June 7, 2012

sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription(nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication
, int @publication_type
, int @mode
, int @topnum
, bit @exclude_anonymous
, tinyint @refreshpolicy)


 create procedure sys.sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription   
@publisher sysname = NULL -- pubisher - cannot be null for sql server 2008 or before. for SQL 11 or later, means all publishers
,@publisher_db sysname = NULL -- NULL for wildcard entry
,@publication sysname = NULL -- NULL for wildcard entry
,@publication_type int = NULL -- cannot be null in wildcard entry
,@mode int = 0 -- various filter modes
,@topnum int = NULL -- select only top topnum rows
,@exclude_anonymous bit = 0 -- exclude anonymous subscribers
,@refreshpolicy tinyint = 0 -- 0 = default cache refresh, 1 = optimistic force refresh, 2 = non-optimistic force refresh
set nocount on
declare @retcode int
,@curdate datetime
-- constants

declare @expiration int
,@latency int
,@distribution_agentname sysname
,@mergeexpirationChosen int
,@mergerundurationChosen int
,@mergestoppedcontinuousagentChosen int
,@mergerunspeedChosen int
,@modeallsubscription tinyint
,@modeinerroronly tinyint
,@modeinwarningonly tinyint
,@modeinerrorandwarningonly tinyint
,@modetop25worstperforming tinyint
,@modetop50worstperforming tinyint
,@modesynchronizing tinyint
,@modenotsynchronizing tinyint

-- initialize constants
select @expiration = 1
,@latency = 2
,@modeallsubscription = 0
,@modeinerroronly = 1
,@modeinwarningonly = 2
,@modeinerrorandwarningonly = 3
,@modetop25worstperforming = 4
,@modetop50worstperforming = 5
,@modesynchronizing = 6
,@modenotsynchronizing = 7

-- security check : replmonitor
if not (is_member(N'db_owner') = 1 or isnull(is_member(N'replmonitor'),0) = 1)
raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
return (1)
-- security: Has to be executed from distribution database
if sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (db_name()) != 1
raiserror (21482, 16, -1, 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription', 'distribution')
return 1
-- validate @publication_type
if (@publisher_db is NULL or @publication is NULL)
and @publication_type is NULL
raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@publication_type', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
return (1)
-- validate @mode
if (@mode not in (@modeallsubscription,@modeinerroronly,@modeinwarningonly,@modeinerrorandwarningonly
raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@mode', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
return (1)
-- initialize constants
select @expiration = 1
,@latency = 2
,@curdate = getdate()

-- create temp table to get the monitoring data
create table #tmp_replication_monitordata
publication_id int
,publisher sysname
,publisher_srvid int
,publisher_db sysname
,publication sysname
,publication_type int
,agent_type int
,agent_name sysname
,job_id uniqueidentifier
,status int
,isagentrunningnow bit
,warning int -- latest session's warning
,last_distsync datetime -- last sync time
,agentstoptime datetime -- agent stop time
,distdb sysname null
,retention int
,time_stamp datetime null
,worst_latency int
,best_latency int
,avg_latency int
,cur_latency int
,mergePerformance int
,mergelatestsessionrunduration int
,mergelatestsessionrunspeed float
,mergelatestsessionconnectiontype int
,retention_period_unit tinyint
if @@error != 0
raiserror(20507, 16, 3, '#tmp_replication_monitordata', 'tempdb')
return 1
-- build indices
create nonclustered index nc1tmp_replication_monitordata
on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publisher_srvid)
create nonclustered index nc2tmp_replication_monitordata
on #tmp_replication_monitordata(agent_type)
create nonclustered index nc4tmp_replication_monitordata
on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publisher)
create nonclustered index nc5tmp_replication_monitordata
on #tmp_replication_monitordata(publication, publisher_db)
create nonclustered index nc6tmp_replication_monitordata
on #tmp_replication_monitordata(agent_name)
if (@@error != 0)
return 1
-- Get refresh data
exec @retcode = sys.sp_replmonitorrefreshdata @publisher=@publisher
,@refreshpolicy = @refreshpolicy
if @@error != 0 or @retcode != 0
return 1

