The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_addmergefilter(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @article
, nvarchar @filtername
, nvarchar @join_articlename
, nvarchar @join_filterclause
, int @join_unique_key
, bit @force_invalidate_snapshot
, bit @force_reinit_subscription
, tinyint @filter_type)
create procedure sys.sp_addmergefilter( @publication sysname, -- publication name -- @article sysname, -- article name -- @filtername sysname, -- join filter name -- @join_articlename sysname, -- Name of the table being joined to the base table -- @join_filterclause nvarchar(1000), -- filter clause qualifying the join -- @join_unique_key int = 0, @force_invalidate_snapshot bit = 0, -- Force invalidate existing snapshot -- @force_reinit_subscription bit = 0, -- Force reinit subscription -- @filter_type tinyint = 1 -- 1=join filter only, 2=logical relation only, 3=both -- )AS set nocount on declare @snapshot_ready int declare @db_name sysname declare @pubid uniqueidentifier declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @art_nickname int declare @join_nickname int declare @db sysname declare @qual_object nvarchar(517) declare @unqual_object nvarchar(258) declare @qual_join_object nvarchar(517) declare @unqual_join_object nvarchar(258) declare @qual_object_view nvarchar(517) declare @qual_join_object_view nvarchar(517) declare @object sysname declare @vertical int declare @join_vertical int declare @join_object nvarchar(140) declare @object_view nvarchar(140) declare @join_object_view nvarchar(140) declare @owner nvarchar(258) declare @join_object_owner nvarchar(258) declare @retcode int declare @join_objid int declare @objid int declare @art_status int declare @joinart_status int declare @column_list nvarchar(max) declare @inactive int declare @new_active int declare @new_inactive int declare @reinit bit declare @allow_anonymous bit declare @compatlevel int declare @automatic_reinitialization_policy bit declare @got_merge_admin_applock bit select @got_merge_admin_applock = 0 -- article status below select @inactive = 0 select @new_inactive = 5 select @new_active = 6 -- make sure current database is enabled for merge replication -- exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSCheckmergereplication if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 return (1) -- -- Security Check. -- Only the System Administrator (SA) or the Database Owner (dbo) can -- add an article to a publication. -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return(1) -- -- Parameter Check: @filtername. -- The join_filter_name cannot be NULL -- if @filtername is NULL begin raiserror (14043, 11, -1, @filtername, 'sp_addmergefilter') return (1) end if @join_filterclause is NULL or @join_filterclause = '' begin raiserror (14043, 11, -1, '@join_filterclause', 'sp_addmergefilter') return (1) end if @filter_type not in (1,2,3) or @filter_type is null begin raiserror (21575, 16, -1) goto FAILURE end -- -- Parameter Check: @publication. -- The @publication id cannot be NULL and must conform to the rules -- for identifiers. -- if @publication is NULL begin raiserror (14003, 16, -1) return (1) end -- -- Get the pubid and make sure the publication exists -- select @pubid = pubid, @snapshot_ready = snapshot_ready, @allow_anonymous = allow_anonymous, @compatlevel = backward_comp_level, @automatic_reinitialization_policy = automatic_reinitialization_policy from dbo.sysmergepublications where name = @publication and UPPER(publisher)=UPPER(publishingservername()) and publisher_db=db_name() if @pubid is NULL begin raiserror (20026, 16, -1, @publication) return (1) end -- -- Check to make sure that the filtername does not already exist in the -- given publication -- if exists (select * from sysmergesubsetfilters where filtername = @filtername and pubid = @pubid) begin raiserror (20626, 16, -1, @filtername, @publication) return (1) end if @article = @join_articlename begin raiserror(21599, 16, -1) return (1) end select @db_name = db_name from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions where (pubid=@pubid) and (subid=@pubid) IF @db_name <> db_name() BEGIN RAISERROR (20047, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter Check: @article. -- Check to see that the @article is valid and does exist -- if @article is NULL begin raiserror (20045, 16, -1) return (1) end select @artid = artid, @objid=objid, @vertical=vertical_partition, @art_nickname = nickname, @art_status = status from dbo.sysmergearticles where name = @article and pubid = @pubid if @artid is NULL begin raiserror (20027, 16, -1, @article) return (1) end -- -- Get the id of the @join_articlename -- select @join_objid = objid, @join_vertical= vertical_partition, @joinart_status = status from dbo.sysmergearticles where name=@join_articlename and pubid = @pubid IF @join_objid is NULL BEGIN raiserror (14027, 11, -1, @join_articlename) return (1) END -- don't reinit out if this is a new article and we are not adding a logical record relationship if (@filter_type & 2) = 2 or (@art_status <> @inactive and @art_status <> @new_inactive) select @reinit = 1 else select @reinit = 0 if @snapshot_ready>0 begin -- -- make sure we know we really want to do this. -- if @force_invalidate_snapshot = 0 and @snapshot_ready = 1 begin raiserror(21366, 16, -1, @filtername) return 1 end if @force_reinit_subscription = 0 and @reinit = 1 begin -- check to see if there are any subscriptions to this publication before erroring out if (@allow_anonymous = 1 and @compatlevel < 90) or exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions where pubid=@pubid and subid<>pubid and status=1) begin raiserror(21367, 16, -1, @filtername) return 1 end end end -- check the validity of join_filterclause -- select @object = object_name(@objid) select @owner = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @objid select @join_object = object_name(@join_objid) select @join_object_owner = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_objid select @object_view = @object select @join_object_view = @join_object -- is current article vertically partitioned -- if @vertical=1 begin select @object_view = 'MSmerge_OBJECT_VIEW_' + @object select @qual_object_view=@owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@object_view) select @qual_object= @owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@object) select @unqual_object = QUOTENAME(@object) exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetcolumnlist @pubid, @column_list OUTPUT, @objid exec ('create view ' + @qual_object_view + ' as select ' + @column_list + ' from ' + @qual_object + ' ' + @unqual_object) if @@ERROR<>0 return 1 end -- is join article vertically partitioned -- if @join_vertical=1 begin select @join_object_view = 'MSmerge_JOIN_OBJECT_VIEW_' + @join_object select @qual_join_object_view = @join_object_owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@join_object_view) select @qual_join_object= @join_object_owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@join_object) select @unqual_join_object = QUOTENAME(@join_object) exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetcolumnlist @pubid, @column_list OUTPUT, @join_objid exec ('create view ' + @qual_join_object_view + ' as select ' + @column_list + ' from ' + @qual_join_object+ ' ' + @unqual_join_object) if @@ERROR<>0 begin if 1=@vertical exec('drop view ' + @qual_object_view) return 1 end end select @qual_object_view=@owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@object_view) select @qual_join_object_view = @join_object_owner + '.' + QUOTENAME(@join_object_view) select @qual_join_object= QUOTENAME(@join_object) select @qual_object= QUOTENAME(@object) exec ('declare @test int select @test=1 from ' + @qual_object_view + ' ' + @qual_object + ', ' + @qual_join_object_view + ' ' + @qual_join_object + ' where ' + @join_filterclause) if @@ERROR<>0 begin if @vertical=1 exec ('drop view ' + @qual_object_view) if @join_vertical=1 exec ('drop view ' + @qual_join_object_view) raiserror(21256, 16, -1, @join_filterclause, @article) return (1) end if @vertical=1 exec ('drop view ' + @qual_object_view) if @join_vertical=1 exec ('drop view ' + @qual_join_object_view) -- check if the join filter clause contains any column of type that is not supported in -- a join filter. if exists ( select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and ( -- (sys.fn_IsTypeBlob(sc.system_type_id,sc.max_length) = 1) -- Blob type text,ntext,xml (system_type_id in (type_id('image'), type_id('text'), type_id('ntext'), type_id('xml'))) or max_length = -1 or system_type_id = 240 -- CLR-UDTs ) and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@join_filterclause, name, @objid) = 1 ) begin raiserror(22518, 16, -1, @qual_object) return(1) end select @join_nickname = nickname from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid AND objid = @join_objid if @join_nickname is NULL begin raiserror (20001, 11, -1, @article, @publication) return (1) end if (@filter_type & 2) = 2 begin declare @pubname_lessthan90compat sysname declare @owner_qualified_art_name nvarchar(400) declare @owner_qualified_join_name nvarchar(400) select @pubname_lessthan90compat = NULL -- Only supported with publications that have 90 compatibility level. select top 1 @pubname_lessthan90compat = name from dbo.sysmergepublications where backward_comp_level < 90 and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @art_nickname) if @pubname_lessthan90compat is not null begin raiserror(21574, 16, -1, @article, @pubname_lessthan90compat) return 1 end select @pubname_lessthan90compat = NULL -- Only supported with publications that have 90 compatibility level. select top 1 @pubname_lessthan90compat = name from dbo.sysmergepublications where backward_comp_level < 90 and pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where nickname = @join_nickname) if @pubname_lessthan90compat is not null begin raiserror(21574, 16, -1, @join_articlename, @pubname_lessthan90compat) return 1 end if @join_unique_key = 0 begin -- logical record relation only supported with join_unique_key=1 raiserror(21539, 16, -1) return 1 end -- Cannot use Logical records and BusinessLogicResolvers at the same time. if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where ((nickname = @art_nickname) or (nickname = @join_nickname)) and (resolver_clsid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')) begin raiserror(20708, 16, -1) return 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and allow_web_synchronization = 1) begin raiserror(22545, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and sync_mode = 1) begin raiserror(22541, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where art_nickname = @art_nickname and