The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSNonSQLDDL(nvarchar @qual_source_object, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, nvarchar @columnName
, int @schemasubtype)
create procedure sys.sp_MSNonSQLDDL( @qual_source_object nvarchar(540), @pubid uniqueidentifier, @columnName sysname, @schemasubtype int = 1 ) AS declare @len int declare @prec int declare @scale int declare @typename nvarchar(270) declare @objid int declare @schemaversion int declare @artname sysname declare @schemaguid uniqueidentifier declare @schematype int declare @retcode int declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @non_qualified_name nvarchar(255) declare @qual_column nvarchar(255) declare @is_null int declare @is_null_string nvarchar(20) declare @schematext nvarchar(max) declare @index_id int declare @column_list nvarchar(4000) declare @foreign_key_list nvarchar(4000) declare @reference_column_list nvarchar(4000) declare @column sysname declare @parent_column_id int declare @foreign_key_constid int declare @reference_column_id int declare @foreign_key_id int declare @foreign_key_column sysname declare @reference_column sysname declare @colid int declare @is_identity bit declare @identity_property nvarchar(1000) declare @seed_value sql_variant declare @increment_value sql_variant declare @referenced_object_id int declare @constraint_Name sysname declare @key_ordinal tinyint declare @default_constraint_definition nvarchar(2000) declare @default_constraint_name sysname declare @column_with_default sysname declare @publisher sysname declare @publisher_db sysname declare @is_not_for_replication bit ,@delete_referential_action tinyint ,@update_referential_action tinyint select @identity_property = NULL select @qual_column=QUOTENAME(@columnName) select @seed_value=NULL, @increment_value=NULL select @objid = object_id(@qual_source_object) -- enum of constants declare @schemasubtype_addcolumn int ,@schemasubtype_dropcolumn int ,@schemasubtype_altercolumn int ,@schemasubtype_disabletrigger int ,@schemasubtype_enabletrigger int ,@schemasubtype_disabletriggerall int ,@schemasubtype_enabletriggerall int ,@schemasubtype_dropconstraint int ,@schemasubtype_enableconstraint int ,@schemasubtype_disableconstraint int ,@schemasubtype_enableconstraintall int ,@schemasubtype_disableconstraintall int ,@schemasubtype_addfk int ,@schemasubtype_addun int ,@schemasubtype_addchk int ,@schemasubtype_adddf int ,@schemasubtype_addpk int select @schemasubtype_addcolumn = 1 -- N'ADDCOLUMN' ,@schemasubtype_dropcolumn = 2 -- N'DROPCOLUMN' ,@schemasubtype_altercolumn = 3 -- N'ALTERCOLUMN' ,@schemasubtype_addpk = 4 -- N'ADDPRIMARYKEY' ,@schemasubtype_addun = 5 -- N'ADDUNIQUE' ,@schemasubtype_addfk = 6 -- N'ADDREFERENCE' ,@schemasubtype_dropconstraint = 7 -- N'DROPCONSTRAINT' ,@schemasubtype_adddf = 8 -- N'ADDDEFAULT' ,@schemasubtype_addchk = 9 -- N'ADDCHECK' ,@schemasubtype_disabletrigger = 10 -- N'DISABLETRIGGER' ,@schemasubtype_enabletrigger = 11 -- N'ENABLETRIGGER' ,@schemasubtype_disabletriggerall = 12 -- N'DISABLETRIGGER' ,@schemasubtype_enabletriggerall = 13 -- N'ENABLETRIGGER' ,@schemasubtype_enableconstraint = 14 -- N'ENABLECONSTRAINT' ,@schemasubtype_disableconstraint = 15 -- N'DISABLECONSTRAINT' ,@schemasubtype_enableconstraintall = 16 -- N'ENABLECONSTRAINT' ,@schemasubtype_disableconstraintall = 17 -- N'DISABLECONSTRAINT' -- don't worry about non-sql if you don't own this publication select @publisher=publisher, @publisher_db=publisher_db from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid=@pubid if LOWER(@publisher)<>LOWER(publishingservername()) or @publisher_db<>db_name() return(0) -- get non-qualified object name for heter- subscribers to use select @non_qualified_name = QUOTENAME(object_name(objid)), @artid= artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and objid=@objid select @schemaversion = schemaversion from dbo.sysmergeschemachange if (@schemaversion is NULL) set @schemaversion = 1 else select @schemaversion = 1 + max(schemaversion) from dbo.sysmergeschemachange set @schemaguid = newid() set @schematype = 13 -- schema type for ALTER TABLE for non-SQL subscribers -- if @schemasubtype=@schemasubtype_dropcolumn -- drop column begin select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + ' drop column ' + @qual_column end else if @schemasubtype in (1,3) -- add column and alter column begin -- need to change code to use sys.columns category view. select @typename = case system_type_id when 240 then type_name(user_type_id) else type_name(system_type_id) end, @len = max_length, @prec = precision,@scale = scale, @is_null=is_nullable from sys.columns where name=@columnName and object_id=@objid if @typename='nvarchar' or @typename='nchar' -- a unit of nchar takes 2 bytes select @len = @len/2 if @is_null = 1 select @is_null_string = N' NULL ' else select @is_null_string = N' not NULL ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSRecontructType @typename out, @len, @prec, @scale if @@error<>0 OR @retcode <>0 return (1) declare @definition nvarchar(1024) set @definition=NULL select @definition=definition from sys.computed_columns where name=@columnName and object_id=@objid select @is_identity=is_identity, @colid=column_id from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and name=@columnName if @is_identity = 1 begin select @seed_value=seed_value, @increment_value=increment_value from sys.identity_columns where object_id=@objid and column_id=@colid if @seed_value is NULL or @increment_value is NULL raiserror(21263, 16, -1, '@seed_value') select @identity_property = N'(' + convert(nvarchar, @seed_value) + N',' + convert(nvarchar, @increment_value) + N')' end if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_addcolumn begin if @definition is null begin select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + ' add ' + @qual_column + N' ' + @typename + N' ' + @is_null_string -- does this column have a default? select @default_constraint_name = name, @default_constraint_definition = definition from sys.default_constraints where parent_object_id = @objid and parent_column_id = @colid and type = 'D' if @default_constraint_name is not null and @default_constraint_definition is not null begin select @schematext = @schematext + N' constraint ' + quotename(@default_constraint_name) + ' default ' + @default_constraint_definition end end else begin select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + ' add ' + @qual_column + N' as ' + @definition end end else if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_altercolumn select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + ' alter column ' + @qual_column + N' ' + @typename + N' ' + @is_null_string if @is_identity=1 and @identity_property is not NULL select @schematext = @schematext + N' identity ' + @identity_property end else if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_addpk -- add primary key begin if @columnName=N'' or @columnName is NULL select @constraint_Name=N'[replication_primary_' + convert(nvarchar(36), newid()) +']' else select @constraint_Name = @columnName select @index_id=index_id from sys.indexes where object_id = @objid and is_primary_key=1 select @column_list = N' ', @column = NULL, @colid=NULL set @key_ordinal=NULL select @key_ordinal = min(key_ordinal) from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal>0 while @key_ordinal is not NULL begin select @colid = column_id from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal=@key_ordinal select @column = name from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and column_id = @colid if @column_list = N' ' select @column_list = @column else select @column_list = @column_list + N', ' + @column select @key_ordinal = min(key_ordinal) from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal>@key_ordinal and key_ordinal>0 end select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + N' add constraint ' + @constraint_Name + N' primary key (' + @column_list + N')' end else if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_addun -- add unique constraint begin if @columnName=N'' or @columnName is NULL select @constraint_Name=N'[replication_unique_' + convert(nvarchar(36), newid()) +']' else select @constraint_Name = @columnName select @index_id=index_id from sys.indexes where object_id = @objid and is_unique_constraint =1 select @column_list = N' ', @column = NULL, @colid=NULL set @key_ordinal=NULL select @key_ordinal = min(key_ordinal) from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal>0 while @key_ordinal is not NULL begin select @colid = column_id from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal=@key_ordinal select @column = name from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and column_id = @colid if @column is NULL raiserror(14043, 16, 1, '@column', 'sp_MSNonSQLDDL') if @column_list = N' ' select @column_list = @column else select @column_list = @column_list + N', ' + @column select @key_ordinal = min(key_ordinal) from sys.index_columns where object_id = @objid and index_id=@index_id and key_ordinal>@key_ordinal and key_ordinal>0 end select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + N' add constraint ' + @constraint_Name + ' unique (' + @column_list + N')' end else if @schemasubtype=@schemasubtype_addfk -- add reference begin if @columnName=N'' or @columnName is NULL select @constraint_Name=N'[replication_foreign_' + convert(nvarchar(36), newid()) + ']' else select @constraint_Name = @columnName select @constraint_Name = QUOTENAME(@constraint_Name) select @schematext = N' ' select @foreign_key_constid = NULL -- can not use TOP 1 here, as the result won't be NULL when done. Same below -- @columnName = N'' means that it is a column level foreign key; otherwise, we qualify with constraint name of @columnName select @foreign_key_constid = min(constraint_object_id) from sys.foreign_key_columns where parent_object_id=@objid and (@columnName=N'' or @columnName = object_name(constraint_object_id)) while (@foreign_key_constid is not NULL) begin select @reference_column_list=N' ', @foreign_key_list=N' ' select @parent_column_id = NULL, @reference_column_id = NULL select @parent_column_id = min(parent_column_id) from sys.foreign_key_columns where parent_object_id=@objid and constraint_object_id = @foreign_key_constid while (@parent_column_id is not NULL) begin select @reference_column_id=referenced_column_id, @referenced_object_id=referenced_object_id from sys.foreign_key_columns where parent_object_id=@objid and constraint_object_id = @foreign_key_constid and parent_column_id=@parent_column_id select @reference_column = name from sys.columns where object_id=@referenced_object_id and column_id=@reference_column_id select @foreign_key_column=name from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and column_id=@parent_column_id if @reference_column_list = N' ' select @reference_column_list = @reference_column else select @reference_column_list = @reference_column_list + N',' + @reference_column if @foreign_key_list = N' ' select @foreign_key_list = @foreign_key_column else select @foreign_key_list = @foreign_key_list + N',' + @foreign_key_column select @parent_column_id = min(parent_column_id) from sys.foreign_key_columns where parent_object_id=@objid and constraint_object_id = @foreign_key_constid and parent_column_id > @parent_column_id end if @schematext = N' ' select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + N' add constraint ' + @constraint_Name + N' foreign key (' + @foreign_key_list + N') references ' + object_name(@referenced_object_id) + N' (' + @reference_column_list + N' ) ' else select @schematext = @schematext + N', constraint ' + @constraint_Name + N' foreign key (' + @foreign_key_list + N') references ' + object_name(@referenced_object_id) + N' (' + @reference_column_list + N' ) ' -- check if we need to add CASCADE attribute select @is_not_for_replication=is_not_for_replication, @delete_referential_action=delete_referential_action, @update_referential_action=update_referential_action from sys.foreign_keys where parent_object_id = @objid and name=@columnName if @delete_referential_action in (1,2,3) begin select @schematext = @schematext + N'on delete ' + case @delete_referential_action when 1 then N'cascade ' when 2 then N'set null ' when 3 then N'set default ' end end if @update_referential_action in (1,2,3) begin select @schematext = @schematext + N'on update ' + case @update_referential_action when 1 then N'cascade ' when 2 then N'set null ' when 3 then N'set default ' end end if @is_not_for_replication = 1 begin select @schematext = @schematext + N'not for replication ' end select @foreign_key_constid = min(constraint_object_id) from sys.foreign_key_columns where parent_object_id=@objid and (@columnName=N'' or @columnName = object_name(constraint_object_id)) and constraint_object_id > @foreign_key_constid end end else if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_dropconstraint -- drop constraint begin -- removed this for bug 686296 -- N' if object_id(''' +@qual_column+ N''') is not null ' + select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + ' drop constraint ' + @qual_column end else if @schemasubtype = @schemasubtype_adddf -- add default constraint begin if @columnName=N'' or @columnName is NULL select @constraint_Name=N'[replication_default_' + convert(nvarchar(36), newid()) +']' else select @constraint_Name = @columnName select @default_constraint_definition = dc.definition, @column_with_default = from sys.default_constraints dc join sys.columns c on dc.parent_object_id = c.object_id and dc.parent_column_id = c.column_id and = @constraint_Name -- if we added the column for this default in this same ALTER TABLE statement, then we would have -- already posted an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN x DEFAULT y - so no need to post a separate ALTER TABLE ADD DEFAULT. if object_id(N'tempdb..#merge_altertable', 'U') is not null begin if exists (select * from #merge_altertable where ColumnName = @column_with_default and TableName = object_name(@objid) and DDLsubtype = N'ADDCOLUMN') return 0 end select @schematext = N'alter table ' + @non_qualified_name + N' add constraint ' + quotename(@constraint_Name) + N' default ' + @default_constraint_definition + N' for ' + quotename(@column_with_default) end else select @schematext = N' ' -- place-holder for alter column exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSinsertschemachange @pubid, @artid, @schemaversion, @schemaguid, @schematype, @schematext, @schemasubtype if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin raiserror(21533, 16, -1) return (1) end return (0)
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