June 7, 2012

sp_replqueuemonitor (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_replqueuemonitor(nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publisherdb
, nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @tranid
, tinyint @queuetype)


 create procedure sys.sp_replqueuemonitor (  
@publisher sysname = NULL
,@publisherdb sysname = NULL
,@publication sysname = NULL
,@tranid sysname = NULL
,@queuetype tinyint = 0 -- 0 = All Queues, 1 = MSMQ, 2 = SQL
set nocount on
declare @retcode int
,@queue_server sysname
,@queue_id sysname
,@data varbinary(8000)
,@datalen int
,@commandtype int
,@cmdstate bit
,@mesglen int
,@command nvarchar(4000)
,@partialindex int
,@rowlen int
,@comandlen int

declare @k_mesg_partial_state bit
,@k_mesg_complete_state bit
,@k_mesg_tran_cmd int
,@k_max_rowlen int
,@k_queuetype_all tinyint
,@k_queuetype_msmq tinyint
,@k_queuetype_sql tinyint

-- Security Check.
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe
if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0

create table #mesgs (mesgid int identity PRIMARY KEY, queuetype tinyint default 1, publisher sysname collate database_default, publisher_db sysname collate database_default, publication sysname collate database_default,
tranid sysname collate database_default, commandlen int, command ntext)

-- Check if need to look for subscriptions
if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'MSsubscription_agents')
-- Are there any qualifying subscriptions
if exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscription_agents where
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end )
-- initialize
select @k_queuetype_all = 0
,@k_queuetype_msmq = 1
,@k_queuetype_sql = 2

-- MSMQ based
if (@queuetype in (@k_queuetype_all, @k_queuetype_msmq) and
exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscription_agents where
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end AND
update_mode IN (2,3) AND
queue_id != N'mssqlqueue'))
-- enumerate each queue
create table #queues (publisher sysname collate database_default, publisher_db sysname collate database_default, publication sysname collate database_default, queue_id sysname collate database_default)
declare #htempcursor cursor local for
select publisher, publisher_db, publication, queue_server, queue_id
from dbo.MSsubscription_agents
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end AND
update_mode IN (2,3) AND
queue_id != N'mssqlqueue'

open #htempcursor
fetch #htempcursor into @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @queue_server, @queue_id
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
-- add the queue server prefix
select @queue_id = N'DIRECT=OS:' + @queue_server + N'\PRIVATE$\' + @queue_id

-- Display all the messages in this queue
insert into #mesgs (publisher, publisher_db, publication, tranid, commandlen, command)
exec @retcode = sys.xp_displayqueuemesgs @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @queue_id, @tranid
if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0)
return 1

-- fetch next row
fetch #htempcursor into @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @queue_server, @queue_id
close #htempcursor
deallocate #htempcursor

-- All MSMQ Queues processed
drop table #queues

-- SQL Queued based
if (@queuetype in (@k_queuetype_all, @k_queuetype_sql) and
exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscription_agents where
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end AND
update_mode IN (4,5) AND
queue_id in( N'mssqlqueue', N'mssqlqueuev2')))
-- check if we have a queue
if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'MSreplication_queue')
-- initialize
select @mesglen = 0
,@partialindex = 0
,@k_mesg_partial_state = 1
,@k_mesg_complete_state = 0
,@k_mesg_tran_cmd = 1
,@k_max_rowlen = 8000

-- select the messages that qualify

declare #htempcursor cursor local for
select publisher, publisher_db, publication, tranid, datalen, data, commandtype, cmdstate
from dbo.MSreplication_queue
publisher = case when @publisher is NULL then publisher else UPPER(@publisher) end AND
publisher_db = case when @publisherdb is NULL then publisher_db else @publisherdb end AND
publication = case when @publication is NULL then publication else @publication end AND
tranid = case when @tranid IS NULL then tranid else @tranid end
open #htempcursor
fetch #htempcursor into @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @tranid, @datalen, @data, @commandtype, @cmdstate
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
-- check the message state
if (@cmdstate = @k_mesg_partial_state)
select @partialindex = @partialindex + 1
select @mesglen = @mesglen + @datalen

-- process the body only for command type messages
-- and if the command spans multiple rows, then
-- display only the first row
if ((@commandtype = @k_mesg_tran_cmd) and
((@cmdstate = @k_mesg_complete_state and @partialindex = 0) or
(@cmdstate = @k_mesg_partial_state and @partialindex = 1)))
-- decode the command
exec @retcode = sys.xp_decodequeuecmd @data, @command OUTPUT
if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0)
return 1

-- Are processing the final row for this command
if (@cmdstate = @k_mesg_complete_state)
-- reset partial index
if (@partialindex > 0)
select @partialindex = 0

if (@command IS NOT NULL)
-- check if the command needs to truncated to fit the max rowsize
select @rowlen = 4 + DATALENGTH(@k_queuetype_sql) +
DATALENGTH(@publisher) + DATALENGTH(@publisherdb) +
DATALENGTH(@publication) + DATALENGTH(@tranid) +
,@comandlen = DATALENGTH(@command)
if (@rowlen + @comandlen > @k_max_rowlen)
select @comandlen = @k_max_rowlen - @rowlen
select @comandlen = @comandlen / 2
select @command = SUBSTRING(@command, 1, @comandlen)

insert into #mesgs (queuetype, publisher, publisher_db, publication, tranid, commandlen, command)
values (@k_queuetype_sql, @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @tranid, @mesglen, @command)
if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0)
return 1

select @command = NULL

-- reset command len
if (@mesglen > 0)
select @mesglen = 0

-- fetch next row
fetch #htempcursor into @publisher, @publisherdb, @publication, @tranid, @datalen, @data, @commandtype, @cmdstate
close #htempcursor
deallocate #htempcursor

-- All SQL Queues processed

-- return result
select queue = case when queuetype = @k_queuetype_msmq then N'MSMQ'
when queuetype = @k_queuetype_sql then N'SQLQ' end
from #mesgs
order by mesgid

-- All done
drop table #mesgs
return 0

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