The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSaddmergetriggers_internal(nvarchar @source_table, nvarchar @table_owner
, int @column_tracking
, tinyint @trigger_type
, nvarchar @viewname
, nvarchar @tsview
, nvarchar @trigname
, nvarchar @current_mappings_viewname
, nvarchar @past_mappings_viewname
, nvarchar @genhistory_viewname)
create procedure sys.sp_MSaddmergetriggers_internal @source_table sysname, -- was type varchar(92), table name -- @table_owner sysname, @column_tracking int, -- Is column tracking on - default is FALSE -- @trigger_type tinyint, @viewname sysname, @tsview sysname, @trigname sysname, @current_mappings_viewname sysname, @past_mappings_viewname sysname, @genhistory_viewname sysname AS set nocount on declare @command nvarchar(max) declare @command2 nvarchar(max) declare @command3 nvarchar(max) declare @command4 nvarchar(max) declare @command5 nvarchar(max) declare @inscommand nvarchar(2000) declare @ifcoltracking nvarchar(255) declare @tablenick int declare @replnick binary(6) declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @owner sysname declare @site sysname declare @db sysname declare @object sysname declare @tablenickchar nvarchar(11) declare @retcode int declare @bitmap varbinary(40) declare @objid int declare @notforrepl_str1 nvarchar(400) declare @notforrepl_str2 nvarchar(400) declare @notforrepl_bit bit declare @rgcol sysname declare @UnqualName sysname -- rightmost name node declare @QualName1 sysname declare @immediate_child_table_name nvarchar(258), @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name nvarchar(517), @immediate_child_objid int, @join_filter_id int, @join_filterclause nvarchar(1000), @child_join_colname nvarchar(130) declare @child_rgcol nvarchar(270) declare @immediate_child_nickname int, @join_unique_key int, @child_expand_proc sysname, @immediate_child_partition_viewname nvarchar(258), @partition_deleted_view_rule nvarchar(max), @child_has_col_tracking int declare @logical_record_view int, @logical_record_deleted_view_rule nvarchar(max), @logical_record_parent_nickname int declare @lrp_partition_view_id int, @lrp_partition_view_name nvarchar(270), @lrp_pubid uniqueidentifier, @lrp_publication_number smallint, @lrp_rgcol nvarchar(270), @lrp_objid int, @partition_options tinyint, @is_top_level_logical_record_parent bit declare @str_objid nvarchar(15) declare @quoted_db_source_table_name nvarchar(776) declare @quoted_source_table_name nvarchar(517) declare @dbname nvarchar(258) declare @delete_tracking bit declare @max_colv_size_in_bytes int declare @child_cannot_pre_exist bit declare @parent_columns_unique bit declare @gen_change_threshold int -- the following is needed for auto identity range support declare @identity_support int declare @ident_increment numeric(38,0) declare @is_publisher bit declare @subid uniqueidentifier declare @subidstr nvarchar(40) declare @artidstr nvarchar(40) declare @article_published bit declare @level_generations_in_trigger bit -- end auto identity range support variables declare @quoted_trigname nvarchar(258) declare @quoted_genhistory_viewname nvarchar(517) declare @quoted_tsview nvarchar(517) declare @quoted_viewname nvarchar(517) declare @quoted_rgcol nvarchar(258) declare @quoted_current_mappings_viewname nvarchar(517) declare @quoted_past_mappings_viewname nvarchar(517) -- Security check -- EXEC @retcode = dbo.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return(1) create table #tmptriggercmd (phase int NOT NULL, step int identity NOT NULL, cmdtext nvarchar(max) collate database_default null) set @notforrepl_bit = 1 set @bitmap = 0x0 select @parent_columns_unique = 0 if @table_owner is NULL select @table_owner = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(@source_table) select @quoted_source_table_name=QUOTENAME(@table_owner) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@source_table) set @objid = OBJECT_ID(@quoted_source_table_name) set @str_objid = convert(nvarchar, @objid) if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and column_tracking = 1) begin declare @current_col_count int, @missing_col_count int select @current_col_count = count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = @objid select @missing_col_count = coalesce((select max(missing_col_count) from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid), 0) -- 12 bytes per column in table + 1 trailing byte for colv. select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 12 * (@current_col_count + @missing_col_count) + 1 if @max_colv_size_in_bytes > 2953 select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 2953 end else select @max_colv_size_in_bytes = 1 select @rgcol = name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @source_table IS NULL return 1 select @dbname = DB_NAME() set @quoted_db_source_table_name=QUOTENAME(@dbname)+ N'.' + @quoted_source_table_name select @owner = @table_owner select @object = @source_table select @quoted_trigname = quotename(@trigname) select @quoted_genhistory_viewname = N'[dbo].' + quotename(@genhistory_viewname) select @quoted_tsview = N'[dbo].' + quotename(@tsview) select @quoted_viewname = N'[dbo].' + quotename(@viewname) select @quoted_rgcol = quotename(@rgcol) select @quoted_current_mappings_viewname = N'[dbo].' + quotename(@current_mappings_viewname) select @quoted_past_mappings_viewname = N'[dbo].' + quotename(@past_mappings_viewname) -- Initialize string for inserting to before_image table exec sys.sp_MSgetbeforetableinsert @objid, @inscommand output execute @retcode=sys.sp_MStablenickname @owner, @object, @tablenick output if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return (1) if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 1) select @article_published = 1 else select @article_published = 0 select @gen_change_threshold = min(isnull(generation_leveling_threshold,0)) from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick) if @gen_change_threshold = 0 or @article_published = 0 select @level_generations_in_trigger = 0 else select @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSgetreplnick @replnick = @replnick out if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 return 1 select @artid = artid, @delete_tracking = delete_tracking, @identity_support=identity_support, @partition_options = partition_options from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where objid = @objid -- check if this is the publisher or subscriber. Republishers are also considered as subscribers if @identity_support = 1 begin if exists (select a.artid, p.pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles a, dbo.sysmergepublications p where a.artid=@artid and a.pubid=p.pubid and (sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(p.pubid)=0)) begin -- the current db is either a republisher or a subscriber select @is_publisher=0 -- the follow query attempts to get the subid and not the republished pubid or the republished publication's subids select @subid=subid from dbo.MSmerge_identity_range where is_pub_range=0 and artid=@artid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalsubid(subid)=1 end else begin select @is_publisher=1 select @subid=subid from dbo.MSmerge_identity_range where is_pub_range=0 and artid=@artid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(subid)=1 end select @subidstr = N'''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @subid) + N'''' select @artidstr = N'''' + convert(nvarchar(36), @artid) + N'''' end select @logical_record_view = logical_record_view, @logical_record_deleted_view_rule = logical_record_deleted_view_rule from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo where artid = @artid and logical_record_parent_nickname is not null -- If column tracking wasn't passed in, just figure it out -- if @column_tracking is null select @column_tracking = column_tracking from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid select @tablenickchar = convert(nchar, @tablenick) -- Check if the triggers can be made NOT FOR REPLICATION if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and (before_image_objid is not null or before_view_objid is not null or datalength (subset_filterclause) > 1 )) begin select @notforrepl_bit = 0 end else if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where art_nickname = @tablenick or join_nickname = @tablenick) begin select @notforrepl_bit = 0 end else if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where use_partition_groups = 1)) begin select @notforrepl_bit = 0 end else begin select @notforrepl_bit = 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where artid = @artid and partition_options = 2 and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 0) and exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where artid = @artid