The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSadd_subscription(int @dts_package_location, nvarchar @distribution_job_name
, nvarchar @internal
, int @publisher_engine_edition
, tinyint @nosync_type
, nvarchar @publisher
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @subscriber
, int @article_id
, nvarchar @subscriber_db
, tinyint @status
, varbinary @subscription_seqno
, nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @article
, tinyint @subscription_type
, tinyint @sync_type
, bit @snapshot_seqno_flag
, int @frequency_type
, int @frequency_interval
, int @frequency_relative_interval
, int @frequency_recurrence_factor
, int @frequency_subday
, int @frequency_subday_interval
, int @active_start_time_of_day
, int @active_end_time_of_day
, int @active_start_date
, int @active_end_date
, nvarchar @optional_command_line
, tinyint @update_mode
, bit @loopback_detection
, bit @offloadagent
, nvarchar @offloadserver
, nvarchar @dts_package_name
, nvarchar @dts_package_password)
CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSadd_subscription ( @publisher sysname, @publisher_db sysname, @subscriber sysname, @article_id int = NULL, @subscriber_db sysname = NULL, @status tinyint, -- 0 = inactive, 1 = subscribed, 2 = active @subscription_seqno varbinary(16), -- publisher's database sequence number -- Post 6.5 parameters @publication sysname = NULL, -- 6.x publishers will not provide this @article sysname = NULL, @subscription_type tinyint = 0, -- 0 = push, 1 = pull, 2 = anonymous @sync_type tinyint = 0, -- 0 = none 1 = automatic snaphot 2 = no intial snapshot @snapshot_seqno_flag bit = 0, -- 1 = subscription seqno is the snapshot seqno @frequency_type int = NULL, @frequency_interval int = NULL, @frequency_relative_interval int = NULL, @frequency_recurrence_factor int = NULL, @frequency_subday int = NULL, @frequency_subday_interval int = NULL, @active_start_time_of_day int = NULL, @active_end_time_of_day int = NULL, @active_start_date int = NULL, @active_end_date int = NULL, @optional_command_line nvarchar(4000) = '', -- synctran @update_mode tinyint = 0, -- 0=read only,1=sync tran,2=queued tran,3=failover, -- 4=sqlqueued tran,5=sqlqueued failover,6=sqlqueued qfailover,7=qfailover @loopback_detection bit = 0, @distribution_jobid binary(16) = NULL OUTPUT, -- agent offload @offloadagent bit = 0, @offloadserver sysname = NULL, -- If agent is already created, the package name will be ignored. @dts_package_name sysname = NULL, @dts_package_password nvarchar(524) = NULL, @dts_package_location int = 0, @distribution_job_name sysname = NULL, @internal sysname = N'PRE-YUKON' , -- Can be: 'PRE-YUKON', 'YUKON ADD SUB', 'YUKON ADD AGENT' @publisher_engine_edition int = NULL, @nosync_type tinyint = 0 -- 0(none), 1(replication support only), 2(initialize with backup), 3(initialize from lsn) ) as begin set nocount on declare @publisher_id smallint ,@subscriber_id smallint ,@command nvarchar (4000) ,@type tinyint ,@database sysname ,@long_name nvarchar (255) ,@retcode int ,@login sysname ,@password nvarchar(524) ,@retryattempts int ,@retrydelay int ,@virtual smallint -- const: virtual subscriber id ,@virtual_anonymous smallint -- const: virtual anonymous subscriber id ,@publication_str nvarchar (32) ,@agent_id int ,@publication_id int ,@publication_type int ,@independent_agent bit ,@allow_pull bit ,@active tinyint ,@flushfrequency int ,@frequencytype int ,@frequencyinterval int ,@frequencyrelativeinterval int ,@frequencyrecurrencefactor int ,@frequencysubday int ,@frequencysubdayinterval int ,@activestarttimeofday int ,@activeendtimeofday int ,@activestartdate int ,@activeenddate int ,@dsn_subscriber tinyint ,@jet_subscriber tinyint ,@oledb_subscriber tinyint ,@thirdparty_flag bit ,@subscribersecuritymode smallint ,@subscriberlogin sysname ,@subscriberpassword nvarchar(524) ,@distributor_security_mode int -- 0 standard, 1 integrated ,@distributor_login sysname ,@distributor_password nvarchar(524) ,@publisher_database_id int ,@platform_nt binary ,@anonymous_agent_id int ,@agent_name nvarchar(100) ,@publication_name sysname ,@subscriber_provider sysname -- -- security check -- only db_owner can execute this -- if (is_member ('db_owner') != 1) begin raiserror(14260, 16, -1) return (1) end -- -- security check -- Has to be executed from distribution database -- if (sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (db_name()) != 1) begin raiserror(21482, 16, -1, 'sp_MSadd_subscription', 'distribution') return (1) end IF @offloadagent IS NOT NULL AND @offloadagent != 0 BEGIN -- "Parameter '@offloadagent' is no longer