The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_stored_procedures(nvarchar @sp_name, nvarchar @sp_owner
, nvarchar @sp_qualifier
, bit @fUsePattern)
create procedure sys.sp_stored_procedures ( @sp_name nvarchar(390) = null, -- Wildcard pattern matching is supported. @sp_owner nvarchar(384) = null, -- Wildcard pattern matching is supported. @sp_qualifier sysname = null, @fUsePattern bit = 1 -- To allow users to explicitly disable all pattern matching. ) as declare @full_sp_name nvarchar(775) -- 384 + 1 + 390 declare @sp_id int declare @use_system bit if @sp_qualifier is not null begin if db_name() <> @sp_qualifier begin if @sp_qualifier = '' begin -- in this case, we need to return an empty result set -- because the user has requested a database with an empty name select @sp_name = '' select @sp_owner = '' end else begin -- If qualifier doesn't match current database raiserror (15250, -1,-1) return end end end if @sp_name = '%' select @sp_name = null if @sp_owner = '%' select @sp_owner = null if @sp_name is not null begin if (@sp_owner is null) and (charindex('%', @sp_name) = 0) begin if exists ( select * from sys.spt_all_procedures pro where pro.schema_id = schema_id() and = @sp_name ) begin select @sp_owner = schema_name() end end end select @full_sp_name = isnull(quotename(@sp_owner), '') + '.' + isnull(quotename(@sp_name), '') select @sp_id = object_id(@full_sp_name) if (@fUsePattern = 1) -- Does the user want it? begin if ((isnull(charindex('%', @full_sp_name),0) = 0) and (isnull(charindex('_', @full_sp_name),0) = 0) and (@sp_id <> 0)) begin select @fUsePattern = 0 -- not a single wild char, so go the fast way. end select @use_system = 0 if (@sp_name is null or @sp_name like 'fn_%' or @sp_name like 'sp_%' or @sp_name like 'xp_%') begin select @use_system = 1 end end if @fUsePattern = 0 begin -- -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' print 'No pattern matching.' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@full_sp_name, '@full_sp_name = null') print isnull(@sp_name, '@sp_name = null') print isnull(@sp_owner, '@sp_owner = null') print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' -- select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(pro.schema_id)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134), + ';' + convert(nvarchar(10), pro.procedure_number)), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_RESULT_SETS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), -- Remarks are NULL PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 2) -- SQL_PT_FUNCTION from sys.spt_all_procedures pro where @sp_name is null or pro.object_id = @sp_id order by 1, 2, 3 end else begin -- -- Debug output, do not remove it. print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' print 'THERE IS pattern matching!' print @fUsePattern print isnull(@full_sp_name, '@full_sp_name = null') print isnull(@sp_name, '@sp_name = null') print isnull(@sp_owner, '@sp_owner = null') print '-- -- -- -- -- -- *' -- if @sp_name is null select @sp_name = '%' if @sp_owner is null select @sp_owner = '%' -- For user procedures select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,schema_name(o.schema_id)), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134), + ';' + convert(nvarchar(10), case o.type when 'P' then p.procedure_number else 0 end)), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_RESULT_SETS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), -- Remarks are NULL PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 2) -- SQL_PT_FUNCTION from sys.objects o join sys.numbered_procedures$ p on ( p.object_id = o.object_id ) where like @sp_name and (@sp_owner = '%' or schema_name(o.schema_id) like @sp_owner) and o.type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF', 'PC') -- Object type of Procedure union all -- For system procedures. -- We don't have info about numbered system procedures(sp_ddopen;2, etc.) select PROCEDURE_QUALIFIER = convert(sysname,db_name()), PROCEDURE_OWNER = convert(sysname,'sys'), PROCEDURE_NAME = convert(nvarchar(134), + ';' + convert(nvarchar(10), case o.type when 'P' then 1 else 0 end)), NUM_INPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved NUM_RESULT_SETS = convert(int, -1), -- reserved REMARKS = convert(varchar(254),null), -- Remarks are NULL PROCEDURE_TYPE = convert(smallint, 2) -- SQL_PT_FUNCTION from sys.system_objects o where @use_system = 1 and like @sp_name and (@sp_owner = '%' or 'sys' like @sp_owner) and o.type in ('P', 'FN', 'TF', 'IF', 'PC') -- Object type of Procedure order by 2, 3 end
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