The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
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sys.sp_MStablekeys(nvarchar @tablename, nvarchar @colname
, int @type
, nvarchar @keyname
, int @flags)
create procedure sys.sp_MStablekeys @tablename nvarchar(776) = null, @colname nvarchar(258) = null, @type int = null, @keyname nvarchar(517) = null, @flags int = null as create table #tempID ( cName nvarchar(132) COLLATE database_default NOT NULL, -- Index name -- cPK1 int, cPK2 int, cPK3 int, cPK4 int, cPK5 int, cPK6 int, cPK7 int, cPK8 int, cPK9 int, cPK10 int, cPK11 int, cPK12 int, cPK13 int, cPK14 int, cPK15 int, cPK16 int -- 1 if DESC -- ) create table #tempID2 ( cPKName nvarchar(132) COLLATE database_default NOT NULL, -- PK name -- cPK int -- Combined info for PK -- ) create table #spkeys ( cType tinyint NOT NULL, -- key Type -- cName nvarchar(258) COLLATE database_default NOT NULL, -- key Name -- cFlags int NULL, -- e.g., 1 = clustered for PK/Unique -- cColCount int NULL, -- number of columns (or column pairs) in the key -- cFillFactor tinyint NULL, -- Fill factor of index creation -- cRefTable nvarchar(520) COLLATE database_default NULL, -- owner-qual Referenced table name for FKs -- cRefKey nvarchar(260) COLLATE database_default NULL, -- name of referenced key in referenced table -- -- Note: cConstID replaces the column list used in 6.0, for speed. -- The output set MUST replace this with either index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 1-16) and NULL * 16 -- (for PK/UQ) UNION col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey1-16) and col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey1-16), for SQLDMO, -- and these MUST BE nvarchar(132) for alignment in the SQLDMO cache structure! cConstID int NULL, -- Reference constraint ID, if Foreign Key -- cIndexID int NULL, -- ID of this key's index, if PK/UQ -- cGroupName sysname COLLATE database_default NULL, -- FileGroup name of this key, if PK/UQ -- cDisabled int NULL, -- 0 if enabled, 1 if disabled -- cPrimaryFG int NULL, -- 1 if primary FG, 0 otherwise -- cDeleteCascade int NULL, -- 1 if it is a foreign key constraint with a cascade delete -- cUpdateCascade int NULL -- 1 if it is a foreign key constraint with a cascade update -- ) -- This proc returns the table's DRI keys. @type is the type(s) of key(s) to return. -- -- Make sure @type is only the key types (DRI_PRIMARYKEY, DRI_UNIQUE, DRI_REFERENCE). -- if (@type is null) select @type = 0x000e else select @type = @type & 0x000e -- Flags usage: For daVinci, to pass call thru to sp_MStablerefs. -- if (@flags is null) select @flags = 0 set nocount on declare @cType int, @cName nvarchar(258), @cFlags int, @cRefTable nvarchar(520), @fillfactor tinyint declare @objid int, @constid int, @indid int, @keycnt int, @q1 nvarchar(2000), @q2 nvarchar(2000), @objtype int, @groupname sysname declare @cDisabled int, @PrimaryFG int, @cDeleteCascade int, @cUpdateCascade int -- First see if @keyname was defined, and override @tablename and @type if so. -- if (@keyname is not null) begin select @objid = id, @type = power(2, status & 0x0f) from dbo.sysconstraints where constid = object_id(@keyname) if (@objid is null) begin RAISERROR (15001, -1, -1, @keyname) return 1 end -- Now get the tablename for the index_col below -- select @tablename = N'[' + REPLACE(schema_name(syso.schema_id), N']', N']]') + N']' + N'.' + N'[' + REPLACE(, N']', N']]') + N']' from sys.all_objects syso where syso.object_id = @objid end else begin -- Want all keys for this table (of @type type). -- select @objid = id, @objtype = (case when OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1 then 1 else 0 end) from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(@tablename) if (@objid is null) begin RAISERROR (15001, -1, -1, @tablename) return 1 end if (@objtype <> 1) begin RAISERROR (15218, -1, -1, @tablename) return 1 end if @colname is not null and not exists (select * from dbo.syscolumns where id = @objid and name = @colname) begin RAISERROR (14305, -1, -1, @colname, @tablename) return 1 end -- Skip cursor opening if we don't have any keys (of the type wanted); return a set anyway, for the cache. -- if (((@type & power(2, 1)) = 0 or objectproperty(@objid, 'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0) and ((@type & power(2, 2)) = 0 or objectproperty(@objid, 'TableHasUniqueCnst') = 0) and ((@type & power(2, 3)) = 0 or objectproperty(@objid, 'TableHasForeignKey') = 0)) goto ReturnSet end -- Preprocessor won't replace within quotes so have to use str(). -- declare @sysgenname nvarchar(12), @pkstr nvarchar(12), @uqstr nvarchar(12), @fkstr nvarchar(12), @objtypebits nvarchar(12) select @sysgenname = ltrim(str(convert(int, 0x00020000))) select @pkstr = ltrim(str(convert(int, 1))) select @uqstr = ltrim(str(convert(int, 2))) select @fkstr = ltrim(str(convert(int, 3))) select @objtypebits = ltrim(str(convert(int, 0x0f))) -- Other ints we need strings for -- declare @objidstr nvarchar(12), @typestr nvarchar(12) select @objidstr = ltrim(str(@objid)) select @typestr = ltrim(str(@type)) -- Qualifying key name. Size buffer = 517 (keyname)+ 517 (for escaping) + 100 (misc string) -- declare @qualkeyname nvarchar(1134) select @qualkeyname = null if (@keyname is not null) begin select @qualkeyname = N' and constid = object_id(''' + REPLACE(@keyname, '''', '''''') + N''')' end -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / -- Main cursor loop. