The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSmakebatchinsertproc(nvarchar @tablename, nvarchar @ownername
, nvarchar @procname
, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, uniqueidentifier @artid
, bit @generate_subscriber_proc
, nvarchar @destination_owner)
create procedure sys.sp_MSmakebatchinsertproc (@tablename sysname, @ownername sysname, @procname sysname, @pubid uniqueidentifier, @artid uniqueidentifier, @generate_subscriber_proc bit = 0, @destination_owner sysname = NULL) as declare @argname sysname declare @id int declare @sync_objid int declare @qualified_name nvarchar(270) declare @idstr nvarchar(100) declare @iscomputed tinyint declare @xtype int declare @is_identitynotforreplication bit declare @retcode int declare @colname nvarchar(140) declare @typename nvarchar(258) declare @base_typename nvarchar(140) declare @schname nvarchar(140) -- track the typename owner if it is CLR UDT declare @isidentitycolumn bit declare @len smallint declare @prec int declare @scale int declare @tablenick int declare @tablenickstr nvarchar(12) declare @cmdpiece nvarchar(4000) declare @maintainsmetadata bit declare @colid int -- index in sys.columns, used to iterate through sys.columns declare @colordinal int -- index in @setbm, used to interate actual data sent across declare @colordstr nvarchar(5) -- @colordinal stringification declare @colcount int declare @maxparams int declare @batchingfactor int declare @rownumber int declare @rownumberstr nvarchar(5) declare @insertcolumnsstarted bit declare @colnumber int declare @colidstr nvarchar(5) declare @colalias nvarchar(100) declare @isrowguidcol tinyint declare @partition_options tinyint declare @atpublisher bit declare @publication_number smallint declare @qualified_sync_view nvarchar(517) declare @rgcolname nvarchar(140) declare @before_image_objid int declare @qualified_before_image_table nvarchar(517) declare @col_in_bitable bit declare @bitable_colnumber int declare @unquoted_colname sysname declare @maxschemaguid uniqueidentifier declare @phaseid int declare @command1 nvarchar(4000) declare @command2 nvarchar(4000) declare @command3 nvarchar(4000) declare @max_colv_size_in_bytes int declare @schema_option varbinary(8) set nocount on -- Check for subscribing permission exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return (0) if @ownername is NULL or @ownername='' select @qualified_name = QUOTENAME(@tablename) else select @qualified_name = QUOTENAME(@ownername) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) select @id = object_id(@qualified_name) if @id is NULL return (1) if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @id and column_tracking = 1) begin declare @current_col_count int, @missing_col_count int select @current_col_count = count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = @id select @missing_col_count = coalesce((select max(missing_col_count) from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @id), 0) -- 12 bytes per column in table + 1 trailing byte for colv. select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 12 * (@current_col_count + @missing_col_count) + 1 if @max_colv_size_in_bytes > 2953 select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 2953 end else select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 1 select @rgcolname = QUOTENAME(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @rgcolname is null set @rgcolname = 'rowguid' select @sync_objid = sync_objid, @partition_options = partition_options, @schema_option=schema_option, @tablenick = nickname from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where artid = @artid and pubid=@pubid if @tablenick is NULL return (1) set @tablenickstr = rtrim(convert(nchar, @tablenick)) if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @tablenick and len(subset_filterclause) > 0) or exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and (art_nickname = @tablenick or join_nickname = @tablenick)) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSget_qualified_name @sync_objid, @qualified_sync_view output if @sync_objid is not NULL and @qualified_sync_view is NULL return 1 end else begin select @qualified_sync_view = NULL end select @before_image_objid = max(before_image_objid) from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @id and before_image_objid is not null exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSget_qualified_name @before_image_objid, @qualified_before_image_table output if @before_image_objid is not NULL and @qualified_before_image_table is NULL return 1 if @partition_options = 2 begin -- if this is a republisher of this article, and we are currently -- downloading from the top-level publisher, then pretend that this is -- not a well-partitioned article. This is done such that the partition evaluation -- and setrowmetadata is done appropriately. if sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(@pubid) = 0 and exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 1) select @partition_options = 0 end set @idstr = rtrim(convert(nchar, @id)) select @insertcolumnsstarted = 0 if @generate_subscriber_proc = 1 begin select @atpublisher = 0 select @qualified_name = quotename(@destination_owner) + '.' + quotename(@tablename) if exists (select 1 from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid=@artid and pubid=@pubid and upload_options in (1,2)) select @maintainsmetadata = 0 else select @maintainsmetadata = 1 end else begin set @maintainsmetadata= sys.fn_MSarticle_allows_DML_at_this_replica(@artid, default) select @atpublisher = sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(@pubid) select @maxschemaguid = sys.fn_GetArticleSchemaVersionGuid(@artid, @pubid) end select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid -- compute batching factor. For each row we need -- max params is 1024-2 for the first 2 parameters which is number of rows to be inserted, partition id select @maxparams=1024-2 -- subtract one more since we have a @maxschemaguidforarticle parameter on the publisher if @atpublisher = 1 select @maxparams = @maxparams - 1 if @sync_objid = @id select @colcount = count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed=0 and user_type_id<>type_id('timestamp') else select @colcount = count(*) from sys.columns cs inner join sys.columns co on co.object_id=@id and = where cs.object_id = @sync_objid and co.is_computed=0 and co.user_type_id<>type_id('timestamp') -- for regular articles for each row we need rowguid, generation, lineage and colv in addition -- to the list of user table columns. For download only articles we only need rowguid if 1 = @maintainsmetadata select @colcount = @colcount + 4 else select @colcount = @colcount + 1 select @batchingfactor = @maxparams/@colcount if @batchingfactor > 100 select @batchingfactor = 100 -- create temp table to select the command text out of declare @tempcmd table (phase int NOT NULL, step int identity NOT NULL, cmdtext nvarchar(4000) collate database_default null) -- phase 0 : create procedure and fixed part of argument list if @atpublisher = 1 begin set @cmdpiece = 'create procedure dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@procname) + ' ( @maxschemaguidforarticle uniqueidentifier, @rows_tobe_inserted int, @partition_id int = null ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @cmdpiece) end else begin set @cmdpiece = 'create procedure dbo.' + QUOTENAME(@procname) + ' ( @rows_tobe_inserted int, @partition_id int = null ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @cmdpiece) end -- phase 10 is rest of the arguments built based on batching factor etc select @cmdpiece = ' ) as begin declare @errcode int declare @retcode int declare @rowcount int declare @error int declare @rows_in_contents int declare @rows_inserted_into_contents int declare @publication_number smallint declare @gen_cur bigint declare @rows_in_tomb bit declare @rows_in_syncview int declare @marker uniqueidentifier set nocount on set @errcode= 0 set @publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @publication_number) + ' if ({ fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36),@pubid) + ''') } <> 1) begin RAISERROR (14126, 11, -1) return 4 end if @rows_tobe_inserted is NULL or @rows_tobe_inserted <=0 return 0 ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @cmdpiece) if @atpublisher = 1 begin -- phase 5 - check the max schema guid for article and error out if they do not match set @cmdpiece= ' declare @maxschemaguid uniqueidentifier select @maxschemaguid = ''' + convert(nvarchar(36),@maxschemaguid) + ''' if ((@maxschemaguidforarticle IS NOT NULL) and (@maxschemaguid <> @maxschemaguidforarticle)) begin RAISERROR (25007, 11, -1) return 5 end ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @cmdpiece) end select @cmdpiece = ' begin tran save tran batchinsertproc exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmerge_getgencur_public ' + @tablenickstr + ', @rows_tobe_inserted, @gen_cur output if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 return 4 ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @cmdpiece) -- we need to insert the row metadata first so that the insert trigger -- does not insert the contents row. if 1 = @maintainsmetadata begin -- if any of the rows exist in tombstone we will abort the batched insert select @cmdpiece = ' select @rows_in_tomb = 0 select @rows_in_tomb = 1 from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (22, @cmdpiece) -- list of rowguids will be in phase 25 insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguidvirtualtable(25, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows inner join dbo.MSmerge_tombstone tomb with (rowlock) on tomb.rowguid = rows.rowguid and tomb.tablenick = ' + @tablenickstr + ' and rows.rowguid is not NULL if @rows_in_tomb = 1 begin raiserror(20692, 16, -1, ''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@tablename) + ''') set @errcode=3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (27, @cmdpiece) select @cmdpiece = ' select @marker = newid() insert into dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) (rowguid, tablenick, generation, partchangegen, lineage, colv1, marker) select rows.rowguid, ' + @tablenickstr + ', rows.generation, (-rows.generation), rows.lineage, rows.colv, @marker from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (30, @cmdpiece) -- phase 50 will be virtual table with the row metadata select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows where rows.rowguid is not NULL ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (60, @cmdpiece) if @partition_options > 1 begin select @cmdpiece = ' and rows.lineage is not null ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (61, @cmdpiece) end select @cmdpiece = ' select @rows_inserted_into_contents = @@rowcount, @error = @@error if @error<>0 begin set @errcode=3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (62, @cmdpiece) if @partition_options < 2 begin select @cmdpiece = ' if (@rows_inserted_into_contents <> @rows_tobe_inserted) begin raiserror(20693, 16, -1, ''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@tablename) + ''') set @errcode=4 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (63, @cmdpiece) end if @partition_options > 1 and @atpublisher = 1 begin select @cmdpiece = ' if @partition_id is not null begin insert into dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, publication_number, partition_id) select distinct ' + @tablenickstr + ', rows.rowguid, @publication_number, @partition_id from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (70, @cmdpiece) -- phase 80 will be virtual table with the row metadata select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows where rows.rowguid is not NULL and rows.lineage is not null select @error = @@error if @error<>0 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (90, @cmdpiece) end end -- phase 100 is the insert statement select @cmdpiece = ' insert into ' + @qualified_name + ' with (rowlock) (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (100, @cmdpiece) -- phase 120 will have all the column names -- now for completing insert and the select from the vtable select @cmdpiece = ') select ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (150, @cmdpiece) -- phase 170 will contain column names selected from the virtual table -- complete the select select @cmdpiece = ' from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (180, @cmdpiece) -- phase 200 will have the virtual table declaration for all the column values select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows where rows.rowguid is not NULL select @rowcount = @@rowcount, @error = @@error' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (250, @cmdpiece) -- phase 250 will also contain the optional identity insert off select @cmdpiece = ' if (@rowcount <> @rows_tobe_inserted) or (@error <> 0) begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (300, @cmdpiece) -- if @qualified_sync_view is not NULL and partition_id is not null check if -- the row is present in sync_view. If NOT do the following: -- 1. insert a past partition mapping for the row -- 2. update generation and partchangegen to 0 -- 3. if there is a before image table, insert the row into the before image table if @atpublisher = 1 and @qualified_sync_view is not NULL begin if @partition_options>0 begin -- for partition_options > 0 we will not allow out of partition inserts select @cmdpiece = ' select @rows_in_syncview = count (*) from ' + @qualified_sync_view + ' syncview with (READPAST) where syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' in (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (320, @cmdpiece) -- phase 330 will be rowguids insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguids(330, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) if @rows_in_syncview <> @rows_tobe_inserted begin raiserror(20703, 16, -1, ''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@tablename) + ''', ' + convert(char(3), @partition_options) + ') set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (340, @cmdpiece) end else begin select @cmdpiece = ' if @partition_id is not NULL begin insert into dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation, reason) select @publication_number, ' + @tablenickstr + ', rows.rowguid, @partition_id, @gen_cur, 0 from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (320, @cmdpiece) -- phase 330 will be virtual table with the rowguids insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguidvirtualtable(330, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows where not exists (select syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' from ' + @qualified_sync_view + ' syncview with (READPAST) where syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' = rows.rowguid) and rows.rowguid is not NULL if @@error<>0 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (340, @cmdpiece) select @cmdpiece = ' update dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) set generation = @gen_cur, partchangegen = @gen_cur from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (350, @cmdpiece) -- phase 360 will be virtual table with the rowguids insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguidvirtualtable(360, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows