The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSmakeconflictinsertproc(nvarchar @tablename, nvarchar @ownername
, nvarchar @procname
, int @basetableid
, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, bit @generate_subscriber_proc)
-- usage pattern from CMergeDatasource should be: create procedure sys.sp_MSmakeconflictinsertproc (@tablename sysname, -- conflict table @ownername sysname, @procname sysname, @basetableid int, -- base table the article is from @pubid uniqueidentifier=NULL, @generate_subscriber_proc bit = 0 ) as declare @arglist nvarchar(4000) declare @header nvarchar(4000) declare @qualname nvarchar(517) -- 258 * 2 + 1 declare @argname nvarchar(270) declare @wherepc nvarchar(255) declare @idstr nvarchar(100) declare @colname nvarchar(258) declare @guidcol nvarchar(258) declare @typename nvarchar(258) declare @base_typename sysname declare @schname nvarchar(140) -- use this to track the user schema name declare @len smallint declare @prec smallint declare @scale int declare @retcode smallint declare @create_time_col nvarchar(8) declare @pubidstr nvarchar(40) declare @guid_colname sysname declare @original_datasourcecol sysname declare @tablenick int declare @tablenickstr nvarchar(12) declare @basetablename nvarchar(270) declare @qualifiedbasetable nvarchar(517) -- 258 * 2 + 1 declare @qualifiedbasetable2 nvarchar(517) -- 258 * 2 + 1 declare @basetableowner nvarchar(270) declare @maintainsmetadata bit declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @schema_option varbinary(8) declare @user_type_id int declare @id int -- conflict table id declare @sync_objid int -- article view declare @colid smallint -- index in sys.columns, used to iterate through sys.columns declare @colordinal smallint -- index in @setbm, used to interate actual data sent across declare @colordstr nvarchar(4) -- @colordinal stringification declare @noset bit -- set when column is two special ones: rowguidcol or origin_datasource_id. -- they are discovered when @sys_loop=1 and need to be treated specially for the insertion to conflict table (ie skipped there) declare @sys_loop bit -- 0 as first staget for columns in base table, 1 as 2nd stage for columns not in base table declare @quotedprocname nvarchar(258) set nocount on set @guidcol='rowguid' select @sys_loop = 0 set @create_time_col = NULL if (@ownername is null or @ownername = ' ') set @qualname = QUOTENAME(@tablename) else set @qualname = QUOTENAME(@ownername) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) -- -- To check if specified object exists in current database -- set @id = object_id(@qualname) if @id is NULL return (1) set @idstr = rtrim(convert(nchar, @id)) select @pubidstr = case when @pubid is null then 'NULL' else '''' + convert(nvarchar(40),@pubid) + '''' end -- security check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @pubid=@pubid, @objid=@id if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 set @basetablename= object_name(@basetableid) select @basetableowner= SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where object_id=@basetableid if @basetableowner is not null set @qualifiedbasetable= quotename(@basetableowner) + '.' + quotename(@basetablename) else set @qualifiedbasetable= quotename(@basetablename) if @generate_subscriber_proc = 1 begin select @qualifiedbasetable2 = quotename(destination_owner) + '.' + quotename(@basetablename) from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and objid = object_id(@qualifiedbasetable) end else set @qualifiedbasetable2= @qualifiedbasetable execute @retcode= sys.sp_MStablenickname @basetableowner, @basetablename, @tablenick output if @@ERROR <>0 OR @retcode <>0 return (1) set @tablenickstr = rtrim(convert(nchar, @tablenick)) -- create temp table to select the command text out of create table #tempcmd (phase int NOT NULL, step int identity NOT NULL, cmdtext nvarchar(max) collate database_default null) -- create temp table that will be used by sp_MScreatedupkeyupdatequery create table #coltab (colname nvarchar(140), paramname nvarchar(10)) -- now create the procedure select @quotedprocname = QUOTENAME(@procname) if @generate_subscriber_proc = 0 begin exec ('if object_id (''dbo.' + @quotedprocname + ''') is not null drop procedure dbo.' + @quotedprocname) if @@error<>0 return 1 end select @header = 'Create procedure dbo.' + @quotedprocname + ' ( ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) select @sync_objid= sync_objid, @artid= artid, @schema_option = schema_option from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @basetableid and (pubid = @pubid or @pubid is NULL) set @maintainsmetadata= sys.fn_MSarticle_allows_DML_at_this_replica(@artid, default) -- it doesn't make sense to replicate only token column - rowguidcol column declare @colcount int declare @column sysname select @colcount=count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = @sync_objid if @colcount = 1 begin select @column=name from sys.columns where object_id = @sync_objid if ColumnProperty(@id, @column, 'isrowguidcol') = 1 begin raiserror(21597, 16, -1) return (1) end end set @colordinal=0 -- the column exists in conflict table and -- either exists or not exists -- in base table if @sys_loop =1 select @colid = min(column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed<>1 and user_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') and name not in (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@basetableid) else select @colid = min(column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed<>1 and user_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') and name in (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@basetableid) select top 1 @colname =, @typename = type_name(C.user_type_id), @base_typename=type_name(C.system_type_id), @len = C.max_length, @schname=case when<>'sys' and<>'dbo' then QUOTENAME('.' else '' end, @prec = C.precision, @scale = C.scale, @user_type_id = C.user_type_id from sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.user_type_id = T.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id where C.object_id = @id and C.column_id = @colid -- -- Get the column list from the conflict_table schema and filter it with table view for vertical partitioning -- -- do first for basic columns and 2nd for columns not in basic tables Reverse_Order: -- loop over columns while (@colname is not null) begin set @noset = 0 -- skip unless -- the column exists in base table and in article view -- or the column does not exist in base table (i.e. conflict table only) if exists (select * from sys.columns where name=@colname and object_id=@basetableid) and not exists (select * from sys.columns where name=@colname and object_id=@sync_objid) goto NEXT_COL set @colordinal = @colordinal + 1 set @colordstr = convert(nvarchar(4), @colordinal) if ((@base_typename='nvarchar' or @base_typename='nchar') and @len <> -1)-- a unit of nchar takes 2 bytes select @len = @len/2 if @generate_subscriber_proc = 0 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmaptype @typename out, @len, @prec, @scale else exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmap_subscriber_type @user_type_id, @len, @prec, @scale, @schema_option, @typename out, @schname out if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 return (1) select @argname = '@p' + rtrim(convert(nchar, @colid)) insert into #coltab (colname, paramname) values (quotename(@colname), @argname) -- based on colid, add text to appropriate pieces if (COLUMNPROPERTY( @basetableid, @colname, 'IsRowGuidCol') = 1) begin select @noset =1 select @guid_colname=@argname -- @px set @wherepc = ' where info.rowguid = ' + @argname set @guidcol=QUOTENAME(@colname) -- rowguid or [rg] like end else if (@colname = 'origin_datasource_id') begin select @wherepc =@wherepc + ' and info.origin_datasource = ' + @argname select @typename = ' nvarchar(255) ' select @original_datasourcecol = @argname; -- @px set @noset =1 end set @colname = QUOTENAME(@colname) -- 1st piece if @arglist is null begin set @arglist = @argname + ' ' + @schname + @typename -- give default value of NULL to new merge columns for backward compatibility concern insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @colname) select @header = ') values (' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (4, @header) insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (4, nchar(13)+nchar(10)+@argname) -- this is update case if @noset=0 begin insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @colname + ' = ' + @argname) end end -- consecutive piece else begin if len(@arglist)>3700 begin insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @arglist) select @arglist = ' ' end set @arglist = @arglist + ', ' + @argname + ' ' + @schname + @typename -- 3 and 4 are for insert part insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, ', ' + @colname) if (@argname = @original_datasourcecol) select @argname=' @source_id ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (4, ', ' + @argname) -- source id case -- 1 is for update part if @noset =0 begin if exists (select * from #tempcmd where phase=1) insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, ', ' + @colname + ' = ' + @argname) else insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @colname + ' = ' + @argname) end end NEXT_COL: if @sys_loop =1 select @colid = min(column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed<>1 and user_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') and name not in (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@basetableid) and column_id>@colid else select @colid = min(column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed<>1 and user_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') and name in (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@basetableid) and column_id>@colid set @colname = NULL select top 1 @colname =, @typename = type_name(C.user_type_id), @base_typename = type_name(C.system_type_id), @len = C.max_length, @schname=case when<>'sys' and<>'dbo' then QUOTENAME('.' else '' end, @prec = C.precision, @scale = C.scale, @user_type_id = C.user_type_id from sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.user_type_id = T.