May 14, 2012

sp_MSenumpartialchangesdirect (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenumpartialchangesdirect(int @maxrows
, nvarchar @temp_cont
, int @tablenick
, uniqueidentifier @rowguid
, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, int @compatlevel
, bit @enumentirerowmetadata
, bit @blob_cols_at_the_end
, uniqueidentifier @maxschemaguidforarticle)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSenumpartialchangesdirect  
(@maxrows int,
@temp_cont sysname,
@tablenick int,
@rowguid uniqueidentifier,
@pubid uniqueidentifier = NULL,
@compatlevel int = 10, -- backward compatibility level, default=Sphinx
@enumentirerowmetadata bit= 1,
@blob_cols_at_the_end bit = 0,-- when this bit is set the blob columns are returned at the end of the rowset.
@maxschemaguidforarticle uniqueidentifier = NULL)
declare @tnstring nvarchar(12)
, @rgstring nvarchar(38)
, @quoted_owner_qualified_table_name nvarchar(521) -- 258 for owner, 258 for tablename, 5 for [].[]
, @objid int
, @selecttop nvarchar(50)
, @metadatacols nvarchar(300)
, @cCols int
, @rowguid_clause nvarchar(200)
, @cmd nvarchar(max)
, @column_list nvarchar(max)
, @column_list_blob nvarchar(max)
, @retcode int
, @artid uniqueidentifier
, @currentmaxschemaguidforarticle uniqueidentifier

-- Security Checking
-- PAL user access
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @pubid = @pubid, @tablenick = @tablenick
if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0)
return 1

set @tnstring = convert(nchar, @tablenick)

select @objid = objid, @artid = artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick
select @quoted_owner_qualified_table_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name)
from sys.objects where object_id = @objid

if (@maxrows = 0)
set @selecttop= 'select'
set @selecttop= 'select top ' + cast(@maxrows as nvarchar(9))

if 0 = @enumentirerowmetadata
set @metadatacols= 'mc.generation, null, null'
else if @compatlevel >= 90
set @metadatacols= 'mc.generation, mc.lineage, mc.colv'
else if sys.fn_fIsColTracked(@tablenick) = 1
set @cCols= sys.fn_cColvEntries_80(@pubid, @tablenick)
set @metadatacols= 'mc.generation, {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(mc.lineage)}, {fn COLV_90_TO_80(mc.colv,' + cast(@cCols as nvarchar(6)) +')}'
set @metadatacols= 'mc.generation, {fn LINEAGE_90_TO_80(mc.lineage)}, mc.colv'

if @rowguid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
select @rowguid_clause = ' '
-- set @rgstring = '''' + convert(nchar(36), @rowguid) + ''''
-- select @rowguid_clause = ' and mc.rowguid > ' + @rgstring + ' and t.rowguidcol > ' + @rgstring
select @rowguid_clause = ' and mc.rowguid > @rowguid and t.rowguidcol > @rowguid '

select @column_list = column_list, @column_list_blob = column_list_blob from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where artid = @artid and pubid = @pubid

-- Use the column list with blob columns in the end if the blob_cols_at_the_end is 1
if @blob_cols_at_the_end = 1
select @column_list = @column_list_blob

if @column_list is NULL
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetviewcolumnlist @pubid = @pubid, @source_objid = @objid, @column_list = @column_list OUTPUT, @prefix_tablename = 't.', @blob_cols_at_the_end=@blob_cols_at_the_end
if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <> 0
return @retcode

-- execute (@selecttop + ' mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid, ' + @metadatacols + ', ' + @column_list + ' from ' +
@temp_cont + ' mc, ' +
@quoted_owner_qualified_table_name + ' t
where mc.tablenick = '
+ @tnstring +
@rowguid_clause + '
and mc.rowguid = t.rowguidcol
order by mc.rowguid'
) --
select @cmd = @selecttop + ' mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid, ' + @metadatacols + ', ' + @column_list + ' from ' +
quotename(@temp_cont) + ' mc, ' +
@quoted_owner_qualified_table_name + ' t
where mc.tablenick = '
+ @tnstring +
@rowguid_clause + '
and mc.rowguid = t.rowguidcol
order by mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid'

select @currentmaxschemaguidforarticle = sys.fn_GetArticleSchemaVersionGuid(@artid, @pubid)

-- At the publisher, if the max schema guid for article has changed and is different from the agent's schema version for article raise error --
if ((sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(@pubid) = 1) and (@maxschemaguidforarticle IS NOT NULL) and (@currentmaxschemaguidforarticle <> @maxschemaguidforarticle))
RAISERROR (25007, 11, -1)
return 5

exec sys.sp_executesql @cmd, N'@rowguid uniqueidentifier = ''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000''', @rowguid = @rowguid
if @@error <> 0
return (1)

return (0)

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