The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSpublicationview(nvarchar @publication, int @force_flag
, bit @max_network_optimization
, nvarchar @articlename)
create procedure sys.sp_MSpublicationview( @publication sysname, @force_flag int = 0, -- force_flag = 1 : pub-wide mode, force_flag = 2 : article mode @max_network_optimization bit = 0, @articlename sysname = NULL ) AS declare @pubid uniqueidentifier declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @join_articlename nvarchar(270) declare @join_viewname nvarchar(270) declare @join_before_view nvarchar(270) declare @before_name nvarchar(270) declare @before_viewname nvarchar(270) declare @unqual_sourcename nvarchar(270) declare @unqual_sourcename2 nvarchar(540) declare @article nvarchar(270) declare @art_nick int declare @join_nick int declare @join_filterclause nvarchar(1000) declare @bool_filterclause nvarchar(4000) declare @bool_filterclause_modified nvarchar(4000) declare @view_rule nvarchar(max) declare @before_view_rule nvarchar(max) declare @partition_view_rule nvarchar(max) declare @partition_deleted_view_rule nvarchar(max) declare @partition_inserted_view_rule nvarchar(max) declare @before_objid int declare @article_level int declare @progress int declare @art int declare @viewname nvarchar(270) declare @procname nvarchar(300) declare @source_objid int declare @source_object nvarchar(270) declare @sync_objid int declare @bitset int declare @permanent int declare @temporary int declare @filter_id int declare @filter_id_str nvarchar(10) declare @guidstr nvarchar(40) declare @pubidstr nvarchar(40) declare @rgcol nvarchar(270) declare @view_type int declare @belongsname nvarchar(270) declare @join_nickstr nvarchar(10) declare @unqual_jointable nvarchar(270) declare @retcode smallint declare @hasguid int declare @vertical_partition int declare @join_unique_key int declare @simple_join_view int declare @join_filterid int declare @allhaveguids int declare @command nvarchar(max) declare @objid int declare @owner nvarchar(270) declare @table nvarchar(270) declare @quoted_obj nvarchar(290) declare @quoted_rowguid nvarchar(290) declare @quoted_partition_view nvarchar(290) declare @before_rowguidname sysname declare @snapshot_ready int declare @columns varbinary(128) declare @column_list nvarchar(max) declare @colname nvarchar(270) declare @colid int declare @dynamic_filters bit declare @alias_for_sourceobject sysname declare @prefixed_column_list nvarchar(max) declare @partition_view_id int declare @partition_view_name nvarchar(270), @logical_record_view nvarchar(270) declare @joinart_partition_view_name nvarchar(270) declare @use_partition_groups smallint, @dynamic_filters_function_list nvarchar(500) declare @partition_column_list nvarchar(max) declare @join_view_id int, @joinart_partition_view_id int, @join_before_view_id int declare @publication_number smallint -- Security check exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1) set @progress = 1 set @article_level = 0 set @permanent = 1 set @temporary = 2 set @allhaveguids = 1 set @before_rowguidname = NULL -- -- Only legal publisher can run this stored procedure -- set nocount on -- make sure current database is enabled for merge replication -- exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSCheckmergereplication if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 return (1) select @pubid = pubid, @snapshot_ready = snapshot_ready, @dynamic_filters = dynamic_filters, @use_partition_groups = use_partition_groups, @dynamic_filters_function_list = dynamic_filters_function_list, @publication_number = publication_number FROM dbo.sysmergepublications WHERE name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name() IF @pubid IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20026, 11, -1, @publication) RETURN (1) END select @table=object_name(objid) from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and (columns is NULL or columns = 0x00) if @table is not NULL begin raiserror(21318, 16, -1, @table) return (1) end -- If snapshot is already ready, views are good. Don't drop and recreate as someone -- might be using them. if @snapshot_ready = 1 and @force_flag = 0 return (0) -- If the snapshot is not ready and calling code is running sp_MSpublication_view in article mode and not pub-wide mode -- then force the behaviour to the pub-wide mode if @snapshot_ready <> 1 and @force_flag = 2 set @force_flag = 1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSguidtostr @pubid, @pubidstr out if @@ERROR <>0 OR @retcode <>0 return (1) create table #art(indexcol int identity NOT NULL, art_nick int NOT NULL, article_level int NOT NULL) if @@ERROR <> 0 begin goto FAILURE end begin tran save tran sp_MSpublicationview while @progress > 0 BEGIN -- -- Select articles that have either a boolean_filter or at least one join filter -- into a temp table in an optimized order. -- -- This inserts into #art the article levels of all articles. insert into #art(art_nick, article_level) select nickname, @article_level from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and nickname not in (select art_nick from #art) and nickname not in (select art_nickname from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid=@pubid and (filter_type & 1) = 1 and join_nickname not in (select art_nick from #art)) -- -- NOTENOTE: add error checking here. -- set @progress = @@rowcount select @article_level = @article_level + 1 END -- -- When the force_flag is 2, sp_MSpublicationview is being invoked from code paths such as DDL - ADD/DROP/ALTER COLUMN -- and sp_repladdcolumn/sp_repldropcolumn - In that case - prune the #art table by removing nicknames that are not related -- to the article name that is passed int -- if (@force_flag = 2) begin select @art_nick = nickname from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and name = @articlename delete from #art where art_nick not in (select distinct nickname from sys.fn_MSdetermine_related_articles(@art_nick)) end select @art_nick = NULL -- Views for a particular article are being recreated only. if (@force_flag = 2) begin select @art_nick = nickname, @artid = artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and name = @articlename if (@art_nick is NOT NULL) begin -- Drop the old view -- select @viewname = OBJECT_NAME (sync_objid), @before_viewname = OBJECT_NAME(before_view_objid), @partition_view_name = OBJECT_NAME(partition_view_id), @logical_record_view = object_name(logical_record_view) from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @art_nick if @viewname IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end if @before_viewname IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@before_viewname) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end if @partition_view_name is not null begin select @quoted_partition_view = QUOTENAME(@partition_view_name) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_partition_view) end if object_id(@logical_record_view) is not NULL and not exists (select * from sysmergepartitioninfo where logical_record_view = object_id(@logical_record_view) and pubid <> @pubid) begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@logical_record_view) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end -- Update the row in dbo.sysmergearticles -- update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_type = 0, sync_objid = objid, before_view_objid = NULL where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @art_nick if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo set partition_view_id = NULL, partition_deleted_view_rule = NULL, partition_inserted_view_rule = NULL, logical_record_view = NULL, logical_record_parent_nickname = NULL, logical_record_deleted_view_rule = NULL where pubid = @pubid and artid = @artid if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE end end else begin -- Drop the old views and reset sync_objid -- select top 1 @art_nick = nickname, @artid = artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and objid<>sync_objid order by nickname while @art_nick is not null begin -- Drop the old view -- select @viewname = OBJECT_NAME (sync_objid), @before_viewname = OBJECT_NAME(before_view_objid), @partition_view_name = OBJECT_NAME(partition_view_id), @logical_record_view = object_name(logical_record_view) from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @art_nick if @viewname IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end if @before_viewname IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@before_viewname) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end if @partition_view_name is not null begin select @quoted_partition_view = QUOTENAME(@partition_view_name) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_partition_view) end if object_id(@logical_record_view) is not NULL and not exists (select * from sysmergepartitioninfo where logical_record_view = object_id(@logical_record_view) and pubid <> @pubid) begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@logical_record_view) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) end -- Update the row in dbo.sysmergearticles -- update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_type = 0, sync_objid = objid, before_view_objid = NULL where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @art_nick if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo set partition_view_id = NULL, partition_deleted_view_rule = NULL, partition_inserted_view_rule = NULL, logical_record_view = NULL, logical_record_parent_nickname = NULL, logical_record_deleted_view_rule = NULL where pubid = @pubid and artid = @artid if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE select @art_nick = NULL, @artid = NULL -- Find the next one -- select top 1 @art_nick = nickname, @artid = artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and objid<>sync_objid order by nickname end end -- do the following only after all tables have been "activated" i.e. rowguid column has been added -- basically this proc gets calls twice from the snapshot agent. Once before rowguidcols are present -- and once after the rowguid columns have been created. We want the partition groups related setup -- to happen only afte rowguidcols have been established. select @art_nick = min(nickname) from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid while @art_nick is not null begin select @objid = objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @art_nick if not exists (select name from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and is_rowguidcol=1) set @allhaveguids = 0 select @art_nick = min(nickname) from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid and nickname > @art_nick end if @allhaveguids = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetup_use_partition_groups @publication