The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_replicationdboption(nvarchar @dbname, nvarchar @optname
, nvarchar @value
, bit @ignore_distributor
, bit @from_scripting)
create procedure sys.sp_replicationdboption ( @dbname sysname, @optname sysname, @value sysname, @ignore_distributor bit = 0, @from_scripting bit = 0 ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Declarations. -- DECLARE @retcode int, @optbit int, @optbit_value int, -- Desired value with the optbit mask @proc nvarchar(512), @category int, @value_bit bit, @command nvarchar(4000), @backup_proc nvarchar(1000), @testStr nvarchar(300), @num_mergedb int, @flush_proc nvarchar(300), @done_proc nvarchar(300), @clearcache_proc nvarchar(300), @containment tinyint select @optname = LOWER(@optname) ,@value = LOWER(@value) ,@num_mergedb = null -- -- Security Check: require sysadmin -- IF (ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'),0) = 0) BEGIN RAISERROR(21089,16,-1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter check -- @dbname -- SELECT @category = category FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname collate database_default if @category is null BEGIN RAISERROR(15010, 16, -1, @dbname) RETURN(1) END SELECT @containment=containment FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @dbname collate database_default if @containment is null BEGIN RAISERROR(15010, 16, -1, @dbname) RETURN(1) END -- -- Parameter check -- @type -- IF @optname is null or @optname NOT IN (N'publish',N'merge publish',N'subscribe',N'sync with backup' ) BEGIN RAISERROR(14138,16,-1,@optname) RETURN(1) END -- Verify that this SKU is allowed to be a publisher if @optname in (N'publish',N'merge publish') and @value = N'true' begin exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSsku_allows_replication if @@error<>0 return 1 if @retcode <> 0 begin raiserror(21106, 16, -1) return (1) end end -- -- Contained Database check (Replication is not yet supported on contained databases) -- If the specified database exists and is a contained database, then we error out. -- -- if @containment != 0 BEGIN RAISERROR(12839, 16, -1, @dbname) RETURN(1) END -- -- Parameter check -- @value -- IF @value NOT IN (N'true',N'false') BEGIN RAISERROR(14137,16,-1) RETURN(1) END -- -- If we're in a transaction, disallow this since it might make recovery -- impossible. -- -- IF @@trancount > 0 BEGIN RAISERROR(15002,16,-1,'sp_replicationdboption') RETURN(1) END IF @optname = N'publish' BEGIN SELECT @optbit = 1 SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_MSpublishdb' END ELSE IF @optname = N'merge publish' BEGIN SELECT @optbit = 4 SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_MSmergepublishdb' END ELSE IF @optname = N'subscribe' BEGIN SELECT @optbit = 2 END ELSE IF @optname = N'sync with backup' BEGIN SELECT @optbit = 32 END IF @value = N'true' begin SELECT @optbit_value = @optbit select @value_bit = 1 end ELSE begin select @value_bit = 0 SELECT @optbit_value = 0 end -- -- Check if the option is set as required already -- if (@category & @optbit) = @optbit_value BEGIN if @value = N'true' RAISERROR (14035, 10, -1, @optname, @dbname) else RAISERROR (14037, 10, -1, @optname, @dbname) RETURN (1) END -- If turning on 'sync with backup', make sure 'publish' or 'dist' is turned on already. if @optbit_value = 32 and (@category & 1 = 0 and @category & 16 = 0) begin raiserror(20019, 16, -1, 'sync with backup') return (1) end -- We do not allow turning on sync with backup mode at publishing db if the db is -- in simple recovery mode if @optbit_value = 32 and @category & 1 <> 0 and databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'recovery') = N'SIMPLE' begin raiserror(20622, 16, -1, 'sync with backup') return (1) end -- If turning off 'publish', turn off 'sync with backup' as well if the database -- is not a distribution database. if @optbit = 1 and @optbit_value = 0 and @category & 32 <> 0 and @category & 16 = 0 begin EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_replicationdboption @dbname = @dbname, @optname = N'sync with backup', @value = N'false', @ignore_distributor = @ignore_distributor, @from_scripting = @from_scripting IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 BEGIN GOTO UNDO END end -- if turning on 'sync with backup' a distribution database, initialize the backup lsns -- to nulls, this should be done before the category bit is set. if @optbit_value = 32 and @category & 16 <> 0 begin SELECT @backup_proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.dbo.sp_MSrepl_init_backup_lsns' exec @retcode = @backup_proc if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto UNDO end -- -- Prepare the required option -- if @proc is not null begin if (@optname IN (N'publish',N'merge publish' ) and (@value = N'false')) begin -- -- check db state in try block, if failed, goto IGNORE so db can be unmarked (and dropped later) -- avoid putting try block on sp_MSpublishdb as it may fail with other error within nested tran -- BEGIN TRY SELECT @testStr = N'use ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + ' begin tran save tran test_read_write commit tran' exec (@testStr) END TRY BEGIN CATCH declare @number int ,@sev int ,@state int ,@msg