The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_subscription_cleanup(nvarchar @publisher, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @reserved
, bit @from_backup)
create procedure sys.sp_subscription_cleanup ( @publisher sysname, @publisher_db sysname = NULL, @publication sysname = NULL, @reserved nvarchar(10) = NULL, @from_backup bit = 0 ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @object_name sysname DECLARE @fullname nvarchar(517) DECLARE @object_type char(2) DECLARE @independent_agent bit DECLARE @retcode int DECLARE @parent_obj int DECLARE @object_id int DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @publisherlinkusertodrop sysname SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Security Check -- EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 RETURN(1) IF @publication = '' OR @publication is NULL BEGIN SELECT @independent_agent = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @independent_agent = 1 END -- -- Parameter Check: @publisher_db -- IF @publisher_db = 'all' AND @reserved != 'drop_all' BEGIN RAISERROR (14136, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END IF @publisher_db IS NULL BEGIN -- The parameter @publisher_db cannot be NULL. RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publisher_db', 'sp_subscription_cleanup') RETURN 1 END EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_validname @publisher_db IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN 1 -- We must cleanup the p2p meta-data prior to -- dropping the MSsubscription_agents table EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MScleanup_peer_metadata @type = 1, @publication = @publication, @from_backup = @from_backup IF @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_properties') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Unlink updating sub publisher information exec @retcode = sys.sp_unlink_publication_internal @publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @reserved,@publisherlinkusertodrop = @publisherlinkusertodrop OUTPUT if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0) return (1) END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSreplication_objects') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE object_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DISTINCT object_name, object_type FROM MSreplication_objects o, MSreplication_subscriptions s WHERE ( -- Identify entries for a specific publication, or -- for all publications associated with a shared agent. UPPER(o.publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND UPPER(o.publisher) = UPPER(s.publisher) AND o.publisher_db = @publisher_db AND o.publisher_db = s.publisher_db AND ( o.publication = @publication OR ( @independent_agent = 0 AND s.independent_agent = 0 ) ) ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' OPEN object_cursor FETCH object_cursor INTO @object_name, @object_type WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN IF @object_type in ('T' , 'P') BEGIN SELECT @parent_obj = NULL SELECT @parent_obj = parent_object_id, @object_id = object_id FROM sys.objects WHERE name = @object_name IF @parent_obj IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Unmark synctran bit EXEC sys.sp_MSget_qualified_name @parent_obj, @fullname output IF @fullname IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC %%Object(MultiName = @fullname).LockMatchID(ID = @parent_obj, Exclusive = 1, BindInternal = 0) -- EXEC %%Object(MultiName = @fullname).LockExclusiveMatchID(ID = @parent_obj) IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END EXEC %%Relation(ID = @parent_obj).SetSyncTranSubscribe(Value = 0) end EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSdrop_object @object_id = @object_id IF @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END -- Clean up identity range entry -- Since we only support one trigger per subscriber table -- we assume identity range row can not be reused by multiple -- subscriptions. IF OBJECT_ID('MSsub_identity_range') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM MSsub_identity_range WHERE objid = @parent_obj ) BEGIN -- Drop the identity range constraits. EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreseed @objid = @parent_obj, -- range or seed can be anything @next_seed = 10, @range = 10, @is_publisher = -1, @check_only = 1, @drop_only = 1 IF @retcode <> 0 or @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END DELETE MSsub_identity_range WHERE objid = @parent_obj IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSsub_identity_range) BEGIN DROP TABLE MSsub_identity_range IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END END END DELETE FROM MSreplication_objects WHERE object_name=@object_name FETCH object_cursor INTO @object_name, @object_type END CLOSE object_cursor DEALLOCATE object_cursor IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSreplication_objects) BEGIN DROP TABLE MSreplication_objects IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END -- -- We must wait to drop the user until after the triggers are removed due -- to dependancy issues -- if @publisherlinkusertodrop is not null begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_dropuser @name_in_db = @publisherlinkusertodrop if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1) end IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSsavedforeignkeys', 'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @reserved = 'drop_all' TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeys -- -- drop MSsavedforeignkeys if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSsavedforeignkeys ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeys IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSsavedforeignkeycolumns', 'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @reserved = 'drop_all' TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeycolumns -- -- drop MSsavedforeignkeycolumns if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSsavedforeignkeycolumns ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeycolumns IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties', 'U') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @reserved = 'drop_all' TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties -- -- drop MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END -- -- cleanup queued conflict tables -- IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_agents') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE @agent_id int DECLARE @cft_table sysname DECLARE @owner sysname -- -- first get the agent(s) for this queued subscription(s) and -- DECLARE #agent_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT id FROM dbo.MSsubscription_agents WHERE ( ( UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication ) OR (@reserved = 'drop_all') ) AND update_mode IN (0, 2,3,4,5) OPEN #agent_cursor FETCH #agent_cursor INTO @agent_id WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1) BEGIN -- -- drop the conflict table for each article in this subscription -- IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_articles') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DECLARE #object_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT owner, cft_table FROM dbo.MSsubscription_articles WHERE agent_id = @agent_id OPEN #object_cursor FETCH #object_cursor INTO @owner, @cft_table WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1) BEGIN -- -- drop the conflict table(s) for this article - ignore errors -- SELECT @cmd = CASE WHEN (@owner IS