The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_file(int @lcid, bit @loadOnlyIfNotLoaded)
CREATE PROC sys.sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_file @lcid int, @loadOnlyIfNotLoaded bit = 0 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF -- sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_files will run under read committed isolation level SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED -- CHECK PERMISSIONS (must be serveradmin) if (is_srvrolemember('serveradmin') = 0) begin raiserror(15247,-1,-1) return 1 end -- Disallow user transaction on this sp -- if @@trancount > 0 begin raiserror(15002,-1,-1,'sys.sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_file') return 1 end BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @thesaurusFilePath nvarchar(260) SELECT @thesaurusFilePath = NULL SELECT @thesaurusFilePath = thesaurus_file_path FROM sys.fn_ft_thesaurus_files() WHERE lcid = @lcid -- raiserror if @filePath is NULL -- IF (@thesaurusFilePath IS NULL) BEGIN RAISERROR(30048, 16, 1, @lcid) END -- load the XML thesaurus file into an xml datatype variable, thereby ensuring that the XML is well formed -- Note: the XML is not validated against a schema, since there are issues with the Yukon XML files -- DECLARE @thesaurus xml DECLARE @sqlString nvarchar(1024) SELECT @sqlString=N'SELECT @thesaurusOut=X.root FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N' + QUOTENAME(@thesaurusFilePath, '''') + N', SINGLE_BLOB) AS X(root)' EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlString, N'@thesaurusOut xml OUTPUT', @thesaurusOut = @thesaurus OUTPUT; DECLARE @diacritics_sensitive bit SELECT @diacritics_sensitive = 0 SELECT @diacritics_sensitive = Thesaurus.d_s.value('.', 'bit') FROM @thesaurus.nodes(N'declare namespace PD="x-schema:tsSchema.xml";/XML/PD:thesaurus/PD:diacritics_sensitive') AS Thesaurus(d_s) -- This takes a lock on the lcid row -- All codepaths accessing the state table, phrase table serialize on the lcid row in this table BEGIN TRY INSERT tempdb.sys.fulltext_thesaurus_metadata_table VALUES(@lcid, @diacritics_sensitive) END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @error int SELECT @error = ERROR_NUMBER() IF (@error = 2601) BEGIN IF (@loadOnlyIfNotLoaded = 0) BEGIN -- This means this is a user explicitly calling sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_file and hence we should -- load the thesaurus file again -- Note that no code path deletes rows from this table, hence there is no race condition here -- UPDATE tempdb.sys.fulltext_thesaurus_metadata_table SET diacritics_sensitive=@diacritics_sensitive WHERE lcid=@lcid END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRAN -- this means the engine is trying to load the thesaurus file as part of query -- and so we dont need to load the thesaurus file again RETURN 0 END END END CATCH -- deleting existing entries for this lcid from phrase table -- DELETE tempdb.sys.fulltext_thesaurus_phrase_table WHERE lcid = @lcid; -- insert expansions and replacements -- Note the cast to 513 below. The max string we allow is 512 characters. If there is a phrase -- longer than 512 in the file, it will get truncated to 513 length below but the word breaker fn will ex_raise -- it. If we make it 512 below, then the string will get silently truncated which we dont want to happen -- We can change to nvarchar(max) also below, but I am keeping it nvarchar(513) for perf reasons -- with xmlnamespaces (N'x-schema:tsSchema.xml' as PD) INSERT INTO tempdb.sys.fulltext_thesaurus_phrase_table (groupid, isExpansion, isLHSOfReplacement, lcid, terms) SELECT X.rowid AS GroupId, X.isexp AS IsExpansion, Sub.Val.value('if (local-name(.) eq "pat") then 1 else 0', 'int') AS isLHSOfReplacement, @lcid, WordBrokenPhrase.concatenated_terms FROM ( SELECT T2.exp.query('.'), T2.exp.value('if (local-name(.) eq "expansion") then 1 else 0', 'int') isexp, row_number() over (order by T3.DummyOrderingColumn) rowid FROM @thesaurus.nodes(N'(/XML/PD:thesaurus/PD:expansion, /XML/PD:thesaurus/PD:replacement)') AS T2(exp) -- this CROSS APPLY is needed since order by T2.exp is not a supported feature (even though it works) -- There is a light weight improvement that exposes ordpaths and when that gets done, one could potentially -- directly order by the ordpath above -- CROSS APPLY (SELECT 1 AS DummyOrderingColumn) T3 ) X(exprep, isexp, rowid) CROSS APPLY X.exprep.nodes(N'(/PD:expansion/PD:sub, /PD:replacement/PD:pat, /PD:replacement/PD:sub)') AS Sub(Val) CROSS APPLY sys.fn_ft_wordbreaker(@lcid, @diacritics_sensitive, Sub.Val.value('.', 'nvarchar(513)')) AS WordBrokenPhrase -- Update state table corresponding to phrase table -- EXEC sys.sp_fulltext_thesaurus_update @lcid -- We need to bump up the version of the thesaurus for this lcid -- -- This will cause a recompile on any query using an older thesaurus version -- DBCC CALLFULLTEXT(23, 1, @lcid) COMMIT TRAN RETURN 0 END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF (XACT_STATE() <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRAN END DECLARE @errorNumber int EXEC @errorNumber=sys.sp_fulltext_rethrow_error RETURN @errorNumber END CATCH END
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