN IF(DB_NAME() != 'msdb') BEGIN RAISERROR(14416,-1,-1) RETURN 14416 END -- make sure that the caller is dbo or PolicyAdministratorRole IF ( IS_MEMBER('PolicyAdministratorRole') != 1 AND UPPER(USER_NAME())!= 'DBO') BEGIN RAISERROR(15003, -1, -1, 'PolicyAdministratorRole') RETURN 15003 END DECLARE @retval int DECLARE @history_id bigint SET @history_id = 0 EXEC @retval = sys.sp_execute_policy @policy_name, @event_data, @history_id OUTPUT IF( (@synchronous = 1) AND (@retval=1)) BEGIN -- the policy failed so we are going to abort the transaction -- make sure we get the log information so that we can recreate -- the log entry DECLARE @policy_id int DECLARE @start_date datetime DECLARE @end_date datetime DECLARE @result bit SELECT @policy_id = policy_id, @start_date = start_date, @end_date = end_date, @result = result FROM msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_internal WHERE history_id = @history_id DECLARE @target_query_expression nvarchar(max) DECLARE @execution_date datetime DECLARE @target_result bit DECLARE @result_detail nvarchar(max) -- there is only one target SELECT TOP 1 @target_query_expression = target_query_expression, @execution_date = execution_date, @target_result = result, @result_detail = result_detail FROM msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details_internal WHERE history_id = @history_id ROLLBACK TRANSACTION IF( @policy_id IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET IDENTITY_INSERT msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_internal ON INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_internal(history_id, policy_id, start_date, end_date, result) VALUES (@history_id, @policy_id, @start_date, @end_date, @result) SET IDENTITY_INSERT msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_internal OFF -- insert empty string because the expression is no longer valid -- once the transaction has been rolled back INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.syspolicy_policy_execution_history_details_internal (history_id, target_query_expression, target_query_expression_with_id, execution_date, result, result_detail) VALUES (@history_id, @target_query_expression, N'', @execution_date, @target_result, @result_detail) END END RETURN @retval END
sp_statistics_rowset (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_schema)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_statistics_rowset(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_schema)
create procedure sys.sp_statistics_rowset ( @table_name sysname, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = db_name(), TABLE_SCHEMA = schema_name(o.schema_id), TABLE_NAME =, CARDINALITY = convert (int, (-- Multiple partitions could correspond to one index. select sum(rows) from sys.partitions s_p where x.object_id = s_p.object_id and x.index_id = s_p.index_id ) ) from sys.all_objects o, sys.indexes x where ( (@table_schema is null and = @table_name) or object_id(quotename(@table_schema) + '.' + quotename(@table_name)) = o.object_id ) and o.type in ('U') and x.object_id = o.object_id and x.index_id in (0,1) -- If there are no indexes then table stats are in a row with indid =0 order by 2, 3
sp_tables (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier
, varchar @table_type
, bit @fUsePattern)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_tables(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier
, varchar @table_type
, bit @fUsePattern)
create procedure sys.sp_tables ( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null, @fUsePattern bit = 1 -- To allow users to explicitly disable all pattern matching. ) as declare @type1 varchar(3) declare @qual_name nvarchar(517) -- [schema].[table] declare @table_id int if @table_qualifier = '%' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #1: enumerate databases when owner and name are blank but qualifier is explicitly "%".' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,, TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.databases d where <> 'model' -- eliminate MODEL database order by 1 return end if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '%' and @table_name = '' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #2: enumerate owners when qualifier and name are blank but owner is explicitly "%". select distinct TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),null), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where o.type in ('S','U','V') -- limit columns to tables and views only order by 2 return end if @table_qualifier = '' and @table_owner = '' and @table_name = '' and @table_type = '%' begin -- Debug output, do not remove it. -- print 'Special feature #3: enumerate table types when qualifier, owner and name are blank but table type is explicitly "%".' select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,null), TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLETABLE VIEW',(c.column_id-1)*12+1,12))), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o, sys.all_columns c where o.object_id = c.object_id and o.object_id = object_id('sysusers') and c.column_id <= 3 -- ISSUE - what is this for ??? return end -- -- End of special features - do normal processing. -- if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin if @table_qualifier = '' begin -- If empty qualifier supplied, force an empty result set. select @table_name = '' select @table_owner = '' end else begin -- If qualifier doesn't match current database. raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end select @table_qualifier = null -- it's not needed anymore if @table_type is null begin -- Select all ODBC supported table types. select @type1 = 'SUV' end else begin -- TableType is case sensitive if CS server. if (charindex('''SYSTEM TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = 'S' -- Add System Tables. else select @type1 = '' if (charindex('''TABLE''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'U' -- Add User Tables. if (charindex('''VIEW''',@table_type) <> 0) select @type1 = @type1 + 'V' -- Add Views. end if @table_name is not null begin if (@table_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @table_name) = 0) begin -- If owner not specified and table contains wildchar. if exists ( select * from sys.all_objects o where o.schema_id = schema_id() and o.object_id = object_id(@table_name) and o.type in ('U','V','S') ) begin -- Override supplied owner w/owner of table. select @table_owner = schema_name() end end end select @qual_name = isnull(quotename(@table_owner), '') + '.' + quotename(@table_name) select @table_id = object_id(@qual_name) if (@fUsePattern = 1) -- Does the user want it? begin if ((isnull(charindex('%', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('%', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @table_owner),0) = 0) and (@table_id is not null)) begin select @fUsePattern = 0 -- not a single wild char, so go the fast way. end end if @fUsePattern = 0 begin -- -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' print 'There is NO pattern matching.' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@table_name, '@table_name = null') print isnull(@table_owner, '@table_owner = null') print isnull(@table_type, '@table_type = null') print isnull(@type1, '@type1 = null') print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' -- select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1,12)) -- 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 ), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where o.object_id = @table_id and o.type in ('S','U','V') and has_perms_by_name(@qual_name, 'object', 'select') = 1 and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 -- Only desired types. order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end else begin -- -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' print 'THERE IS pattern matching!' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@table_name, '@table_name = null') print isnull(@table_owner, '@table_owner = null') print isnull(@table_type, '@table_type = null') print isnull(@type1, '@type1 = null') print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' -- select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32), rtrim(substring('SYSTEM TABLE TABLE VIEW ', (ascii(o.type)-83)*12+1, 12)) -- 'S'=0,'U'=2,'V'=3 ), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.all_objects o where o.type in ('S','U','V') and has_perms_by_name(quotename(schema_name(o.schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(, 'object', 'select') = 1 and charindex(substring(o.type,1,1),@type1) <> 0 and -- Only desired types. (@table_name is NULL or like @table_name) and (@table_owner is NULL or schema_name(o.schema_id) like @table_owner) order by 4, 1, 2, 3 end
sp_tablecollations_90 (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_tablecollations_90(nvarchar @object)MetaData:
create procedure sys.sp_tablecollations_90 ( @object nvarchar(4000) ) as select colid = s_tcv.colid, name =, tds_collation = s_tcv.tds_collation_90, "collation" = s_tcv.collation_90 from sys.spt_tablecollations_view s_tcv where s_tcv.object_id = object_id(@object, 'local') order by colid
sp_tablecollations (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_tablecollations(nvarchar @object)MetaData:
create procedure sys.sp_tablecollations ( @object nvarchar(4000) ) as select colid = s_tcv.colid, name =, tds_collation = s_tcv.tds_collation_28, "collation" = s_tcv.collation_28 from sys.spt_tablecollations_view s_tcv where s_tcv.object_id = object_id(@object, 'local') order by colid
sp_table_validation (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, smallint @rowcount_only
, nvarchar @owner
, tinyint @full_or_fast
, bit @shutdown_agent
, nvarchar @table_name
, nvarchar @column_list)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_validation(nvarchar @table, smallint @rowcount_only
, nvarchar @owner
, tinyint @full_or_fast
, bit @shutdown_agent
, nvarchar @table_name
, nvarchar @column_list)
create procedure sys.sp_table_validation ( @table sysname, -- table name or sync object name @expected_rowcount bigint = NULL OUTPUT, @expected_checksum numeric = NULL OUTPUT, @rowcount_only smallint = 1, -- The @rowcount_only param is overloaded for shiloh release due to backward compatibility concerns. In shiloh, the checksum functionality has changed. So 7.0 subscribers will have the old checksum routines, which generate different CRC values, and do not have functionality for vertical partitions, or logical table structures where column offsets differ (due to ALTER TABLEs that DROP and ADD columns). In 7.0, this was a bit column. 0 meant do not do just a rowcount - do a checksum. 1 meant just do a rowcount. For Shiloh, this parameter is changed to a smallint. The name "rowcount_only" is now a misnomer given the overloaded functionality. It is really a "type of check requested" parameter. But, the old name is retained for backward compatibility. It can take these values: 0 - Do a 7.0 compatible checksum 1 - Do a rowcount check only (remains the default) 2 - Use new Shiloh checksum functionality. Note that because 7.0 subscribers will take this parameter as a bit type, not a smallint, it will be interpreted as simply ON. That means that passing a 2, and having a 7.0 subscriber, will result in the 7.0 subscriber doing only rowcount validation. The Shiloh subscribers will do both rowcount and checksum. If you want 7.0 subscribers to do checksum validation, use the value of 0 for this parameter. Shiloh subscribers can do the 7.0 compatible checksum, but that checksum has the same 7.0 limitations for vertical partitions and differences in physical table structure.) -- @owner sysname = NULL, @full_or_fast tinyint = 2, -- full (value 0) does COUNT(*) -- fast (value 1) uses sysindexes.rowcnt if table (not view); -- conditional fast (VALUE 2) , first tries fast method, but -- reverts to full if fast method shows differences. @shutdown_agent bit = 0, -- If 1 will raise error 20578, which will signal replication agent to shutdown @table_name sysname = NULL, -- table name of sync object or the table name for output message @column_list nvarchar(max) = NULL -- the list of columns - that way the user can skip computed columns etc ) as begin declare @retcode int exec @retcode = sys.sp_MStable_validation @table = @table, @expected_rowcount = @expected_rowcount output, @expected_checksum = @expected_checksum output, @rowcount_only = @rowcount_only, @owner = @owner, @full_or_fast = @full_or_fast, @shutdown_agent = @shutdown_agent, @table_name = @table_name, @column_list = @column_list return @retcode end
