April 27, 2012

sp_helpmergefilter (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_helpmergefilter(nvarchar @publication
, nvarchar @article
, nvarchar @filtername
, binary @filter_type_bm)


create procedure sys.sp_helpmergefilter
@publication sysname, -- publication name --
@article sysname = '%', -- article name --
@filtername sysname = '%',
@filter_type_bm binary(1) = 1 -- bitmap filter for filter_type --


set nocount on

-- Declarations.
declare @pubid uniqueidentifier
declare @artid uniqueidentifier
declare @retcode int

-- Security check
exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish
if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1)

-- Calling sp_help* is all right whether current database is enabled for pub/sub or not
IF object_id('sysmergesubscriptions') is NULL

-- Parameter Check: @publication.
-- The @publication id cannot be NULL and must conform to the rules
-- for identifiers.
if @publication is NULL
raiserror (14003, 16, -1)
return (1)
-- Get the pubid and check if the publication does exist
select @pubid = pubid from dbo.sysmergepublications
where name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name()
if @pubid is NULL
raiserror (20026, 16, -1, @publication)
return (1)

-- Parameter Check: @article.
-- If an @article is specified, make sure it exists
select @artid = artid from dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview where name = @article and pubid = @pubid
if @artid is NULL and (@article <> '%' or @filtername <> '%')
raiserror (20027, 16, -1, @article)
return (1)

-- Parameter Check: @filter_type_bm.
-- If a @filter_type_bm is invalid, assign it to the default value
if (@filter_type_bm is null) or (@filter_type_bm not in (1, 2, 3))
select @filter_type_bm = 1

Return the merge filters from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters
if @filter_type_bm = 1, return the filters that has filter_type = 1 or 3 (join filters)
if @filter_type_bm = 2, return the filters that has filter_type = 2 or 3 (logical record filters or filters that are both logical record filter and join filter)
if @filter_type_bm = 3, return the filters that has filter_type = 1 or 2 or 3 (filters that are either join filter or logical record filter, or both)


IF @filtername <> '%'
select distinct join_filterid, filtername, 'join article name' = j_a.name, join_filterclause, f.join_unique_key,
'base table owner' = b_u.name, 'base table name' = b_o.name, 'join table owner' = j_u.name, 'join table name' = j_o.name,
'article name' = b_a.name, f.filter_type
from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters f, sys.objects j_o, sys.objects b_o, sys.schemas j_u,
sys.schemas b_u, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview j_a, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview b_a
where f.pubid = @pubid AND b_a.pubid = @pubid
AND f.filtername = @filtername and (f.filter_type & @filter_type_bm) <> 0
AND f.artid = @artid
AND f.artid = b_a.artid AND b_o.object_id = b_a.objid
AND b_u.schema_id = b_o.schema_id
AND f.join_nickname = j_a.nickname AND j_o.object_id = j_a.objid and j_a.pubid = @pubid
AND j_u.schema_id = j_o.schema_id
ORDER BY j_o.name, b_o.name
if @artid is not null
select distinct join_filterid, filtername, 'join article name' = j_a.name, join_filterclause, f.join_unique_key,
'base table owner' = b_u.name, 'base table name' = b_o.name, 'join table owner' = j_u.name, 'join table name' = j_o.name,
'article name' = b_a.name, f.filter_type
from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters f, sys.objects j_o, sys.objects b_o, sys.schemas j_u,
sys.schemas b_u, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview j_a, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview b_a
where f.pubid = @pubid AND b_a.pubid = @pubid
AND f.artid = @artid and (f.filter_type & @filter_type_bm) <> 0
AND f.artid = b_a.artid AND b_o.object_id = b_a.objid
AND b_u.schema_id = b_o.schema_id
AND f.join_nickname = j_a.nickname AND j_o.object_id = j_a.objid and j_a.pubid = @pubid
AND j_u.schema_id = j_o.schema_id
ORDER BY j_o.name, b_o.name
select distinct join_filterid, filtername, 'join article name' = j_a.name, join_filterclause, f.join_unique_key,
'base table owner' = b_u.name, 'base table name' = b_o.name, 'join table owner' = j_u.name, 'join table name' = j_o.name,
'article name' = b_a.name, f.filter_type
from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters f, sys.objects j_o, sys.objects b_o, sys.schemas j_u,
sys.schemas b_u, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview j_a, dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview b_a
where f.pubid = @pubid AND b_a.pubid = @pubid
AND f.artid = b_a.artid AND b_o.object_id = b_a.objid
AND b_u.schema_id = b_o.schema_id and (f.filter_type & @filter_type_bm) <> 0
AND f.join_nickname = j_a.nickname AND j_o.object_id = j_a.objid and j_a.pubid = @pubid
AND j_u.schema_id = j_o.schema_id
ORDER BY j_o.name, b_o.name

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