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / -- exec(N'declare hC insensitive cursor for select constid, status & ' + @objtypebits + N', status & ' + @sysgenname + -- exec(N'declare hC cursor global for select constid, status & ' + @objtypebits + N', status & ' + @sysgenname + N' from dbo.sysconstraints where id = ' + @objidstr + N' and (' + @typestr + N' & power(2, status & 0x0f) != 0) ' + @qualkeyname) open hC fetch hC into @constid, @cType, @cFlags while (@@fetch_status >= 0) begin if (object_name(@constid) is null) begin RAISERROR(55555, 16, 1); -- N'Assert failed: object_name(@constid) is null in sp_MStablekeys (pk/uq)' return 1 end -- DRI_PRIMARYKEY, DRI_UNIQUE -- if (@cType in (1, 2)) begin -- Get the index id enforcing this constraint. -- select @indid = i.indid, @cName =, @fillfactor = i.OrigFillFactor, @cFlags = @cFlags | (case indid when 1 then 0x00000001 else 0 end), -- test for clustered index -- -- clustered index keys are part of non-clustered index key list, which cause incorrect sysindexes.keycnt -- @keycnt = case indid when 1 then keycnt else (select count( from dbo.sysindexkeys x where i.indid = x.indid and = @objid) end, @groupname = f.groupname, @PrimaryFG = FILEGROUPPROPERTY( f.groupname, N'IsPrimaryFG' ) from dbo.sysindexes i, dbo.sysobjects o, dbo.sysfilegroups f -- Use '=' instead of 'LIKE' in comparision, so we can handle wide card character correctly -- where = @constid and = and i.status & 0x1800 <> 0 and i.groupid = f.groupid if (@indid is null) begin RAISERROR(77777, 16, 1); -- N'Assert failed: @indid is null in sp_MStablekeys (pk/uq)' return 1 end insert #spkeys values (@cType, @cName, @cFlags, @keycnt, @fillfactor, null, null, null, @indid, @groupname, 0, @PrimaryFG, 0, 0) end -- DRI_REFERENCE -- else if (@cType in (3)) begin -- Get the key column information from sysreferences. -- select @keycnt = r.keycnt, @cName = object_name(r.constid), @cRefTable = N'[' + schema_name(syso.schema_id) + N']' + N'.' + N'[' + + N']', @cDisabled = OBJECTPROPERTY( r.constid, N'CnstIsDisabled' ), @cDeleteCascade = OBJECTPROPERTY( r.constid, N'CnstIsDeleteCascade'), @cUpdateCascade = OBJECTPROPERTY( r.constid, N'CnstIsUpdateCascade') from dbo.sysreferences r, dbo.sysobjects o, sys.all_objects syso where r.constid = @constid and = r.rkeyid and = syso.object_id -- Follow r.rkeyindid back to sysindexes to get the ref key name. -- declare @cRefKey nvarchar(132) select @cRefKey =, @cFlags = c.status from dbo.sysreferences r, dbo.sysindexes i, dbo.sysconstraints c where c.constid = r.constid and r.constid = @constid and = r.rkeyid and i.indid = r.rkeyindid and i.status & 0x1800 <> 0 -- Load our temp table. -- insert #spkeys values (@cType, @cName, @cFlags, @keycnt, null, @cRefTable, @cRefKey, @constid, null, null, @cDisabled, 0, @cDeleteCascade, @cUpdateCascade) end -- Key type -- -- Get the next row. -- fetch hC into @constid, @cType, @cFlags end -- PRIMARY/UNIQUE -- deallocate hC -- Work on the descending information -- set nocount on insert #tempID select cName, indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 1, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 2, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 3, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 4, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 5, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 6, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 7, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 8, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 9, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 10, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 11, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 12, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 13, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 14, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 15, N'isdescending'), indexkey_property(object_id(@tablename), cIndexID, 16, N'isdescending') from #spkeys order by cType, cName -- Construct the bit -- declare @idx int declare @Name nvarchar(132) declare @Inx_1 int, @Inx_2 int, @Inx_3 int, @Inx_4 int, @Inx_5 int, @Inx_6 int, @Inx_7 int, @Inx_8 int declare @Inx_9 int, @Inx_10 int, @Inx_11 int, @Inx_12 int, @Inx_13 int, @Inx_14 int, @Inx_15 int, @Inx_16 int declare hCur cursor global for select * from #tempID open hCur fetch next from hCur into @Name, @Inx_1, @Inx_2, @Inx_3, @Inx_4, @Inx_5, @Inx_6, @Inx_7, @Inx_8, @Inx_9, @Inx_10, @Inx_11, @Inx_12, @Inx_13, @Inx_14, @Inx_15, @Inx_16 while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin select @idx = 0x0000 select @idx = (case when (@Inx_1 = 1) then @idx | 0x0001 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_2 = 1) then @idx | 0x0002 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_3 = 1) then @idx | 0x0004 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_4 = 1) then @idx | 0x0008 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_5 = 1) then @idx | 0x0010 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_6 = 1) then @idx | 0x0020 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_7 = 1) then @idx | 0x0040 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_8 = 1) then @idx | 0x0080 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_9 = 1) then @idx | 0x0100 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_10 = 1) then @idx | 0x0200 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_11 = 1) then @idx | 0x0400 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_12 = 1) then @idx | 0x0800 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_13 = 1) then @idx | 0x1000 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_14 = 1) then @idx | 0x2000 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_15 = 1) then @idx | 0x4000 else @idx end), @idx = (case when (@Inx_16 = 1) then @idx | 0x8000 else @idx end) insert #tempID2 select @Name, @idx fetch next from hCur into @Name, @Inx_1, @Inx_2, @Inx_3, @Inx_4, @Inx_5, @Inx_6, @Inx_7, @Inx_8, @Inx_9, @Inx_10, @Inx_11, @Inx_12, @Inx_13, @Inx_14, @Inx_15, @Inx_16 end close hCur deallocate hCur set nocount off -- Now output the data -- ReturnSet: set nocount off select cType, cName, cFlags, cColCount, cFillFactor, cRefTable, cRefKey, cKeyCol1 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 1)), cKeyCol2 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 2)), cKeyCol3 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 3)), cKeyCol4 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 4)), cKeyCol5 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 5)), cKeyCol6 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 6)), cKeyCol7 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 7)), cKeyCol8 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 8)), cKeyCol9 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 