and partition_options = 2 and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 1) begin -- republisher of multiple-hop well-partitioned articles (partition based filtering) select @notforrepl_str1 = ' ' select @notforrepl_str2 = ' if (select trigger_nestlevel()) = 1 and @is_mergeagent = 1 return ' end else if @partition_options = 2 or @partition_options = 3 begin select @notforrepl_bit = 1 select @notforrepl_str1 = ' not for replication ' select @notforrepl_str2 = ' ' end else begin select @notforrepl_str1 = ' ' select @notforrepl_str2 = ' if (select trigger_nestlevel()) = 1 and @is_mergeagent = 1 return ' end -- If column tracking is on, construct the string to initialize colv's if (@column_tracking <> 0) select @ifcoltracking = ' set @colv1 = 0xFF' else select @ifcoltracking = ' set @colv1 = NULL' select @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 if @logical_record_view is not null begin select top 1 @logical_record_parent_nickname = logical_record_parent_nickname from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo where artid = @artid and logical_record_parent_nickname is not null if @logical_record_parent_nickname = @tablenick select @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 1 end -- ins_ trigger generation if @trigger_type = 0 begin -- UNDONE maybe remove null guid checks in SQL SERVER 7.0 select @command = ' create trigger ' + @quoted_trigname + ' on ' + @quoted_db_source_table_name + ' for insert ' + @notforrepl_str1 + ' as declare @is_mergeagent bit, @at_publisher bit, @retcode smallint set rowcount 0 set transaction isolation level read committed ' if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and (pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where use_partition_groups = 1) or published_in_tran_pub = 1)) begin select @command = @command + ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSisreplmergeagent @is_mergeagent output, @at_publisher output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 begin rollback tran return end ' end else begin select @command = @command + ' select @is_mergeagent = convert(bit, sessionproperty(''replication_agent'')) select @at_publisher = 0 ' end if not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where use_partition_groups = 1)) and not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo where artid = @artid and logical_record_view is not null) select @command = @command + @notforrepl_str2 if @partition_options = 2 or @partition_options = 3 select @command = @command + ' if @is_mergeagent = 1 and @at_publisher = 1 return ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command='' -- perform identity range check here. if @identity_support = 1 begin select @ident_increment = IDENT_INCR(@quoted_source_table_name) select @command = ' if is_member(''db_owner'') = 1 begin -- select the range values from the MSmerge_identity_range table -- this can be hardcoded if performance is a problem declare @range_begin numeric(38,0) declare @range_end numeric(38,0) declare @next_range_begin numeric(38,0) declare @next_range_end numeric(38,0) select @range_begin = range_begin, @range_end = range_end, @next_range_begin = next_range_begin, @next_range_end = next_range_end from dbo.MSmerge_identity_range where artid=' + @artidstr + ' and subid=' + @subidstr + ' and is_pub_range=0 if @range_begin is not null and @range_end is not NULL and @next_range_begin is not null and @next_range_end is not NULL begin' if @is_publisher=1 begin -- if it is the publisher when both current range and next range are full we will -- call a proc to refresh the range select @command = @command + ' if IDENT_CURRENT(''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''') = @range_end begin DBCC CHECKIDENT (''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''', RESEED, @next_range_begin) with no_infomsgs end' if @ident_increment > 0 select @command = @command + ' else if IDENT_CURRENT(''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''') >= @next_range_end' else select @command = @command + ' else if IDENT_CURRENT(''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''') <= @next_range_end' select @command = @command + ' begin exec sys.sp_MSrefresh_publisher_idrange ''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''', ' + @subidstr + ', ' + @artidstr + ', 2, 1 if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE end' end else begin -- on the subscriber when both ranges are full we cannot do anything. so only do a -- reseed when range_end is reached. select @command = @command + ' if IDENT_CURRENT(''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''') = @range_end begin DBCC CHECKIDENT (''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@quoted_source_table_name) + ''', RESEED, @next_range_begin) with no_infomsgs end' end select @command = @command + ' end end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command='' end select @command = @command + ' declare @article_rows_inserted int select @article_rows_inserted = count(*) from inserted if @article_rows_inserted = 0 return declare @tablenick int, @rowguid uniqueidentifier , @replnick binary(6), @lineage varbinary(311), @colv1 varbinary(' + convert(nvarchar(13), @max_colv_size_in_bytes) + '), @cv varbinary(1) , @ccols int, @newgen bigint, @version int, @curversion int , @oldmaxversion int, @child_newgen bigint, @child_oldmaxversion int, @child_metadatarows_updated int , @logical_record_parent_rowguid uniqueidentifier , @num_parent_rows int, @parent_row_inserted bit, @ts_rows_exist bit, @marker uniqueidentifier declare @dt datetime declare @nickbin varbinary(8) declare @error int' if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 select @command = @command + ' declare @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids table (logical_record_parent_rowguid uniqueidentifier unique) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' set nocount on set @tablenick = ' + @tablenickchar + ' set @lineage = 0x0 set @retcode = 0 select @oldmaxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick select @dt = getdate() select @replnick = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@replnick) + ' set @nickbin= @replnick + 0xFF select @newgen = NULL select top 1 @newgen = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + @tablenickchar + ' and genstatus = 0' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + ' - isnull(@article_rows_inserted,0))' select @command = @command + ' if @newgen is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, @tablenick, @nickbin, @dt, @article_rows_inserted) select @error = @@error, @newgen = @@identity if @error<>0 or @newgen is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' else begin -- now update the changecount of the generation we go to reflect the number of rows we put in this generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @article_rows_inserted where generation = @newgen if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end' select @command = @command + ' set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE (0x0, @replnick, 1) } ' + @ifcoltracking + ' if (@@error <> 0) begin goto FAILURE end select @ts_rows_exist = 0' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @logical_record_view is not null select @command =' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 begin select @rowguid = rowguidcol from inserted select @ts_rows_exist = 1 where exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_tsview + ' where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid) end else begin select @ts_rows_exist = 1 where exists (select ts.rowguid from inserted i, ' + @quoted_tsview + ' ts with (rowlock) where ts.tablenick = @tablenick and ts.rowguid = i.rowguidcol) end' else select @command =' select @ts_rows_exist = 1 where exists (select ts.rowguid from inserted i, ' + @quoted_tsview + ' ts with (rowlock) where ts.tablenick = @tablenick and ts.rowguid = i.rowguidcol)' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' if @ts_rows_exist = 1 begin' if @logical_record_view is not null select @command = @command + ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 select @version = max({fn GETMAXVERSION(lineage)}) from ' + @quoted_tsview + ' where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid else' select @command = @command + ' select @version = max({fn GETMAXVERSION(lineage)}) from ' + @quoted_tsview + ' where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid in (select rowguidcol from inserted) if @version is not null begin -- reset lineage and colv to higher version... set @curversion = 0 while (@curversion <= @version) begin set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE (@lineage, @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } set @curversion= { fn GETMAXVERSION(@lineage) } end if (@colv1 IS NOT NULL) set @colv1 = { fn UPDATECOLVBM(@colv1, @replnick, 0x01, 0x00, { fn GETMAXVERSION(@lineage) }) }' if @logical_record_view is not null select @command = @command + ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 delete from ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid else' select @command = @command + ' delete from ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid in (select rowguidcol from inserted) end end select @marker = newid() ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @logical_record_view is not null begin select @command = ' if (@article_rows_inserted = 1) begin declare @contents_row_exists bit select @contents_row_exists = 0 select @contents_row_exists = 1 where exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin select @command = ' select @logical_record_parent_rowguid = logical_record_parent_rowguid from ' + quotename(object_name(@logical_record_view)) + ' where ' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid ' select @command = @command + ' if @contents_row_exists = 0 begin ' select @command = @command + ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, marker) values (@tablenick, @rowguid, @lineage, @colv1, @newgen, (-@newgen), @logical_record_parent_rowguid, @marker) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' end else begin update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' set logical_record_parent_rowguid = @logical_record_parent_rowguid where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSupdate_singlelogicalrecordmetadata ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', @logical_record_parent_rowguid, @replnick, @parent_row_inserted output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end else begin ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) end -- @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 1 else begin select @command = ' if @contents_row_exists = 0 begin insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, marker, logical_record_lineage) values (@tablenick, @rowguid, @lineage, @colv1, @newgen, (-@newgen), @rowguid, @marker, @lineage) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' end else begin update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' set logical_record_parent_rowguid = @rowguid, logical_record_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(logical_record_lineage, @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid end end else begin ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) end end if @logical_record_view is null begin select @command = ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, marker) select @tablenick, rowguidcol, @lineage, @colv1, @newgen, (-@newgen), @marker from inserted i where not exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (readcommitted, rowlock, readpast) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = i.rowguidcol) ' end else begin if @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 select @command = ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, marker) select @tablenick, i.rowguidcol, @lineage, @colv1, @newgen, (-@newgen), logical_record_parent_rowguid, @marker from inserted i, ' + quotename(object_name(@logical_record_view)) + ' lrv with (rowlock) where i.rowguidcol = lrv.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' and not exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (readcommitted, rowlock, readpast) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = i.rowguidcol) end' else -- @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 1 select @command = ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, marker, logical_record_lineage) select @tablenick, i.rowguidcol, @lineage, @colv1, @newgen, (-@newgen), i.rowguidcol, @marker,@lineage from inserted i where not exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (readcommitted, rowlock, readpast) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = i.rowguidcol) end' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' if @@rowcount = 0 begin select top 1 @marker = mc.marker from inserted i, ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = @tablenick and mc.rowguid = i.rowguidcol end ' -- uncomment for compplan size test -- insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin select @command = ' if @article_rows_inserted > 1 begin insert into @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids select distinct lrv.logical_record_parent_rowguid from inserted i, ' + quotename(object_name(@logical_record_view)) + ' lrv with (rowlock) where i.rowguidcol = lrv.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' and lrv.logical_record_parent_rowguid is not null select @num_parent_rows = @@rowcount if @num_parent_rows = 1 begin -- this could happen when all rows being inserted are the children of the same parent row. select @logical_record_parent_rowguid = logical_record_parent_rowguid from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSupdate_singlelogicalrecordmetadata ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', @logical_record_parent_rowguid, @replnick, @parent_row_inserted output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end else if @num_parent_rows > 1 begin declare @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion int, @logical_record_lineage varbinary(311), @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage varbinary(311), @logical_record_parent_gencur bigint select top 1 @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion = maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' -- the code below will get an open generation for the parent select @logical_record_parent_gencur = NULL select top 1 @logical_record_parent_gencur = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and genstatus = 0' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + '-isnull(@num_parent_rows,0))' select @command = @command + ' if @logical_record_parent_gencur is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', @nickbin, @dt, @num_parent_rows) select @error= @@error, @logical_record_parent_gencur = @@identity if @error<>0 or @logical_record_parent_gencur is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' else begin -- do the update right away to change the changecount to include the rows that we just put in the generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @num_parent_rows where generation = @logical_record_parent_gencur if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set logical_record_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(logical_record_lineage, @replnick, @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion+1) }, generation = @logical_record_parent_gencur from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids lrpg join ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) on tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and rowguid = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid option (force order, loop join) delete from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids where logical_record_parent_rowguid in (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' where tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ') -- Now @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids is left with parent rowguids that are not present in MSmerge_contents. if exists (select * from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids) begin select @logical_record_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion+1) } -- if no cleanup done yet, use 1 as the version. if @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion = 1 select @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, 1) } else select @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage = @logical_record_lineage insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, logical_record_lineage) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid, @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage, 0x00, @logical_record_parent_gencur, NULL, lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid, @logical_record_lineage from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids lrpg where not exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and rowguid = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid) end end end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) end select @command = ' if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) -- if partition groups functionality is being used, we need to insert the partition ids for these -- newly inserted contents rows. if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin declare lrp_partition_view_ids CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select partition_view_id, pubid, objid from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @logical_record_parent_nickname and partition_view_id is not null for read only open lrp_partition_view_ids fetch next from lrp_partition_view_ids into @lrp_partition_view_id, @lrp_pubid, @lrp_objid while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select top 1 @lrp_publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @lrp_pubid select @lrp_rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @lrp_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 select @lrp_partition_view_name = 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(@lrp_partition_view_id)) if @lrp_partition_view_name is not null begin select @command = NULL select @command = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 or @num_parent_rows = 1 begin -- if we did not insert the parent row, we have no business inserting the mapping row. if @parent_row_inserted = 1 begin insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @lrp_publication_number) + ', ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ', v.partition_id from ' + @lrp_partition_view_name + ' as v with (rowlock) where v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ' = @logical_record_parent_rowguid end end else insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @lrp_publication_number) + ', ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ', v.partition_id from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids as lrpg, ' + @lrp_partition_view_name + ' as v with (rowlock) where v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ' = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' mcpg with (readcommitted, rowlock, readpast) where mcpg.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and mcpg.rowguid = v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ') ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) end fetch next from lrp_partition_view_ids into @lrp_partition_view_id, @lrp_pubid, @lrp_objid end close lrp_partition_view_ids deallocate lrp_partition_view_ids end declare @partition_view_id int, @partition_view_name nvarchar(270), @pubid uniqueidentifier, @partition_inserted_view_rule nvarchar(max), @publication_number smallint, @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname nvarchar(517) if @article_published = 1 begin declare partition_view_ids CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select partition_view_id, pubid, partition_inserted_view_rule, partition_options from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @tablenick and partition_view_id is not null for read only open partition_view_ids fetch next from partition_view_ids into @partition_view_id, @pubid, @partition_inserted_view_rule, @partition_options while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid select @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + N'.' + quotename(object_name(object_id)) from sys.objects with (nolock) where object_id = (select top 1 repl_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and objid = @objid) select @partition_view_name = 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(@partition_view_id)) if @partition_view_name is not null begin select @command3 = NULL if @partition_options = 2 or @partition_options = 3 select @command3 = ' if @is_mergeagent = 0 or @at_publisher = 0 ' select @command3 = isnull(@command3, ' ') if @logical_record_view is not null select @command3 = @command3 + ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', @tablenick, @rowguid, v.partition_id from ' + @partition_view_name + ' as v with (rowlock) where v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid else' select @command3 = @command3 + ' insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', @tablenick, v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ', v.partition_id from ( ' + @partition_inserted_view_rule + ' ) as v ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command3) end fetch next from partition_view_ids into @partition_view_id, @pubid, @partition_inserted_view_rule, @partition_options end close partition_view_ids deallocate partition_view_ids -- Logical records are based on PK-FK relationships. So when a parent row is inserted, it can be safely -- assumed that none of the child rows would pre-exist. As a result, the following expansion code will not -- find any children if logical records are in use. So, don't need to worry about determining the -- logical_record_parent_rowguid for the child rows brought in via expansion below. declare @expand_proc nvarchar(255) declare expand_procs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct expand_proc from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @tablenick and expand_proc is not null and exists -- at least one non-LR child exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where join_nickname = @tablenick and filter_type = 1) open expand_procs fetch next from expand_procs into @expand_proc while @@fetch_status <> -1 begin set @command3 = ' exec @retcode = dbo.' + quotename(@expand_proc) + ' @marker = @marker, @inherit_pastchanges_generation = -1, @trigger_type = 0 if @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE ' -- uncomment for compplan size tests -- insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) fetch next from expand_procs into @expand_proc end close expand_procs deallocate expand_procs declare immediate_children CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct quotename(object_name(sma.objid)), sma.objid, sma.nickname, 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(sma.partition_view_id)), ssf.join_filterid, ssf.join_filterclause, ssf.join_unique_key, sma.expand_proc, sma.pubid, sma.column_tracking from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters ssf, dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview sma where ssf.join_nickname = @tablenick and sma.nickname = ssf.art_nickname and sma.pubid = ssf.pubid and ssf.filter_type = 1 and sma.partition_view_id is not null for read only open immediate_children fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname, @immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking if (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select @command3 = ' declare @child_marker uniqueidentifier declare @child_rowcount int set @child_marker = newid() ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSis_joinfilter_based_on_PK_UQ_constraints @pubid = @pubid, @join_filter_id = @join_filter_id, @dri_based = @child_cannot_pre_exist output, @unique_constraint_based = @parent_columns_unique output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 if @child_cannot_pre_exist = 1 goto InsertTriggerGetNextChild select @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(object_id)) from sys.objects with (nolock) where object_id = (select top 1 repl_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and objid = @immediate_child_objid) select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid -- Fix for VSTS 217316 select top 1 @partition_inserted_view_rule = partition_inserted_view_rule from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and artid = @artid select top 1 @child_join_colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@join_filterclause, name, @immediate_child_objid) = 1 select @child_rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin if @logical_record_view is not null select @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 select @child_rowcount = count(*) from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') else' else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = @command3 + ' select @child_rowcount = count(*) from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from ' + ' inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') ' end else begin if @logical_record_view is not null select @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 select @child_rowcount = count(*) from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') else' else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = @command3 + ' select @child_rowcount = count(*) from ' + ' inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) -- touch the immediate children of deleted rows select @command3 = ' if @child_rowcount > 0 begin select @child_oldmaxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' -- the code below will get an open generation for the child article select @child_newgen = NULL select top 1 @child_newgen = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + ' and genstatus = 0' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command3 = @command3 + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + '- isnull(@child_rowcount,0))' select @command3 = @command3 + ' if @child_newgen is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, ' + convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + ', @nickbin, @dt, @child_rowcount) select @error=@@error, @child_newgen = @@identity if @error<>0 or @child_newgen is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command3 = @command3 + ' else begin -- do the update right away to change the changecount to include the rows that we just put in the generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @child_rowcount where generation = @child_newgen if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin if @logical_record_view is not null begin select @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') else' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') ' end else begin if @logical_record_view is not null begin select @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock), ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and (' + @join_filterclause + ') and mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' else' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock), ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' select @child_metadatarows_updated = @@rowcount ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' if @child_metadatarows_updated < @child_rowcount ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) set @command3 = ' begin set @lineage = 0x00 ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @child_has_col_tracking = 1 set @command3 = ' set @cv = 0xFF ' else set @command3 = ' set @cv = NULL ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin if @logical_record_view is not null set @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, generation, lineage, colv1, marker) select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', @child_newgen, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') else' else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = @command3 + ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, generation, lineage, colv1, marker) select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', 0, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') ' end else begin if @logical_record_view is not null set @command3 = ' if @article_rows_inserted = 1 insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, generation, lineage, colv1, marker) select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', 0, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from ' + @basetable_ownerqualified_replviewname + ' ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' with (rowlock), ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' = @rowguid and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ' and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') else' else select @command3 = '' select @command3 = @command3 + ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, generation, lineage, colv1, marker) select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', 0, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from inserted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ' and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) -- select @command3 = ' -- delete ' + @current_mappings_viewname + ' from -- ' + @current_mappings_viewname + ' cpmv join ' + @viewname + ' mc -- on cpmv.tablenick = mc.tablenick -- and mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' -- and cpmv.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' -- and cpmv.rowguid = mc.rowguid -- and cpmv.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' -- and mc.marker = @child_marker ' -- insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', ' + convert (nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.partition_id from ( ' + @partition_inserted_view_rule + ' ) as ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ' JOIN ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) ON ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') WHERE not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' where publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' and partition_id = ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.partition_id) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @child_expand_proc is not null and @child_expand_proc != ' ' begin set @command3 = ' exec dbo.' + quotename(@child_expand_proc) + ' @marker = @child_marker, @inherit_pastchanges_generation = -1, @parent_being_updated = 0, @trigger_type = 0 ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end select @command3 = ' end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) InsertTriggerGetNextChild: fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname, @immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking end close immediate_children deallocate immediate_children end -- end @article_published = 1 select @command4 = ' return FAILURE: if @@trancount > 0 rollback tran raiserror (20041, 16, -1) return ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @command4) end -- upd_ trigger generation -- Call separate routine to add update trigger -- if @trigger_type = 1 begin exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSaddupdatetrigger @quoted_source_table_name, @owner, @object, @artid, @column_tracking, @viewname, @trigname, @current_mappings_viewname, @past_mappings_viewname, @genhistory_viewname if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return (1) end -- del_ trigger generation -- Now make the delete trigger -- -- NOTE: owner name removed if @trigger_type = 2 begin select @command=NULL, @command2=NULL, @command3=NULL, @command4=NULL set @command = ' create trigger ' + @quoted_trigname + ' on ' + @quoted_db_source_table_name + ' FOR DELETE ' + @notforrepl_str1 + ' AS declare @is_mergeagent bit, @at_publisher bit, @retcode smallint set rowcount 0 set transaction isolation level read committed ' if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and (pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where use_partition_groups = 1) or published_in_tran_pub = 1 )) begin select @command = @command + ' exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSisreplmergeagent @is_mergeagent output, @at_publisher output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 begin rollback tran return end ' end else begin select @command = @command + ' select @is_mergeagent = convert(bit, sessionproperty(''replication_agent'')) select @at_publisher = 0 ' end if (@notforrepl_bit = 1) select @command = @command + @notforrepl_str2 if @partition_options = 2 or @partition_options = 3 select @command = @command + ' if @is_mergeagent = 1 and @at_publisher = 1 return ' select @command = @command + ' declare @article_rows_deleted int declare @xe_message varbinary(1000) select @article_rows_deleted = count(*) from deleted if @article_rows_deleted=0 return declare @tablenick int, @replnick binary(6), @lineage varbinary(311), @newgen bigint, @oldmaxversion int, @child_newgen bigint, @child_oldmaxversion int, @child_metadatarows_updated int, @cv varbinary(1), @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion int, @logical_record_lineage varbinary(311), @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage varbinary(311), @logical_record_parent_gencur bigint, @num_parent_rows int, @logical_record_parent_rowguid uniqueidentifier, @parent_row_inserted bit, @rowguid uniqueidentifier declare @dt datetime, @nickbin varbinary(8), @error int ' if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 select @command = @command + ' declare @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids table (logical_record_parent_rowguid uniqueidentifier unique) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' set nocount on select @tablenick = ' + @tablenickchar + ' if @article_rows_deleted = 1 select @rowguid = rowguidcol from deleted select @oldmaxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick select @dt = getdate() select @replnick = ' + sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@replnick) + ' set @nickbin= @replnick + 0xFF select @newgen = NULL select top 1 @newgen = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + @tablenickchar + ' and genstatus = 0 ' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + ' - isnull(@article_rows_deleted,0))' select @command = @command + ' if @newgen is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, @tablenick, @nickbin, @dt, @article_rows_deleted) select @error = @@error, @newgen = @@identity if @error<>0 or @newgen is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' else begin -- now update the changecount of the generation we go to reflect the number of rows we put in this generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @article_rows_deleted where generation = @newgen if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @logical_record_view is not null begin select top 1 @logical_record_parent_nickname = logical_record_parent_nickname from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo where artid = @artid and logical_record_parent_nickname is not null end -- Do not update the tombstone table if the delete_tracking property is set to false on the article. -- This property when set blocks replication of deletes. Note: It causes non-convergence. if @delete_tracking = 0 begin set @command2 = ' set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) }' end else begin set @command2 = ' set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command2) if @logical_record_view is null or @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 set @command2 = ' if @article_rows_deleted = 1 insert into ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) (rowguid, tablenick, type, lineage, generation) select @rowguid, @tablenick, 1, isnull((select { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' c with (rowlock) where c.tablenick = @tablenick and c.rowguid = @rowguid),@lineage), @newgen else insert into ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) (rowguid, tablenick, type, lineage, generation) select d.rowguidcol, @tablenick, 1, { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) }, @newgen from deleted d left outer join ' + @quoted_viewname + ' c with (rowlock) on c.tablenick = @tablenick and c.rowguid = d.rowguidcol ' else set @command2 = ' if @article_rows_deleted = 1 insert into ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) (rowguid, tablenick, type, lineage, generation, logical_record_parent_rowguid, logical_record_lineage) select @rowguid, @tablenick, 1, isnull((select { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' c with (rowlock) where c.tablenick = @tablenick and c.rowguid = @rowguid),@lineage), @newgen, @rowguid, isnull((select { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.logical_record_lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' c with (rowlock) where c.tablenick = @tablenick and c.rowguid = @rowguid),@lineage) else insert into ' + @quoted_tsview + ' with (rowlock) (rowguid, tablenick, type, lineage, generation, logical_record_parent_rowguid, logical_record_lineage) select d.rowguidcol, @tablenick, 1, { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) }, @newgen, d.rowguidcol, { fn UPDATELINEAGE(COALESCE(c.logical_record_lineage, @lineage), @replnick, @oldmaxversion+1) } from deleted d left outer join ' + @quoted_viewname + ' c with (rowlock) on c.tablenick = @tablenick and c.rowguid = d.rowguidcol ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command2) set @command2 = ' if @@error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command2) if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @tablenick and partition_view_id is not null) begin if @logical_record_view is not null set @command2 = ' if @article_rows_deleted = 1 delete from ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid else' else select @command2 = '' select @command2 = @command2 + ' delete from ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) from deleted d JOIN ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' cpm with (rowlock) ON cpm.tablenick = @tablenick and cpm.rowguid = d.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' option (force order, loop join) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command2) declare partition_view_ids CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select partition_view_id, pubid, partition_deleted_view_rule from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @tablenick and partition_view_id is not null -- if partition_view_id is NULL, this publication is not using partition groups for read only open partition_view_ids fetch next from partition_view_ids into @partition_view_id, @pubid, @partition_deleted_view_rule while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid select @partition_view_name = 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(@partition_view_id)) if @partition_view_name is not null begin -- handle the case when there is a delete cascade constraint. When the following conditions are satisfied, we -- need to delete the rows from all partitions: -- (1) the ON DELETE CASCADE constraint is set -- (2) the rows in the parent table do not exist -- (yiche) declare @join_table_name nvarchar(270), -- the parent table name @join_filter_clause nvarchar(270), @parent_partition_view_name nvarchar(517) -- the partition view name for the parent table declare @jt nvarchar(270) -- the unquoted name for the join_table_name select @jt = join_articlename, @join_filter_clause = join_filterclause from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where pubid = @pubid and artid = @artid -- note that an article might belongs to multiple publication select @join_table_name = QUOTENAME(@jt) select @parent_partition_view_name = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(object_name(partition_view_id)) from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview, sys.objects where object_name(objid) = @jt and object_id = @objid and pubid = @pubid if ( not exists (select * from sys.foreign_keys fks JOIN dbo.sysmergearticles art on fks.parent_object_id = art.objid where fks.delete_referential_action = 1 -- on delete cascade and art.nickname = @tablenick ) OR ( @join_filter_clause IS NULL ) ) -- endif begin select @command2 = ' -- update any ppm row that already exist with this gen update ppm set ppm.generation = case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then 0 else @newgen end from ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' ppm with (rowlock) inner join deleted v on ppm.tablenick =@tablenick and ppm.rowguid = v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' -- insert the past partition mapping into gen 0 if this is the merge agent insert into ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation,reason) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar(100), @publication_number) + ', @tablenick, v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ', v.partition_id, case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then 0 else @newgen end, 1 from ( ' + @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' ) as v if (@@ROWCOUNT <= 0) begin select @xe_message = CAST(''replica_id: '' + convert(nvarchar(100), @replnick) + '', article_id: '' + convert(nvarchar(100), @tablenick) + '', rowguid: '' + case when @article_rows_deleted = 1 then convert(nvarchar(100), @rowguid) else N''0'' end + '', generation: '' + case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then N''0'' else convert(nvarchar(100), @newgen) end + '', Reason: -1'' AS varbinary(1000)); exec master..sp_repl_generateevent 1, N''Event : ppm_insert'', @xe_message end ' end else begin select @command2 = ' -- update any ppm row that already exist with this gen update ppm set ppm.generation = case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then 0 else @newgen end from ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' ppm with (rowlock) inner join deleted v on ppm.tablenick =@tablenick and ppm.rowguid = v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ' if ( not exists (select * from deleted ' + QUOTENAME(@source_table) + ' JOIN ' + @parent_partition_view_name + ' ' + @join_table_name + ' on ( '+ @join_filter_clause+' ) )) begin insert into ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) ( publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation, reason) select distinct ' + convert( nvarchar(100), @publication_number)+', @tablenick, v.' + @quoted_rgcol +', -1, case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then 0 else @newgen end, 1 from deleted as v end else begin insert into ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation,reason) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar(100), @publication_number) + ', @tablenick, v.' + @quoted_rgcol + ', v.partition_id, case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then 0 else @newgen end, 1 from ( ' + @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' ) as v end if (@@ROWCOUNT <= 0) begin select @xe_message = CAST(''replica_id: '' + convert(nvarchar(100), @replnick) + '', article_id: '' + convert(nvarchar(100), @tablenick) + '', rowguid: '' + case when @article_rows_deleted = 1 then convert(nvarchar(100), @rowguid) else N''0'' end + '', generation: '' + case when @is_mergeagent = 1 then N''0'' else convert(nvarchar(100), @newgen) end + '', Reason: -1'' AS varbinary(1000)); exec master..sp_repl_generateevent 