NULL) THEN N'IF OBJECT_ID(N' + QUOTENAME(@cft_table, N'''') collate database_default + ') IS NOT NULL drop table ' + QUOTENAME(@cft_table) collate database_default ELSE N'IF OBJECT_ID(N' + QUOTENAME(@cft_table, N'''') collate database_default + ') IS NOT NULL drop table ' + QUOTENAME(@owner) collate database_default + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@cft_table) collate database_default END EXECUTE(@cmd) -- get next row FETCH #object_cursor INTO @owner, @cft_table END CLOSE #object_cursor DEALLOCATE #object_cursor -- -- delete entries from MSsubscription_articles for this agent id -- DELETE dbo.MSsubscription_articles WHERE agent_id = @agent_id END -- -- delete entries from MSsubscription_articlecolumns -- IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_articlecolumns') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DELETE dbo.MSsubscription_articlecolumns where agent_id = @agent_id END -- -- get the next agent -- FETCH #agent_cursor INTO @agent_id END CLOSE #agent_cursor DEALLOCATE #agent_cursor END -- -- clean discarded queued transactions -- IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSreplication_queue') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DELETE dbo.MSreplication_queue WHERE ( publisher = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' end IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSrepl_queuedtraninfo') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DELETE dbo.MSrepl_queuedtraninfo WHERE ( UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' end IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Drop the subscription as long as the publication name matches even if -- the publication is not independent agent -- This behaviour is expected by sp_droppullsubscription DELETE dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE ( UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND -- independent_agent = @independent_agent and ( publication = @publication OR ( @independent_agent = 0 AND independent_agent = 0 ) ) ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' END IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_agents') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Drop the subscription as long as the publication name matches even if -- the publication is not independent agent -- This behaviour is expected by sp_droppullsubscription DELETE dbo.MSsubscription_agents WHERE ( UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND ( publication = @publication OR ( @independent_agent = 0 AND publication = N'ALL' ) ) ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' -- Delete the agent entry if no corresponding rows found in -- MSreplication_subscription table. This is to cleanup share agent entry. -- This behaviour is expected by sp_droppullsubscription IF OBJECT_ID('MSreplication_subscriptions') IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND independent_agent = 0 ) BEGIN DELETE dbo.MSsubscription_agents WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = N'ALL' END END ELSE BEGIN DELETE MSsubscription_agents END -- cleanup queued tables only if there is no updateable subscriptions left if not exists(select * from MSsubscription_agents where update_mode > 0) begin IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSsubscription_articles') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- -- drop MSsubscription_articles if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSsubscription_articles ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSsubscription_articles IF @@ERROR != 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSsubscription_articlecolumns') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- -- drop MSsubscription_articlecolumns if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSsubscription_articlecolumns ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSsubscription_articlecolumns IF @@ERROR != 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSreplication_queue') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- -- drop MSreplication_queue if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSreplication_queue ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSreplication_queue IF @@ERROR != 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.MSrepl_queuedtraninfo') IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- -- drop MSrepl_queuedtraninfo if empty -- IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM dbo.MSrepl_queuedtraninfo ) BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.MSrepl_queuedtraninfo IF @@ERROR != 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END end END IF OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_properties') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DELETE dbo.MSsubscription_properties WHERE ( UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication ) OR @reserved = 'drop_all' IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END -- These three tables must be dropped together (see sp_helppullsubscription) DECLARE @MSrs_exists bit, -- MSreplication_subscriptions exists @MSsa_exists bit, -- MSsubscription_agents exists @MSsp_exists bit, -- MSsubscription_properties exists @MSrs_empty bit, -- MSreplication_subscriptions empty @MSsa_empty bit, -- MSsubscription_agents empty @MSsp_empty bit -- MSsubscription_properties empty SELECT @MSrs_exists = ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('MSreplication_subscriptions'), 0), @MSsa_exists = ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_agents'), 0), @MSsp_exists = ISNULL(OBJECT_ID('MSsubscription_properties'), 0), @MSrs_empty = 0, @MSsa_empty = 0, @MSsp_empty = 0 IF @MSrs_exists = 1 BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSreplication_subscriptions) SELECT @MSrs_empty = 1 END IF @MSsa_exists = 1 BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSsubscription_agents) SELECT @MSsa_empty = 1 END IF @MSsp_exists = 1 BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSsubscription_properties) SELECT @MSsp_empty = 1 END -- only attempt a drop if all the tables either do not exist or are empty IF (@MSrs_exists = 0 OR @MSrs_empty = 1) AND (@MSsa_exists = 0 OR @MSsa_empty = 1) AND (@MSsp_exists = 0 OR @MSsp_empty = 1) BEGIN IF @MSrs_exists = 1 BEGIN DROP TABLE MSreplication_subscriptions IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END IF @MSsa_exists = 1 BEGIN DROP TABLE MSsubscription_agents IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END IF @MSsp_exists = 1 BEGIN EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsub_cleanup_prop_table IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END END EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_resetsnapshotdeliveryprogress @drop_table = N'true' IF @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END -- only attempt to drop the p2p tables if the db is not -- published. if the db is published then the remaining -- p2p tables will be removed when publish is turned off -- -- OR -- -- If we are in drop_all mode then get rid of the P2P -- tables. This should only be true for sp_removedbreplication IF sys.fn_MSrepl_istranpublished(DB_NAME(),0) != 1 OR @reserved = 'drop_all' BEGIN EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSdrop_peertopeer_tables @from_backup = @from_backup IF @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END END -- Ignore errors. EXEC sys.sp_MSsub_cleanup_orphans EXEC sys.sp_dropreplsymmetrickey @check_replication = 1, @throw_error = 0 RETURN (0) END
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