May 21, 2012

sp_MSmakeexpandproc (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSmakeexpandproc(nvarchar @pubname
, int @filterid
, nvarchar @procname)


create procedure sys.sp_MSmakeexpandproc
@pubname sysname,
@filterid int,
@procname sysname
-- Declare additional variables --
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @base_nick int
declare @join_nick int
declare @base_nickstr nvarchar(10)
declare @join_nickstr nvarchar(10)
declare @filterid_str nvarchar(10)
declare @base_objid int
declare @join_objid int
declare @base_table nvarchar(270)
declare @before_viewname nvarchar(270)
declare @join_table nvarchar(270)
declare @base_owner nvarchar(270)
declare @join_owner nvarchar(270)
declare @join_clause nvarchar(4000)
declare @retcode int
declare @must_check int
declare @view_type int
declare @guidcolname nvarchar(270)
declare @joinguidname nvarchar(270)
declare @view_objid int
declare @view_name nvarchar(270)
declare @cmd_piece nvarchar(4000)
select @retcode = 0
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
select 'a' = 'raiserror (''Error creating row change expansion procedure'' , 16, -1)'
return 1

select @pubid = pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where name = @pubname and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name()

-- this procedure is to be called by xp_execresultset, so
-- we create a temp table, put command pieces into it, and select them out

-- create temp table to select the command text out of
create table #tempcmd (step int identity NOT NULL, cmdtext nvarchar(max) collate database_default null)

-- Figure out base table, join table for this join filter --
select @base_nick = art_nickname, @join_nick = join_nickname,
@join_clause = join_filterclause
from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid = @filterid and (filter_type & 1) = 1
select @base_objid = objid, @view_type = view_type, @view_objid = sync_objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @base_nick
select @join_objid = objid, @before_viewname = object_name(before_view_objid) from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @join_nick
select @base_table = QUOTENAME(name), @base_owner = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @base_objid
select @join_table = QUOTENAME(name), @join_owner = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_objid
select @guidcolname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @base_objid and
select @joinguidname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @join_objid and
select @view_name = object_name(@view_objid)
-- Quote the viewname. It is made from pub name which may have odd characters.
set @view_name = QUOTENAME(@view_name)
set @base_nickstr = convert(nchar(10), @base_nick)
set @join_nickstr = convert(nchar(10), @join_nick)
set @filterid_str = convert(nchar(10), @filterid)

set @cmd_piece = 'create procedure dbo.' + @procname + '
@belong int

insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
set @cmd_piece = 'if @belong = 1
-- Do a bulk insert to expand #belong --
update #belong set flag = '
+ @filterid_str + ' where flag < ' + @filterid_str + '
insert into #belong (tablenick, rowguid, flag, skipexpand) select distinct '
+ @base_nickstr +
', ' + @base_table + '.rowguidcol, 0, 0 from ' + @base_owner + '.' + @base_table + ' ' + @base_table + ', ' +
@join_owner + '.' + @join_table + ' ' + @join_table + ', #belong b where (' + @join_clause + ') and ' +
@join_table + '.rowguidcol = b.rowguid and b.tablenick = ' + @join_nickstr + ' and skipexpand = 0 '
insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
set @cmd_piece = '
if @@ERROR <>0 return (1)
-- Delete duplicates --

delete b1 from #belong b1, #belong b2
where b1.rowguid = b2.rowguid and b1.tablenick = b2.tablenick
and b1.skipexpand=1 and b2.flag=0

delete b1 from #belong b1, #belong b2
where b1.rowguid = b2.rowguid and b1.tablenick = b2.tablenick
and b1.flag=0 and b2.flag <> 0
end '

insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)

-- Will we have to check rows that we add to #notbelong? --
if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @join_nick and
len(subset_filterclause) > 0)
set @must_check = 1
else if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid = @filterid and
join_unique_key <> 1 and (filter_type & 1) = 1)
set @must_check = 1
else if not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and art_nickname = @base_nick
and join_filterid <> @filterid and (filter_type & 1) = 1)
set @must_check = 0

set @cmd_piece = '
update #notbelong set flag = '
+ @filterid_str + ' where flag < ' + @filterid_str + '
-- Do a bulk insert to expand #notbelong --
insert into #notbelong (tablenick, rowguid, flag) select distinct '
+ @base_nickstr +
', ' + @base_table + '.rowguidcol, -1 from ' + @base_owner + '.' + @base_table + ' ' + @base_table + ', ' +
@join_owner + '.' + @join_table + ' ' + @join_table + ', #notbelong nb where (' + @join_clause + ') and ' +
@join_table + '.rowguidcol = nb.rowguid and nb.tablenick = ' + @join_nickstr + '
-- Remove duplicates --
delete from #notbelong where flag = -1 and rowguid in
(select rowguid from #notbelong where flag <> -1)

if @before_viewname is not null
set @cmd_piece = @cmd_piece + '
insert into #notbelong (tablenick, rowguid, flag) select distinct '
+ @base_nickstr +
', ' + @base_table + '.rowguidcol, -1 from ' + @base_owner + '.' + @base_table + ' ' + @base_table + ', ' +
@before_viewname + ' ' + @join_table + ', #notbelong nb where (' + @join_clause + ') and ' +
@join_table + '.' + @joinguidname + ' = nb.rowguid and nb.tablenick = ' + @join_nickstr + '
-- Remove duplicates --
delete from #notbelong where flag = -1 and rowguid in
(select rowguid from #notbelong where flag <> -1)

if @must_check = 0
insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
set @cmd_piece = ' update #notbelong set flag = 0 where flag = -1
end '

insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
else if @view_type = 1
insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
set @cmd_piece = ' -- We can do our check with a bulk delete, bulk update
delete from #notbelong where flag = -1 and rowguid in
(select '
+ @guidcolname + ' from ' + @view_name + ')
update #notbelong set flag = 0 where flag = -1
end '

insert into #tempcmd(cmdtext) values (@cmd_piece)
-- else we don't bother expanding #notbelong for this filter since there are cyclic
-- join filters and this is not a unique key join. The cursored calls to sp_belongs
-- are unacceptably slow, and there would still be cases where orphaned rows could occur.

-- Now we select out the command text pieces in proper order so that our caller,
-- xp_execresultset will execute the command that creates the stored procedure.

select cmdtext from #tempcmd order by step

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