The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_repldropcolumn(nvarchar @source_object, nvarchar @column
, int @from_agent
, nvarchar @schema_change_script
, bit @force_invalidate_snapshot
, bit @force_reinit_subscription)
create procedure sys.sp_repldropcolumn( @source_object nvarchar(270), @column sysname, @from_agent int = 0, @schema_change_script nvarchar(4000) = NULL, @force_invalidate_snapshot bit = 1, -- Force invalidate existing snapshot -- @force_reinit_subscription bit = 0 -- Force reinit subscription -- ) as set nocount on declare @objid int declare @at_publisher bit declare @pubname sysname declare @artname sysname declare @tran_pubname sysname declare @tran_artname sysname declare @tran_artid int declare @tran_pubid int declare @colid int declare @missing_index int declare @tablename sysname declare @pubid uniqueidentifier declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @partitioned int declare @missing_count int declare @missing_bm varbinary(128) declare @old_missing_bm varbinary(128) declare @schematext nvarchar(4000) declare @schemaversion int declare @not_for_merge bit -- 1 if the db is not merge replication enabled or the table is not in merge publication declare @qual_source_object nvarchar(517) declare @qual_dest_object nvarchar(517) declare @schematype int declare @schemaguid uniqueidentifier declare @conflict_table sysname declare @ins_conflict_proc nvarchar(258) declare @publisher sysname declare @publisher_db sysname declare @command nvarchar(3000) declare @sync_objid int declare @retcode int declare @snapshot_ready int declare @con_id int declare @dest_owner nvarchar(258) declare @dest_object nvarchar(386) declare @owner sysname declare @columnbm varbinary(128) declare @in_partition int declare @merge_pub_object_bit int declare @is_for_merge bit -- 1 if db is merge replication enabled and table is in merge publication, ie., not @not_for_merge declare @is_for_tran bit declare @no_schema_replication bit declare @servername sysname declare @dbname sysname declare @con_name sysname declare @v_unique_index int declare @qual_column nvarchar(258) declare @indid int declare @index_cnt int declare @pkkey sysname declare @v_unique_constraint int declare @merge_pub_unmarkcolumn_bit int declare @merge_pub_markcolumn_bit int declare @schema_start_lsn binary(10) declare @schema_end_lsn binary(10) ,@BinVar varbinary(128) declare @contextset bit declare @got_merge_admin_applock bit select @got_merge_admin_applock = 0 set @contextset=0 if not exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysmergepublications') and not exists (select * from sys.objects where name='syspublications') begin raiserror(21230, 16, -1) return (1) end -- -- Security Check -- EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe_withddladmin IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1) -- check to see if this stored procedure is called via replication agent. if sessionproperty('replication_agent')<>1 select @from_agent = 0 else select @from_agent = 1 select @merge_pub_markcolumn_bit = 0x4000 select @merge_pub_unmarkcolumn_bit = ~@merge_pub_markcolumn_bit select @v_unique_constraint = 4096 select @v_unique_index = 2 -- status in sysindexes select @qual_column=QUOTENAME(@column) select @no_schema_replication = 0 select @not_for_merge = 0 select @merge_pub_object_bit = 128 select @objid = object_id(@source_object) select @servername=publishingservername() select @dbname=db_name() if @objid is NULL begin -- if table does not exists and the SP is called from replication agent, ignore the error and exit with success. if @from_agent=1 return (0) else begin raiserror(14027, 16, -1, @source_object) return (1) end end if not exists (select * from sys.columns where name=@column and object_id=@objid) begin if @from_agent=0 begin raiserror(21166, 16, -1, @column) return (1) end else return (0) end select @indid = indid from sysindexes where id = @objid and (status & 2048) <> 0 -- PK index -- select @index_cnt = 1 while (@index_cnt <= 16) begin select @pkkey = INDEX_COL(@source_object, @indid, @index_cnt) if @pkkey is NULL break if @pkkey=@column begin raiserror(21264, 16, -1, @column, @source_object) return (1) end select @index_cnt = @index_cnt + 1 end -- -- Check for unique index defined on this column - to disallow such a column from being dropped -- if exists (select * from sysindexes where id=@objid and (status & @v_unique_index = @v_unique_index or status & @v_unique_constraint = @v_unique_constraint)) begin declare @keys varbinary(816) declare @i int declare #check_unique CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select indid from sysindexes where id=@objid and (status & @v_unique_index = @v_unique_index or status & @v_unique_constraint = @v_unique_constraint) open #check_unique fetch #check_unique into @indid while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin SELECT @i = 