May 11, 2012

sp_MSenum_replication_agents (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenum_replication_agents(int @type
, bit @exclude_anonymous
, bit @check_user)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSenum_replication_agents  
@type int, -- agent type
@exclude_anonymous bit = 0,
@check_user bit = 0
set nocount on
declare @retcode int
,@snapshot int
,@logreader int
,@distribution int
,@sproc sysname
,@db_name sysname
,@table_name sysname
,@cmd nvarchar(4000)
,@distbit int
,@merge int
,@misc int
,@qreader int
,@has_pm bit

-- initialize
select @retcode = 0
,@distbit = 16
,@snapshot = 1
,@logreader = 2
,@distribution = 3
,@merge = 4
,@misc = 5
,@qreader = 9
-- validate @type
if (@type not in (@snapshot,@logreader,@distribution,@merge,@misc,@qreader))
return (1)
-- more initialization based on agent type
select @table_name = case when (@type = @snapshot) then '#snapshot'
when (@type = @logreader) then '#logreader'
when (@type = @distribution) then '#distribution'
when (@type = @merge) then '#merge'
when (@type = @qreader) then '#qreader' end
,@sproc = case when (@type = @snapshot) then 'sp_MSenum_snapshot'
when (@type = @logreader) then 'sp_MSenum_logreader'
when (@type = @distribution) then 'sp_MSenum_distribution'
when (@type = @merge) then 'sp_MSenum_merge'
when (@type = @qreader) then 'sp_MSenum_qreader' end
-- For each distribution database collect meta
select name
from master.dbo.sysdatabases
where category & @distbit <> 0
and has_dbaccess(name) = 1
for read only

open #hCdatabase
fetch next from #hCdatabase into @db_name
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
-- Check to see if the user has permision to monitor the distribution database.
select @cmd = quotename(@db_name) + '.sys.sp_executesql'
exec @cmd
N'if is_member(N''db_owner'') = 1 or isnull(is_member(N''replmonitor''),0) = 1 set @has_pm = 1',
N'@has_pm bit output',
@has_pm output
if @has_pm = 1
-- The current user has permission to access the metadata
if @check_user = 1
-- @check_user option enabled - no need to return agent metadata
select 'is_replmonitor' = 1
return (0)
-- @check_user option disabled
-- Process based on agent type
if @type = @misc
-- Misc agent type - execute and return
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSenum_misc_agents
return @retcode
-- Other agent type
-- Create temp table if necessary to cache the agent metadata
if object_id (N'tempdb..' + @table_name) is null
-- initialize the temp tables
if @type = @snapshot
create table #snapshot (dbname sysname collate database_default not null, name nvarchar(100) collate database_default not null,
status int NOT NULL,
publisher sysname collate database_default not null, publisher_db sysname collate database_default not null,
publication sysname collate database_default not null,
start_time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, duration int NULL,
comments nvarchar(255) collate database_default null, delivered_transactions int NULL,
delivered_commands int NULL, delivery_rate float NULL, error_id INT NULL,
job_id binary(16) NULL, local_job bit NULL, profile_id int NOT NULL,
agent_id int NOT NULL, local_timestamp binary(8) NOT NULL,
dynamic_filter_login sysname NULL, dynamic_filter_hostname sysname NULL)

create unique clustered index ucsnapshot ON #snapshot (dbname, agent_id)
else if @type = @logreader
create table #logreader (dbname sysname collate database_default not null, name nvarchar(100) collate database_default not null,
status int NOT NULL,
publisher sysname collate database_default not null, publisher_db sysname collate database_default not null,
start_time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, duration int NULL,
comments nvarchar(255) collate database_default null, delivery_time int NULL,
delivered_transactions int NULL, delivered_commands int NULL,
average_commands int NULL, delivery_rate int NULL, delivery_latency int NULL,
error_id INT NULL, job_id binary(16) NULL, local_job bit NULL,
profile_id int NOT NULL, agent_id int NOT NULL, local_timestamp binary(8) NOT NULL)