if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE select @use_partition_groups = use_partition_groups from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid end if (@use_partition_groups = 1) begin create table #list_of_functions (function_name_with_parens nvarchar(500), function_name_without_parens sysname) exec @retcode = sp_MSsetup_function_list_table @pubid if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE end set @art = 0 select @art=min(indexcol) from #art where indexcol>@art while (@art is not null) begin select @art_nick=art_nick, @article_level = article_level from #art where indexcol = @art select @article = name, @artid = artid, @columns = columns, @source_objid = objid, @sync_objid = sync_objid, @procname = view_sel_proc, @partition_view_id = partition_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname=@art_nick and pubid = @pubid -- first create the before image table if one is needed exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreatebeforetable @source_objid if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE select @before_objid = before_image_objid from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname=@art_nick and pubid = @pubid exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetcolumnlist @pubid, @column_list OUTPUT, @source_objid exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetfiltercolumnlist @pubid, @partition_column_list OUTPUT, @source_objid if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE set @before_name = OBJECT_NAME(@before_objid) if @before_name is not null begin select @before_rowguidname=name from sys.columns where object_id=@source_objid and is_rowguidcol=1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSguidtostr @pubid, @guidstr out set @before_viewname = @before_name + '_v_' + @guidstr end else set @before_viewname = NULL -- Owner-qualify the name for perf (less recompiles). select @before_name = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(@before_objid)) from sys.objects where object_id = @before_objid exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSguidtostr @artid, @guidstr out if @@ERROR <>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE select @source_object = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(name) from sys.objects where object_id = @source_objid select @unqual_sourcename = QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(@source_objid)) select @unqual_sourcename2 = sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@source_object) select @bool_filterclause=subset_filterclause, @vertical_partition=vertical_partition from dbo.sysmergearticles where name = @article and pubid = @pubid -- verify the syntax of boolean filter, if added with vertical-partition to true -- in this case, the filter clause can contain columns that do not exist in the partition. if len(@bool_filterclause) > 0 begin select @bool_filterclause = ' (' + @bool_filterclause + ') ' end set @rgcol = NULL select @rgcol = QUOTENAME(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @source_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @rgcol is not NULL set @hasguid = 1 else begin set @hasguid = 0 set @allhaveguids = 0 end -- -- Process non looping articles that have either a boolean or a join_filter. -- if ( @article_level > 0 OR (len(@bool_filterclause) > 0) ) begin -- -- If the article has a previously generated view, then drop the view before -- creating the new one. -- set @partition_view_name = NULL select @partition_view_name = name from sys.objects where object_id = @partition_view_id and type = 'V' and is_ms_shipped = 1 if @partition_view_name IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_partition_view = QUOTENAME(@partition_view_name) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_partition_view) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end set @viewname = NULL select @viewname = name from sys.objects where object_id = @sync_objid and type='V' and is_ms_shipped = 1 if @viewname IS NOT NULL begin select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end -- -- Any join filter(s)? If any, process join filter(s) -- if (@article_level > 0) begin declare pub1 CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select join_filterclause, join_nickname, join_articlename, join_unique_key, join_filterid from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid and (filter_type & 1)=1 FOR READ ONLY open pub1 fetch pub1 into @join_filterclause, @join_nick, @join_articlename, @join_unique_key, @join_filterid select @join_filterclause=' ( ' + @join_filterclause + ') ' select @unqual_jointable = QUOTENAME(name) from sys.objects where object_id = (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where name=@join_articlename and pubid=@pubid) select @join_viewname = NULL, @joinart_partition_view_name = NULL, @join_before_view = NULL if @max_network_optimization = 0 select @join_view_id = sync_objid, @join_before_view_id = before_image_objid, @joinart_partition_view_id = partition_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @join_nick and pubid = @pubid else select @join_view_id = sync_objid, @join_before_view_id = case when before_view_objid is null then before_image_objid else before_view_objid end, @joinart_partition_view_id = partition_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @join_nick and pubid = @pubid -- Owner qualify the names for perf (less recompilations). select @join_viewname = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@join_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_view_id select @joinart_partition_view_name = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@joinart_partition_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @joinart_partition_view_id select @join_before_view = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@join_before_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_before_view_id -- if the parent-child relationship is one-many, AND there is only one parent, and if the child -- itself doesn't have any boolean filters, then use the simple view. if (@join_unique_key = 1 and (@bool_filterclause is null or len(@bool_filterclause) = 0) and not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid and join_filterid <> @join_filterid and (filter_type & 1) = 1)) begin set @simple_join_view = 1 if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' set @view_rule = 'select ' + @column_list + ' from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @join_viewname + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' if @joinart_partition_view_name is not null and @use_partition_groups = 1 begin set @partition_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' end end else begin set @simple_join_view = 0 -- Alias the source object with the unqualified name and use that to select the rowguidcol -- set @view_rule = 'select ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.rowguidcol from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @join_viewname + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' if @joinart_partition_view_name is not null and @use_partition_groups = 1 begin set @partition_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = 'select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' end end if @before_name is not null begin set @before_view_rule = 'select * from ' + @before_name + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where (exists (select * from ' + @join_viewname + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ') ' if @join_before_view is not NULL set @before_view_rule = @before_view_rule + ' or exists (select * from ' + @join_before_view + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ')' end fetch next from pub1 into @join_filterclause, @join_nick, @join_articlename, @join_unique_key, @join_filterid WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select @join_filterclause=' ( ' + @join_filterclause + ') ' select @unqual_jointable= quotename(name) from sys.objects where object_id = (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where name=@join_articlename and pubid=@pubid) select @join_viewname = NULL, @joinart_partition_view_name = NULL, @join_before_view = NULL if @max_network_optimization = 0 select @join_view_id = sync_objid, @join_before_view_id = before_image_objid, @joinart_partition_view_id = partition_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @join_nick and pubid = @pubid else select @join_view_id = sync_objid, @join_before_view_id = case when before_view_objid is null then before_image_objid else before_view_objid end, @joinart_partition_view_id = partition_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @join_nick and pubid = @pubid -- Owner qualify the names for perf (less recompilations). select @join_viewname = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@join_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_view_id select @joinart_partition_view_name = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@joinart_partition_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @joinart_partition_view_id select @join_before_view = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(@join_before_view_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_before_view_id set @view_rule = @view_rule + ' union select ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.rowguidcol from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ', ' + @join_viewname + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' if @before_name is not null begin set @before_view_rule = @before_view_rule + ' or exists (select * from ' + @join_viewname + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ') ' if @join_before_view is not NULL select @before_view_rule = @before_view_rule + ' or exists (select * from ' + @join_before_view + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where ' + @join_filterclause + ') ' end if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' if @joinart_partition_view_name is not null and @use_partition_groups = 1 begin set @partition_view_rule = @partition_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', ' + @unqual_jointable + '.' + 'partition_id from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , ' + @joinart_partition_view_name + ' ' + @unqual_jointable + ' where (' + @join_filterclause + ')' end fetch next from pub1 into @join_filterclause, @join_nick, @join_articlename, @join_unique_key, @join_filterid end close pub1 deallocate pub1 if len(@bool_filterclause) > 0 begin set @view_rule = @view_rule + ' union select ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.rowguidcol from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where '+ @bool_filterclause + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' if @before_name is not null set @before_view_rule = @before_view_rule + ' or ' + @bool_filterclause -- Determine if this boolean filter on this article in this publication has a dynamic filter in it. -- If it does, then join with dbo.dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups with the WHERE boolean filter clause replacing -- all instances of function calls with msp.