May 7, 2012

sp_MSagent_stethoscope (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSagent_stethoscope(int @heartbeat_interval)


 CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSagent_stethoscope   
@heartbeat_interval int = 10 -- minutes
declare @current_time datetime
,@agent_name nvarchar(100)
,@agent_id int
,@job_id binary(16)
,@start_time datetime
,@duration int
,@comments nvarchar(1024)
,@publisher_id smallint
,@publisher sysname
,@publisher_db sysname
,@heartbeat_failure bit
,@snapshot_type int
,@logreader_type int
,@distribution_type int
,@merge_type int
,@qreader_type int
,@histverboselevel tinyint
,@merge_session_id int
,@runstatus int
-- security check
-- only db_owner can execute this
if (is_member ('db_owner') != 1)
raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
return (1)
-- initialize
set nocount on
select @snapshot_type = 1
,@logreader_type = 2
,@distribution_type = 3
,@merge_type = 4
,@qreader_type = 9
,@heartbeat_failure = 0
,@current_time = getdate()
,@comments = formatmessage(20554, @heartbeat_interval)

-- If a running snapshot agent has not logged a history message within the specified
-- heartbeat_interval then raise a agent suspect error
declare hC_snapshot_suspect CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for
select sh1.agent_id, sh1.start_time from MSsnapshot_history sh1 with (READPAST) where
(sh1.runstatus = 1 or sh1.runstatus = 3 or sh1.runstatus = 4) and
dateadd(minute, @heartbeat_interval, sh1.time) < @current_time and
sh1.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history with (READPAST) where
agent_id= sh1.agent_id)
for read only

open hC_snapshot_suspect
fetch hC_snapshot_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)

set @heartbeat_failure = 1

-- Get the agent name
select @agent_name = name, @job_id = job_id from MSsnapshot_agents where id = @agent_id

-- Log a "No action" message on behalf of the agent
exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@runstatus = 6, -- Failure status
@comments = @comments,
@do_raiserror = 0

fetch hC_snapshot_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
close hC_snapshot_suspect
deallocate hC_snapshot_suspect

-- If a running logreader agent has not logged a history message within the specified
-- heartbeat_interval then raise a agent suspect error
declare hC_logreader_suspect CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for
select, sh1.start_time from MSlogreader_agents la, MSlogreader_history sh1 where
(sh1.runstatus = 1 or sh1.runstatus = 3 or sh1.runstatus = 4) and
dateadd(minute, @heartbeat_interval, sh1.time) < @current_time and
sh1.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where
agent_id= sh1.agent_id) and = sh1.agent_id
for read only

open hC_logreader_suspect
fetch hC_logreader_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
set @heartbeat_failure = 1

-- Get the agent name
select @agent_name = name, @job_id = job_id from MSlogreader_agents where id = @agent_id

-- Log a "No action" message on behalf of the agent
select @publisher_id = publisher_id, @publisher_db = publisher_db from MSlogreader_agents where id = @agent_id
select @publisher = srvname from master.dbo.sysservers where srvid = @publisher_id
exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@runstatus = 6, -- Failure status
@comments = @comments,
@do_raiserror = 0

fetch hC_logreader_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
close hC_logreader_suspect
deallocate hC_logreader_suspect

-- If a running distribution agent has not logged a history message within the specified
-- heartbeat_interval then raise a agent suspect error
declare #hC_distribution_suspect CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for
select id from MSdistribution_agents
for read only

open #hC_distribution_suspect
fetch #hC_distribution_suspect into @agent_id
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
select top 1 @start_time = time, @runstatus = runstatus
from MSdistribution_history where
agent_id = @agent_id
order by timestamp desc
if (@@rowcount = 1
and (@runstatus = 1 or @runstatus = 3 or @runstatus = 4 )
and (dateadd(minute, @heartbeat_interval, @start_time) < @current_time ))
select @heartbeat_failure = 1

-- Log a "No action" message on behalf of the agent
exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@runstatus = 6, -- Failure status
@comments = @comments,
@do_raiserror = 0

fetch #hC_distribution_suspect into @agent_id
close #hC_distribution_suspect
deallocate #hC_distribution_suspect

-- If a running merge agent has not logged a history message within the specified
-- heartbeat_interval then raise a agent suspect error
declare hC_merge_suspect CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for
select sh1.agent_id, sh1.start_time
from dbo.MSmerge_sessions sh1
(sh1.runstatus = 1 or sh1.runstatus = 3 or sh1.runstatus = 4) and
dateadd(minute, @heartbeat_interval, sh1.end_time) < @current_time and
sh1.timestamp = (select max(sh2.timestamp) from dbo.MSmerge_sessions sh2 where
sh2.agent_id= sh1.agent_id)
for read only

open hC_merge_suspect
fetch hC_merge_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)

set @heartbeat_failure = 1
set @merge_session_id = NULL

-- Get the agent name
select @agent_name = name, @job_id = job_id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where id = @agent_id

select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions
where agent_id = @agent_id
order by session_id desc

-- Log a "No action" message on behalf of the agent
exec sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@runstatus = 6, -- Failure status
@comments = @comments,
@do_raiserror = 0,
@log_error = 1,
@session_id_override = @merge_session_id

fetch hC_merge_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
close hC_merge_suspect
deallocate hC_merge_suspect

-- If a running queuereader agent has not logged a history message within the specified
-- heartbeat_interval then raise a agent suspect error
declare hC_qrdr_suspect CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for
select sh1.agent_id, sh1.start_time from MSqreader_history sh1 where
(sh1.runstatus = 1 or sh1.runstatus = 3 or sh1.runstatus = 4) and
dateadd(minute, @heartbeat_interval, sh1.time) < @current_time and
sh1.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSqreader_history where
agent_id= sh1.agent_id)
for read only

open hC_qrdr_suspect
fetch hC_qrdr_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
set @heartbeat_failure = 1

-- Get the agent name
select @agent_name = name, @job_id = job_id from MSqreader_agents where id = @agent_id

-- Log a "No action" message on behalf of the agent
exec sys.sp_MSadd_qreader_history
@agent_id = @agent_id,
@runstatus = 6, -- Failure status
@comments = @comments,
@do_raiserror = 0

fetch hC_qrdr_suspect into @agent_id, @start_time
close hC_qrdr_suspect
deallocate hC_qrdr_suspect

-- Log all is fine message
if @heartbeat_failure = 0
-- "Detected heartbeat for all running Replication Agents"
set @comments = formatmessage(20556)
-- "Could not detected heartbeat for all running Replication Agents"
set @comments = formatmessage(20580)

raiserror (20554, 10, -1, @heartbeat_interval)

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