-- set @publication_type for specific publication query
-- and validate
if (@publication_type is null)
select @publication_type = publication_type
from #tmp_replication_monitordata
where upper(publisher) = upper(@publisher)
and publisher_db = @publisher_db
and publication = @publication
else if (@publication_type not in (0,1,2))
raiserror(20587, 16, -1, '@publication_type', 'sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription')
return (1)
-- Adjust the rows to return
if (@mode in (@modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming))
if (@mode = @modetop25worstperforming)
select @topnum = case when (isnull(@topnum, 30) > 25) then 25 else @topnum end
select @topnum = case when (isnull(@topnum, 60) > 50) then 50 else @topnum end
-- process based on publication_type
if (@publication_type in (0,1))
create table #tmp_subscriptiondata
-- static
publisher_srvid int
,publisher_db sysname
,publication sysname
,publication_id int
,subscriber_id int
,subscriber sysname null
,subscriber_db sysname
,publication_type int -- Type of publication: 0 = Transactional, 1 = Snapshot, 2 = Merge
,subtype int -- Type of subscription: dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions.subscription_type
-- 0 = Push, 1 = Pull, 2 = Anonymous
,subscription_time datetime
-- dynamic
,status int
,warning int
,monitorranking int
,last_distsync datetime
-- tran
,distribution_agentname sysname null
,logreaderagent_status int null
,latency int
,latencythreshold int
,agentnotrunning int
,agentnotrunningthreshold int
,timetoexpiration int
,expirationthreshold int
-- merge
-- fill mergesubscriptionfriendlyname by dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions.description
,mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname null
,mergeconnectiontype int null
,mergeagentname sysname null
,mergeagentlocation sysname null
-- among all session of this subscription, depending on latest connection type
-- calc average of run_speed among the subset,
-- current_run_speed/avg_run_speed
,mergePerformance int null
,mergerunspeed float null -- latest running session
,mergerunduration int null -- latest running session
-- Added later - see if we can reorder
,distributionagentjobid binary(16) null
,mergeagentjobid binary(16) null
,distributionagentid int null
,distributionagentprofileid int null
,mergeagentid int null
,mergeagentprofileid int null
,logreaderagentname sysname null
-- -only for SQL11 or later
,publisher sysname null

create clustered index csubscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (monitorranking desc)
create index nc1subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (distribution_agentname)
create index nc2subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (latency desc)
create index nc3subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (mergePerformance)
create index nc4subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (publisher_srvid, publisher_db, publication_id, subscriber_db, subscriber_id)
create index nc5subscriptiondata on #tmp_subscriptiondata (mergeagentname)