<column name>. If it doesn't, use a hard-coded -1 for the partition id, -- e.g. select <column list>, -1 from table where bool filter clause. if @use_partition_groups = 1 begin if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' if exists (select * from #list_of_functions where REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(UPPER(@bool_filterclause collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS), char(0x20),''), char(0x09),''), char(0x0D),''), char(0x0A),'') like '%' + UPPER(function_name_with_parens) + '%' and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(UPPER(@bool_filterclause), UPPER(function_name_without_parens), NULL) = 1) begin set @partition_view_rule = @partition_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmodify_boolfilterclause @bool_filterclause, @bool_filterclause_modified OUTPUT set @bool_filterclause_modified= '(' + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE set @partition_view_rule = @partition_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' end else begin set @partition_view_rule = @partition_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule + ' union select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ')' end end end -- Now do the actual view rule as a semi-join, if not a simple join on unique key if (@simple_join_view = 0) begin -- -- Generate a unique alias for the outer select to make sure that it does not generate an -- ambiguous reference with table names used in the join_filter clause -- set @alias_for_sourceobject = 'alias_' + @guidstr exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetcolumnlist @pubid, @prefixed_column_list OUTPUT, @source_objid, @alias_for_sourceobject set @view_rule = 'select ' + @prefixed_column_list + ' from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @alias_for_sourceobject + ' where rowguidcol in (' + @view_rule + ')' + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' end end else -- boolean filter only -- begin select @view_rule = ' select ' + @column_list + ' from '+ @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where '+ @bool_filterclause + ' and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' if @before_name is not null set @before_view_rule = ' select * from ' + @before_name + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where (' + @bool_filterclause -- Determine if this boolean filter on this article in this publication has a dynamic filter in it. -- If it does, then join with dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups with the WHERE boolean filter clause replacing -- all instances of function calls with msp.<column name>. If it doesn't, use a hard-coded -1 for the partition id, -- e.g. select <column list>, -1 from table where bool filter clause. if @use_partition_groups = 1 begin if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' if exists (select * from #list_of_functions where REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(UPPER(@bool_filterclause collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS), char(0x20),''), char(0x09),''), char(0x0D),''), char(0x0A),'') like '%' + UPPER(function_name_with_parens) + '%' and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(UPPER(@bool_filterclause), UPPER(function_name_without_parens), NULL) = 1 ) begin set @partition_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', msp.partition_id from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' , dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups msp where (msp.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmodify_boolfilterclause @bool_filterclause, @bool_filterclause_modified OUTPUT set @bool_filterclause_modified= '(' + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE set @partition_view_rule = @partition_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule + @bool_filterclause_modified + ')' end else begin set @partition_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ') and ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ')' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ('+ @bool_filterclause + ')' end end end select @viewname = 'MSmerge_' + @publication + '_' + @article + '_VIEW' if (len(@viewname) > 128) begin select @viewname = sys.fn_MSmerge_get_syncview_name (@publication, @article, @pubid, @artid) end select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) -- drop the view if it already exists if object_id(@quoted_obj) is not NULL begin exec('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE end -- If we havent generated rowguidcol yet, use dummy rule that doesnt refer to it -- if @hasguid = 0 set @view_rule = ' select ' + @column_list + ' from '+ @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' exec ('create view dbo.'