May 25, 2012

sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo(nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @local)


-- Name:
-- sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo
-- Description:
-- Procedure used to efficiently obtain distributor, distribution database
-- rpc server name, and publisher type.
-- Returns:
-- 0 == SUCCESS
-- 1 == FAILURE
-- Several output parameters
-- Security:
-- public
-- Requires Certificate signature for catalog access
-- Notes:
-- This is an internal stored procedure to be used as an alternative
-- to sp_helpdistributor when only basic information about the
-- distributor is desired. It must be called from a publisher
-- having an entry in the sysservers table associated
-- with the distributor.

create procedure sys.sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo
@distributor sysname = NULL OUTPUT,
@distribdb sysname = NULL OUTPUT,
@publisher sysname = NULL,
@local nvarchar(5) = NULL,
@rpcsrvname sysname = NULL OUTPUT,
@publisher_type sysname = NULL OUTPUT,
@publisher_id int = NULL OUTPUT,
@working_directory nvarchar(255) = NULL OUTPUT,
@version int = NULL OUTPUT
DECLARE @loc_distributor sysname,
@loc_distribdb sysname,
@loc_rpcsrvname sysname,
@loc_publishertype sysname,
@loc_publisherid int,
@proc nvarchar(255),
@retcode int,
@srvid smallint,
@dist_rpcname sysname,
@loc_working_directory nvarchar(255),
@loc_version int

-- Get the distribution server
SELECT @dist_rpcname = name,
@loc_distributor = upper(data_source collate database_default ),
@srvid = server_id,
@loc_rpcsrvname = name
FROM sys.servers
WHERE is_distributor = 1
IF (@loc_distributor is null)
-- set publisher if necessary
-- process based on where this is invoked
SELECT @publisher = case when (@publisher IS NULL) then upper(publishingservername()) else upper(@publisher) end
if @loc_distributor = UPPER(@@servername)
-- invoked on distributor
-- validate the calling publisher
SELECT @loc_distribdb = msd.distribution_db,
@loc_publishertype = msd.publisher_type,
@loc_publisherid = ss.server_id,
@loc_working_directory = msd.working_directory,
@loc_version = @@microsoftversion
FROM msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers as msd join sys.servers as ss
ON = UPPER( collate database_default )
AND = @publisher
IF (@@ERROR != 0) -- OR @loc_distribdb IS NULL
-- invoked on publisher with remote distributor
SELECT @proc = @dist_rpcname + N'.master.sys.sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo'
EXECUTE @retcode = @proc @distributor = @loc_distributor OUTPUT,
@distribdb = @loc_distribdb OUTPUT,
@publisher = @publisher,
@local = @local,
@publisher_type = @loc_publishertype OUTPUT,
@publisher_id = @loc_publisherid OUTPUT,
@working_directory = @loc_working_directory OUTPUT,
@version = @loc_version OUTPUT
IF @retcode <> 0 or @@ERROR <> 0
-- Return output parameters
-- NOTE: For HREPL, treat the RPC name as the same as the distributor name
-- to avoid using RPC calls for HREPL since all HREPL is local
SELECT @distributor = @loc_distributor,
@distribdb = @loc_distribdb,
@publisher_type = @loc_publishertype,
@publisher_id = @loc_publisherid,
@working_directory = @loc_working_directory,
@version = @loc_version,
-- Remote distributor or local with non-sysadmin rights
@rpcsrvname = @loc_rpcsrvname
-- BUGBUG : The value for @rpcsrvname must match the value returned
-- by sp_helpdistributor or we will see indefinite blocking
-- in some areas of our code. Example-incremental add article.
-- So if you make a change here make it in sp_helpdistributor
-- For the following cases use LOCAL SERVER NAME
-- 1. Hetero will always use local server
-- 2. Local distributor with sysadmin access (used to avoid blocking issues)
if (@loc_publishertype != N'MSSQLSERVER'
OR (IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin') = 1
AND @loc_distributor = UPPER(@@SERVERNAME)))
select @rpcsrvname = name
from sys.servers
where UPPER(name collate database_default ) = @loc_distributor
-- all done
return 0

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