The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSmakegeneration(int @gencheck, bigint @commongen
, uniqueidentifier @commongenguid
, int @compatlevel)
create procedure sys.sp_MSmakegeneration @gencheck int = 0, @commongen bigint = NULL, @commongenguid uniqueidentifier = NULL, @commongenvalid int = NULL OUTPUT, @compatlevel int = 90 as set nocount on declare @gen bigint , @replnick binary(6) , @dt datetime , @art_nick int , @first_ts int , @makenewrow bit , @retcode smallint , @nickbin varbinary(255) , @maxgendiff_fornewrow bigint , @count_of_articles int , @lock_acquired bit , @lock_resource nvarchar(255) , @procfailed bit , @delete_old_genhistory bit , @close_old_genhistory bit , @changecount int , @dbname nvarchar(258) , @processing_order int , @prev_processing_order int , @prev_art_nick int , @force_leveling bit , @gen_change_threshold int declare @cmd nvarchar(4000) declare @old_bi_gen bigint declare @bi_view_objid int -- declare @GENSTATUS_OPEN tinyint -- declare @GENSTATUS_MERGE_INSERTED_OPEN tinyint -- declare @GENSTATUS_LOCAL_CLOSED tinyint -- declare @GENSTATUS_TEMPORARILY_CLOSED tinyint declare @min_changes_per_gen int declare @max_changes_per_gen int declare @median_changes_per_gen int declare @target_gen bigint declare @tombstone_rows_moved int declare @contents_rows_moved int declare @changes_in_gen int declare @changes_in_target_gen int declare @max_gen_to_close bigint declare @min_gen_to_close bigint declare @current_max_gen bigint declare @error int declare @max_gen_changecount_threshold int declare @makegeneration_needed int declare @needed int -- Security check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0) return 1 SET XACT_ABORT ON SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW select @dbname = quotename(db_name()) select @force_leveling = 0 if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo where partition_options>1) select @gencheck = 3 if @commongen is not NULL begin exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSvalidatecommongen @commongen = @commongen, @commongenguid = @commongenguid, @commongenvalid = @commongenvalid OUTPUT if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto EXIT_PROC end select @procfailed = 1 select @retcode = 0 -- select @GENSTATUS_OPEN = 0 -- select @GENSTATUS_LOCAL_CLOSED = 1 -- select @GENSTATUS_TEMPORARILY_CLOSED = 3 -- select @GENSTATUS_MERGE_INSERTED_OPEN = 4 exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSgetreplnick @replnick = @replnick out if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto EXIT_PROC -- add a guard byte set @nickbin= @replnick + 0xFF -- we need to test if MakeGeneration is needed here again -- because the first time this proc is called might be at the time before the apploc is acquired. The last_makegeneration_datetime column is updated after MakeGeneration -- transaction is commited. All MakeGeneration calls queued up before apploc should be skipped if it is within the MakeGenerationInterval. exec @retcode = sys.sp_is_makegeneration_needed @needed=@makegeneration_needed OUTPUT if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin set @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_PROC end if @makegeneration_needed=0 begin set @procfailed = 0 goto EXIT_PROC end -- If @gencheck param is set to 1 ( = ForceConvergence), look for rows with missing generation numbers and set their -- gen to 0 if @gencheck = 1 or @gencheck = 2 begin update dbo.MSmerge_contents set generation = 0 where generation not in (select generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory) update dbo.MSmerge_tombstone set generation = 0 where generation not in (select generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory) update dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings set generation = 0 where generation not in (select generation from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory) end select @max_gen_changecount_threshold = max(isnull(generation_leveling_threshold,0)) from dbo.sysmergepublications if @max_gen_changecount_threshold is NULL select @max_gen_changecount_threshold = 0 -- -- If there are no zero generation tombstones or rows, add a dummy row in there. -- if not exists (select 1 from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory) begin set identity_insert dbo.MSmerge_genhistory on set @dt = getdate() -- we will insert this generation in closed state. and exit makegeneration insert into dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, generation, art_nick, nicknames, coldate) values (newid(), 1, 1, 0, @nickbin, @dt) if @@error<>0 set @procfailed = 1 else set @procfailed = 0 set identity_insert dbo.MSmerge_genhistory off goto EXIT_PROC end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmovegenzerochanges if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin set @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_PROC end -- first get the max generation we want to close in this instance of makegeneration select @current_max_gen = max(generation) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) if @current_max_gen is NULL begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_PROC end begin tran save tran sp_MSmakegeneration -- get exclusive update lock on all the generations we want to close update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) set genstatus = 3 where generation <= @current_max_gen and genstatus = 0 if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) set genstatus = 3, coldate = getdate(), nicknames = @nickbin where generation <= @current_max_gen and genstatus = 4 and coldate not in (select login_time from sys.dm_exec_sessions) and subscriber_number not in (select s.subscriber_number from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions s inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions p on p.program_name = s.application_name collate database_default) if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end -- we are only reading the min_gen_to_close here for optimizing queries. Since genhistory has a clustered -- index on generation by using min closed gen everywhere we can actually get a clustered index seek instead of -- a clustered index scan select @min_gen_to_close = min(generation) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 select @max_gen_to_close = max(generation) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 if @min_gen_to_close is NULL goto END_TRAN -- even though the changecounts