create unique clustered index uclogreader ON #logreader (dbname, agent_id)
else if @type = @distribution
create table #distribution (dbname sysname collate database_default not null,
name nvarchar(100) collate database_default not null,
status int NOT NULL,
publisher sysname collate database_default not null, publisher_db sysname collate database_default not null,
publication sysname collate database_default null,
subscriber sysname collate database_default null, subscriber_db sysname collate database_default null, subscription_type int NULL,
start_time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, duration int NULL,
comments nvarchar(4000) NULL, delivery_time int NULL,
delivered_transactions int NULL, delivered_commands int NULL,
average_commands int NULL, delivery_rate int NULL,
delivery_latency int NULL, error_id INT NULL,
job_id binary(16) NULL, local_job bit NULL, profile_id int NOT NULL,
agent_id int NOT NULL, local_timestamp binary(8) NOT NULL,
offload_enabled bit NOT NULL, offload_server sysname collate database_default null,
subscriber_type tinyint NULL)

create unique clustered index ucdistribution ON #distribution (dbname, agent_id)
else if @type = @merge
create table #merge (dbname sysname collate database_default not null, name nvarchar(100) collate database_default not null,
status int NOT NULL,
publisher sysname collate database_default not null, publisher_db sysname collate database_default not null, publication sysname collate database_default null,
subscriber sysname collate database_default null, subscriber_db sysname collate database_default null, subscription_type int NULL,
start_time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, duration int NULL,
comments nvarchar(255) NULL, delivery_rate int NULL,
download_inserts int NULL, download_updates int NULL, download_deletes int NULL,
publisher_conficts int NULL,
upload_inserts int NULL, upload_updates int NULL, upload_deletes int NULL,
subscriber_conficts int NULL, error_id int NULL, job_id binary(16) NULL,
local_job bit NULL, profile_id int NOT NULL, agent_id int NOT NULL,
local_timestamp binary(8) NOT NULL, offload_enabled bit NOT NULL,
offload_server sysname collate database_default null, subscriber_type tinyint NULL)

create unique clustered index ucmerge ON #merge (dbname, agent_id)
else if @type = @qreader
create table #qreader (dbname sysname collate database_default not null,
name nvarchar(100) collate database_default not null, status int NOT NULL,
start_time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, time nvarchar(24) collate database_default null, duration int NULL,
comments nvarchar(255) collate database_default null,
transactions_processed int NULL, commands_processed int NULL,
average_commands int NULL, delivery_rate int NULL, delivery_latency int NULL,
error_id INT NULL, job_id binary(16) NULL,
profile_id int NULL, agent_id int NOT NULL, local_timestamp binary(8) NOT NULL)

create unique clustered index ucqreader ON #qreader (dbname, agent_id)
-- Check for errors
if (@@error != 0)
return (1)
end -- if object_id( tempdb table ) is null
-- script the insert command to cache the agent metadata in temp table
-- for this distribution database
select @cmd = 'insert into ' + @table_name +
' exec ' + quotename(@db_name) + '.dbo.' + @sproc + ' @show_distdb = 1'
-- for distribution and merge agents - add more parameters to command
if @type in (@distribution, @merge)
select @cmd = @cmd +
', @exclude_anonymous = ' + cast(@exclude_anonymous as nvarchar(1))
-- execute the insert command
exec (@cmd)
-- Check errors
if (@@error != 0)
return (1)
end -- other agent type
end -- @check_user option disabled
end -- if @has_pm = 1
-- fetch next distribution database to process
fetch next from #hCdatabase into @db_name
close #hCdatabase
deallocate #hCdatabase
-- Don't return agents if in check user mode
-- NOTE - is this codeblock necessary
if @check_user = 1
return (0)
-- Process If the table exists
if object_id (N'tempdb..' + @table_name) is not null
-- All done - select all the metadata
select @cmd = N'select * from ' + @table_name + N' order by dbname asc, agent_id asc'
exec (@cmd)
-- Drop the table
select @cmd = N'drop table ' + @table_name
exec (@cmd)
-- all done
return (0)

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