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id where C.object_id = @id and C.column_id = @colid end if @sys_loop = 0 begin select @sys_loop = 1 select @colid = min(column_id) from sys.columns where object_id = @id and is_computed<>1 and user_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') and name not in (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@basetableid) select top 1 @colname =, @typename = type_name(C.user_type_id), @base_typename = type_name(C.system_type_id), @len = C.max_length, @schname=case when<>'sys' and<>'dbo' then QUOTENAME('.' else '' end, @prec = C.precision, @scale = C.scale, @user_type_id = C.user_type_id from sys.columns C INNER JOIN sys.types T ON C.user_type_id = T.user_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id where C.object_id = @id and C.column_id = @colid goto Reverse_Order end insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @arglist) select @arglist = ', @conflict_type int, @reason_code int, @reason_text nvarchar(720)' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @arglist) select @arglist = ', @pubid uniqueidentifier, @create_time datetime = NULL' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @arglist) select @arglist = ', @tablenick int = 0, @source_id uniqueidentifier = NULL, @check_conflicttable_existence bit = 0 ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @arglist) select @header = ') as declare @retcode int -- security check exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @objid = ' + @idstr + ', @pubid = ' + @pubidstr + ' if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) -- If the subscriber database was upgraded to Yukon, and we now use conflict logging on both sides -- the subscriber database might not have the conflict logging table. -- We then return without error. set @header=' if 1 = @check_conflicttable_existence begin if ' + cast(@id as nvarchar) + ' is null return 0 end ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) -- select @header = ' if @source_id is NULL select @source_id = newid() ' select @header = ' if @source_id is NULL select @source_id = subid from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions where lower(' + @original_datasourcecol + ') = LOWER(subscriber_server) + ''.'' + LOWER(db_name) ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) -- For down level anonymous pull subscriptions, the Publisher's sysmergesubscriptions does not contain a valid entry for the Subscriber -- Hence the source_id might still be NULL -In that case generate a new guid select @header = ' if @source_id is NULL select @source_id = newid() ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) select @header = ' set @create_time=getdate() ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) select @header = ' ' -- for ease of expansion here in case we add new merge columns in conflict tables. if @create_time_col is not NULL select @header = @header + ' select ' + @create_time_col + ' = getdate() ' select @header = @header + ' if exists (select * from MSmerge_conflicts_info info inner join ' + @qualname + ' ct on ct.rowguidcol=info.rowguid and ct.origin_datasource_id = info.origin_datasource_id ' + @wherepc + ' and info.tablenick = @tablenick) begin update ' + @qualname + ' with (rowlock) set ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (0, @header) -- see comment in sp_MSinsertdeleteconflict for this <5 or >4 checking. select @header = ' from ' + @qualname + ' ct inner join MSmerge_conflicts_info info on ct.rowguidcol=info.rowguid and ct.origin_datasource_id = info.origin_datasource_id' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (2, @header) -- concatenate for Insert case insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (4, ')') -- concatenate for Update case select @header = @wherepc + ' and info.tablenick = @tablenick ' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (2, @header) select @header=' end else begin insert into ' + @qualname + ' (' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (2, @header) insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (4, ' end') -- finishing scope for insert+insert_update select @header=' if exists (select * from MSmerge_conflicts_info info where tablenick=@tablenick and rowguid=' + @guid_colname + ' and info.origin_datasource= ' + @original_datasourcecol + ' and info.conflict_type not in (4,7,8,12)) begin update MSmerge_conflicts_info with (rowlock) set conflict_type=@conflict_type, reason_code=@reason_code, reason_text=@reason_text, pubid=@pubid, MSrepl_create_time=@create_time where tablenick=@tablenick and rowguid=' + @guid_colname + ' and origin_datasource= ' + @original_datasourcecol + ' and conflict_type not in (4,7,8,12) end else begin insert MSmerge_conflicts_info with (rowlock) values(@tablenick, ' + @guid_colname + ', ' + @original_datasourcecol + ', @conflict_type, @reason_code, @reason_text, @pubid, @create_time, @source_id) end' insert into #tempcmd (phase, cmdtext) values (5, @header) if 1 = @maintainsmetadata begin exec sys.sp_MScreatedupkeyupdatequery @tablename= @qualifiedbasetable, @tablenickstr= @tablenickstr, @phase= 5, @isconflictproc= 1, @tablename2 = @qualifiedbasetable2 end -- Now we select out the command text pieces in proper order so that our caller, -- xp_execresultset will execute the command that creates the stored procedure. select cmdtext from #tempcmd order by phase, step drop table #tempcmd drop table #coltab
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