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- build #tmp_subscriptiondata for tran
-- both snaphot and transactional subscriptions will have a distribution agent
-- Get the subscription details based on the distribution agent
insert into #tmp_subscriptiondata
select distinct s.subscriber_id,
case when s.anonymous_subid is not null then -- anonymous subscription
upper(s.subscriber_name) -- name is stored in subscriber_name instead of sys.servers
from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
join dbo.MSdistribution_agents as s with (nolock)
on r.publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
and r.publisher_db = s.publisher_db collate database_default
and (r.publication = s.publication collate database_default or s.publication = 'ALL' collate database_default)
and s.subscriber_id >= 0 -- skip the virtual subscriptions
and (r.agent_type & 3) = 3 -- we select the distribution agent entries to optimize
and (@exclude_anonymous = 0 or s.anonymous_subid is null) -- anonymous
and r.job_id = cast(s.job_id as uniqueidentifier)
join sys.servers as srv
on srv.server_id = s.subscriber_id
-- get the latest subscription_time for the subscription to each publication
update #tmp_subscriptiondata
set subscription_time = (select max(s.subscription_time)
from dbo.MSsubscriptions as s with (nolock)
where subscriber_id = s.subscriber_id
and subscriber_db = s.subscriber_db
and publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
and publisher_db = s.publisher_db
and publication_id = s.publication_id
and subtype = s.subscription_type)
-- The logreader agent status needs to incorporated in the subscription status
update #tmp_subscriptiondata
set logreaderagent_status = isnull(r.status,0)
,logreaderagentname = r.agent_name
from #tmp_subscriptiondata as s
join #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
on s.publisher_srvid = r.publisher_srvid
and s.publisher_db = r.publisher_db
and r.agent_type=2
and s.publication_type = 0
-- set the status of the subscription based on the type of
-- publication and agents status that are involved
-- populate the threshold values
-- populate other fields from #tmp_replication_monitordata
update #tmp_subscriptiondata
set expirationthreshold = cast(sys.fn_replgetpublicationthreshold(r.publication_id, @expiration) as int)
,latencythreshold = cast(sys.fn_replgetpublicationthreshold(r.publication_id, @latency) as int)
,warning = r.warning
,status = case
-- when snapshot publication - use distribution agent status
when (r.publication_type = 1) then r.status
-- else we have transactional publication
-- Error = when any one agent has error
when (r.status = 6 or logreaderagent_status = 6) then 6
-- Retry = when any one agent has retry
when (r.status = 5 or logreaderagent_status = 5) then 5
-- Stopped = when any one agent has stopped
when (r.status = 2 or logreaderagent_status = 2) then 2
-- Idle (Running) = when both agents are idle
when (r.status = 4 and logreaderagent_status = 4) then 4
-- Inprogress (Running) = when any one agent is in progress and the other is still running
when (r.status = 3 and logreaderagent_status in (3, 4)
or logreaderagent_status = 3 and r.status in (3, 4)) then 3
-- Startup (Running) = when any one agent is in startup and the other is still running
when (r.status = 1 and logreaderagent_status in (1, 3, 4)
or logreaderagent_status = 1 and r.status in (1, 3, 4)) then 1
-- we should not come here
else 0
,latency = r.cur_latency
,agentnotrunning = case when (r.agentstoptime is null) then null else datediff(hour, r.agentstoptime, @curdate) end
,last_distsync = r.last_distsync
,timetoexpiration = case when (r.retention is null) then null else datediff(hour, @curdate, dateadd(hour, r.retention, subscription_time)) end
from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
where r.agent_name = distribution_agentname
-- Set the monitor ranking based on status, warning, publication_type
update #tmp_subscriptiondata
set monitorranking = sys.fn_replmonitorsubscriptionranking(status, warning, publication_type)
-- set the rowcount if necessary
if @topnum is not null
set rowcount @topnum
-- return the rowset based on mode
from #tmp_subscriptiondata
@mode in (@modeallsubscription, @modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming) -- return all subscriptions
or (@mode = @modeinerroronly and monitorranking = 60) -- return only ones in error
or (@mode = @modeinwarningonly and monitorranking between 50 and 59 ) -- return only ones with warning
or (@mode = @modeinerrorandwarningonly and monitorranking between 50 and 60 ) -- return only ones with warning or error
or (@mode = @modesynchronizing and status in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with running agents
or (@mode = @modenotsynchronizing and status not in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with stopped agents
order by monitorranking desc -- highest rank will be shown first
,latency desc -- highest latency first
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- handle merge subscriptions
declare @publisher_id smallint
select @publisher_id = srvid from master.dbo.sysservers where
UPPER(srvname collate database_default) = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default

