May 10, 2012

sp_MSdistribution_counters (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MSdistribution_counters(nvarchar @publisher)


 CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MSdistribution_counters  
@publisher sysname -- publication server name --
set nocount on

declare @publisher_id smallint
declare @subscriber_id smallint
declare @active_status tinyint
declare @snapshot_bit int
declare @undelivered_commands int
declare @delivered_commands int
declare @delivery_rate float
declare @delivery_latency int
declare @xact_seqno varbinary(16)
declare @agent_id int

-- security check
-- only db_owner can execute this
if (is_member ('db_owner') != 1)
raiserror(14260, 16, -1)
return (1)

select @active_status = 2
select @snapshot_bit = 0x80000000

-- Make sure publisher is defined on distributor
select @publisher_id = srvid from master.dbo.sysservers where UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@publisher)
if @publisher_id is null
return (1)

create table #dist_trans (subscriber_id smallint NOT NULL, undelivered_commands int NOT NULL,
delivered_commands int NOT NULL, delivery_rate float NOT NULL,
delivery_latency int NOT NULL)

declare hc CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct agent_id
from dbo.MSsubscriptions
publisher_id = @publisher_id and
subscriber_id >= 0 and
status = 2
for read only

open hc
fetch hc into @agent_id
while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
-- Get the lastest numbers from distribution_history
select @xact_seqno = NULL

-- Get latest seqno, rate and latency
select TOP(1) @xact_seqno = xact_seqno,
-- @delivered_commands = delivered_commands,
@delivery_rate = current_delivery_rate,
@delivery_latency = current_delivery_latency
-- from MSdistribution_history with (READPAST)
from MSdistribution_history
agent_id = @agent_id and
xact_seqno <> 0x0
order by timestamp DESC

if @xact_seqno IS NULL
select @xact_seqno = 0x00,
@delivery_rate = 0,
@delivery_latency = 0

select TOP(1) @subscriber_id = subscriber_id FROM dbo.MSsubscriptions
where agent_id = @agent_id

-- Get the delivered trans number
select @delivered_commands = 0
select @delivered_commands = isnull(count(*), 0)
-- MSrepl_commands rc with (READPAST), dbo.MSsubscriptions s
MSrepl_commands rc, dbo.MSsubscriptions s
-- Query from sp_MSget_repl_commands
s.agent_id = @agent_id and
s.status = @active_status and
rc.publisher_database_id = s.publisher_database_id and
-- rc.publisher_id = s.publisher_id and
-- rc.publisher_db = s.publisher_db and
rc.xact_seqno <= @xact_seqno and
rc.article_id = s.article_id and
rc.partial_command = 0
((rc.xact_seqno >= s.subscription_seqno and (rc.type & @snapshot_bit) <> @snapshot_bit) or
rc.xact_seqno = s.subscription_seqno)

-- Get the undelivered trans number
select @undelivered_commands = 0
select @undelivered_commands = isnull(count(*), 0)
-- MSrepl_commands rc with (READPAST), dbo.MSsubscriptions s
MSrepl_commands rc , dbo.MSsubscriptions s
-- Query from sp_MSget_repl_commands
s.agent_id = @agent_id and
s.status = @active_status and
rc.publisher_database_id = s.publisher_database_id and
rc.xact_seqno > @xact_seqno and
rc.article_id = s.article_id and
rc.partial_command = 0
((rc.xact_seqno >= s.subscription_seqno and (rc.type & @snapshot_bit) <> @snapshot_bit) or
rc.xact_seqno = s.subscription_seqno)

insert into #dist_trans values (@subscriber_id, @undelivered_commands,
@delivered_commands, @delivery_rate, @delivery_latency)

fetch hc into @agent_id

close hc
deallocate hc

select 'subscriber' = srvname,
'delivered commands' = sum(delivered_commands),
'undelivered_commands' = sum(undelivered_commands),
'delivery_rate' = sum(delivery_rate),
'delivery_latency' = (select isnull(avg(delivery_latency), 0) from #dist_trans, master.dbo.sysservers where
srvname = s1.srvname and delivery_latency > 0)
from #dist_trans, master.dbo.sysservers s1
where subscriber_id = srvid
group by srvname

drop table #dist_trans

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