supported." RAISERROR(21698, 16, -1, '@offloadagent') RETURN 1 END IF ISNULL(@offloadserver, N'') != N'' BEGIN -- "Parameter '@offloadserver' is no longer supported." RAISERROR(21698, 16, -1, '@offloadserver') RETURN 1 END -- Store off publication name for dummy monitor row select @publication_name = @publication -- Defined in sqlrepl.h -- Set null @optional_command_line to empty string to avoid string concat problem ,@optional_command_line = ISNULL(LTRIM(RTRIM(@optional_command_line)), N'') ,@dsn_subscriber = 1 -- Const: subscriber type 'dsn' ,@jet_subscriber = 2 ,@oledb_subscriber = 3 ,@virtual = -1 ,@virtual_anonymous = -2 ,@active = 2 ,@platform_nt = 0x1 -- Check if publisher is a defined as a distribution publisher in the current database exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSvalidate_distpublisher @publisher, @publisher_id OUTPUT if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 begin return(1) end -- Check if subscriber exists if @subscriber is null begin select @subscriber_id = @virtual -- The following 2 variables are hardcoded in sp_MSget_repl_cmds_anonymous ,@subscriber_db = N'virtual' ,@subscription_type = 0 end else select @subscriber_id = srvid, @subscriber_provider = providername, @type = type from master.dbo.sysservers, MSsubscriber_info where UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@subscriber) and UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber) and UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) if @subscriber_id is NULL begin raiserror (20032, 16, -1, @subscriber, @publisher) return (1) end -- Special logic for 6.5 publisher. -- If publisher_id, publisher_db pair is not in MSpublisher_databases then add it. This will be used -- to store a publisher_database_id in the MSrepl_transactions and MSrepl_commands table. if @publication is null begin if not exists (select * from MSpublisher_databases where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db) begin insert into MSpublisher_databases (publisher_id, publisher_db, publisher_engine_edition) values (@publisher_id, @publisher_db, @publisher_engine_edition) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO end end -- Get publisher_database_id select @publisher_database_id = id from MSpublisher_databases where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db if @@error <> 0 return 1 -- If publication exists this is a post 6.x publisher if @publication is not NULL begin select @publication_id = publication_id, @publication_type = publication_type, @independent_agent = independent_agent, @allow_pull = allow_pull, @thirdparty_flag = thirdparty_flag from dbo.MSpublications where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication if @publication_id is NULL begin raiserror (20026, 11, -1, @publication) return (1) end -- Check if article_id exists if @article_id is not NULL begin if not exists (select * from MSarticles where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and article_id = @article_id) begin raiserror (20027, 11, -1, @article) return (1) end end -- Check if article exists if @article is not NULL and @article_id is NULL begin select @article_id = article_id from MSarticles where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and article = @article if @article_id is NULL begin raiserror (20027, 11, -1, @article) return (1) end end end else begin -- Set 6.x publishing values select @publication_id = 0 ,@independent_agent = 0 ,@allow_pull = 0 ,@thirdparty_flag = 0 ,@publication_type = NULL end -- If the subscriber is an Oracle subscriber and loopback detection has been enabled -- verify that the subscriber is also a publisher if (UPPER(@subscriber_provider) = UPPER('OraOLEDB.Oracle') OR UPPER(@subscriber_provider) = UPPER('MSDAORA')) AND @type = @oledb_subscriber AND @loopback_detection = 1 begin -- All of the following settings are required for Oracle bi-directional publishing if NOT @sync_type = 2 begin raiserror (21744, 16, -1, 'sync_type', 'none') return 1 end if NOT @subscription_type = 0 begin raiserror (21744, 16, -1, 'subscription_type', 'push') return 1 end if NOT @status = 2 begin raiserror (21744, 16, -1, 'status', 'active') return 1 end if NOT @independent_agent = 1 begin raiserror (21744, 16, -1, 'independent_agent', 'true') return 1 end -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_ORACheckLoopbackSupport @subscriber -- if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 -- return 1 end -- Make sure subscription does not already exist if exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscriptions where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id