+ @quoted_obj + ' as '+ @view_rule) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- grant select permission on sync view to public - security check is performed inside the view -- exec ('grant select on ' + @quoted_obj + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- Mark view as system object -- execute dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @quoted_obj if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- done in setartprocs no need to repeat it here if @hasguid = 1 begin select @procname=view_sel_proc from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid if object_id(@procname) is not NULL begin set @quoted_obj= quotename(@procname) exec ('drop procedure ' + @quoted_obj) update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = NULL where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end else begin set @procname = 'MSmerge_sel_' + sys.fn_MSmerge_getartprocsuffix(@artid, @pubid) end select @owner = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where name = @viewname exec sys.sp_MSmakeviewproc @viewname, @owner, @procname, @rgcol, @pubid, @artid if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = @procname where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid end -- select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) update dbo.sysmergearticles set sync_objid = OBJECT_ID (@quoted_obj), view_type = @permanent where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid if @before_name is not null and @before_view_rule is not null begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreatebeforetable @source_objid if @@ERROR <>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE set @quoted_obj= quotename(@before_viewname) if object_id(@before_viewname) is not NULL exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) set @before_view_rule= @before_view_rule + ') and ({ fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''') } = 1)' exec ('create view dbo.' + @quoted_obj + ' as ' + @before_view_rule) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE if @before_rowguidname is not NULL begin set @quoted_rowguid= quotename(@before_rowguidname) exec ('grant select (' + @quoted_rowguid + ') on '+ @quoted_obj + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end exec ('grant select (generation) on '+ @quoted_obj + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE execute dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @before_viewname if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergearticles set before_view_objid = OBJECT_ID (@before_viewname) where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end end else begin -- All rows qualify from this table. We still create a view that shows -1 as the partition id. This helps us conveniently -- join child table rows if there are join filters, and find the part id's (-1 in this case) for only the qualifying child rows. if @use_partition_groups = 1 begin if @column_list = ' * ' select @column_list = ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + '.* ' set @partition_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from ' + @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1 or (HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''SELECT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''UPDATE'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''INSERT'') | HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(''' + @unqual_sourcename2+''', ''OBJECT'', ''DELETE''))=1)' set @partition_inserted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from inserted ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' ' set @partition_deleted_view_rule = ' select ' + @partition_column_list + ', partition_id = -1 from deleted ' + @unqual_sourcename end select @sync_objid = @source_objid if @vertical_partition=1 and @column_list<> ' * ' begin select @viewname = 'MSmerge_' + @publication + '_' + @article + '_VIEW' if (len(@viewname) > 128) begin select @viewname = sys.fn_MSmerge_get_syncview_name (@publication, @article, @pubid, @artid) end select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) -- drop the view if it already exists if object_id(@quoted_obj) is not NULL begin exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) if @retcode <> 0 or @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE end set @view_rule = ' select ' + @column_list + ' from '+ @source_object + ' ' + @unqual_sourcename + ' where ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' exec ('create view dbo.'+ @quoted_obj + ' as '+ @view_rule) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE execute dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @quoted_obj if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- grant select permission on sync view to public - security check is performed inside the view -- exec ('grant select on ' + @quoted_obj + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE select @sync_objid=object_id(@quoted_obj) update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = @procname, sync_objid=@sync_objid where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end else -- if @dynamic_filters = 1 begin -- This article doesn't have any vertical or horizontal filters but if the publication is enabled for dynamic filtering, we still want to generate a dummy view so that logins in the publication access list can generate a dynamic snapshot. -- -- do this even for publications without dynamic filtering so that this view can be used for validation -- select @viewname = 'MSmerge_' + @publication + '_' + @article + '_VIEW' if (len(@viewname) > 128) begin select @viewname = sys.fn_MSmerge_get_syncview_name (@publication, @article, @pubid, @artid) end select @quoted_obj = QUOTENAME(@viewname) -- drop the view if it already exists if object_id(@quoted_obj) is not NULL begin exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_obj) if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE end set @view_rule = ' select * from ' + @source_object + ' where ({fn ISPALUSER(''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @pubid) + ''')} = 1)' exec ('create view dbo.'