inner join dbo.MSmerge_contents cont with (rowlock, READPAST) on cont.rowguid = rows.rowguid and cont.tablenick = ' + @tablenickstr + ' and rows.rowguid is not null left outer join ' + @qualified_sync_view + ' syncview with (READPAST) on syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' = rows.rowguid where syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' is NULL and rows.rowguid is not null if @@error<>0 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (370, @cmdpiece) if @qualified_before_image_table is not NULL begin select @cmdpiece = ' insert into ' + @qualified_before_image_table + ' with (rowlock) (generation, system_delete' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (380, @cmdpiece) -- the list of columns in the before image table are filtering columns, generation, system_delete -- phase 390 will be the list of filtering columns and rowguid column select @cmdpiece = ') select @gen_cur, 1' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (400, @cmdpiece) -- phase 410 will be the filtering column and rowguid selection from the virtual table select @cmdpiece = ' from ( ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (420, @cmdpiece) -- phase 430 will be the virtual table definition select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows left outer join ' + @qualified_sync_view + ' syncview with (READPAST) on syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' = rows.rowguid and rows.rowguid is not null where syncview.' + @rgcolname + ' is NULL and rows.rowguid is not null if @@error<>0 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (440, @cmdpiece) end end end if 1 = @maintainsmetadata begin select @cmdpiece = ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSdeletemetadataactionrequest ''' + convert(nvarchar(36),@pubid) + ''', ' + @tablenickstr set @rownumber = 1 while @rownumber <= @batchingfactor begin select @cmdpiece = @cmdpiece + ', @rowguid' + convert(nvarchar(3), @rownumber) select @rownumber = @rownumber + 1 end select @cmdpiece = @cmdpiece + ' if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto Failure ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (10200, @cmdpiece) end select @cmdpiece = ' commit tran return 1 Failure: rollback tran batchinsertproc commit tran return 0 end ' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (15000, @cmdpiece) -- this loop constructs the formal parameter declarations, the insert statement with actual column names and -- the union clause which does a union over all rows. -- phase 10 is the declarations, the rowsunion clause will be inserted into phases 200, -- the metadata union clause will be inserted into phase 400. -- using these instead of directly inserting in the temp table is a performance optimization select @command1 = '' select @command2 = '' select @command3 = '' set @colordinal = 1 set @rownumber = 1 while @rownumber <= @batchingfactor begin -- insert the metadada parameters for this row. set @rownumberstr = convert(nvarchar(5), @rownumber) if 1 = @maintainsmetadata begin select @command1 = @command1 + ', @rowguid' + @rownumberstr + ' uniqueidentifier = NULL, @generation' + @rownumberstr + ' bigint = NULL, @lineage' + @rownumberstr + ' varbinary(311) = NULL, @colv' + @rownumberstr + ' varbinary(' + convert(nvarchar(13), @max_colv_size_in_bytes) + ') = NULL' -- insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (10, @cmdpiece) if @rownumber = 1 select @command2 = @command2 + ' select @rowguid' + @rownumberstr + ' as rowguid, @generation' + @rownumberstr + ' as generation, @lineage' + @rownumberstr + ' as lineage, @colv' + @rownumberstr + ' as colv' else select @command2 = @command2 + ' union all select @rowguid' + @rownumberstr + ' as rowguid, @generation' + @rownumberstr + ' as generation, @lineage' + @rownumberstr + ' as lineage, @colv' + @rownumberstr + ' as colv' if (datalength(@command2) > 7500) or (@rownumber = @batchingfactor) begin insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (50, @command2) if @partition_options > 1 and @atpublisher = 1 insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (80, @command2) select @command2 = '' end end else begin select @command1 = @command1 + ', @rowguid' + @rownumberstr + ' uniqueidentifier = NULL' -- insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (10, @cmdpiece) end -- now loop over columns select @colnumber = 1 select @bitable_colnumber = 1 if @sync_objid = @id select @colid = min (column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed=0 and user_type_id<>type_id('timestamp') else select @colid = min(cs.column_id) from sys.columns cs inner join sys.columns co on co.object_id=@id and = where cs.object_id = @sync_objid and co.is_computed=0 and co.user_type_id<>type_id('timestamp') select top 1 @colname = QUOTENAME(, @unquoted_colname =, @typename = type_name(C.user_type_id), @base_typename = type_name(C.system_type_id), @schname=case when<>'sys' and<>'dbo' then QUOTENAME('.' else '' end, @len = C.max_length, @prec = C.precision, @scale = C.scale from sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.user_type_id = T.