and article_id = @article_id and subscriber_id = @subscriber_id and subscriber_db = @subscriber_db) begin if @thirdparty_flag = 1 begin raiserror (14058, 16, -1) return(1) end else begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSdrop_subscription @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @subscriber = @subscriber, @article_id = @article_id, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @publication = @publication, @article = @article if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 begin return(1) end end end -- Check to see if we need to add a new distribution agent for the subscription. -- It is database wide for non independent agent publications, and publication wide otherwise. -- Check to see if the distribution agent for this subscription is already added. select @agent_id = NULL select @agent_id = agent_id from dbo.MSsubscriptions where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and subscription_type = @subscription_type and (publication_id = @publication_id or @independent_agent = 0) and independent_agent = @independent_agent and subscriber_id = @subscriber_id and subscriber_db = @subscriber_db if @subscriber_id = @virtual begin select @anonymous_agent_id = agent_id from dbo.MSsubscriptions where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and subscription_type = @subscription_type and (publication_id = @publication_id or @independent_agent = 0) and independent_agent = @independent_agent and subscriber_id = @virtual_anonymous and subscriber_db = @subscriber_db end begin tran save transaction MSadd_subscription -- -- SKU based subscription count check -- This should be done just before creating distribution agent -- and adding entry in MSsubscriptions -- -- Skip this check for snapshot publications -- if (@publication_type != 1) begin -- -- Since subscription addition is happening at an article level -- do the subscription count check once per publication -- if not exists (select * from dbo.MSsubscriptions where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id and subscriber_id = @subscriber_id and subscriber_db = @subscriber_db and subscription_type = @subscription_type) begin -- -- we are adding the first article subscription to this publication -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_subscription_count_internal @mode=0 ,@publisher = @publisher ,@publisher_engine_edition = @publisher_engine_edition ,@about_to_insert_new_subscription = 1 if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0) goto UNDO end end -- -- process the distribution agent -- if @agent_id is NOT NULL begin select @distribution_jobid = job_id from MSdistribution_agents where id = @agent_id end else begin -- Create distribution agent -- Do not create local job if -- 1. virtual subscription -- 2. no subscriber information, return (6.x legacy) -- 3. pull (this sp will not be called for anonymous subscription) declare @local_job bit if @subscriber_id = @virtual or not exists (select * from MSsubscriber_info where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber)) OR @subscription_type = 1 select @local_job = 0 else select @local_job = 1 -- 'ALL' is reserved for indication all publications -- Hardcoded in sp_MSenum*... -- Note! @publication is overwritten if @independent_agent = 0 select @publication = 'ALL' if @local_job = 1 begin select @frequencytype = frequency_type, @frequencyinterval = frequency_interval, @frequencyrelativeinterval = frequency_relative_interval, @frequencyrecurrencefactor = frequency_recurrence_factor, @frequencysubday = frequency_subday, @frequencysubdayinterval = frequency_subday_interval, @activestarttimeofday = active_start_time_of_day, @activeendtimeofday = active_end_time_of_day, @activestartdate = active_start_date, @activeenddate = active_end_date from MSsubscriber_schedule where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber) and agent_type = 0 if @frequency_type is null select @frequency_type = @frequencytype if @frequency_interval is null select @frequency_interval = @frequencyinterval if @frequency_relative_interval is null select @frequency_relative_interval = @frequencyrelativeinterval if @frequency_recurrence_factor is null select @frequency_recurrence_factor = @frequencyrecurrencefactor if @frequency_subday is null select @frequency_subday = @frequencysubday if @frequency_subday_interval is null select @frequency_subday_interval = @frequencysubdayinterval if @active_start_time_of_day is null select @active_start_time_of_day = @activestarttimeofday if @active_end_time_of_day is null select @active_end_time_of_day = @activeendtimeofday if @active_start_date is null select @active_start_date = @activestartdate if @active_end_date is null select @active_end_date = @activeenddate execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_agent @publisher_id = @publisher_id, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @subscriber_id = @subscriber_id, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @subscription_type = @subscription_type, @local_job = @local_job, @frequency_type = @frequency_type, @frequency_interval = @frequency_interval, @frequency_subday = @frequency_subday, @frequency_subday_interval = @frequency_subday_interval, @frequency_relative_interval = @frequency_relative_interval, @frequency_recurrence_factor = @frequency_recurrence_factor, @active_start_date = @active_start_date, @active_end_date = @active_end_date, @active_start_time_of_day = @active_start_time_of_day, @active_end_time_of_day = @active_end_time_of_day, @command = @optional_command_line, @agent_id = @agent_id OUTPUT, @distribution_jobid = @distribution_jobid OUTPUT, @update_mode = @update_mode, @dts_package_name = @dts_package_name, @dts_package_password = @dts_package_password, @dts_package_location = @dts_package_location, @name = @distribution_job_name, @internal = @internal if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto UNDO end else begin execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_agent @publisher_id = @publisher_id, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @subscriber_id = @subscriber_id, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @subscription_type = @subscription_type, @local_job = @local_job, @agent_id = @agent_id OUTPUT, @distribution_jobid = @distribution_jobid OUTPUT, @update_mode = @update_mode -- Only push has distributor side package. if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto UNDO end if @subscriber_id = @virtual begin execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_agent @publisher_id = @publisher_id, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @subscriber_id = @virtual_anonymous, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @subscription_type = @subscription_type, @local_job = @local_job, @agent_id = @anonymous_agent_id OUTPUT, @distribution_jobid = @distribution_jobid OUTPUT, @update_mode = @update_mode -- No need to specify offload parameters for virtual agents -- No need to specify package name for virtual agents end end insert into dbo.MSsubscriptions values (@publisher_database_id, @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @publication_id, @article_id, @subscriber_id, @subscriber_db, @subscription_type, @sync_type, @status, @subscription_seqno, @snapshot_seqno_flag, @independent_agent, getdate(), @loopback_detection, @agent_id, @update_mode, @subscription_seqno, @subscription_seqno, @nosync_type) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO -- For shiloh, always add virtual anonymous entry for attach logic -- If anonymous publication, add "virtual anonymous" subscription -- when adding the virtual subscription if @subscriber_id = @virtual begin insert into dbo.MSsubscriptions values (@publisher_database_id, @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @publication_id, @article_id, @virtual_anonymous, @subscriber_db, @subscription_type, @sync_type, @status, @subscription_seqno, @snapshot_seqno_flag, @independent_agent, getdate(), @loopback_detection, @anonymous_agent_id, @update_mode, @subscription_seqno, @subscription_seqno, @nosync_type) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO end -- Check to see if we need to add a new qreader agent if (@update_mode in (2,3,4,5,6,7)) begin -- -- we can have only one agent for the distribution database -- if not exists (select * from dbo.MSqreader_agents) begin -- if at this point the @internal IS 'PRE-YUKON' we know that -- the caller (publisher side) is yukonplus. In this case we -- must let the user know how to create the qreader with a strict -- security policy else we allow the creation without login/pwd if @internal != 'PRE-YUKON' begin -- The 'qreader' agent job must be added via 'sp_addqreader_agent' before continuing. Please see the documentation for 'sp_addqreader_agent'. RAISERROR(21798, 16, -1, 'qreader', 'sp_addqreader_agent', 'sp_addqreader_agent') goto UNDO end execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSadd_qreader_agent if (@retcode != 0 or @@error != 0) goto UNDO end end commit transaction return(0) UNDO: if @@TRANCOUNT > 0 begin ROLLBACK TRAN MSadd_subscription COMMIT TRAN end return(1) end
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