May 21, 2012

sp_MSlock_auto_sub (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSlock_auto_sub(int @publisher_id
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication
, bit @reset)


 CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSlock_auto_sub  
@publisher_id int,
@publisher_db sysname,
@publication sysname,
@reset bit = 0 -- @reset = 1 is used for Scheduled Snapshot publications by snapshot --
-- security check
-- only db_owner can execute this
if (is_member ('db_owner') != 1)
raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
return (1)

-- This sp only work for 7.0 publisher since it use the publication name --
set nocount on

DECLARE @virtual smallint -- const: virtual subscriber id --
DECLARE @virtual_anonymous smallint -- const: virtual anonymous subscriber id --
DECLARE @subscribed tinyint
DECLARE @automatic tinyint
DECLARE @publication_id int
DECLARE @counter int
DECLARE @independent_agent bit
DECLARE @active tinyint

SELECT @virtual = -1
SELECT @virtual_anonymous = -2
SELECT @subscribed = 1
SELECT @active = 2
SELECT @automatic = 1

select @publication_id = publication_id , @independent_agent = independent_agent
from dbo.MSpublications
publisher_id = @publisher_id and
publisher_db = @publisher_db and
publication = @publication

-- Set exclusive lock on the rows that will be updated to prevent deadlock
-- in snapshot agent.
-- Note: using UPDATE lock may cause deadlock with sp_MSget_repl_commands as following
-- 1. The distribution agent gets shared lock on dbo.MSsubscriptions.
-- 2. The snapshot agent gets update lock on dbo.MSsubscriptions.
-- 3. The snapshot agent gets exclusive lock on MSrepl_commands (inserting into the table)
-- 4. The distribution agent waits to get shared lock on MSrepl_commands
-- 5. The snapshot agent waits to convert update lock to exclusive lock on MSrepl_subscriptions (updating the table).
-- SELECT @counter = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.MSsubscriptions with (ROWLOCK UPDLOCK)
-- 1. Avoid defered updates: Don't update fields in the clusted index
-- 2. Avoid updating fields in the where clause
UPDATE dbo.MSsubscriptions SET update_mode = update_mode
publisher_id = @publisher_id and
publisher_db = @publisher_db and
publication_id = @publication_id and
-- virtual subscriptions are automatic sync type --
sync_type = @automatic and
(status = @subscribed or
subscriber_id = @virtual or
subscriber_id = @virtual_anonymous or
@reset = 1)

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