nvarchar(max) select @number = ERROR_NUMBER(), @sev = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @state = ERROR_STATE(), @msg = ERROR_MESSAGE() raiserror(14166, 11, 1, @number, @sev, @state, @msg) goto IGNORE END CATCH end EXEC @retcode = @proc @value = @value, @ignore_distributor = @ignore_distributor IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 BEGIN GOTO UNDO END end IGNORE: -- Consider: Lock database using EXEC %%CurrentDatabase().Lock()?? -- rmak: Doesn't seem necessary nor is the right thing to do as -- %%CurrentDatabase().Lock locks only the current database (master) -- -- Preparation succeeded. -- Toggle the category bit in master.dbo.sysdatabases -- IF @optname = N'publish' BEGIN -- clear dbtable fields -- no check for IsPublished here, as it is taken care of above if @value_bit = 0 AND CONVERT(sysname,DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'status')) = N'READ_WRITE' AND HAS_DBACCESS(@dbname) = 1 -- if cdc is still enabled, don't call sp_repldone AND not exists(select * from sys.databases where db_id(@dbname) = database_id and is_cdc_enabled = 1) BEGIN SELECT @flush_proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_replflush' SELECT @done_proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_repldone' exec @flush_proc exec @done_proc NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1 exec @flush_proc END EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @dbname).SetPublished(Value = @value_bit) END ELSE IF @optname = N'merge publish' EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @dbname).SetMergePublished(Value = @value_bit) ELSE IF @optname = N'subscribe' EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @dbname).SetSubscribed(Value = @value_bit) ELSE IF @optname = N'sync with backup' EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @dbname).SetSyncWithBackup(Value = @value_bit) IF ((@optname = N'merge publish') or (@optname = N'publish')) begin if (convert(sysname,DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'status')) = N'ONLINE') begin -- sysreplservers needs to be refreshed when: -- 1. 'publish' or 'merge publish' is being set to true -- 2. 'publish' or 'merge publish' is being set to false and db is no longer published for either if(@value_bit = 1 or (@value_bit = 0 and(DatabasePropertyEx(@dbname, 'IsPublished') = 0) and (DatabasePropertyEx(@dbname, 'IsMergePublished') = 0))) begin SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_refreshreplsysservers' EXEC @retcode = @proc IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 GOTO UNDO end end end if @optname = N'merge publish' begin if @value = N'true' begin -- Set the 'startup' option for sp_MScleanupmergepublisher if the -- database is enabled for merge replication. exec (N'use master exec sys.sp_procoption N''sp_MScleanupmergepublisher'', N''startup'', N''true''') end else begin -- Reset the 'startup' option for sp_MScleanupmergepublisher if -- this is the last database that has its 'merge publish' option -- disabled select @num_mergedb = count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where (category & 4) <> 0 if @num_mergedb = 0 begin exec (N'use master exec sys.sp_procoption N''sp_MScleanupmergepublisher'', N''startup'', N''false''') end end end IF ((@optname = N'merge publish') or (@optname = N'publish')) and (@value = N'true') BEGIN -- Add expired subscription cleanup job and alerts EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_add_expired_sub_cleanup_job IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 GOTO UNDO END IF ((@optname = N'merge publish') or (@optname = N'publish')) and (@value = N'false') BEGIN -- Drop expired subscription cleanup job and alerts EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_drop_expired_sub_cleanup_job IF (@@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0) RETURN (1) END -- drop symetric keys if the database is online -- note that here on a failure we will throw an error IF CONVERT(sysname, DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'status')) = N'ONLINE' BEGIN SELECT @proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_dropreplsymmetrickey' EXEC @retcode = @proc @check_replication = 1, @throw_error = 1 IF (@@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0) RETURN (1) END -- -- ??? -- CHECKPOINT the database that was changed. Make the change -- effective immediatly -- CHECKPOINT IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN RETURN(1) END IF @optname = N'publish' and @value_bit = 0 and not exists(select * from sys.databases where db_id(@dbname) = database_id and is_cdc_enabled = 1) BEGIN SELECT @clearcache_proc = QUOTENAME(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_replhelp' EXEC @clearcache_proc N'ClearDbArticleCache' -- clear article cache for this database EXEC @clearcache_proc N'DisablePerDbHistoryCache' -- clear DMV cache for this database END RETURN(0) UNDO: -- Create system table is not allowed in a multi-statement transactions. -- Drop the tables here IF @value = N'true' EXEC sys.sp_replicationdboption @dbname = @dbname, @optname = @optname, @value = N'false', @ignore_distributor = @ignore_distributor return(1)
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