1 WHILE (@i <= 16) BEGIN SELECT @pkkey = INDEX_COL(@source_object, @indid, @i) if @pkkey is NULL break if @pkkey=@column BEGIN raiserror(21265, 16, -1, @column, @source_object) close #check_unique deallocate #check_unique return (1) END select @i = @i + 1 END fetch #check_unique into @indid end close #check_unique deallocate #check_unique end if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysmergearticles') begin -- the article can not be inside a republisher if @from_agent=0 and exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid and pubid not in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where LOWER(publisher)=LOWER(@servername) and publisher_db=@dbname)) begin raiserror(21260, 16, -1, @dbname, @servername, @source_object) return (1) end end -- if in both tran and merge publication if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysmergepublications') and exists (select * from sys.objects where name='syspublications') begin if not exists (select * from sysarticles where objid=@objid) and not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) select @no_schema_replication=1 end -- if a merge publication else if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysmergepublications') begin if not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) select @no_schema_replication = 1 end -- if a tran publication else if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='syspublications') begin if not exists (select * from sysarticles a join syspublications p on a.pubid = p.pubid where a.objid=@objid and p.repl_freq = 0) select @no_schema_replication =1 end if @no_schema_replication=1 begin raiserror(21246, 16, -1, @source_object) return (1) end if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'sysmergearticles') begin if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) select @is_for_merge=1 else select @is_for_merge=0 end else select @is_for_merge=0 -- PARSENAME VARS declare @UnqualName sysname -- rightmost name node declare @QualName1 sysname -- END PARSENAME VARS select @UnqualName = PARSENAME(@source_object, 1) select @QualName1 = PARSENAME(@source_object, 2) if @UnqualName IS NULL return 1 if @QualName1 is not NULL select @owner = @QualName1 else select @owner=schema_name(schema_id) from sys.objects where object_id = @objid select @tablename = @UnqualName select @qual_source_object = QUOTENAME(@owner) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) select @at_publisher = 0 select @colid=column_id from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and name=@column if @colid is NULL begin raiserror(21166, 16, -1, @column) return (1) end -- -- Considering holes, colid is not necessarily the one in bitmap. Get this value from count(*) -- select @missing_index = @colid begin TRAN save tran sp_repldropcolumn -- will be in once server check in full metadata support -- if not exists (select * from tempdb.sys.objects where name = '##MS_internal_old_style_DDL_support_being_used') create table ##MS_internal_old_style_DDL_support_being_used(db_name sysname, objid int) insert ##MS_internal_old_style_DDL_support_being_used(db_name, objid) values(db_name(), @objid) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- -- if @is_for_merge=1 begin -- obtain the snapshot/DDL/admin proc applock to avoid having contention with snapshot -- Attempt to get the lock with no wait exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetmergeadminapplock @timeout = 0, -- no wait @lockowner = N'Transaction' if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto FAILURE select @got_merge_admin_applock = 1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSunmarkreplinfo @object=@tablename, @owner=@owner if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end select @is_for_tran = 0 if exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysarticles') begin if exists (select * from dbo.sysarticles where objid=@objid) begin if exists (SELECT P.pubid FROM dbo.syspublications P, dbo.sysarticles A, dbo.syssubscriptions S WHERE A.objid = @objid and A.pubid = P.pubid and A.artid = S.artid and (P.allow_sync_tran = 1 or P.allow_queued_tran = 1) and S.status = 2 -- active and S.sync_type != 2 -- not 'none' and S.update_mode != 0 ) -- not 'read only' and @force_reinit_subscription = 0 begin raiserror(21381, 16, -1, @tablename) goto FAILURE end select @is_for_tran =1 end end if @is_for_tran = 1 or @is_for_merge=1 begin EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_bypasswholeddleventbit @onoff=1 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 RETURN(1) set @contextset=1 end -- -- First call TRAN Level stored procedure to -- if @is_for_tran = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSprep_exclusive @qual_source_object if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sp_replincrementlsn @schema_start_lsn OUTPUT if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE declare #trancolumn CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select a.artid, from sysarticles a, syspublications p where a.objid=@objid and p.pubid = a.pubid open #trancolumn fetch #trancolumn into @tran_artid, @tran_pubname while (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN select @tran_artname=name from sysarticles where artid=@tran_artid exec @retcode = sys.sp_articlecolumn @publication = @tran_pubname, @article = @tran_artname, @column = @column, @operation = 'drop', @change_active = 2 ,@force_invalidate_snapshot = 1 ,@force_reinit_subscription = 1 ,@internal = 1 if @retcode <>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto DROPTRAN fetch #trancolumn into @tran_artid, @tran_pubname END close #trancolumn deallocate #trancolumn end if not exists (select * from sys.objects where name='sysmergearticles') select @not_for_merge = 1 else if not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) select @not_for_merge =1 if @not_for_merge = 1 begin if exists (select * from sys.columns where name=@column and object_id =@objid) begin exec ('alter table '+ @qual_source_object + ' drop column ' + @qual_column ) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSverifytranfilter @objid if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 begin goto FAILURE end end end else begin if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) and snapshot_ready=0) and exists (select * from sys.columns where name=@column and object_id =@objid) begin declare #nosnapshot CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select, from dbo.sysmergepublications p, dbo.sysmergearticles a where p.pubid=a.pubid and a.objid=@objid and p.snapshot_ready=0 open #nosnapshot fetch #nosnapshot into @pubname, @artname while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin -- Indicate that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=1 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto ERROR_EXIT exec @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @pubname, @artname, @column, 'drop', 'true' if @retcode <>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto ERROR_EXIT -- Turn off indication that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=0 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto ERROR_EXIT fetch #nosnapshot into @pubname, @artname end close #nosnapshot deallocate #nosnapshot end declare #dropcolumn_schema CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select name, pubid, artid, destination_owner, columns from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where snapshot_ready>0) order by pubid ASC open #dropcolumn_schema fetch #dropcolumn_schema into @artname, @pubid, @artid, @dest_owner, @columnbm while (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN if @dest_owner is not NULL select @dest_object = QUOTENAME(@dest_owner) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@tablename) else select @dest_object = QUOTENAME(@tablename) exec @in_partition = sys.sp_MStestbit @bm=@columnbm, @coltotest=@colid select @pubname=name, @publisher=publisher, @publisher_db=publisher_db from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid=@pubid select @at_publisher=0 if @publisher=publishingservername() and @publisher_db=db_name() and @in_partition<>0 begin select @at_publisher=1 select @schematext = 'exec sp_repldropcolumn ''' + replace(@dest_object, '''', '''''') + ''', ''' + replace(@column, '''', '''''') + ''', 1' select @schemaversion = schemaversion from dbo.sysmergeschemachange if (@schemaversion is NULL) set @schemaversion = 1 else select @schemaversion = 1 + max(schemaversion) from dbo.sysmergeschemachange set @schemaguid = newid() set @schematype = 11 -- alter table -- -- Indicate that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=1 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto INNER_FAIL2 exec @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @pubname, @artname, @column, 'drop', 'true' if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL2 -- need to deallocate cursor for this loop. -- Turn off indication that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=0 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto INNER_FAIL2 exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSinsertschemachange @pubid, @artid, @schemaversion, @schemaguid, @schematype, @schematext if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto INNER_FAIL2 select @schematext = 'alter table ' + @dest_object + ' drop column ' + @qual_column select @schemaversion = @schemaversion + 1 set @schematype = 13 -- for Jet use only set @schemaguid = newid() exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSinsertschemachange @pubid, @artid, @schemaversion, @schemaguid, @schematype, @schematext if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto INNER_FAIL2 select @schematext = N' if