May 14, 2012

sp_MSfixlineageversions (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData




create procedure sys.sp_MSfixlineageversions
declare @lNick int -- length of nickname in bytes
declare @lVer int -- length of version in bytes
declare @lEntry int -- length of entry in bytes
declare @cEntries int -- max number of entries in a lineage
declare @idx int -- @idx into lineage (0-based)
declare @maxlinsize int -- maximal lineage size in bytes
declare @retcode int

set @lNick= col_length('sysmergesubscriptions', 'replnickname')
set @lVer= 4
set @lEntry= @lNick + @lVer
set @cEntries= 24

-- Security check
exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck
if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
RAISERROR (15247, 11, -1)
return (1)

if object_id('MSmerge_contents', 'U') is not NULL
-- iterate over lineage: starting at the tail, replace first version by the current one if first version is less
set @idx= @cEntries - 1
while @idx > 0
update dbo.MSmerge_contents set lineage=
-- keep nickname of first entry
substring(lineage, 1, @lNick) +
-- use version of current entry if it is higher than first version (this is made sure in the where-clause)
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 1, @lVer) +
-- keep 2..last entry
substring(lineage, 1 + @lEntry, datalength(lineage) - @lEntry)

-- skip this step right away for shorter lineages
datalength(lineage) >= @lEntry * (@idx + 1)
-- the following makes sure that the version we currently look at is higher than the first one
-- either least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the other three are equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 1, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 1, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 2, 3) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 2, 3))
-- 2nd least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the most and 2nd most significant bytes are equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 2, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 2, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 3, 2) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 3, 2))
-- 3rd least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the most significant byte is equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 3, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 3, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 4, 1) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 4, 1))
-- most significant byte at current entry is higher than at first entry
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 4, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 4, 1)

if @@error<>0
return (1)

set @idx= @idx - 1
if object_id('MSmerge_tombstone', 'U') is not NULL
-- iterate over lineage: starting at the tail, replace first version by the current one if first version is less
set @idx= @cEntries - 1
while @idx > 0
update dbo.MSmerge_tombstone set lineage=
-- keep nickname of first entry
substring(lineage, 1, @lNick) +
-- use version of current entry if it is higher than first version (this is made sure in the where-clause)
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 1, @lVer) +
-- keep 2..last entry
substring(lineage, 1 + @lEntry, datalength(lineage) - @lEntry)

-- skip this step right away for shorter lineages
datalength(lineage) >= @lEntry * (@idx + 1)
-- the following makes sure that the version we currently look at is higher than the first one
-- either least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the other three are equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 1, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 1, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 2, 3) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 2, 3))
-- 2nd least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the most and 2nd most significant bytes are equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 2, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 2, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 3, 2) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 3, 2))
-- 3rd least significant version byte at current entry is higher than at first entry, the most significant byte is equal
(substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 3, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 3, 1) and
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 4, 1) = substring(lineage, @lNick + 4, 1))
-- most significant byte at current entry is higher than at first entry
substring(lineage, @idx * @lEntry + @lNick + 4, 1) > substring(lineage, @lNick + 4, 1)

if @@error<>0
return (1)

set @idx= @idx - 1
return (0)

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