May 14, 2012

sp_MSenumsubscriptions (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenumsubscriptions(nvarchar @subscription_type
, nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, bit @reserved)


create procedure sys.sp_MSenumsubscriptions
@subscription_type nvarchar(5) = N'push',
@publisher sysname = N'%',
@publisher_db sysname = N'%',
@reserved bit = 0 -- not to be documented used by UI and sp_MSenumallsubscriptions
set nocount on

declare @dbname sysname
,@category int
,@proc nvarchar(200)
,@retcode int
,@cur_db sysname
,@type_value int
,@subscriptiontype_anon int

-- Security check. If not 'db_owner' return without querying
if is_member('db_owner') <> 1
select @subscriptiontype_anon= 2
,@cur_db = db_name()
,@type_value = case
when (LOWER(@subscription_type)=N'push') then 0
when (LOWER(@subscription_type)=N'pull') then 1
when (LOWER(@subscription_type)=N'both') then 2
else 100 end
-- If we are being invoked by sp_MSenumallsubscriptions
-- we can skip creation of the temp table, for other cases
-- create the temp table
if (@reserved = 0)
create table #tmp_subscriptions (
publisher sysname not null,
publisher_db sysname not null,
publication sysname null,
replication_type int not NULL,
subscription_type int not NULL,
last_updated datetime null,
subscriber_db sysname not null,
update_mode smallint null,
last_sync_status int null,
last_sync_summary sysname null,
last_sync_time datetime null

if object_id(N'dbo.sysmergesubscriptions') is not NULL
-- return all subscriptions that this database is a subscriber to
-- suppress all subscriptions that originate from this database.
insert into #tmp_subscriptions
select p.publisher
,cast(NULL as smallint)
from dbo.sysmergepublications as p
join dbo.sysmergesubscriptions as s
on p.pubid = s.pubid
and s.pubid <> s.subid
and lower(s.subscriber_server) collate database_default = lower(@@servername) collate database_default
where (s.subscription_type=@type_value OR @type_value=2)
and ((@publisher = N'%') or (p.publisher = @publisher))
and ((@publisher_db = N'%') or ( p.publisher_db = @publisher_db))
and s.db_name = @cur_db
and p.pubid not in
(select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications pubs where
lower(pubs.publisher) = LOWER(publishingservername()) AND
pubs.publisher_db = @cur_db)

