The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_registercustomresolver(nvarchar @article_resolver, nvarchar @resolver_clsid
, nvarchar @is_dotnet_assembly
, nvarchar @dotnet_assembly_name
, nvarchar @dotnet_class_name)
-- -- Name: sp_registercustomresolver -- -- Description: This procedure registers custom resolvers into the MSmerge_articleresolver table in the distribution database -- This proc should be called in the context of the distribution database -- -- Parameters: -- 1. @article_resolver nvarchar(255) -- This parameter contains the friendly name of the custom resolver or business logic handler -- 2. @resolver_clsid nvarchar(50), -- This parameter must be set to a valid CLSID if registering a COM resolver and to NULL while registering a .NET Framework Assembly -- 3. @is_dotnet_assembly nvarchar(10) -- This parameter must be set to TRUE while registering a .NET Framework Assembly and false otherwise -- 4. @dotnet_assembly_name nvarchar(255) -- For business logic handlers which are .NET assemblies, this parameter either contains the name of the .NET Assembly such as -- "Sample Business Logic Module For Shippers.dll" if the .NET assembly is deployed into the same directory as the -- merge agent. Optionally a fully qualified name such as 'C:\Assemblies\COM\Resources\Sample Business Logic Module For Shippers.dll' -- must be provided that allows the merge agent to load the .NET assembly using the fully qualified path name. -- 5. @dotnet_class_name nvarchar(255) -- For business logic handlers which are .NET assemblies, this parameter either contains the name of the .NET class that implements -- the BusinessLogicModule class such as "Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicHandler.OrderEntryBusinessLogicHandler" -- -- create procedure sys.sp_registercustomresolver @article_resolver nvarchar(255), @resolver_clsid nvarchar(50) = NULL, -- This must be set to a valid CLSID if registering a COM resolver and to NULL for a .NET Framework Assembly @is_dotnet_assembly nvarchar(10) = 'false', -- This flag must be set to TRUE while registering a .NET Framework Assembly @dotnet_assembly_name nvarchar(255) = NULL, -- For .NET Framework Assemblies, this parameter must be set to the name of the .NET assembly that implements the BusinessLogicModule class @dotnet_class_name nvarchar(255) = NULL -- For .NET Framework Assemblies, this parameter must be set to the name of the .NET class that implements the BusinessLogicModule class AS declare @retcode int exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if (@retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0) return 1 if @article_resolver IS NULL or @article_resolver = '' begin RAISERROR (21717, 16, -1) return 1 end if LOWER(@is_dotnet_assembly collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14137, 16, -1) return 1 END if LOWER(@is_dotnet_assembly collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' begin if @resolver_clsid IS NOT NULL begin RAISERROR (21807, 16, -1) return 1 end if @dotnet_assembly_name IS NULL or @dotnet_assembly_name = '' begin RAISERROR (21856, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return 1 end if @dotnet_class_name IS NULL or @dotnet_class_name = '' begin RAISERROR (21808, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return 1 end set @resolver_clsid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' end else begin if @resolver_clsid IS NULL or @resolver_clsid = '' begin RAISERROR (21718, 16, -1) return 1 end end -- this proc can only execute in the distribution database context if object_id (N'MSmerge_articleresolver') is null begin raiserror(25026, 16, -1) return 1 end -- Insert a new row into MSmerge_articleresolver if the resolver does not exist, otherwise, update it. if LOWER(@is_dotnet_assembly collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' begin -- in the case when the resolver is a .NET resolver if not exists( select * from dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver where article_resolver = @article_resolver) insert into dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver( article_resolver, resolver_clsid, is_dotnet_assembly, dotnet_assembly_name, dotnet_class_name) values( @article_resolver, @resolver_clsid, 1, @dotnet_assembly_name, @dotnet_class_name) else update dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver set resolver_clsid = @resolver_clsid, is_dotnet_assembly = 1, dotnet_assembly_name = @dotnet_assembly_name, dotnet_class_name = @dotnet_class_name where article_resolver = @article_resolver end else begin -- in the case when the resolver is not a .NET resolver if not exists( select * from dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver where article_resolver = @article_resolver) insert into dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver( article_resolver, resolver_clsid, is_dotnet_assembly, dotnet_assembly_name, dotnet_class_name) values( @article_resolver, @resolver_clsid, 0, NULL, NULL) else update dbo.MSmerge_articleresolver set resolver_clsid = @resolver_clsid, is_dotnet_assembly = 0, dotnet_assembly_name = NULL, dotnet_class_name = NULL where article_resolver = @article_resolver end return @retcode
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