May 14, 2012

sp_MSenumpubreferences (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenumpubreferences(nvarchar @publication)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSenumpubreferences (@publication sysname)  
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @retcode int

-- Security Check.
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmerge_validate_publication_presence @publication, NULL, NULL, @pubid output
if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0
return 1

-- make sure current database is enabled for merge replication --
exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSCheckmergereplication
if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0
return (1)

select distinct ReferencingObject = object_name(referenced_object_id), ArticleObject = object_name(parent_object_id)
from sys.foreign_keys
where parent_object_id in (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid) and
referenced_object_id not in (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid)

select distinct ReferencedObject = object_name(parent_object_id), ArticleObject = object_name(referenced_object_id)
from sys.foreign_keys
where referenced_object_id in (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid) and
parent_object_id not in (select objid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid)

-- We need to check if the publication role is already added.
-- this has to be done here before the snapshot agent calls sp_Mspublicationview
declare @role sysname
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_FixPALRole @pubid, @role output
if (@role is NULL or @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0)
-- add appropriate error message here
return 1

-- we also need to fix the pal role for other publications which share an article
-- with the current publication and the role for those publications are not
-- present yet
declare @pubidother uniqueidentifier
declare pubs_cursor cursor LOCAL FAST_FORWARD
for (select a.pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles a, dbo.sysmergepublications p
where a.pubid <> @pubid and a.pubid = p.pubid
and LOWER(p.publisher) collate database_default = LOWER(publishingservername()) collate database_default
and p.publisher_db = DB_NAME() and artid in
(select artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid))
open pubs_cursor
fetch pubs_cursor into @pubidother
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_FixPALRole @pubidother, @role output
if (@role is NULL or @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0)
return 1
fetch pubs_cursor into @pubidother
close pubs_cursor
deallocate pubs_cursor

-- exec sys.sp_MScheck_article_order @pubid

return (0)

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