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id where C.object_id = @sync_objid and C.column_id = @colid select @isidentitycolumn = is_identity, @iscomputed=is_computed, @xtype=user_type_id, @isrowguidcol = is_rowguidcol, @is_identitynotforreplication = convert(bit, isnull(columnproperty(@id, name, 'IsIdNotForRepl'), 0)) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and QUOTENAME(name) = @colname if @base_typename='nvarchar' or @base_typename='nchar' -- a unit of nchar takes 2 bytes select @len = @len/2 while (@colname is not null) begin if (@iscomputed=1 OR type_name(@xtype)='timestamp') goto Next_Column set @colordstr = convert(nvarchar(4), @colordinal) set @colidstr = convert(nvarchar(4), @colid) if @generate_subscriber_proc = 0 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmaptype @typename out, @len, @prec, @scale else exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmap_subscriber_type @xtype, @len, @prec, @scale, @schema_option, @typename out, @schname out if @@error<>0 OR @retcode <>0 return (1) select @argname = '@p' + rtrim(convert(nchar, @colordinal)) if @isrowguidcol = 1 select @colalias = 'rowguid' else select @colalias = 'c' + @colidstr -- add to argument list (phase 1) set @command1 = @command1 + ', ' + @argname + ' ' + @schname + @typename + ' = NULL' if (datalength(@command1) > 7500) or (@rownumber = @batchingfactor) begin insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (10, @command1) select @command1 = '' end if @colnumber = 1 begin if @rownumber = 1 select @command3 = @command3 + ' select ' + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias else select @command3 = @command3 + ' union all select ' + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias end else begin if (@colnumber%10) = 0 select @command3 = @command3 + ', ' else select @command3 = @command3 + ', ' select @command3 = @command3 + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias end if (datalength(@command3) > 7500) or (@rownumber = @batchingfactor) begin insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (200, @command3) select @command3 = '' end set @col_in_bitable = 0 if @atpublisher = 1 and @partition_options=0 and @qualified_sync_view is not NULL and @qualified_before_image_table is not NULL begin -- only filtering or rowguid columns are present in the before image table if @isrowguidcol=1 begin set @col_in_bitable = 1 end else begin -- does updating this column change membership in a partial replica? if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @id and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(subset_filterclause, @unquoted_colname, @id) = 1) set @col_in_bitable = 1 else if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where art_nickname = @tablenick and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(join_filterclause, @unquoted_colname, @id) = 1) set @col_in_bitable = 1 else if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where join_nickname = @tablenick and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(join_filterclause, @unquoted_colname, @id) = 1) set @col_in_bitable = 1 end end -- insert the column in the virtual table that is used to insert into the bi table -- add the row in the virtual table that is used to insert into the before image table if @col_in_bitable = 1 begin if @bitable_colnumber = 1 begin if @rownumber = 1 select @cmdpiece = ' select ' + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias else select @cmdpiece = ' union all select ' + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias end else select @cmdpiece = ', ' + @argname + ' as ' + @colalias select @bitable_colnumber = @bitable_colnumber + 1 insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (430, @cmdpiece) end if @rownumber = 1 begin -- this is the actual column names to be specified in the insert if @insertcolumnsstarted = 0 begin select @insertcolumnsstarted = 1 -- this is the select list from the virual table to be specified in the -- select statement from which we insert select @cmdpiece = @colalias insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (170, @cmdpiece) -- this is the actual column name select @cmdpiece = @colname insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (120, @cmdpiece) end else begin -- this is the select list from the virual table to be specified in the -- select statement from which we insert select @cmdpiece = ', ' + @colalias insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (170, @cmdpiece) -- this is the actual column name select @cmdpiece = ', ' + @colname insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (120, @cmdpiece) end if @col_in_bitable = 1 begin -- add the column in the column list for insert into the before image table select @cmdpiece = ', ' + @colname insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (390, @cmdpiece) -- add the column in the select list for insert into the before image table select @cmdpiece = ', ' + ' rows.' + @colalias insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (410, @cmdpiece) end -- is this an identity column without 