The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_get_distributor AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @retcode tinyint, @has_access bit, @proc nvarchar(4000), @cmd nvarchar(4000), @database sysname, @is_distdb bit, @distributor sysname, @installed bit, @distdb_installed bit, @is_distpublisher bit, @has_remote_distpublisher bit SELECT @has_access = 0, @proc = NULL, @cmd = NULL, @database = NULL, @distributor = NULL, @installed = 0, @distdb_installed = 0, @is_distpublisher = 0, @has_remote_distpublisher = 0 -- sysadmin can view any information IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin') = 1 SELECT @has_access = 1 -- In this section, if we don't have access yet, we will go -- through all publisher and distribution databases and check -- what permissions a user has to determine if they have access IF @has_access = 0 BEGIN DECLARE #curDbs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb(name), name FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 AND name NOT IN ( N'master' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, N'tempdb' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, N'msdb' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT, N'model' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT) AND (sys.fn_MSrepl_ispublished(name) = 1 OR sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb(name) = 1) OPEN #curDbs FETCH #curDbs INTO @is_distdb, @database WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN IF @is_distdb = 1 BEGIN -- DISTRIBUTION DATABASES -- -- Check if the user is DBO of Distribution DB or in ReplMonitor -- or PAL in hetero. If so we will grant them access to the info SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@database) + '.sys.sp_executesql', @cmd = N'IF IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner'') = 1 OR ISNULL(IS_MEMBER(N''replmonitor''), 0) = 1 OR sys.fn_isrolemember(0, SUSER_SNAME(), NULL) = 1 BEGIN SELECT @has_access = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @has_access = 0 END' EXEC @retcode = @proc @cmd, N'@has_access bit output', @has_access output IF @@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0 GOTO FAILURE END ELSE BEGIN -- PUBLISHER DATABASES -- -- Check if the user is DBO or PAL of MERGE or TRAN (no hetero) -- Published database. If so we will grant them access to the info SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@database) + '.sys.sp_executesql', @cmd = N'IF IS_MEMBER(N''db_owner'') = 1 OR sys.fn_isrolemember(0, SUSER_SNAME(), NULL) = 1 BEGIN SELECT @has_access = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @has_access = 0 END' EXEC @retcode = @proc @cmd, N'@has_access bit output', @has_access output IF @@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0 GOTO FAILURE END IF @has_access = 1 BREAK FETCH #curDbs INTO @is_distdb, @database END CLOSE #curDbs DEALLOCATE #curDbs END -- if the user has access then we will retrieve -- the information... if not then we return NULLs IF @has_access = 1 BEGIN SELECT @distributor = datasource FROM master.dbo.sysservers WHERE srvstatus & 8 <> 0 IF @distributor IS NOT NULL SELECT @installed = 1 IF UPPER(@distributor) = UPPER(@@SERVERNAME) BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs) SELECT @distdb_installed = 1 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb..MSdistpublishers WHERE UPPER(name) = UPPER(@@SERVERNAME) COLLATE database_default) SELECT @is_distpublisher = 1 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb..MSdistpublishers WHERE UPPER(name) <> UPPER(@@SERVERNAME) COLLATE database_default) SELECT @has_remote_distpublisher = 1 END END SELECT 'installed' = @installed, 'distribution server' = @distributor, 'distribution db installed' = @distdb_installed, 'is distribution publisher' = @is_distpublisher, 'has remote distribution publisher' = @has_remote_distpublisher RETURN 0 FAILURE: RETURN 1 END
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