should be accurate we will do an update of the changecounts here so that our further calculations -- can be accurate. The two update statements below update the changecount based on contents and tombstone count update gens1 with (rowlock) set changecount = isnull(gens.changecount, 0) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory gens1 with (rowlock) left outer join ( select g.generation, count(*) as changecount from MSmerge_genhistory g with (rowlock) inner join MSmerge_contents c with (rowlock, repeatableread) on c.generation = g.generation and g.genstatus=3 where c.generation = g.generation and g.genstatus=3 group by g.generation ) as gens on gens1.genstatus=3 and gens1.generation = gens.generation where gens1.genstatus=3 if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update gens1 with (rowlock) set changecount = gens1.changecount + isnull(gens.changecount, 0) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory gens1 with (rowlock) left outer join ( select g.generation, count(*) as changecount from MSmerge_genhistory g with (rowlock) inner join MSmerge_tombstone t with (rowlock, repeatableread) on t.generation = g.generation and g.genstatus=3 where t.generation = g.generation and g.genstatus=3 group by g.generation ) as gens on gens1.genstatus=3 and gens1.generation = gens.generation where gens1.genstatus=3 if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end if @max_gen_changecount_threshold > 0 and exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus=3 and changecount > @max_gen_changecount_threshold) begin -- do leveling in a seperate transaction. We don't want to club leveling with closing of generations -- because we want contents leveling to happen in article order and tombstone leveling to happen in reverse -- article order. We can make the assumption that for a particular generation all the changes will either -- be in tombstone or contents. If not the triggers would have done the proper leveling anyways exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSleveltombstone if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin set @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSlevelcontents if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin set @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end end -- should we look for a generation with 0 artnick. We will do some special processing to split this generation's -- changes into per article generation changes. Let us not complete this splitting of changes in 0 artnick -- generation to valid artnick generations. This is because in old makegeneration we were neither leveling -- these generations nor explictly closing them. localize interrupted generations was closing them -- here we will definitely close them at the end of this transaction. But we will not level or coalese them. -- TODO: possibly add some code for 0 artnick generations -- from this point on we will only work on the temporarily closed generations that have a valid artnick -- now pick one generation at a time and do the following: -- 1. coalesce multiple generations if needed -- 2. leveling of changes has been done already outside this transaction select top 1 @art_nick = nickname, @processing_order = processing_order from dbo.sysmergearticles order by processing_order, nickname while @art_nick is not null begin -- get the generation change threshold select @gen_change_threshold = min(isnull(generation_leveling_threshold,0)) from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @art_nick) if @gen_change_threshold > 0 begin select @min_changes_per_gen = @gen_change_threshold/10 if (@min_changes_per_gen = 0) select @min_changes_per_gen = 1 select @max_changes_per_gen = @gen_change_threshold * 2 select @median_changes_per_gen = @gen_change_threshold set @bi_view_objid= (select top 1 before_upd_view_objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @art_nick) if @bi_view_objid is not null begin set @cmd= 'update ' + @dbname + '.[dbo].' + quotename(object_name(@bi_view_objid)) + ' set generation=@target_gen where generation=@gen' end -- now coalesce generations that have fewer than min changes per generation. -- we will ignore zero change generations because at the end of the transaction we will delete them anyways select @gen = NULL select top 1 @gen = generation, @changes_in_gen = changecount from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 and changecount < @min_changes_per_gen and changecount > 0 and art_nick = @art_nick and subscriber_number = 0 -- this ensures that we coalesce only local generations and not localized generations while @gen is not NULL begin -- now check if there are generations with lower than the min changes per gen we want. If so we will coalesce all these gens select @target_gen = NULL select top 1 @target_gen = generation, @changes_in_target_gen = changecount from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 and changecount < @median_changes_per_gen and changecount > 0 and art_nick = @art_nick and generation <> @gen and subscriber_number = 0 -- this ensures that we coalesce only local generations and not localized generations if @target_gen is NULL begin -- we have hit our last gen which has too few changes. So just leave it as it break end update dbo.MSmerge_tombstone with (rowlock) set generation = @target_gen where generation = @gen and tablenick = @art_nick select @error = @@error, @tombstone_rows_moved = @@rowcount if @error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end select @changes_in_target_gen = @changes_in_target_gen + @tombstone_rows_moved select @changes_in_gen = @changes_in_gen - @tombstone_rows_moved update dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings with (rowlock) set generation = @target_gen where generation = @gen and tablenick = @art_nick if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) set generation = @target_gen where generation = @gen and tablenick = @art_nick select @error = @@error, @contents_rows_moved = @@rowcount if @error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end -- now update all other tables include before view that are using the old generation number if @bi_view_objid is not null begin exec sys.sp_executesql @cmd, N'@gen bigint, @target_gen bigint', @gen=@gen, @target_gen=@target_gen if @@ERROR <> 0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end end update dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) set partchangegen = @target_gen