object_id(''' + @dest_object + ''') is not NULL and exists (select * from syscolumns where name = ''' + replace(@column, '''', '''''') + ''' and id = object_id(''' + @dest_object + ''')) ' +'alter table ' + @dest_object + ' drop column ' + QUOTENAME(@column) select @schemaversion = @schemaversion + 1 set @schematype = 300 -- for 90+ ddl user set @schemaguid = newid() exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSinsertschemachange @pubid, @artid, @schemaversion, @schemaguid, @schematype, @schematext if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto INNER_FAIL2 end fetch #dropcolumn_schema into @artname, @pubid, @artid, @dest_owner, @columnbm END close #dropcolumn_schema deallocate #dropcolumn_schema -- drop the column only once -- if exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and name=@column) begin select @command = 'alter table ' + @qual_source_object + ' drop column ' + @qual_column exec (@command) if @@ERROR<>0 GOTO INNER_FAIL -- if transactionally replicated, verify that filter columns weren't dropped if( @is_for_tran = 1 ) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSverifytranfilter @objid if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 begin goto FAILURE end end end declare #dropcolumn CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select pubid, name, sync_objid, artid, missing_col_count, missing_cols, conflict_table, ins_conflict_proc from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where snapshot_ready>0) order by pubid ASC open #dropcolumn fetch #dropcolumn into @pubid, @artname, @sync_objid, @artid, @missing_count, @missing_bm, @conflict_table, @ins_conflict_proc while (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN select @pubname=name, @publisher=publisher, @publisher_db=publisher_db from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid=@pubid select @at_publisher=0 if @publisher=publishingservername() and @publisher_db=db_name() select @at_publisher=1 if @conflict_table is not NULL begin select @con_id = object_id(quotename(@conflict_table)) if @con_id is NULL begin raiserror(21286, 16, -1, @conflict_table) GOTO INNER_FAIL end select @colid=column_id from sys.columns where object_id = @con_id and name=@column if exists (select name from sys.columns where name=@column and object_id=@con_id) begin select @command = 'alter table ' + QUOTENAME(@conflict_table) + ' drop column ' + @qual_column exec (@command) if @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL end end -- -- Force the re-generation of conflict insert table cause the schema is changed for sure -- if @ins_conflict_proc is not NULL and object_id(@ins_conflict_proc) is not NULL begin select @ins_conflict_proc = QUOTENAME(@ins_conflict_proc) exec ('drop procedure ' + @ins_conflict_proc) if @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL update dbo.sysmergearticles set ins_conflict_proc=NULL where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid if @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL end if @at_publisher=1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSpublicationview @publication = @pubname, @force_flag = 2, @articlename = @artname if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 begin raiserror(21201, 16, -1) goto INNER_FAIL end end select @missing_count=@missing_count + 1 select @old_missing_bm=@missing_bm exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSsetbit @missing_bm OUTPUT, @missing_index if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL -- if no change, that is, the column is already marked as missing, do not increase -- its count if @missing_bm<>@old_missing_bm begin update dbo.sysmergearticles set missing_col_count=@missing_count, missing_cols=@missing_bm where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid if @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSdroparticletriggers @tablename, @owner if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddmergetriggers @qual_source_object if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL if @at_publisher=1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetartprocs @publication=@pubname, @article=@artname, @force_flag=0, @pubid=@pubid else exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakearticleprocs @pubid, @artid if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL -- -- passing in one more parameter to sp_MSgetconflictinsertproc such that there is -- no select statement at the end of that SP as needed else where. The default is 1. -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetconflictinsertproc @artid, @pubid, 0, 1 if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto INNER_FAIL fetch #dropcolumn into @pubid, @artname, @sync_objid, @artid, @missing_count, @missing_bm, @conflict_table, @ins_conflict_proc END CLOSE #dropcolumn DEALLOCATE #dropcolumn -- do column index shifting for MSmerge_contents.colv1 