May 7, 2012

sp_MSaddmergedynamicsnapshotjob (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSaddmergedynamicsnapshotjob(nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @dynamic_filter_login
, nvarchar @dynamic_filter_hostname
, nvarchar @dynamic_snapshot_location
, int @frequency_type
, int @frequency_interval
, int @frequency_subday
, int @frequency_subday_interval
, int @frequency_relative_interval
, int @frequency_recurrence_factor
, int @active_start_date
, int @active_end_date
, int @active_start_time_of_day
, int @active_end_time_of_day
, bit @ignore_select)


-- Name: sp_MSaddmergedynamicsnapshotjob
-- Description: This procedure sets up a SQL Server Agent job for dynamic
-- snapshot generation and associates a row in
-- MSdynamicsnapshotjobs for the job to the specified publication.
-- Notes: 1) If a local path is specified for the @dynamic_snapshot_location,
-- the local path of the Distribution server will be used.
-- 2) This procedure will not check whether the given path is already in
-- use by another dynamic snapshot generation job. Sharing the same
-- dynamic snapshot location among different dynamic snapshot
-- generation jobs can lead to file corruption and/or snapshot files
-- being overwritten.
-- 3) A regular snapshot job must be added for the publication before
-- a dynamic snapshot generation job can be scheduled.
-- 4) This procedure will not check for the existence of the given
-- dynamic snapshot location.
-- 5) The specified publication must be enabled for dynamic filtering.
-- 6) If @dynamic_snapshot_jobname is specified, it must be unique
-- among all the jobs at the distributor's msdb. If it is left
-- unspecified, a job name will be generated according to the
-- following rule:
-- 'dyn_' + (job name for the regular snapshot job) + (guid string)
-- Note that (job name for the regular snapshot job) can be truncated
-- if the resulting name is too long.
-- Parameters: @publication sysname (mandatory)
-- @dynamic_filter_login sysname (optional, default null)
-- @dynamic_filter_hostname sysname (optional, default null)
-- @dynamic_snapshot_location nvarchar(255) (mandatory)
-- @dynamic_snapshot_jobid (optional, output, default null)
-- @dynamic_snapshot_jobname (optional, output, default null)
-- Scheduling information:
-- @frequency_type int (optional, default 4 == Daily)
-- @frequency_interval int (optional, default 1 == Every day)
-- @frequency_subday int (optional, default 4 (Sub interval = Minute))
-- @frequency_subday_interval int (optional, default 5 == Every five minutes)
-- @frequency_relative_interval int (optional, default 1)
-- @frequency_recurrence_factor int (optional, default 0)
-- @active_start_date int (optional, default 0 == Today)
-- @active_end_date int (optional, default 99991231)
-- @active_start_time_of_day int (optional, default 0 == Now)
-- @active_end_time_of_day int (optional, default 235959)
-- Returns: 0 - succeeded
-- 1 - failed
-- Result set (upon successful completion of the operation):
-- dynamic_snapshot_jobname sysname
-- dynamic_snapshot_jobid uniqueidentifier
-- Security: Only members of the 'sysadmin' server role and members of the
-- 'db_owner' database role can invoke this procedure successfully.
-- Security check is performed inside the procedure.
-- Requires Certificate signature for catalog access
create procedure sys.sp_MSaddmergedynamicsnapshotjob (
@publication sysname,
@dynamic_filter_login sysname = null,
@dynamic_filter_hostname sysname = null,
@dynamic_snapshot_location nvarchar(255),
@dynamic_snapshot_jobname sysname = null output,
@dynamic_snapshot_jobid uniqueidentifier = null output,
@dynamic_job_step_uid uniqueidentifier = null output,

