The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_MSdelrow(uniqueidentifier @rowguid, int @tablenick
, tinyint @metadata_type
, varbinary @lineage_old
, bigint @generation
, varbinary @lineage_new
, uniqueidentifier @pubid
, int @check_permission
, int @compatlevel
, bit @articleisupdateable
, smallint @publication_number
, int @partition_id)
create procedure sys.sp_MSdelrow (@rowguid uniqueidentifier, @tablenick int, @metadata_type tinyint, -- 0 - Missing, 1 - Tombstone, 2 - Contents, 3 - ContentsDeferred, 6 - system delete -- @lineage_old varbinary(311), @generation bigint, @lineage_new varbinary(311), @pubid uniqueidentifier = NULL, @check_permission int = 0, @compatlevel int = 10, -- backward compatibility level, default=Sphinx @articleisupdateable bit = 1, @publication_number smallint = NULL, @partition_id int = NULL ) as set nocount on declare @match int declare @new_metatype tinyint declare @retcode smallint declare @errcode int declare @procname sysname declare @objid int declare @permissions int declare @logical_record_parent_nickname int declare @partition_options tinyint -- Parameter validation -- if (@rowguid is null) begin RAISERROR(14043, 16, -1, '@rowguid', 'sp_MSdelrow') return (0) end if (@tablenick is null) begin RAISERROR(14043, 16, -1, '@tablenick', 'sp_MSdelrow') return (0) end -- -- Check to see if current publication has permission -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_PAL_rolecheck @pubid = @pubid, @tablenick = @tablenick if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0) return 4 if @check_permission =1 begin select @objid=objid, @permissions= check_permissions from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname=@tablenick and (pubid is NULL or pubid=@pubid) if @objid is NULL return (0) exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_permission @objid = @objid, @type = 3, @permissions = @permissions if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return (4) end if 1 = @articleisupdateable and @lineage_new is not null begin if @compatlevel < 90 begin set @lineage_new= {fn LINEAGE_80_TO_90(@lineage_new)} if @lineage_old is not null set @lineage_old= {fn LINEAGE_80_TO_90(@lineage_old)} end -- Are we just changing the type of a tombstone? -- This routine is only called for Upload; won't be type 5 (remove from partial) unless -- subscriber has a user delete and found an existing metadata type of 5 here. -- In that case, set delete type to 1 and update generation, reason text too. if (@metadata_type = 5) begin if exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone where rowguid = @rowguid and tablenick = @tablenick) begin update dbo.MSmerge_tombstone set type = @metadata_type, generation = @generation, lineage = @lineage_new where rowguid = @rowguid and tablenick = @tablenick return 1 end end -- Are we just changing the type of a tombstone? else if (@metadata_type = 6) begin if exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_tombstone where rowguid = @rowguid and tablenick = @tablenick) begin update dbo.MSmerge_tombstone set type = @metadata_type, generation = @generation, lineage = @lineage_new where rowguid = @rowguid and tablenick = @tablenick return 1 end end end -- begin transaction and lock row that we plan to delete begin transaction save tran sp_MSdelrow declare @rowcount int select @procname = 'dbo.' + select_proc, @logical_record_parent_nickname = logical_record_parent_nickname, @partition_options = partition_options from dbo.sysmergepartitioninfoview where nickname = @tablenick and pubid = @pubid if @partition_options = 2 begin -- if this is a republisher of this article, and we are currently -- downloading from the top-level publisher, then pretend that this is -- not a well-partitioned article. This is done such that the partition evaluation -- and setrowmetadata is done appropriately. if sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(@pubid) = 0 and exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 1) select @partition_options = 0 end -- exec @retcode = @procname @maxschemaguidforarticle = NULL, @type =8, @rowguid=@rowguid IF @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end -- if 1 = @articleisupdateable begin select @match = NULL if @metadata_type = 5 begin set @new_metatype = 5 end else if @metadata_type = 6 begin set @new_metatype = 6 end else begin -- -- call sp_MScheckmetadatamatch with @compatlevel=90, because sp_MSdelrow already -- did the map-up if needed exec @retcode=sys.sp_MScheckmetadatamatch @metatype=@metadata_type, @rowguid=@rowguid, @tablenick=@tablenick, @lineage=@lineage_old, @match=@match output, @compatlevel=90, @lineage_new=@lineage_new, @new_type_contents=0 IF @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end -- if @logical_record_parent_nickname = @tablenick select @match = 1 set @new_metatype = 1 end end else begin set @match= 1 end if (@match = 1) begin -- select_proc makes a delete with @type = 5, despite its name. -- we need not hold any lock on the row. Instead we will detect that if we could not delete the row -- we will raise an error exec @retcode = @procname NULL, -- @maxschemaguidforarticle = NULL -- 11, -- @type @rowguid, -- @rowguid 1, -- @enumentirerowmetadata not used 0, -- @blob_cols_at_the_end not used '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', -- @logical_record_parent_rowguid not used 0, -- @metadata_type NULL, -- @lineage_old @rowcount output if @retcode<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end if @rowcount <> 1 begin set @errcode= 3 goto Failure end end else if @match is NULL begin -- we need to do a metadatacheck in the delete proc exec @retcode = @procname NULL, -- @maxschemaguidforarticle = NULL -- 11, -- @type @rowguid, -- @rowguid 1, -- @enumentirerowmetadata not used 0, -- @blob_cols_at_the_end not used '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', -- @logical_record_parent_rowguid not used @metadata_type, -- @metadata_type @lineage_old, -- @lineage_old @rowcount output if @retcode<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end if @rowcount <> 1 begin set @errcode= 2 goto Failure end end if @@error<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end if 1 = @articleisupdateable and (@partition_options < 2 or @lineage_new is not null) begin -- call sp_MSsetrowmetadata with @compatlevel=90, because sp_MSdelrow -- already did the map-up if it is needed exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSsetrowmetadata @tablenick, @rowguid, @generation, @lineage_new, NULL, @new_metatype, NULL, 90, @publication_number = @publication_number, @partition_id = @partition_id, @partition_options = @partition_options IF @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 begin set @errcode= 0 goto Failure end end commit tran return(1)-- in sp_MSdelrow, 1=okay Failure: rollback tran sp_MSdelrow commit tran return(@errcode)
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