9)), cKeyCol10 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 10)), cKeyCol11 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 11)), cKeyCol12 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 12)), cKeyCol13 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 13)), cKeyCol14 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 14)), cKeyCol15 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 15)), cKeyCol16 = convert(nvarchar(132), index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 16)), cRefCol1 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol2 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol3 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol4 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol5 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol6 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol7 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol8 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol9 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol10 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol11 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol12 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol13 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol14 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol15 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cRefCol16 = convert(nvarchar(132), null), cIndexID, cGroupName, cDisabled, cPrimaryFG, cDeleteCascade, cUpdateCascade, Descending = t.cPK from #spkeys, #tempID2 t where cType in (1, 2) and cName = t.cPKName and (@colname is null or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 1) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 2) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 3) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 4) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 5) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 6) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 7) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 8) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 9) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 10) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 11) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 12) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 13) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 14) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 15) = @colname or index_col(@tablename, cIndexID, 16) = @colname ) UNION select c.cType, c.cName, c.cFlags, c.cColCount, c.cFillFactor, c.cRefTable, c.cRefKey, cKeyCol1 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey1)), cKeyCol2 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey2)), cKeyCol3 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey3)), cKeyCol4 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey4)), cKeyCol5 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey5)), cKeyCol6 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey6)), cKeyCol7 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey7)), cKeyCol8 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey8)), cKeyCol9 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey9)), cKeyCol10 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey10)), cKeyCol11 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey11)), cKeyCol12 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey12)), cKeyCol13 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey13)), cKeyCol14 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey14)), cKeyCol15 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey15)), cKeyCol16 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey16)), cRefCol1 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey1)), cRefCol2 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey2)), cRefCol3 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey3)), cRefCol4 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey4)), cRefCol5 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey5)), cRefCol6 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey6)), cRefCol7 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey7)), cRefCol8 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey8)), cRefCol9 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey9)), cRefCol10 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey10)), cRefCol11 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey11)), cRefCol12 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey12)), cRefCol13 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey13)), cRefCol14 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey14)), cRefCol15 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey15)), cRefCol16 = convert(nvarchar(132), col_name(r.rkeyid, r.rkey16)), cIndexID, cGroupName, cDisabled, cPrimaryFG, cDeleteCascade, cUpdateCascade, 0 from #spkeys c, dbo.sysreferences r where c.cType = 3 and r.constid = c.cConstID and (@colname is null or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey1) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey2) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey3) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey4) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey5) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey6) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey7) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey8) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey9) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey10) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey11) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey12) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey13) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey14) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey15) = @colname or col_name(r.fkeyid, r.fkey16) = @colname ) order by cType, cName if (@flags & 1 <> 0) exec sys.sp_MStablerefs @tablename, N'actualkeycols', N'foreign'
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