The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MStran_ddlrepl(xml @EventData, int @procmapid)
create procedure sys.sp_MStran_ddlrepl ( @EventData xml ,@procmapid int ) AS begin set nocount on declare @retcode int -- validate the procmapid if @procmapid not in (1,2,3,4) begin raiserror(15021, 16, -1, '@procmapid') goto FAILURE end -- if transactional replication is not enabled for this db, don't do anything if (sys.fn_MSrepl_istranpublished (db_name(),0) != 1) return 0 declare @object_name sysname ,@object_owner sysname ,@qual_object_name nvarchar(512) -- qualified 2-part-name ,@objid int ,@objecttype varchar(32) ,@encrypted nvarchar(32) ,@pass_through_scripts nvarchar(max) ,@eventDoc int ,@dbname sysname ,@targetobject nvarchar(51) ,@debug_print bit if object_id('MSrepl_debug_DDL') is not null set @debug_print = 1 else set @debug_print = 0 set @targetobject = N'' select @object_name = event_instance.value('ObjectName[1]', 'sysname') ,@object_owner = event_instance.value('SchemaName[1]', 'sysname') ,@objecttype = event_instance.value('ObjectType[1]', 'varchar(32)') ,@encrypted = event_instance.value('(TSQLCommand/SetOptions/@ENCRYPTED)[1]', 'nvarchar(32)') ,@pass_through_scripts = event_instance.value('(TSQLCommand/CommandText)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') ,@targetobject = event_instance.value('TargetObjectName[1]', 'nvarchar(512)') FROM @EventData.nodes('/EVENT_INSTANCE') as R(event_instance) if @debug_print = 1 select 'stage' = 'xmlnoderefs : ' , '@object_name' = @object_name , '@object_owner' = @object_owner , '@objecttype' = @objecttype , '@encrypted' = @encrypted , '@pass_through_scripts' = @pass_through_scripts , '@targetobject' = @targetobject -- If the object being manipulated is a database level trigger that is owned by replication, raise error if exists (select * from sys.triggers where name = @object_name and parent_class = 0 and @objecttype = 'TRIGGER' and @object_name in (N'tr_MStran_altertable', N'tr_MStran_alterview', N'tr_MStran_alterschemaonly', N'tr_MStran_altertrigger')) begin raiserror(21598, 16, 1) goto FAILURE end -- If the object being manipulated is a database level trigger that is not owned by replication, return immediately if exists (select * from sys.triggers where name = @object_name and parent_class = 0 and @objecttype = 'TRIGGER' and @object_name not in (N'tr_MStran_altertable', N'tr_MStran_alterview', N'tr_MStran_alterschemaonly', N'tr_MStran_altertrigger')) return 0 select @qual_object_name = quotename(@object_owner) + N'.' + quotename(@object_name) select @objid = object_id(@qual_object_name) select @dbname = db_name() if @debug_print = 1 select 'stage' = 'quotename : ' , '@qual_object_name' = @qual_object_name , '@objid' = @objid , '@dbname' = @dbname -- can not alter to 'with encrypted' if object is published -- return immediately if object is not published if UPPER(@encrypted) = N'TRUE' begin if (UPPER(@objecttype) != 'TRIGGER' and exists (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysextendedarticlesview WHERE objid = @objid) or UPPER(@objecttype) = 'TRIGGER' and exists (select * from sysarticles a join sys.objects o on a.objid = o.parent_object_id where o.object_id = @objid and cast (a.schema_option as int) & 256 = 256) ) begin raiserror(21815, 16, 1, @qual_object_name) goto FAILURE end else return 0 end -- stored procedures published as "proc execution" article cannot contain -- table value parameters (Note: proc exec articles are only listed in -- dbo.sysarticles if exists (select * from sys.parameters sp inner join dbo.sysarticles a on sp.object_id = a.objid where sp.system_type_id = 243 and sp.object_id = @objid and a.type in (0x08, 0x18)) begin raiserror(25023,16,-1) goto FAILURE end select @pass_through_scripts = sys.fn_replgetparsedddlcmd(@pass_through_scripts ,N'ALTER' ,@objecttype ,@dbname ,@object_owner ,@object_name ,@targetobject) if @debug_print = 1 select 'stage' = 'sys.fn_replgetparsedddlcmd output : ' , '@pass_through_scripts' = @pass_through_scripts -- sys.fn_replgetparsedddlcmd will return empty string if DDL contains -- syntax that we don't currently handle (after Katmai DDL -- improvement) -- It will also handle a duplicate trigger in the case of "alter table switch" if @pass_through_scripts = N'' return 0 -- deal with alternate dest table/owner for alter table inside sp_MStran_altertable if UPPER(@objecttype) != N'TABLE' and UPPER(@objecttype) != N'TRIGGER' begin select @pass_through_scripts = N'ALTER ' + @objecttype + N' ' + @qual_object_name + N' ' + @pass_through_scripts end -- if object is not published, don't do anything, unless SWITCH is the following keyword if (UPPER(@objecttype) != 'TRIGGER' and exists (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysextendedarticlesview WHERE objid = @objid) or UPPER(@objecttype) = 'TRIGGER' and exists (select * from sysarticles a join sys.objects o on a.objid = o.parent_object_id where o.object_id = @objid ) or UPPER(@objecttype) = N'TABLE' and LEFT(@pass_through_scripts, LEN(N'SWITCH')) = N'SWITCH') begin declare @proc_name sysname -- Security Check EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE select @proc_name = case when (@procmapid = 1) then 'sys.sp_MStran_altertable' when (@procmapid = 2) then 'sys.sp_MStran_alterview' when (@procmapid = 3) then 'sys.sp_MStran_alterschemaonly' when (@procmapid = 4) then 'sys.sp_MStran_altertrigger' end exec @retcode = @proc_name @qual_object_name, @objid, @pass_through_scripts, @targetobject if @retcode <>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end return 0 FAILURE: rollback tran return 1 end
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