where partchangegen = @gen and tablenick = @art_nick if @error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update dbo.MSmerge_contents with (rowlock) set partchangegen = (-@target_gen ) where partchangegen = (-@gen) and tablenick = @art_nick if @error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update dbo.MSmerge_metadataaction_request with (rowlock) set generation = @target_gen where generation = @gen and tablenick = @art_nick if @error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end select @changes_in_target_gen = @changes_in_target_gen + @contents_rows_moved select @changes_in_gen = @changes_in_gen - @contents_rows_moved -- detect possible infinite loop & exit - vsts 131099 & hotfix 50001356 if (@tombstone_rows_moved + @contents_rows_moved = 0 ) begin -- there were no matching rows for this (generation, artnick) in tombstone or contents if (exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_contents where generation=@gen and tablenick <> @art_nick) or exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone where generation=@gen and tablenick <> @art_nick)) begin -- if there exists matching rows for this generation but with a different artnick, -- change the generation for mismatched artnicks. exec sp_MSadjustgenerations @gen, @changes_in_gen, @art_nick, @dbname, @nickbin end -- this breaks the infinite loop from happenning select @changes_in_gen=0 end update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) set changecount = @changes_in_gen where generation = @gen if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) set changecount = @changes_in_target_gen where generation = @target_gen if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end -- continue with the generation coalescing loop. The loop will make progress by increasing the changecount in light gens. select @gen = NULL select top 1 @gen = generation, @changes_in_gen = changecount from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 and changecount < @min_changes_per_gen and changecount > 0 and art_nick = @art_nick and subscriber_number = 0 -- this ensures that we coalesce only local generations and not localized generations end end -- insert into generation partition mappings. insert into dbo.MSmerge_generation_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, partition_id, generation, changecount) select cpm.publication_number, cpm.partition_id, g.generation, count(*) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory g with (rowlock) inner join dbo.MSmerge_contents mc with (rowlock, repeatableread) on mc.generation = g.generation and mc.tablenick = @art_nick and mc.tablenick = g.art_nick and g.genstatus = 3 inner join dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings cpm with (rowlock, repeatableread) on cpm.tablenick = mc.tablenick and cpm.rowguid = mc.rowguid where g.art_nick = @art_nick and mc.tablenick = @art_nick and cpm.tablenick = @art_nick and g.genstatus = 3 group by cpm.publication_number, cpm.partition_id, g.generation if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end insert into dbo.MSmerge_generation_partition_mappings with (rowlock) (publication_number, partition_id, generation, changecount) select ppm.publication_number, ppm.partition_id, g.generation, count(*) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory g with (rowlock) inner join dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings ppm with (rowlock, repeatableread) on ppm.generation = g.generation and ppm.tablenick = g.art_nick where ppm.tablenick = @art_nick and g.art_nick = @art_nick and g.genstatus = 3 group by ppm.publication_number, ppm.partition_id, g.generation if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end -- continue the artnick loop -- set up for next time through the loop select @prev_art_nick = @art_nick, @prev_processing_order = @processing_order select @art_nick = NULL, @processing_order = NULL select top 1 @art_nick = nickname, @processing_order = processing_order from dbo.sysmergearticles where (processing_order = @prev_processing_order and nickname > @prev_art_nick) or processing_order > @prev_processing_order order by processing_order, nickname end -- if object_id('MSmerge_genhistory_debug') is not NULL begin insert MSmerge_genhistory_debug (generation, art_nick, guidsrc, nicknames, description) select generation, art_nick, guidsrc, nicknames, 'before delete' from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus=3 and changecount=0 and art_nick=@art_nick end -- -- delete all generations that have zero changes. even though we can just rely on changecount we -- will just do a query to select contents and tombsone just to be sure. delete from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory g with (rowlock) where genstatus = 3 and changecount = 0 and not exists (select 1 from dbo.MSmerge_contents c with (rowlock, repeatableread) where c.generation = g.generation) and not exists (select 1 from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone t with (rowlock, repeatableread) where t.generation = g.generation) and not exists (select 1 from dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings ppm with (rowlock, repeatableread) where ppm.generation = g.generation) and not exists (select 1 from dbo.MSmerge_metadataaction_request mar with (rowlock, repeatableread) where mar.generation = g.generation) if @@error<>0 begin select @procfailed = 1 goto EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN end -- if object_id('MSmerge_genhistory_debug') is not NULL begin insert MSmerge_genhistory_debug (generation, art_nick, guidsrc, nicknames, description) select generation, art_nick, guidsrc, nicknames, 'after delete' from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) where genstatus=3 and changecount=0 and art_nick=@art_nick end -- update dbo.MSmerge_genhistory with (rowlock) set genstatus = 1, guidsrc = newid(), coldate = getdate() where genstatus = 3 END_TRAN: commit transaction update dbo.sysmergesubscriptions set last_makegeneration_datetime = getdate() where db_name = db_name() and UPPER(subscriber_server) collate database_default = UPPER(@@servername) collate database_default select @procfailed = 0 SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY NORMAL EXIT_RELEASE_TRAN: if (@procfailed = 1) begin rollback tran sp_MSmakegeneration commit tran return 1 end EXIT_PROC: if (@procfailed = 1) return (1) else return (0)
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