+ @quoted_obj + ' as '+ @view_rule) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE execute dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @quoted_obj if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE exec ('grant select on ' + @quoted_obj + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE select @sync_objid=object_id(@quoted_obj) update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = @procname, sync_objid=@sync_objid, view_type = @permanent where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end -- done in sp_MSsetartprocs. No need to repeat it here if @hasguid = 1 begin -- still make the select proc, although it selects directly from table if object_id(@procname) is not NULL begin set @quoted_obj= quotename(@procname) exec ('drop proc ' + @quoted_obj) update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = NULL where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end set @procname = 'MSmerge_sel_' + sys.fn_MSmerge_getartprocsuffix(@artid, @pubid) select @owner = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), @viewname = name from sys.objects where object_id = @sync_objid exec sys.sp_MSmakeviewproc @viewname, @owner, @procname, @rgcol, @pubid, @artid update dbo.sysmergearticles set view_sel_proc = @procname where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid end -- end if @use_partition_groups = 1 begin select @partition_view_name = 'MSmerge_' + @publication + '_' + @article + '_PARTITION_VIEW' if (len(@partition_view_name) > 128) begin select @partition_view_name = 'MSmerge_' + sys.fn_MSguidtostr(@pubid) + '_' + sys.fn_MSguidtostr(@artid) + '_PARTITION_VIEW' end select @quoted_partition_view = QUOTENAME(@partition_view_name) if object_id(@quoted_partition_view) is not NULL begin exec ('drop view ' + @quoted_partition_view) if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end if @allhaveguids = 1 begin exec ('create view dbo.'+ @quoted_partition_view + ' as '+ @partition_view_rule) if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- grant select permission on sync view to public - security check is performed inside the view -- exec ('grant select on ' + @quoted_partition_view + ' to public') if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- Mark view as system object -- execute dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @quoted_partition_view if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo set partition_view_id = OBJECT_ID(@quoted_partition_view), partition_deleted_view_rule = @partition_deleted_view_rule, partition_inserted_view_rule = @partition_inserted_view_rule where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end else begin update dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo set partition_view_id = NULL, partition_deleted_view_rule = NULL, partition_inserted_view_rule = NULL where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid end end select @art=min(indexcol) from #art where indexcol>@art end drop table #art if @allhaveguids = 1 begin declare @dbname sysname set @dbname = db_name() -- create the filter expand procs now -- set @filter_id = 0 select @filter_id = min(join_filterid) from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid > @filter_id and (filter_type & 1) = 1 while @filter_id is not null begin set @filter_id_str = convert(nvarchar(10), @filter_id) select @procname = expand_proc from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid = @filter_id and (filter_type & 1) = 1 -- drop old proc, or generate a new procname -- if object_id(@procname) is not NULL begin set @quoted_obj= quotename(@procname) exec ('drop procedure ' + @quoted_obj) end else begin set @procname = 'MSmerge_expand_' + @filter_id_str set @quoted_obj= quotename(@procname) if object_id(@procname) is not NULL begin exec ('drop procedure ' + @quoted_obj) if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end update dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters set expand_proc = @procname where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid = @filter_id and (filter_type & 1) = 1 end set @command = 'exec sys.sp_MSmakeexpandproc ' + quotename(@publication) + ' , ' + @filter_id_str + ', ' + @quoted_obj exec @retcode = sys.xp_execresultset @command, @dbname if @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE exec dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject @quoted_obj if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE exec ('grant execute on ' + @quoted_obj + ' to public ') select @filter_id = min(join_filterid) from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and join_filterid > @filter_id and (filter_type & 1) = 1 end end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreate_logical_record_views @pubid if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE commit tran return (0) FAILURE: rollback tran sp_MSpublicationview commit tran return (1)
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