1, N''Event : ppm_insert'', @xe_message end ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command2) end fetch next from partition_view_ids into @partition_view_id, @pubid, @partition_deleted_view_rule end end if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin select @command = ' declare @logical_record_rowguid_parent_rowguid_mapping table (rowguid uniqueidentifier, logical_record_parent_rowguid uniqueidentifier) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) if @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin select @command = ' insert into @logical_record_rowguid_parent_rowguid_mapping select ' + @quoted_rgcol + ', logical_record_parent_rowguid from (' + @logical_record_deleted_view_rule + ') as lrdvr where lrdvr.logical_record_parent_rowguid is not null insert into @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids select distinct logical_record_parent_rowguid from @logical_record_rowguid_parent_rowguid_mapping select @num_parent_rows = @@rowcount if @num_parent_rows = 1 begin -- this could happen when all rows being inserted are the children of the same parent row. select @logical_record_parent_rowguid = logical_record_parent_rowguid from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSupdate_singlelogicalrecordmetadata ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', @logical_record_parent_rowguid, @replnick, @parent_row_inserted output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end else if @num_parent_rows > 1 begin select top 1 @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion = maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' -- the code below will get an open generation for the parent select @logical_record_parent_gencur = NULL select top 1 @logical_record_parent_gencur = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and genstatus = 0' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + '-isnull(@num_parent_rows,0))' select @command = @command + ' if @logical_record_parent_gencur is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', @nickbin, @dt, @num_parent_rows) select @error = @@error, @logical_record_parent_gencur = @@identity if @error<>0 or @logical_record_parent_gencur is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command = @command + ' else begin -- do the update right away to change the changecount to include the rows that we just put in the generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @num_parent_rows where generation = @logical_record_parent_gencur if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) select @command = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set logical_record_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(logical_record_lineage, @replnick, @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion+1) }, generation = @logical_record_parent_gencur from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids lrpg join ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) on tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and rowguid = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid option (force order, loop join) delete from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids where logical_record_parent_rowguid in (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' where tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ') -- Now @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids is left with parent rowguids that are not present in MSmerge_contents. if exists (select * from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids) begin select @logical_record_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion+1) } -- if no cleanup done yet, use 1 as the version. if @logical_record_parent_oldmaxversion = 1 select @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, 1) } else select @logical_record_parent_regular_lineage = @logical_record_lineage insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, logical_record_parent_rowguid, logical_record_lineage) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid, @logical_record_lineage, 0x00, @logical_record_parent_gencur, NULL, lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid, @logical_record_lineage from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids lrpg where not exists (select rowguid from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and rowguid = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid) end end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) -- if partition groups functionality is being used, we need to insert the partition ids for these -- newly inserted contents rows. declare lrp_partition_view_ids CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select partition_view_id, pubid, objid from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @logical_record_parent_nickname and partition_view_id is not null for read only open lrp_partition_view_ids fetch next from lrp_partition_view_ids into @lrp_partition_view_id, @lrp_pubid, @lrp_objid while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select top 1 @lrp_publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @lrp_pubid select @lrp_rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @lrp_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 select @lrp_partition_view_name = 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(@lrp_partition_view_id)) if @lrp_partition_view_name is not null begin select @command = NULL select @command = ' if @num_parent_rows = 1 begin -- if we did not insert the parent row, we have no business inserting the mapping row. if @parent_row_inserted = 1 begin insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @lrp_publication_number) + ', ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ', v.partition_id from ' + @lrp_partition_view_name + ' as v with (rowlock) where v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ' = @logical_record_parent_rowguid end end else insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @lrp_publication_number) + ', ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ', v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ', v.partition_id from @logical_record_distinct_parent_rowguids as lrpg, ' + @lrp_partition_view_name + ' as v with (rowlock) where v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ' = lrpg.logical_record_parent_rowguid and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' mcpg with (rowlock) where mcpg.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@logical_record_parent_nickname) + ' and mcpg.rowguid = v.' + @lrp_rgcol + ') ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (1, @command) end fetch next from lrp_partition_view_ids into @lrp_partition_view_id, @lrp_pubid, @lrp_objid end close lrp_partition_view_ids deallocate lrp_partition_view_ids end end if @logical_record_view is not null and @is_top_level_logical_record_parent = 0 begin select @command = ' update ts with (rowlock) set ts.logical_record_parent_rowguid = lrrprm.logical_record_parent_rowguid from @logical_record_rowguid_parent_rowguid_mapping lrrprm, ' + @quoted_tsview + ' ts with (rowlock) where ts.tablenick = @tablenick and ts.rowguid = lrrprm.rowguid option (force order, loop join) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (3, @command) end -- this expansion code is only needed on the publisher if @article_published = 1 begin -- Logical records are based on PK-FK relationships. So when a parent row is deleted, it can be safely -- assumed that none of the child rows exist (they should have been deleted beforehand). -- As a result, the following expansion code will not -- find any children if logical records are in use. So, don't need to worry about determining the -- logical_record_parent_rowguid for the child rows brought in via expansion below. declare immediate_children CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct quotename(object_name(sma.objid)), sma.objid, sma.nickname, 'dbo.' + quotename(object_name(sma.partition_view_id)), ssf.join_filterid, ssf.join_filterclause, ssf.join_unique_key, sma.expand_proc, sma.pubid, sma.column_tracking from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters ssf, dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview sma where ssf.join_nickname = @tablenick and sma.nickname = ssf.art_nickname and sma.pubid = ssf.pubid and ssf.filter_type = 1 and sma.partition_view_id is not null for read only open immediate_children fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname, @immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking if (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select @command3 = ' declare @child_marker uniqueidentifier declare @child_rowcount int set @child_marker = newid() ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSis_joinfilter_based_on_PK_UQ_constraints @pubid = @pubid, @join_filter_id = @join_filter_id, @dri_based = @child_cannot_pre_exist output, @unique_constraint_based = @parent_columns_unique output if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 if @child_cannot_pre_exist = 1 goto DeleteTriggerGetNextChild select @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(object_name(object_id)) from sys.objects with (nolock) where object_id = (select top 1 repl_view_id from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and objid = @immediate_child_objid) select top 1 @publication_number = publication_number from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid select top 1 @child_join_colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@join_filterclause, name, @immediate_child_objid) = 1 select @child_rgcol = quotename(name) from sys.columns where object_id = @immediate_child_objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin select @command3 = ' select @child_rowcount = count(*) from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') ' end else begin select @command3 = ' select @child_rowcount = count(*) from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) -- touch the immediate children of deleted rows select @command3 = ' if @child_rowcount > 0 begin select @child_oldmaxversion= maxversion_at_cleanup from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' -- the code below will get an open generation for the child article select @child_newgen = NULL select top 1 @child_newgen = generation from ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock, updlock, readpast) where art_nick = ' + convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + ' and genstatus = 0' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command3 = @command3 + ' and changecount <= (' + convert(nvarchar, @gen_change_threshold) + '- isnull(@child_rowcount,0))' select @command3 = @command3 + ' if @child_newgen is NULL begin insert into ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (guidsrc, genstatus, art_nick, nicknames, coldate, changecount) values (newid(), 0, ' + convert(nvarchar,@immediate_child_nickname) + ', @nickbin, @dt, @child_rowcount) select @error=@@error, @child_newgen = @@identity if @error<>0 or @child_newgen is NULL goto FAILURE end' if @level_generations_in_trigger = 1 select @command3 = @command3 + ' else begin -- do the update right away to change the changecount to include the rows that we just put in the generation update ' + @quoted_genhistory_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set changecount = changecount + @child_rowcount where generation = @child_newgen if @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin select @command3 = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') ' end else begin select @command3 = ' update ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) set generation = @child_newgen, partchangegen = @child_newgen, marker = @child_marker from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock), ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' and ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' select @child_metadatarows_updated = @@rowcount ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' if @child_metadatarows_updated < @child_rowcount ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) set @command3 = ' begin set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @replnick, @child_oldmaxversion+1) } ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @child_has_col_tracking = 1 set @command3 = ' set @cv = 0xFF ' else set @command3 = ' set @cv = NULL ' set @command3 = @command3 + ' insert into ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (tablenick, rowguid, generation, lineage, colv1, marker) ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) if @join_unique_key = 0 or @parent_columns_unique = 0 begin set @command3 = ' select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', @child_newgen, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + @child_rgcol + ' in (select ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ' from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ') and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') ' end else begin set @command3 = ' select ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', 0, @lineage, @cv, @child_marker from deleted ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ')' + ' and not exists (select * from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) where mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and rowguid = ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ') ' end insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' delete ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) join ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' cpmv with (rowlock) on cpmv.tablenick = mc.tablenick and mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and cpmv.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and cpmv.rowguid = mc.rowguid and cpmv.publication_number = ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ' and mc.marker = @child_marker ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select @command3 = ' insert into ' + @quoted_current_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', mc.tablenick, mc.rowguid, v.partition_id from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' mc with (rowlock) JOIN ' + @immediate_child_partition_viewname + ' v with (rowlock) ON mc.tablenick = ' + convert(nvarchar(11), @immediate_child_nickname) + ' and mc.rowguid = v.' + @child_rgcol + ' and mc.marker = @child_marker ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) select top 1 @partition_deleted_view_rule = partition_deleted_view_rule from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where pubid = @pubid and nickname = @tablenick if @partition_deleted_view_rule is not null and @partition_deleted_view_rule <> ' ' begin select @command3 = ' insert into ' + @quoted_past_mappings_viewname + ' with (rowlock) (publication_number, tablenick, rowguid, partition_id, generation, reason) select distinct ' + convert(nvarchar, @publication_number) + ', ' + convert (nvarchar, @immediate_child_nickname) + ', ' + @immediate_child_table_name + '.' + @child_rgcol + ', ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + '.partition_id, @child_newgen, 1 from ( ' + @partition_deleted_view_rule + ' ) as ' + quotename(object_name(@objid)) + ', ' + @owner_qualified_immediate_child_table_name + ' ' + @immediate_child_table_name + ' with (rowlock) where ' + '(' + @join_filterclause + ') ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end if @child_expand_proc is not null and @child_expand_proc != ' ' begin set @command3 = ' exec dbo.' + quotename(@child_expand_proc) + ' @marker = @child_marker, @inherit_pastchanges_generation = @child_newgen, @parent_being_updated = 0, @trigger_type = 2 ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) end select @command3 = ' end ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values(14, @command3) DeleteTriggerGetNextChild: fetch next from immediate_children into @immediate_child_table_name, @immediate_child_objid, @immediate_child_nickname, @immediate_child_partition_viewname, @join_filter_id, @join_filterclause, @join_unique_key, @child_expand_proc, @pubid, @child_has_col_tracking end close immediate_children deallocate immediate_children end -- if @article_published = 1 if @logical_record_view is not null set @command4 = ' if @article_rows_deleted = 1 delete from ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) where tablenick = @tablenick and rowguid = @rowguid else' else set @command4 = '' set @command4 = @command4 + ' delete ' + @quoted_viewname + ' with (rowlock) from deleted d, ' + @quoted_viewname + ' cont with (rowlock) where cont.tablenick = @tablenick and cont.rowguid = d.rowguidcol option (force order, loop join)' set @command4 = @command4+' if @@error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE' -- Do not update the tombstone table if the delete_tracking property is set to false on the article. -- This property when set blocks replication of deletes. Note: It causes non-convergence. if @delete_tracking = 1 begin set @command4 = @command4 + ' ' end set @command4 = @command4+' return FAILURE: if @@trancount > 0 rollback tran raiserror (20041, 16, -1) return ' insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (20, @command4) insert into #tmptriggercmd (phase, cmdtext) values (2, @inscommand) end select cmdtext from #tmptriggercmd where cmdtext is not null order by phase, step drop table #tmptriggercmd
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