join_nickname <> @join_nickname and (filter_type & 2) = 2) begin -- there cannot be two parents of a child in a logical record relationship raiserror (21538, 16, -1, @object, @join_object) return 1 end if @filter_type & 1 = 1 and exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and use_partition_groups <= 0) begin raiserror(21571, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end -- We do not allow logical records to be used if the articles involved in a join filter -- have cascading constraints defined on them if exists (select * from sys.foreign_keys fks where fks.parent_object_id in (@join_objid, @objid) and (ObjectProperty(fks.object_id, 'CnstIsDeleteCascade') = 1 or ObjectProperty(fks.object_id, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade') = 1 or fks.delete_referential_action = 2 -- on delete set null or fks.delete_referential_action = 3 -- on delete set default or fks.update_referential_action = 2 -- on update set null or fks.update_referential_action = 3 -- on update set default ) ) begin select @owner_qualified_art_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name) from sys.objects where object_id = @objid select @owner_qualified_join_name = quotename(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + quotename(name) from sys.objects where object_id = @join_objid raiserror(25019, 16, -1, @owner_qualified_art_name, @owner_qualified_join_name) return 1 end -- Enforce DRI relation exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_joinfilter_using_dri @publication, @article, @objid, @join_objid, 1, @join_filterclause if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return 1 -- based on usability feeback, we should set the allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot -- option to 1 rather than raise an error. update dbo.sysmergepublications set allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot = 1 where pubid = @pubid end IF NOT EXISTS (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid AND nickname = @join_nickname) BEGIN RAISERROR (20046, 16, -1) -- Only the original publisher can do so -- RETURN (1) END -- -- Make sure that the table name specified is a table and not a view. -- if NOT exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = @join_objid AND type = 'U') begin raiserror (14028, 16, -1) return (1) end -- We do not allow cycles between join filters. When trying to make article a1 a child -- of parent article a2, we must make sure that article a1 is not a parent of a2 in -- our existing filters, either directly or indirectly. This test inserts the nodes -- currently reachable by the proposed child into a temporary table, -- and makes sure the proposed parent is not contained in that list. create table #reachable (article int) insert into #reachable values (@art_nickname) while (@@ROWCOUNT > 0) begin insert into #reachable (article) select distinct art_nickname from sysmergesubsetfilters where join_nickname in (select article from #reachable) and art_nickname not in (select article from #reachable) and pubid = @pubid end if exists (select null from #reachable where article = @join_nickname) begin drop table #reachable raiserror(21869, 16, -1, @join_articlename, @article) return 1 end drop table #reachable begin tran save tran addmergefilter exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetmergeadminapplock @timeout = 0, -- no wait @lockowner = N'Transaction' if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin raiserror(20713, 16, -1, 'sp_addmergefilter', @publication) goto FAILURE end select @got_merge_admin_applock = 1 if @snapshot_ready>0 begin update dbo.sysmergepublications set snapshot_ready=2, use_partition_groups = case when use_partition_groups = 1 then 2 else use_partition_groups end where pubid=@pubid if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE if @reinit = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreinitmergepublication @publication = @publication, @upload_first = @automatic_reinitialization_policy if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end end -- -- Add the join filter to dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters if it is not already there -- IF exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters where filtername=@filtername and pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid) begin raiserror (20002, 16, -1, @filtername, @article, @publication) goto FAILURE end insert INTO dbo.sysmergesubsetfilters(filtername, pubid, artid, art_nickname, join_articlename, join_nickname, join_unique_key, join_filterclause, filter_type) values(@filtername, @pubid, @artid, @art_nickname, @join_articlename, @join_nickname, @join_unique_key, @join_filterclause, @filter_type) if @@error <> 0 begin goto FAILURE end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSvalidate_wellpartitioned_articles @publication if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSsubsetpublication @publication if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <>0 goto FAILURE exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' commit tran return (0) FAILURE: if @@trancount > 0 begin if @got_merge_admin_applock=1 exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' rollback tran addmergefilter commit tran end RAISERROR (20038, 16, -1, @article, @publication) return (1)
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