-- Scheduling information
@frequency_type int = 4,
@frequency_interval int = 1,
@frequency_subday int = 4,
@frequency_subday_interval int = 5,
@frequency_relative_interval int = 1,
@frequency_recurrence_factor int = 0,
@active_start_date int = 0,
@active_end_date int = 99991231,
@active_start_time_of_day int = 0,
@active_end_time_of_day int = 235959,
@dynamic_snapshot_agentid int = NULL output,
@ignore_select bit = 0 -- reserved for internal use
set nocount on

declare @retcode int
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @dynamic_filters bit
declare @snapshot_jobid uniqueidentifier
declare @command_line nvarchar(4000)
declare @publisher sysname
declare @distribdb sysname
declare @rpcsrvname sysname
declare @distributor sysname
declare @fjobcreated bit
declare @distproc nvarchar(4000)
declare @id int
declare @partition_id int
declare @snapshot_ready int
declare @computed_dynsnap_location bit

-- Initializations
select @retcode = 0
select @pubid = null
select @dynamic_filters = 0
select @snapshot_jobid = null
select @fjobcreated = 0

if object_id('sysmergepublications') is NULL
raiserror (20054, 16, -1)
return (1)

-- Make sure that caller is a member of the PAL role if suser_sname is not specified
-- since this just adds a dynamic snaphsot job and uses the credentials of
-- the regular snapshot job to do this this is not going to cause problems
-- the job is added on the distributor and the distributor_admin is the owner
-- of the job anyway.
-- PAL users may need to call this when they initiate a snapshot from the client
-- and the job does not already exist for it.
-- however we don't want the PAL user to schedule a job with someone else's
-- suser_sname. We cannot any protect against hostname spoofing
if (@dynamic_filter_login is NULL) or (suser_sname() = @dynamic_filter_login)
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @publication = @publication
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

-- Check that the given dynammic filter login is in the PAL
exec @retcode = sys.sp_check_publication_access
@publication = @publication,
@given_login = @dynamic_filter_login
if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
return 1

-- Verify that the given publication exists and get the pubid at the
-- same time
select @pubid = pubid,
@dynamic_filters = dynamic_filters,
@snapshot_ready = snapshot_ready
from dbo.sysmergepublications
where upper(publisher) = upper(publishingservername())
and publisher_db = db_name()
and name = @publication

if @pubid is null
raiserror(20026, 16, -1, @publication)
return (1)

if @snapshot_ready <> 1
raiserror (21075, 11, -1, @publication)
return (1)

-- The given publication must be enabled for dynamic filtering
if @dynamic_filters <> 1
raiserror(20674, 16, -1)
return (1)

exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_dynamic_filtering_information
@pubid = @pubid,
@dynamic_filter_hostname = @dynamic_filter_hostname,
@dynamic_filter_login = @dynamic_filter_login
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- A regular snapshot job is required before a dynamic snapshot job
-- can be scheduled
select @snapshot_jobid = snapshot_jobid from dbo.sysmergepublications
where pubid = @pubid
if @snapshot_jobid is null
raiserror(21324, 16, -1)
return (1)

-- The given dynamic snapshot job name cannot be '%' and it cannot match
-- any of the existing dynamic snapshot job name
if @dynamic_snapshot_jobname = '%'
raiserror(21327, 16, -1)
return (1)

if exists (select *
from MSdynamicsnapshotjobs
where name = @dynamic_snapshot_jobname)
raiserror(21328, 16, -1, @dynamic_snapshot_jobname)
return (1)

-- check to make sure that the login and hostname map to a valid partition id
select @partition_id = -1
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSget_subscriber_partition_id
@publication = @publication,
@partition_id = @partition_id OUTPUT,
@maxgen_whenadded = NULL,
@host_name_override = @dynamic_filter_hostname,
@suser_sname_override = @dynamic_filter_login
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 or @partition_id is NULL or @partition_id = -1
raiserror(20629, 16, -1)
return 1

select @dynamic_snapshot_location = ltrim(@dynamic_snapshot_location)
-- Specified @dynamic_snapshot_location must be non-empty
if @dynamic_snapshot_location is null or
@dynamic_snapshot_location = N''
-- raiserror(21321, 16, -1)
-- return (1)
-- if the dynamic snapshot location is empty choose the location based on the publication information
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetpartitionsnapshotfolder
@dynamic_snapshot_location output
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
raiserror(20631, 16, -1)
return 1
select @computed_dynsnap_location = 1
select @computed_dynsnap_location = 0

