May 29, 2012

sp_MSscript_pub_upd_trig (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSscript_pub_upd_trig(nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @article
, nvarchar @procname
, bit @alter)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSscript_pub_upd_trig   
@publication sysname,
@article sysname,
@procname sysname,
@alter bit = 0 -- if 1 script alter, otherwise script create
declare @cmd nvarchar(4000)
declare @qualname nvarchar(517)
declare @objid int
declare @artid int
,@retcode int

set nocount on
-- security check -- dbo+ to script create or alter
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0
return (1)

-- Create temp table
create table #proctext ( c1 int identity NOT NULL, procedure_text nvarchar(4000) collate database_default null)

-- Retrieve underlying table name and replicated columns
select @objid = objid, @artid = a.artid from sysarticles a join syspublications p on a.pubid = p.pubid
where = @article and = @publication

exec sys.sp_MSget_qualified_name @objid, @qualname OUTPUT

-- Trigger should be invoked for repl processes as well.
select @cmd = case @alter when 0 then N'create' else N'alter' end + ' trigger ' + QUOTENAME(@procname) + N' on ' + @qualname + N' '

select @cmd = @cmd + N'for update not for replication as '

exec sys.sp_MSflush_command @cmd output, 1

insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'
-- declare common local variables
insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values
(N'declare @rc int
insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'select @rc = @@ROWCOUNT


-- Optimization. Return immediately if no row changed
-- This must be at the beginning of the trigger to @@rowcount be overwritten.
insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'if @rc = 0 return
insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'if update (msrepl_tran_version) return

-- update the version column of all the updated rows all at once.
select @cmd = N'update ' + @qualname + N' set msrepl_tran_version = newid() from ' +
@qualname + ', inserted '
exec sys.sp_MSflush_command @cmd output, 1
insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'
exec sys.sp_MSscript_where_clause @objid, @artid, 'version pk', null, 4

insert into #proctext(procedure_text) values(N'
-- send fragments to client
select procedure_text from #proctext order by c1 asc

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