-- set the rowcount if necessary
if @topnum is not null
set rowcount @topnum
-- return the rowset based on mode
,timetoexpiration = case when (sub.retention is null) then null else (case when sub.retention_period_unit = 0 then datediff(hour, @curdate, dateadd(hour, sub.retention, sub.last_distsync)) else (datediff(hour, @curdate, sys.fn_add_units_to_date(sub.retention, sub.retention_period_unit, sub.last_distsync))) end) end
-- static
subscriber = upper(agents.subscriber_name)
,subscriber_id = agents.subscriber_id
,subscriber_db = agents.subscriber_db
,publisher_srvid = r.publisher_srvid
,publisher_db = r.publisher_db
,publication = r.publication
,publication_id = r.publication_id
,publication_type = r.publication_type
,subtype = case when agents.anonymous_subid is not null then 2 else s.subscription_type end
-- dynamic
,status = r.status
,warning = r.warning
,agentnotrunning = case when (r.agentstoptime is null) then null else datediff(hour, @curdate, r.agentstoptime) end
,last_distsync = r.last_distsync
,subscription_time = s.subscription_time
-- merge perf
,mergeagentname = agents.name
-- ,'agentname'
,mergeagentlocation = case when s.subscription_type=0 then @publisher else UPPER(agents.subscriber_name) end
,mergesubscriptionfriendlyname = s.description
,mergeconnectiontype = mergelatestsessionconnectiontype
,mergerunduration = r.mergelatestsessionrunduration
-- 2,NULL
,mergePerformance = r.mergePerformance
,mergeagentjobid = agents.job_id
,mergeagentid = agents.id
,mergeagentprofileid = agents.profile_id
,retention = r.retention
,retention_period_unit = r.retention_period_unit
,monitorranking = case when (r.status > 5 or r.warning > 0) then sys.fn_replmonitorsubscriptionranking(r.status, r.warning, r.publication_type) else (case when r.status = 0 then 50 else (case when r.status = 5 then 40 else (case when r.status = 2 then 20 else 30 end) end) end) end
,latency = NULL
,latencythreshold = NULL
,agentnotrunningthreshold = NULL
,distribution_agentname = NULL
,distributionagentjobid = NULL
,distributionagentid = NULL
,distributionagentprofileid = NULL
,logreaderagentname = NULL
,expirationthreshold = NULL
from #tmp_replication_monitordata as r
join dbo.MSmerge_agents agents with (nolock)
on agents.name = r.agent_name collate database_default
and (@exclude_anonymous = 0 or agents.anonymous_subid is null)
and ((@publisher is null and agents.publisher_id is not null) or (agents.publisher_id=@publisher_id))
and agents.publisher_db=r.publisher_db collate database_default
and agents.publication=r.publication collate database_default
and (r.agent_type & 4) = 4 -- for merge only

left outer join dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions as s with (nolock)
on r.publisher_srvid = s.publisher_id
and r.publisher_db = s.publisher_db collate database_default
and r.publication_id = s.publication_id
and s.subscriber is not NULL -- skip the virtual entries in dbo.MSsubscriptions
and UPPER(agents.subscriber_name)=UPPER(s.subscriber)
and agents.subscriber_db=s.subscriber_db

) as sub
@mode = @modeallsubscription -- return all subscriptions
or (@mode in (@modetop25worstperforming, @modetop50worstperforming) and sub.mergePerformance is not null) -- return worst 25/50 subscriptions based on perf.
or (@mode = @modeinerroronly and sub.monitorranking = 60) -- return only ones in error
or (@mode = @modeinwarningonly and sub.monitorranking between 50 and 59 ) -- return only ones with warning
or (@mode = @modeinerrorandwarningonly and sub.monitorranking between 50 and 60 ) -- return only ones with warning or error
or (@mode = @modesynchronizing and sub.status in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with running agents
or (@mode = @modenotsynchronizing and sub.status not in (1,3,4)) -- return only ones with stopped agents
order by sub.monitorranking desc -- highest rank will be shown first
,sub.mergePerformance asc -- lowest mergePerformance first
-- all done
return 0

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