The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_expired_subscription_cleanup(nvarchar @publisher)MetaData:
CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_expired_subscription_cleanup ( @publisher sysname = NULL ) AS BEGIN declare @retcode int, @publisher_db sysname, @publisher_type sysname, @category int, @proc_name nvarchar(200), @distributor sysname, @distribdb sysname, @distproc nvarchar(300) -- Security Check is done in called procedures -- Get distribution server information for remote RPC call. EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_getdistributorinfo @publisher = @publisher, @rpcsrvname = @distributor OUTPUT, @distribdb = @distribdb OUTPUT, @publisher_type = @publisher_type OUTPUT IF (@@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0) BEGIN RETURN (@retcode) END IF (@distributor IS NULL OR @distribdb IS NULL) BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE sys.fn_MSrepl_ispublished(name) = 1) BEGIN RAISERROR (20036, 16, -1) return (1) END ELSE BEGIN return (0) END END IF (@publisher_type != N'MSSQLSERVER') BEGIN -- Heterogeneous publisher subscription cleanup SELECT @proc_name = @distribdb + N'.sys.sp_MSdrop_expired_subscription' EXEC @retcode = @proc_name @publisher = @publisher END ELSE BEGIN -- SQL publisher - sweep all the published databases DECLARE DC CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for SELECT DISTINCT name, category FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE ((category & 4) = 4 OR (category & 1 = 1)) and databasepropertyex(name, 'Updateability') = 'READ_WRITE' and has_dbaccess(name) = 1 FOR READ ONLY OPEN DC FETCH DC INTO @publisher_db, @category WHILE (@@fetch_status != -1) BEGIN -- Merge publication db IF (@category & 4 = 4) BEGIN SELECT @proc_name = @publisher_db + '.sys.sp_MSdrop_expired_mergesubscription' EXEC @retcode = @proc_name IF (@retcode != 0 OR @@ERROR != 0) BEGIN GOTO DONE END END -- Tran publication db IF (@category & 1 = 1) BEGIN SELECT @proc_name = @publisher_db + '.sys.sp_MSdrop_expired_subscription' EXEC @retcode = @proc_name IF (@retcode != 0 OR @@ERROR != 0) BEGIN goto DONE END END FETCH DC INTO @publisher_db, @category END -- -- sp_MScleanup_agent_entry in distribution database is called to periodically remove obselete -- entries in MSmerge_agents, which may be caused by the following reasons: -- 1. publishing database is externally removed; therefore cleanup agent can not do its job -- 2. Entries for anonymous merge subscriptions -- SELECT @distproc = QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@distributor)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@distribdb)) + '..sp_MScleanup_agent_entry' EXEC @retcode = @distproc IF (@@ERROR != 0 OR @retcode != 0) BEGIN goto DONE END DONE: -- Cursor cleanup CLOSE DC DEALLOCATE DC END RETURN @retcode END
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