if object_id(N'dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions') is not NULL
if object_id(N'dbo.MSsubscription_properties') is not NULL and
object_id(N'dbo.MSsubscription_agents') is not NULL
-- update_mode in MSreplication_subscriptions table is not reliable.
insert into #tmp_subscriptions
select s.publisher
,case isnull(p.publication_type,0) when 0 then 0 else 1 end
-- NOTE: For Queued case: we will always return 2/3 for the 4/5 case
-- since we overload update_mode based on queue_type
,case when isnull(a.update_mode,0) = 4 then 2
when isnull(a.update_mode,0) = 5 then 3
else isnull(a.update_mode,0) end
from dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions s with (NOLOCK)
left outer join dbo.MSsubscription_agents a with (NOLOCK)
on (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(a.publisher) and
s.publisher_db = a.publisher_db and
((s.publication = a.publication and
s.independent_agent = 1 and
a.publication <> N'ALL') or
(a.publication = N'ALL' and s.independent_agent = 0)) and
s.subscription_type = a.subscription_type)
left outer join dbo.MSsubscription_properties p with (NOLOCK)
on (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(p.publisher) and
s.publisher_db = p.publisher_db and
s.publication = p.publication and
-- don't use property table for push.
s.subscription_type <> 0)
((@publisher = N'%') OR (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(@publisher))) AND
((@publisher_db = N'%') or ( s.publisher_db = @publisher_db)) and
-- eliminate duplicate entries for agents using multiple subscription streams
s.transaction_timestamp = (SELECT MAX(t.transaction_timestamp) FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions t
WHERE t.publisher = s.publisher
AND t.publisher_db = s.publisher_db
AND t.publication = s.publication) and
((s.subscription_type = 0 and @type_value = 0) or
-- For pull, return both pull and anonymous
(s.subscription_type <> 0 and @type_value = 1) or
@type_value = 2)
-- Property table does not exists.
else if object_id(N'dbo.MSsubscription_agents') is not NULL
-- update_mode in MSreplication_subscriptions table is not reliable.
insert into #tmp_subscriptions
select s.publisher
-- Property table does not exists. Say transactional.
,s.time, @cur_db
-- NOTE: For Queued case: we will always return 2/3 for the 4/5 case
-- since we overload update_mode based on queue_type
,case when isnull(a.update_mode,0) = 4 then 2
when isnull(a.update_mode,0) = 5 then 3
else isnull(a.update_mode,0) end
from dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions s with (NOLOCK)
left outer join dbo.MSsubscription_agents a with (NOLOCK)
on (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(a.publisher) and
s.publisher_db = a.publisher_db and
((s.publication = a.publication and
s.independent_agent = 1 and
a.publication <> N'ALL') or
(a.publication = N'ALL' and s.independent_agent = 0)) and
s.subscription_type = a.subscription_type)
((@publisher = N'%') OR (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(@publisher))) AND
((@publisher_db = N'%') or ( s.publisher_db = @publisher_db)) and
-- eliminate duplicate entries for agents using multiple subscription streams
s.transaction_timestamp = (SELECT MAX(t.transaction_timestamp) FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions t
WHERE t.publisher = s.publisher
AND t.publisher_db = s.publisher_db
AND t.publication = s.publication) and
((s.subscription_type = 0 and @type_value = 0) or
-- For pull, return both pull and anonymous
(s.subscription_type <> 0 and @type_value = 1) or
@type_value = 2)
-- Agents table does not exists.
else if object_id(N'dbo.MSsubscription_properties') is not NULL
-- update_mode in MSreplication_subscriptions table is not reliable.
insert into #tmp_subscriptions
select s.publisher
,case isnull(p.publication_type,0) when 0 then 0 else 1 end
-- NOTE: For Queued case: we will always return 2/3 for the 4/5 case
-- since we overload update_mode based on queue_type
,case when isnull(s.update_mode,0) = 4 then 2
when isnull(s.update_mode,0) = 5 then 3
else isnull(s.update_mode,0) end
,NULL -- a.last_sync_status,
,NULL -- a.last_sync_summary,
,NULL -- a.last_sync_time
from dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions s with (NOLOCK)
left outer join dbo.MSsubscription_properties p with (NOLOCK)
on (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(p.publisher) and
s.publisher_db = p.publisher_db and
s.publication = p.publication and
-- don't use property table for push.
s.subscription_type <> 0)
((@publisher = N'%') OR (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(@publisher))) AND
((@publisher_db = N'%') or ( s.publisher_db = @publisher_db)) and
-- eliminate duplicate entries for agents using multiple subscription streams
s.transaction_timestamp = (SELECT MAX(t.transaction_timestamp) FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions t
WHERE t.publisher = s.publisher
AND t.publisher_db = s.publisher_db
AND t.publication = s.publication) and
((s.subscription_type = 0 and @type_value = 0) or
-- For pull, return both pull and anonymous
(s.subscription_type <> 0 and @type_value = 1) or
@type_value = 2)
-- Both table does not exists
-- update_mode in MSreplication_subscriptions table is not reliable.
insert into #tmp_subscriptions
select s.publisher
-- NOTE: For Queued case: we will always return 2/3 for the 4/5 case
-- since we overload update_mode based on queue_type
,case when isnull(s.update_mode,0) = 4 then 2
when isnull(s.update_mode,0) = 5 then 3
else isnull(s.update_mode,0) end
,NULL -- a.last_sync_status,
,NULL -- a.last_sync_summary
,NULL -- a.last_sync_time
from dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions s with (NOLOCK)
((@publisher = N'%') OR (UPPER(s.publisher) = UPPER(@publisher))) AND
((@publisher_db = N'%') or ( s.publisher_db = @publisher_db)) and
-- eliminate duplicate entries for agents using multiple subscription streams
s.transaction_timestamp = (SELECT MAX(t.transaction_timestamp) FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions t
WHERE t.publisher = s.publisher
AND t.publisher_db = s.publisher_db
AND t.publication = s.publication) and
((s.subscription_type = 0 and @type_value = 0) or
-- For pull, return both pull and anonymous
(s.subscription_type <> 0 and @type_value = 1) or
@type_value = 2)
-- If we are being invoked by sp_MSenumallsubscriptions
-- we can skip select of the temp table, for other cases
-- select from the temp table
if (@reserved = 0)
select * from #tmp_subscriptions
-- all done
return (0)

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