The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
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sys.sp_helpmergearticle(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @article)
create procedure sys.sp_helpmergearticle ( @publication sysname = '%', -- The publication name -- @article sysname = '%' -- The article name -- ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Declarations. -- declare @retcode int declare @max_nickname int -- -- Create a temporary table to hold all information. -- declare @helpmergearticle TABLE ( id int identity NOT NULL, name sysname collate database_default not null, source_owner sysname collate database_default not null, source_object sysname collate database_default not null, -- converted from objid -- sync_object_owner sysname collate database_default null, sync_object sysname collate database_default null, -- converted from sync_objid -- description nvarchar(255) collate database_default null, status tinyint NULL, creation_script nvarchar(255) collate database_default null, conflict_table nvarchar(270) collate database_default null, article_resolver nvarchar(255) collate database_default null, subset_filterclause nvarchar(1000) collate database_default null, pre_creation_command tinyint NULL, schema_option binary(8) NULL, type smallint NULL, column_tracking int NULL, resolver_info nvarchar(517) collate database_default null, vertical_partition bit NULL, destination_owner sysname collate database_default null, identity_support int NULL, pub_identity_range bigint NULL, identity_range bigint NULL, threshold int NULL, verify_resolver_signature int NULL default 1, destination_object sysname collate database_default not null, allow_interactive_resolver int NULL, fast_multicol_updateproc int NULL, check_permissions int NULL, processing_order int NOT NULL default 0, upload_options tinyint NOT NULL default 0, identityrangemangementoption int not NULL default 0, delete_tracking bit default 1, compensate_for_errors bit not null default 0, partition_options tinyint not null default 0, artid uniqueidentifier NULL, pubid uniqueidentifier NULL, stream_blob_columns bit NOT NULL default 0 ) -- -- Running sp_help is OK from everywhere, whether enabled for publishing or not -- IF object_id('sysmergesubscriptions') is NULL RETURN (0) -- -- Parameter Check: @publication. -- Check to make sure that the publication exists, that it conforms -- to the rules for identifiers, and that it isn't NULL. -- if @publication IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publication', 'sp_helpmergearticle') RETURN (1) END if @publication <> '%' BEGIN if (is_member('db_owner') = 1 or is_member('replmonitor') = 1) begin if NOT EXISTS (select pubid FROM dbo.sysmergepublications WHERE name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name()) BEGIN RAISERROR (20026, 16, -1, @publication) RETURN (1) END end else begin if NOT EXISTS (select pubid FROM dbo.sysmergepublications WHERE name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name() and ({fn ISPALUSER(pubid)} = 1)) BEGIN select * from @helpmergearticle RETURN (0) END end END -- -- Parameter Check: @article. -- Check to make sure that the article exists, that it conforms -- to the rules for identifiers, and that it isn't NULL. -- if @article IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@article', 'sp_helpmergearticle') RETURN (1) END if @article <> '%' BEGIN if NOT EXISTS (select * FROM dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview WHERE name = @article AND pubid IN (select pubid FROM dbo.sysmergepublications WHERE name like @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name())) BEGIN RAISERROR (20027, 16, -1, @article) RETURN (1) END END select @max_nickname = max(nickname) from dbo.sysmergearticles INSERT INTO @helpmergearticle (name, source_owner, source_object, sync_object_owner, sync_object, description, status, creation_script, conflict_table, pre_creation_command, schema_option, type, column_tracking, article_resolver, subset_filterclause, resolver_info, vertical_partition, destination_owner, identity_support, pub_identity_range, identity_range, threshold, verify_resolver_signature, destination_object, allow_interactive_resolver, fast_multicol_updateproc, check_permissions, processing_order, upload_options, identityrangemangementoption, delete_tracking, compensate_for_errors, partition_options, artid, pubid, stream_blob_columns) select,,,,, art.description, art.status, art.creation_script, art.conflict_table, art.pre_creation_command, art.schema_option, case when objectproperty(art.objid, 'IsSchemaBound') = 1 and art.type <> 0x80 then 0x0100 | convert(smallint, art.type) else convert(smallint, ISNULL(art.type,0x0a)) end, art.column_tracking, art.article_resolver, art.subset_filterclause, art.resolver_info, art.vertical_partition, art.destination_owner, art.identity_support, ABS(art.pub_range), ABS(art.range), art.threshold, art.verify_resolver_signature, art.destination_object, art.allow_interactive_resolver, art.fast_multicol_updateproc, art.check_permissions, art.processing_order, art.upload_options, case when art.identity_support = 1 then 1 else 0 end, art.delete_tracking, art.compensate_for_errors, 0, art.artid, art.pubid, art.stream_blob_columns FROM sysmergeextendedarticlesview art inner join dbo.sysmergepublications pubs on art.pubid = pubs.pubid inner join sys.objects objects on objects.object_id = art.objid left outer join sys.objects syncobjects on art.sync_objid = syncobjects.object_id inner join sys.schemas users1 on objects.schema_id = users1.schema_id left outer join sys.schemas users2 on syncobjects.schema_id = users2.schema_id WHERE LIKE @article AND LIKE @publication AND UPPER(pubs.publisher) = UPPER(publishingservername()) AND pubs.publisher_db = db_name() and (1 = {fn ISPALUSER(pubs.pubid)} or 1 = is_member('db_owner') or 1 = isnull(is_member('replmonitor'),0)) order by art.processing_order, isnull(art.nickname, @max_nickname+1), update hma set hma.partition_options = 3 from @helpmergearticle hma join dbo.sysmergearticles sma on hma.artid = sma.artid and hma.pubid = sma.pubid and sma.lightweight = 1 and sma.well_partitioned_lightweight = 1 if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'sysmergepartitioninfo') begin update hma set hma.partition_options = smpi.partition_options from @helpmergearticle hma join dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo smpi on hma.artid = smpi.artid and hma.pubid = smpi.pubid end declare @source_owner sysname declare @source_object sysname declare @identityrangemangementoption int declare @objid int declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @status int declare #arts CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select source_owner, source_object, identityrangemangementoption, name, artid, status from @helpmergearticle open #arts fetch #arts into @source_owner, @source_object, @identityrangemangementoption, @article, @artid, @status while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin select @objid = object_id(quotename(@source_owner) + '.' + quotename(@source_object)) if @identityrangemangementoption = 0 and exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_identity = 1 and ColumnProperty(object_id, name, 'IsIdNotForRepl') = 1) begin update @helpmergearticle set identityrangemangementoption = 2 where source_owner = @source_owner and source_object = @source_object end -- pick only active articles - articles which have been prepared -- if @identityrangemangementoption = 1 and (@status = 2 or @status = 6) begin -- do the adjust identity range only if this is not a republisher of that article if not exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid)=0) begin -- adjust the identity range on the publisher for the article if needed exec @retcode = sys.sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange @table_name=@source_object, @table_owner=@source_owner if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin raiserror(20676, 11, -1, @article) end end end -- fetch #arts into @source_owner, @source_object, @identityrangemangementoption, @article, @artid, @status end close #arts deallocate #arts select * from @helpmergearticle order by id RETURN (0)
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