The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_helpdistributiondb(nvarchar @database)MetaData:
create procedure sys.sp_helpdistributiondb ( @database sysname = '%' ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int, @cmd nvarchar(500), @dbname sysname -- check to see if we are configured as a distributor if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysservers where upper(datasource collate database_default) = upper(@@servername) collate database_default and srvstatus & 8 <> 0) begin -- if searching for any db then return success with no result... else we -- are searching for a specific db, which implies we think we are a dist (raiserror) if @database = '%' begin return(0) end -- '@@servername' is not configured as a Distributor. raiserror (14114, 16, -1, @@servername) return(1) end if object_id('msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs', 'U') is null begin -- "Could not find the Distributor or the distribution database for the local server. The Distributor -- may not be installed, or the local server may not be configured as a Publisher at the Distributor." raiserror (14071, 16, -1) return(1) end -- Check if database is configured as a distributor database (only do this for a given db NOT all) if @database <> '%' and sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (@database) != 1 begin -- '@database' is not configured as a distribution database. raiserror (14117, 16, -1, @database) return(1) end -- table that holds a list of distribution dbs declare @distdb table ( dbname sysname ) -- table that holds information on the database files -- can't use @table because we need to do insert exec create table #dbfiledesc ( dbname sysname collate database_default, size int not null, file_path nvarchar(4000) collate database_default not null, type smallint not null ) -- retrieve all distribution databases insert into @distdb (dbname) select from master.dbo.sysdatabases sysdb inner join msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs msddb on = collate database_default where like @database collate database_default and has_dbaccess( = 1 -- now, for each distribution database that the user has PAL -- access to, we will retrieve the data and log file information. declare hCdatabase CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select dbname from @distdb open hCdatabase fetch next from hCdatabase into @dbname while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin -- Check to see if the user is a member of 'db_owner' or 'replmonitor' role -- or in the PAL of any publication whose publisher is associated with -- this distribution database select @cmd = quotename(@dbname) + N'.sys.sp_MSrepl_DistDBPALAccess' exec @retcode = @cmd if @retcode = 0 and @@error = 0 begin -- if we have pal access then insert data and log file info -- -- NOTE : type map as follows: -- 0 - Data File -- 1 - Log File -- 2 - FileStream Data File -- 3 - FileStream Log File -- 4 - Fulltext select @cmd = 'select N' + quotename(@dbname, N'''') + ', sysdf.size, sysdf.physical_name, type from ' + quotename(@dbname) + '.[sys].[database_files] sysdf where sysdf.type not in (2, 3, 4)' insert into #dbfiledesc (dbname, size, file_path, type) exec(@cmd) end fetch next from hCdatabase into @dbname end close hCdatabase deallocate hCdatabase select, min_distretention, max_distretention, history_retention, 'history_cleanup_agent' = formatmessage (20567,, 'distributor_cleanup_agent' = formatmessage(20568,, 'status' = 0, 'data_folder' = substring(dbfd_data.file_path, 1, len(dbfd_data.file_path) - charindex('\', reverse(dbfd_data.file_path))), 'data_file' = right(dbfd_data.file_path, charindex('\', reverse(dbfd_data.file_path))-1), 'data_file_size'= convert(int, (select low from master.dbo.spt_values where type = 'E' and number = 1) * convert(dec(15), dbfd_data.size)/ 1048576), 'log_folder' = substring(dbfd_log.file_path, 1, len(dbfd_log.file_path) - charindex('\', reverse(dbfd_log.file_path))), 'log_file' = right(dbfd_log.file_path, charindex('\', reverse(dbfd_log.file_path))-1), 'log_file_size' = convert(int, (select low from master.dbo.spt_values where type = 'E' and number = 1) * convert(dec(15), dbfd_log.size)/ 1048576) from msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs msddb join #dbfiledesc dbfd_data on = dbfd_data.dbname collate database_default join #dbfiledesc dbfd_log on dbfd_data.dbname = dbfd_log.dbname collate database_default where LIKE @database collate database_default and dbfd_data.type = 0 and dbfd_log.type = 1 return 0 end
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