if there is dropped column declare @rowguid uniqueidentifier declare @delcols_now varbinary(128) declare @cols_being_dropped varbinary(128) declare @input_colv1 varbinary(2953) declare @output_colv1 varbinary(2953) declare @islightweight bit select top 1 @islightweight= lightweight from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid exec sys.sp_MSfillup_deleted_cols @objid, @delcols_now OUTPUT set @delcols_now=isnull(@delcols_now, 0x00) begin update dbo.sysmergearticles set deleted_cols=@delcols_now where objid=@objid -- set bitmap using @colid exec sys.sp_MSsetbit @cols_being_dropped out, @colid if @islightweight <>1 and @islightweight is not null begin -- going over all pub/art with the object and adjust their MSmerge_contents.colv1 declare cur_RowColv1 CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY for select rowguid, colv1 from dbo.MSmerge_contents where colv1 is not null and tablenick in (select nickname from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid) FOR update of colv1 open cur_RowColv1 fetch next from cur_RowColv1 into @rowguid, @input_colv1 while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSget_shifted_colv1 @cols_being_dropped, @input_colv1, @output_colv1 output if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE update dbo.MSmerge_contents set colv1=@output_colv1 where current of cur_RowColv1 fetch next from cur_RowColv1 into @rowguid, @input_colv1 end close cur_RowColv1 deallocate cur_RowColv1 end -- what about LWS? end if @is_for_merge=1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmarkreplinfo @tablename, @owner if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end end -- finally, if it's transactional, trigger a reinit if @is_for_tran = 1 begin if exists (select * from sysarticles where objid = @objid) begin declare #trancolumn CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select a.artid, from sysarticles a, syspublications p where a.objid=@objid and p.pubid = a.pubid open #trancolumn fetch #trancolumn into @tran_artid, @tran_pubname while (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN select @tran_artname=name, @tran_pubid = pubid, @owner = dest_owner, @tablename = dest_table from sysarticles where artid=@tran_artid if(@force_reinit_subscription = 0) begin if(@owner is not NULL) and (len(@owner) > 0) select @qual_dest_object = QUOTENAME(@owner) + N'.' else select @qual_dest_object = N'' if(@tablename is not null) and (len(@tablename) > 0) select @qual_dest_object = @qual_dest_object + QUOTENAME(@tablename) else select @qual_dest_object = @qual_source_object exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_schema @pubname = @tran_pubname ,@artid = @tran_artid ,@qual_source_object = @qual_dest_object ,@column = @column ,@operation = 1 -- 0 is add, 1 is delete ,@schema_change_script = @schema_change_script if @retcode <>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto DROPTRAN end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreinit_article @publication = @tran_pubname ,@article = @tran_artname ,@need_new_snapshot = @force_invalidate_snapshot ,@need_reinit_subscription = @force_reinit_subscription ,@force_invalidate_snapshot = @force_invalidate_snapshot ,@force_reinit_subscription = @force_reinit_subscription if @retcode <>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto DROPTRAN fetch #trancolumn into @tran_artid, @tran_pubname END close #trancolumn deallocate #trancolumn exec @retcode = sp_replincrementlsn @schema_end_lsn OUTPUT if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE if (@schema_start_lsn is not null) and (@schema_end_lsn is not null) begin insert systranschemas (tabid, startlsn, endlsn, typeid) values (@objid, @schema_start_lsn, @schema_end_lsn, 51) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_replflush @objid, @schema_start_lsn, @schema_end_lsn if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end else goto FAILURE end end if @contextset=1 begin EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_bypasswholeddleventbit @onoff=0 end if @got_merge_admin_applock=1 exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' COMMIT TRAN -- delete ##MS_internal_old_style_DDL_support_being_used where db_name=db_name() and objid=@objid return (0) DROPTRAN: CLOSE #trancolumn DEALLOCATE #trancolumn GOTO FAILURE INNER_FAIL: CLOSE #dropcolumn DEALLOCATE #dropcolumn GOTO FAILURE INNER_FAIL2: CLOSE #dropcolumn_schema DEALLOCATE #dropcolumn_schema GOTO FAILURE ERROR_EXIT: CLOSE #nosnapshot DEALLOCATE #nosnapshot FAILURE: if @contextset=1 begin EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_bypasswholeddleventbit @onoff=0 end if @got_merge_admin_applock=1 exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' rollback tran sp_repldropcolumn commit tran raiserror(21284, 16, -1, @column, @source_object) return (1)
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