The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSscriptsubscriberprocs(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @article)
-- This proc returns the text of all procs that should be created on the subscriber to the caller -- the result set should be processed by the snapshot agent and added to a file. create procedure sys.sp_MSscriptsubscriberprocs ( @publication sysname, @article sysname) as declare @retcode smallint declare @command nvarchar(4000) declare @objid int declare @objectname sysname declare @ownername nvarchar(140) declare @destowner nvarchar(140) declare @procsuffix sysname declare @ins_procname sysname declare @ins_batch_procname sysname declare @upd_procname sysname declare @upd_batch_procname sysname declare @sel_procname sysname declare @sel_metadata_procname sysname declare @del_procname sysname declare @conflict_proc sysname declare @recreateallprocs bit declare @pubid uniqueidentifier declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @upload_options tinyint declare @conflict_table nvarchar(140) declare @generate_batch_procs bit declare @sync_objid int declare @script_conflict_proc bit set nocount on -- -- Check to see if current publication has permission -- exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return (1) if object_id('sysmergepublications') is NULL begin RAISERROR(20054 , 16, -1) return (1) end select @pubid = pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications where name = @publication and upper(publisher collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = upper(publishingservername() collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) and publisher_db=db_name() if @pubid is NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20026, 16, -1, @publication) RETURN (1) END select @artid= artid, @objid = objid, @destowner = destination_owner, @upload_options = upload_options, @conflict_table = conflict_table, @sync_objid = sync_objid FROM dbo.sysmergearticles WHERE name = @article AND pubid = @pubid if @artid IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20027, 16, -1, @article) RETURN (1) END -- Don't generate the batch insert and update procs if the article has a xml -- column. XML column needs streaming and we don't do batch updates and inserts when we have -- to do streaming. if exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id = @sync_objid and system_type_id = 241) select @generate_batch_procs = 0 else select @generate_batch_procs = 1 select @ownername = schema_name(schema_id), @objectname=name from sys.objects where object_id=@objid if @objectname IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20027, 16, -1, @article) RETURN (1) END select @procsuffix = sys.fn_MSmerge_getartprocsuffix(@artid, @pubid) if @ownername <> @destowner or (@upload_options = 1 or @upload_options = 2) select @recreateallprocs = 1 else select @recreateallprocs = 0 -- In my initial perf testing I did not see much of a difference between calling sp_helptext and recreating the proc. Hence I am going -- to hard code this to call the proc creation procedures once more. select @recreateallprocs = 1 select @command = '-- these are subscriber side procs SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ' select @command select @ins_procname = 'MSmerge_ins_sp_' + @procsuffix select @ins_batch_procname = 'MSmerge_ins_sp_' + @procsuffix + '_batch' select @upd_procname = 'MSmerge_upd_sp_' + @procsuffix select @upd_batch_procname = 'MSmerge_upd_sp_' + @procsuffix + '_batch' select @del_procname = 'MSmerge_del_sp_' + @procsuffix select @sel_procname = 'MSmerge_sel_sp_' + @procsuffix select @sel_metadata_procname = 'MSmerge_sel_sp_' + @procsuffix + '_metadata' select @conflict_proc = 'MSmerge_cft_sp_' + @procsuffix -- if the conflict proc exists script it. The conflict proc will not exist if the user -- has chosen a creation script and the schema options are set to 0x00000. if object_id(@conflict_proc) is not NULL set @script_conflict_proc = 1 else set @script_conflict_proc = 0 -- add code in the script to drop all the procedures first select @command = ' -- drop all the procedures first if object_id(''' + @ins_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @ins_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @ins_batch_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @ins_batch_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @upd_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @upd_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @upd_batch_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @upd_batch_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @del_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @del_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @sel_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @sel_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @sel_metadata_procname + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @sel_metadata_procname + ' if object_id(''' + @conflict_proc + ''',''P'') is not NULL drop procedure ' + @conflict_proc + ' ' select @command exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakeinsertproc @objectname, @ownername, @ins_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_downlevel_procs = 0, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakeupdateproc @objectname, @ownername, @upd_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_downlevel_procs = 0, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakedeleteproc @objectname, @ownername, @del_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE if @generate_batch_procs = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakebatchinsertproc @objectname, @ownername, @ins_batch_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakebatchupdateproc @objectname, @ownername, @upd_batch_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakeselectproc @objectname, @ownername, @sel_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_downlevel_procs = 0, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE if @recreateallprocs = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakemetadataselectproc @objectname, @ownername, @sel_metadata_procname, @pubid, @artid, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1, @destination_owner = @destowner if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE if (@script_conflict_proc = 1 and @upload_options <> 1 and @upload_options <> 2) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSmakeconflictinsertproc @conflict_table, 'dbo', @conflict_proc, @objid, @pubid, @generate_subscriber_proc = 1 if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE end end else begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_helptext @sel_metadata_procname if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE if (@script_conflict_proc = 1 and @upload_options <> 1 and @upload_options <> 2) begin -- the conflict insert proc should look identical on pub and sub. So instead of creating it just read using sp_helptext exec @retcode = sys.sp_helptext @conflict_proc if @@ERROR<>0 OR @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE end end select ' update dbo.sysmergearticles set insert_proc = ''' + @ins_procname + ''', select_proc = ''' + @sel_procname + ''', metadata_select_proc = ''' + @sel_metadata_procname + ''', update_proc = ''' + @upd_procname + ''', ins_conflict_proc = ''' + @conflict_proc + ''', delete_proc = ''' + @del_procname + ''' where artid = ''' + convert(nvarchar(40), @artid) + ''' and pubid = ''' + convert(nvarchar(40),@pubid) + '''' -- This proc was added in yukon sp1 so try to execute it only if it exists on the -- subscriber. select @command = ' if object_id(''sp_MSpostapplyscript_forsubscriberprocs'',''P'') is not NULL exec sys.sp_MSpostapplyscript_forsubscriberprocs @procsuffix = ''' + sys.fn_replreplacesinglequote(@procsuffix) + '''' select @command return 0 FAILURE: raiserror(21692, 16, -1, @article, @publication) return 1
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