'not for replication' marking? if (@isidentitycolumn = 1) and @is_identitynotforreplication = 0 begin -- turning identity insert on is phase 7 set @cmdpiece = ' set identity_insert ' + @qualified_name + ' on' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @cmdpiece) -- turning identity insert on is phase 13 set @cmdpiece = ' set identity_insert ' + @qualified_name + ' off' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (250, @cmdpiece) end end Next_Column: -- now set up to repeat the loop with the next column select @colid = min (column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @sync_objid and column_id > @colid set @colname = NULL if @colid is not null select top 1 @colname = QUOTENAME(, @unquoted_colname =, @isidentitycolumn = C.is_identity, @typename = type_name(C.user_type_id), @base_typename = type_name(C.system_type_id), @schname=case when<>'sys' and<>'dbo' then QUOTENAME('.' else '' end, @len = C.max_length, @prec = C.precision, @scale = C.scale from sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.user_type_id = T.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id where C.object_id = @sync_objid and C.column_id = @colid select @isidentitycolumn = is_identity, @iscomputed=is_computed, @xtype=user_type_id, @isrowguidcol = is_rowguidcol, @is_identitynotforreplication = convert(bit, isnull(columnproperty(@id, name, 'IsIdNotForRepl'), 0)) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and QUOTENAME(name) = @colname if @base_typename='nvarchar' or @base_typename='nchar' -- a unit of nchar takes 2 bytes select @len = @len/2 set @colordinal = @colordinal + 1 set @colnumber = @colnumber + 1 end select @rownumber = @rownumber + 1 end if @maintainsmetadata = 1 and @partition_options = 0 and @atpublisher = 1 and exists ( select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and pubid in ( select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where use_partition_groups <= 0 ) ) begin -- now for each article for which this article is the parent see if inserting the rows that we -- inserted in this proc causes some child rows to qualify. If so update the generation and partchange gen -- for the parent row (row in this article) to 0. declare @joinnick int declare @qualified_jointable nvarchar(517) declare @unqualified_jointable nvarchar(300) declare @filter_clause nvarchar(2000) declare @tablealias sysname declare @join_tables_check_phase int select @join_tables_check_phase = 1000 declare f_c CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select art_nickname, join_filterclause from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where join_nickname = @tablenick and pubid = @pubid and (filter_type & 1) = 1 FOR READ ONLY open f_c fetch next from f_c into @joinnick, @filter_clause while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin exec @retcode= sys.sp_MStablenamefromnick @joinnick, @qualified_jointable out, NULL, @unqualified_jointable out if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin close f_c deallocate f_c goto Failure end select @tablealias = quotename(name) from sys.objects where object_id=@id select @cmdpiece = ' update dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) set generation = @gen_cur, partchangegen = @gen_cur from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (@join_tables_check_phase, @cmdpiece) -- list of rowguids will be in phase @join_tables_check_phase+10 select @phaseid = @join_tables_check_phase+10 insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguidvirtualtable(@phaseid, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows inner join dbo.MSmerge_contents cont with (rowlock, READPAST) on cont.rowguid = rows.rowguid and cont.tablenick = ' + @tablenickstr + ' where rows.rowguid is not NULL and rows.rowguid in (select rows.rowguid from (' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (@join_tables_check_phase+20, @cmdpiece) -- list of rowguids select @phaseid = @join_tables_check_phase+30 insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) select phase, cmdtext from sys.fn_MSgetrowguidvirtualtable(@phaseid, @batchingfactor) order by step select @cmdpiece = ' ) as rows, ' + @qualified_name + ' ' + @tablealias + ' with (rowlock, READPAST) , ' + @qualified_jointable + ' ' + @unqualified_jointable + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @tablealias + '.' + @rgcolname + ' = rows.rowguid and rows.rowguid is not null and ' + @filter_clause + ' ) if @@error<>0 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end' insert into @tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (@join_tables_check_phase+40, @cmdpiece) select @join_tables_check_phase = @join_tables_check_phase+50 fetch next from f_c into @joinnick, @filter_clause end close f_c deallocate f_c end -- Now we select out the command text pieces in proper order so that our caller, -- xp_execresultset will execute the command that creates the stored procedure. select cmdtext from @tempcmd order by phase, step -- drop table @tempcmd return(0) Failure: -- drop table @tempcmd return(1)
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