-- Get distributor information for RPC
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo @distributor = @distributor output,
@distribdb = @distribdb output,
@rpcsrvname = @rpcsrvname output
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

if exists (select *
from MSdynamicsnapshotjobs
where pubid = @pubid and
((@dynamic_filter_login is NULL and dynamic_filter_login is NULL) or dynamic_filter_login = @dynamic_filter_login) and
((@dynamic_filter_hostname is NULL and dynamic_filter_hostname is NULL) or dynamic_filter_hostname = @dynamic_filter_hostname))
declare @dynamic_snap_jobid uniqueidentifier
declare @publisher_db sysname

select @dynamic_snap_jobid = null
select @publisher_db = db_name()

select @distproc = QUOTENAME(rtrim(@rpcsrvname)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@distribdb) + N'.' + N'dbo.sp_MSdynamicsnapshotjobexistsatdistributor'

select @publisher = publishingservername()
exec @retcode = @distproc
@publisher = @publisher,
@publisher_db = @publisher_db,
@publication = @publication,
@dynamic_filter_login = @dynamic_filter_login,
@dynamic_filter_hostname = @dynamic_filter_hostname,
@dynamic_snapshot_jobid = @dynamic_snap_jobid output

if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
goto Failure

if (@dynamic_snap_jobid is not null)
raiserror(20630, 16, -1, @publication)
return (1)

exec sp_dropdynamicsnapshot_job @publication = @publication,
@dynamic_snapshot_jobname = '%',
@dynamic_snapshot_jobid = @dynamic_snap_jobid

select @distproc = QUOTENAME(rtrim(@rpcsrvname)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@distribdb) + N'.' + N'dbo.sp_MSadddynamicsnapshotjobatdistributor'

exec @retcode = @distproc
@regular_snapshot_jobid = @snapshot_jobid,
@dynamic_filter_login = @dynamic_filter_login,
@dynamic_filter_hostname = @dynamic_filter_hostname,
@dynamic_snapshot_location = @dynamic_snapshot_location,
@dynamic_snapshot_jobname = @dynamic_snapshot_jobname output,
@dynamic_snapshot_jobid = @dynamic_snapshot_jobid output,
@dynamic_snapshot_job_step_uid = @dynamic_job_step_uid output,
@freqtype = @frequency_type,
@freqinterval = @frequency_interval,
@freqsubtype = @frequency_subday,
@freqsubinterval = @frequency_subday_interval,
@freqrelativeinterval = @frequency_relative_interval,
@freqrecurrencefactor = @frequency_recurrence_factor,
@activestartdate = @active_start_date,
@activeenddate = @active_end_date,
@activestarttimeofday = @active_start_time_of_day,
@activeendtimeofday = @active_end_time_of_day,
@dynamic_snapshot_agent_id = @dynamic_snapshot_agentid output,
@partition_id = @partition_id

if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
goto Failure

select @fjobcreated = 1

insert MSdynamicsnapshotjobs
(name, pubid, job_id, agent_id, dynamic_filter_login, dynamic_filter_hostname,
dynamic_snapshot_location, partition_id, computed_dynsnap_location)
(@dynamic_snapshot_jobname, @pubid, @dynamic_snapshot_jobid, @dynamic_snapshot_agentid,
@dynamic_filter_login, @dynamic_filter_hostname,
@dynamic_snapshot_location, @partition_id, @computed_dynsnap_location)

if @@error <> 0
goto Failure

select @id = @@identity

if @ignore_select = 0
select 'id' = @id,
'dynamic_snapshot_jobname' = @dynamic_snapshot_jobname,
'dynamic_snapshot_jobid' = @dynamic_snapshot_jobid
return 0

if @fjobcreated = 1
select @distproc = quotename(rtrim(@rpcsrvname)) + N'.' + quotename(@distribdb) + N'.' + N'dbo.sp_MSdrop_repl_job'
exec @distproc @job_id = @dynamic_snapshot_jobid, @job_step_uid = @dynamic_job_step_uid
return @retcode

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