The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MShelptranconflictcounts(nvarchar @publication_name, nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @originator_id)
create procedure sys.sp_MShelptranconflictcounts ( @publication_name sysname = NULL ,@publisher sysname = NULL ,@publisher_db sysname = NULL ,@originator_id nvarchar(32) = '%' -- int ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int ,@pubid int ,@centralized_conflicts bit ,@article sysname ,@quotedtablename nvarchar(1000) ,@artid int ,@conflict_table nvarchar(1000) ,@cft_tabid int ,@spname sysname ,@cmd nvarchar(4000) ,@conflicts_count int ,@lpublisher sysname ,@lpublisher_db sysname ,@owner sysname ,@publication sysname ,@fcheckpal bit ,@fulltablename nvarchar(1000) -- qualified with owner ,@options int = 0 ,@art_objid int = 0 declare @result_list table ( article nvarchar(256) collate database_default, conflict_table sysname collate database_default null, centralized_conflicts bit, conflict_count integer) create table #conflict_list ( artid sysname collate database_default, conflict_count int, sub_agent_id int ) -- -- Decide if we need PAL security check - If sysadmin or dbo - skip PAL check -- select @fcheckpal = case when ((is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1) or (is_member ('db_owner') = 1)) then 0 else 1 end -- -- initialize -- if ( @publication_name = '%' ) select @publication_name = NULL if ( @publisher = '%' ) select @publisher = NULL if ( @publisher_db = '%' ) select @publisher_db = NULL -- -- process publisher -- if ( object_id('dbo.sysarticles') is not null) begin -- -- Walk through each publication that allows queued or p2p operation -- declare #hCPubCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select name, pubid, centralized_conflicts, options from syspublications where ((allow_queued_tran = 1) or (options &0x8 = 0x8)) and name = isnull(@publication_name, name) and db_name() = isnull(@publisher_db, db_name()) and upper(publishingservername()) = upper(isnull(@publisher, publishingservername())) open #hCPubCursor fetch #hCPubCursor into @publication, @pubid, @centralized_conflicts, @options while ( @@fetch_status != -1 ) begin -- -- do PAL check if necessary and proceed if it passes -- if (@fcheckpal = 1) begin -- -- need to do PAL check for the publication -- exec @retcode = sp_MSreplcheck_pull @publication = @publication, @raise_fatal_error = 0 if (@@error != 0) or (@retcode != 0) begin -- -- do not have access to this publication -- fetch next publication and continue -- fetch #hCPubCursor into @publication, @pubid, @centralized_conflicts continue end end -- -- Walk through each article in this publication -- declare #hCArtCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select, b.conflict_tableid, a.artid, a.objid, quotename(object_name(a.objid)) from sysarticles a left join sysarticleupdates b on a.artid = b.artid and a.pubid = b.pubid where a.pubid = @pubid open #hCArtCursor fetch #hCArtCursor into @article, @cft_tabid, @artid, @art_objid, @quotedtablename while ( @@fetch_status != -1 ) begin select @owner = QUOTENAME(schema_name(objectproperty(@art_objid, 'SchemaId'))) -- queued and p2p cannot coexists if (@options & 0x8 = 0) begin -- -- get the owner qualified conflict table name -- select @spname = 'sp_MSgettrancftsrcrow' select @conflict_table = QUOTENAME(schema_name(objectproperty(@cft_tabid, 'SchemaId'))) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(@cft_tabid)) -- -- Get all the conflict counts -- select @cmd = 'select ' + cast(@artid as nvarchar(10)) + ', count(*) from ' + @conflict_table + ' where conflict_type in (1, 5, 7) and pubid = ' + cast(@pubid as nvarchar(10)) end else begin exec sp_MSgetpeerconflictname @prefix=N'conflict', @tabid=@art_objid, @peerconflictname=@conflict_table output if @@error <> 0 select @conflict_table = NULL select @conflict_table = N'[dbo].' + QUOTENAME(@conflict_table) -- -- Get all the conflict counts -- select @cmd = 'select ' + cast(@artid as nvarchar(10)) + ', count(*) from ' + @conflict_table + ' where __$is_winner = 0 ' select @spname = 'sp_MSgetpeerwinnerrow' end insert into #conflict_list ( artid, conflict_count ) exec ( @cmd ) select @conflicts_count = isnull(conflict_count, 0) from #conflict_list where artid = @artid if (@conflicts_count > 0) begin -- -- add a row to the #result_list -- insert into @result_list ( article, conflict_table, centralized_conflicts, conflict_count ) select isnull(@owner + N'.', '') + @quotedtablename, @conflict_table, @centralized_conflicts, @conflicts_count end -- -- fetch next row from hCArtCursor -- fetch #hCArtCursor into @article, @cft_tabid, @artid, @art_objid, @quotedtablename end close #hCArtCursor deallocate #hCArtCursor -- -- fetch next row from hCPubCursor -- fetch #hCPubCursor into @publication, @pubid, @centralized_conflicts, @options end close #hCPubCursor deallocate #hCPubCursor end -- -- process subscriber side -- delete #conflict_list if ( object_id('dbo.MSsubscription_articles') is not null) begin -- -- Walk through each subscription that allows queued operation -- declare #hCPubCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select id, 0, publisher, publisher_db, publication from MSsubscription_agents where update_mode in (2,3,4,5) and upper(publisher) = upper(isnull(@publisher, publisher)) and publisher_db = isnull(@publisher_db, publisher_db) and publication = isnull(@publication_name, publication) open #hCPubCursor fetch #hCPubCursor into @pubid, @centralized_conflicts, @lpublisher, @lpublisher_db, @publication while ( @@fetch_status != -1 ) begin -- -- do PAL check if necessary and proceed if it passes -- if (@fcheckpal = 1) begin -- -- need to do PAL check for the publication -- exec @retcode = sp_MSreplcheck_pull @publication = @publication, @raise_fatal_error = 0 if (@@error != 0) or (@retcode != 0) begin -- -- do not have access to this publication -- fetch next publication and continue -- fetch #hCPubCursor into @pubid, @centralized_conflicts, @lpublisher, @lpublisher_db, @publication continue end end -- -- Walk through each article in this subscribed publication -- declare #hCArtCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select a.article, OBJECT_ID(a.cft_table), a.artid from MSsubscription_articles a join MSsubscription_agents b on a.agent_id = where = @pubid open #hCArtCursor fetch #hCArtCursor into @article, @cft_tabid, @artid while ( @@fetch_status != -1 ) begin -- -- get the owner qualified conflict table name -- select @owner = QUOTENAME(schema_name(OBJECTPROPERTY(@cft_tabid, 'SchemaId'))) select @conflict_table = @owner + N'.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(@cft_tabid)) -- -- Get all the conflict counts -- select @cmd = 'select ' + cast(@artid as nvarchar(10)) + ', count(*), ' + cast(@pubid as nvarchar(10)) + ' from ' + @conflict_table + ' where conflict_type in (1, 5, 7) and origin_datasource = ' + QUOTENAME((@lpublisher + '.' + @lpublisher_db), '''') insert into #conflict_list ( artid, conflict_count, sub_agent_id ) exec ( @cmd ) select @conflicts_count = isnull(conflict_count, 0) from #conflict_list where artid = @artid and sub_agent_id = @pubid if (@conflicts_count > 0) begin -- -- add a row to the #result_list -- insert into @result_list ( article, conflict_table, centralized_conflicts, conflict_count ) select @owner + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@article), @conflict_table, @centralized_conflicts, @conflicts_count end -- -- fetch next row from hCArtCursor -- fetch #hCArtCursor into @article, @cft_tabid, @artid end close #hCArtCursor deallocate #hCArtCursor -- -- fetch next row from hCPubCursor -- fetch #hCPubCursor into @pubid, @centralized_conflicts, @lpublisher, @lpublisher_db, @publication end close #hCPubCursor deallocate #hCPubCursor end -- -- do a select for results -- select article, conflict_table, 'source_proc' = @spname, centralized_conflicts, conflict_count from @result_list -- -- all done -- return (0) end
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