sp_table_types_rowset (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_schema)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_types_rowset(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_schema)
create procedure sys.sp_table_types_rowset ( @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = s_tr.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA = s_tr.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = s_tr.TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE = s_tr.TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_GUID = s_tr.TABLE_GUID, DESCRIPTION = s_tr.DESCRIPTION, TABLE_PROPID = s_tr.TABLE_PROPID, DATE_CREATED = s_tr.DATE_CREATED, DATE_MODIFIED = s_tr.DATE_MODIFIED from sys.spt_table_types_view s_tr where (@table_name is null or s_tr.TABLE_NAME = @table_name) and (@table_schema is null or schema_id(@table_schema) = s_tr.schema_id) order by 4, 2, 3
sp_table_types (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier
, varchar @table_type
, bit @fUsePattern)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_types(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier
, varchar @table_type
, bit @fUsePattern)
create procedure sys.sp_table_types ( @table_name nvarchar(384) = null, @table_owner nvarchar(384) = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null, @table_type varchar(100) = null, @fUsePattern bit = 1 ) as -- @table_type and @fUsePattern are intentionally unused parameters -- so that the procedure parameters for sp_table_types match the -- parameters for sp_tables. -- if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin if @table_qualifier = '' begin -- If empty qualifier supplied, force an empty result set. select @table_name = '' select @table_owner = '' end else begin -- If qualifier doesn't match current database. raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end select @table_qualifier = null -- it's not needed anymore select TABLE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), TABLE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(tt.schema_id)), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname,, TABLE_TYPE = convert(varchar(32),'TABLE TYPE'), REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null) -- Remarks are NULL. from sys.table_types tt where (@table_name is NULL or like @table_name) and (@table_owner is NULL or schema_name(tt.schema_id) like @table_owner) order by 4, 1, 2, 3
sp_table_type_primary_keys_rowset (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_schema)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_type_primary_keys_rowset(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_schema)
create procedure sys.sp_table_type_primary_keys_rowset ( @table_name sysname = null, @table_schema sysname = null ) as select TABLE_CATALOG = s_pkv.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA = s_pkv.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = s_pkv.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = s_pkv.COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_GUID = s_pkv.COLUMN_GUID, COLUMN_PROPID = s_pkv.COLUMN_PROPID, ORDINAL = s_pkv.ORDINAL, PK_NAME = s_pkv.PK_NAME from sys.spt_table_type_primary_keys_view s_pkv where (@table_name is null or s_pkv.TABLE_NAME = @table_name) and (@table_schema is null or schema_id(@table_schema) = s_pkv.schema_id) order by 2, 3
sp_table_type_columns_100_rowset (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_schema
, nvarchar @column_name)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_type_columns_100_rowset(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_schema
, nvarchar @column_name)
sp_table_type_pkeys (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_type_pkeys(nvarchar @table_name, nvarchar @table_owner
, nvarchar @table_qualifier)
create procedure sys.sp_table_type_pkeys ( @table_name sysname, @table_owner sysname = null, @table_qualifier sysname = null ) as if @table_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @table_qualifier begin -- If qualifier doesn't match current database raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end select TABLE_QUALIFIER = s_pkv.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_OWNER = s_pkv.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = s_pkv.TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME = s_pkv.COLUMN_NAME, KEY_SEQ = s_pkv.ORDINAL, PK_NAME = s_pkv.PK_NAME from sys.spt_table_type_primary_keys_view s_pkv where (@table_name is null or s_pkv.TABLE_NAME = @table_name) and (@table_owner is null or schema_id(@table_owner) = s_pkv.schema_id) order by 1, 2, 3, 5
sp_table_privileges_rowset2 (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition
Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
, nvarchar @grantor
, nvarchar @grantee)
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_table_privileges_rowset2(nvarchar @table_schema, nvarchar @grantor
, nvarchar @grantee)
create procedure sys.sp_table_privileges_rowset2 ( @table_schema sysname = null, @grantor sysname = null, @grantee sysname = null ) as -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- copy & pasted from version 1 of the SProc and removed checks for 1st parameter ! -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - select GRANTOR = s_tpv.GRANTOR, GRANTEE = s_tpv.GRANTEE, TABLE_CATALOG = s_tpv.TABLE_CATALOG, TABLE_SCHEMA = s_tpv.TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME = s_tpv.TABLE_NAME, PRIVILEGE_TYPE = s_tpv.PRIVILEGE_TYPE, IS_GRANTABLE = s_tpv.IS_GRANTABLE from sys.spt_table_privileges_view s_tpv where (@table_schema is null or @table_schema = s_tpv.TABLE_SCHEMA) and (@grantee is null or @grantee = s_tpv.GRANTEE) and (@grantor is null or @grantor = s_tpv.GRANTOR) order by 4,5,6,1,2
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