May 11, 2012

sp_MSenum_distribution_s (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSenum_distribution_s(nvarchar @name
, int @hours
, int @session_type)


 create procedure sys.sp_MSenum_distribution_s  
@name nvarchar(100),
@hours int = 0, -- @hours < 0 will return TOP 100 --
@session_type int = 1 -- Return all sessions --
set nocount on

declare @notstarted int
,@succeed int
,@retry int
,@failure int
,@min_time datetime
,@agent_id int

-- security check
-- only replmonitor can execute this
if not (is_member(N'db_owner') = 1 or isnull(is_member(N'replmonitor'),0) = 1)
raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
return (1)

-- Status const defined in sqlrepl.h
select @notstarted = 0
,@succeed = 2
,@retry = 5
,@failure = 6
,@min_time = NULL

select @agent_id = id
from MSdistribution_agents
where name = @name

-- Check @hours
-- return top 100 rows if < 0
-- return session later than if > 0
if @hours < 0
set rowcount 100
else if @hours > 0
select @min_time = dateadd(hour, -@hours, getdate())
-- enumerate the sessions now
select rh.runstatus,
'start_time' = sys.fn_replformatdatetime(rh.start_time),
'time' = sys.fn_replformatdatetime(rh.time),
rh.comments, rh.duration,
0, -- delivery_time --
rh.delivered_transactions, rh.delivered_commands, rh.average_commands,
'action_count' = hs.action_count,
from MSdistribution_history rh with (READPAST)
join (select agent_id,
count(start_time) as action_count,
max(timestamp) as max_timestamp
from MSdistribution_history with (READPAST)
where agent_id = @agent_id
and runstatus != @notstarted
and comments not like N'<stats state%'
and (@session_type = 1
or runstatus = @failure)
group by agent_id, start_time) as hs
on rh.agent_id = hs.agent_id
and rh.start_time = hs.start_time
and rh.timestamp = hs.max_timestamp
-- if min time is specified then return sessions after that
where @min_time IS NULL
or time >= @min_time
order by timestamp desc
-- all done
return 0

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