The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_addmergearticle(nvarchar @publication, nvarchar @article
, nvarchar @source_object
, nvarchar @type
, nvarchar @description
, nvarchar @column_tracking
, nvarchar @status
, nvarchar @pre_creation_cmd
, nvarchar @creation_script
, varbinary @schema_option
, nvarchar @subset_filterclause
, nvarchar @article_resolver
, nvarchar @resolver_info
, nvarchar @source_owner
, nvarchar @destination_owner
, nvarchar @vertical_partition
, nvarchar @auto_identity_range
, bigint @pub_identity_range
, bigint @identity_range
, int @threshold
, int @verify_resolver_signature
, nvarchar @destination_object
, nvarchar @allow_interactive_resolver
, nvarchar @fast_multicol_updateproc
, int @check_permissions
, bit @force_invalidate_snapshot
, nvarchar @published_in_tran_pub
, bit @force_reinit_subscription
, nvarchar @logical_record_level_conflict_detection
, nvarchar @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution
, tinyint @partition_options
, int @processing_order
, tinyint @subscriber_upload_options
, nvarchar @identityrangemanagementoption
, nvarchar @delete_tracking
, nvarchar @compensate_for_errors
, nvarchar @stream_blob_columns)
create procedure sys.sp_addmergearticle @publication sysname, -- publication name -- @article sysname, -- article name -- @source_object sysname, -- source object name -- @type sysname = 'table', -- article type -- @description nvarchar(255)= NULL, -- article description -- @column_tracking nvarchar(10) = 'false', -- column level tracking -- @status nvarchar(10) = 'unsynced', -- unsynced, active -- @pre_creation_cmd nvarchar(10) = 'drop', -- 'none', 'drop', 'delete', 'truncate' -- @creation_script nvarchar(255)= NULL, -- article schema script -- @schema_option varbinary(8) = NULL, -- article schema creation options -- @subset_filterclause nvarchar(1000) = '', -- filter clause -- @article_resolver nvarchar(255)= NULL, -- custom resolver for article -- @resolver_info nvarchar(517) = NULL, -- custom resolver info -- @source_owner sysname = NULL, @destination_owner sysname = NULL, @vertical_partition nvarchar(5) = 'FALSE', -- vertical partitioning or not -- @auto_identity_range nvarchar(5) = NULL, -- this parameter is deprecated. use @identityrangemanagementoption -- @pub_identity_range bigint = NULL, @identity_range bigint = NULL, @threshold int = NULL, @verify_resolver_signature int = 1, -- 0=do not verify signature, 1=verify that signature is from trusted source, more values may be added later -- @destination_object sysname = @source_object, @allow_interactive_resolver nvarchar(5) = 'false', -- whether article allows interactive resolution or not -- @fast_multicol_updateproc nvarchar(5) = 'true', -- whether update proc should update multiple columns in one update statement or not. if 0, then separate update issued for each column changed. -- @check_permissions int = 0, -- bitmap where 0x00 for nochecks, 0x01 for insert check, 0x2 for update check, 0x4 for delete check -- @force_invalidate_snapshot bit = 0, -- Force invalidate existing snapshot -- @published_in_tran_pub nvarchar(5) = 'false', -- Indicates that this article could be published in a transactional publication as well -- @force_reinit_subscription bit = 0, -- Force reinit subscription -- @logical_record_level_conflict_detection nvarchar(5) = 'false', @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution nvarchar(5) = 'false', @partition_options tinyint = 0, -- 0, 1, 2 or 3 meaning none, no out of partition dml, partition based and subscription based @processing_order int = 0, @subscriber_upload_options tinyint = 0, -- possible values are 0, 1, and 2 meaning 'allow uploads', 'disables uplods', 'disable uploads and prohibit subscriber changes' @identityrangemanagementoption nvarchar(10) = NULL, -- NONE, MANUAL, AUTO @delete_tracking nvarchar(5) = 'true', -- 'true' = replicate deletes as usual. false'= do not track deletes in triggers.. @compensate_for_errors nvarchar(5) = 'false', @stream_blob_columns nvarchar(5) = 'false' -- 'true'= use blob optimization, 'false' = disable blob optimization. AS set nocount on declare @max_range numeric(38,0) declare @min_range numeric(38,0) declare @max_used numeric(38,0) declare @ident_incr numeric(38,0) declare @publisher sysname declare @publisher_db sysname declare @already_published bit declare @identity_so_far bigint declare @ver_partition int declare @sp_resolver sysname declare @num_columns smallint declare @pubid uniqueidentifier -- Publication id -- declare @db sysname declare @identity_support int declare @object sysname declare @owner sysname declare @retcode int declare @objid int declare @sync_objid int declare @index_objid int declare @typeid smallint declare @replnick binary(6) declare @merge_pub_object_bit int declare @column_tracking_id int declare @cmd nvarchar(2000) declare @statusid tinyint -- 1: inactive; 2: active; 5:new_inactive 6:new_active declare @next_seed bigint declare @precmdid int declare @resolver_clsid nvarchar(50) declare @resolver_clsid_old nvarchar(50) declare @tablenick int declare @artid uniqueidentifier declare @i int declare @max_identity bigint declare @colname sysname declare @idxname sysname declare @indid int declare @pkkey sysname declare @dbname sysname declare @db_name sysname declare @subset int declare @is_publisher int declare @row_size int declare @sp_name sysname declare @sp_owner sysname declare @qualified_name nvarchar(517) declare @snapshot_ready tinyint declare @sync_mode tinyint declare @allow_interactive_bit bit declare @fast_multicol_updateproc_bit bit declare @additive_resolver sysname declare @average_resolver sysname declare @mindate_resolver sysname declare @needs_pickup bit declare @maxdate_resolver sysname declare @minimum_resolver sysname declare @maximum_resolver sysname declare @mergetxt_resolver sysname declare @pricolumn_resolver sysname declare @xtype int declare @xprec int declare @bump_to_80 bit declare @gen bigint declare @genguid uniqueidentifier declare @dt datetime declare @qualname nvarchar(517) declare @compatlevel int declare @allow_partition_realignment bit declare @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id bit declare @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id bit declare @published_in_tran_pub_bit bit declare @allow_anonymous bit declare @compensateforerrors bit declare @deletetracking bit declare @reinit_subscriptions bit declare @article_has_dynamic_filters bit declare @publication_has_dynamic_filters bit declare @REPOLEVersion_80SP3 int declare @stream_blob_columns_bit bit declare @missing_col_count int declare @missing_cols varbinary(128) declare @pubname_lessthan90compat sysname declare @preserve_rowguidcol bit declare @automatic_reinitialization_policy bit declare @use_partition_groups smallint declare @pub_number smallint declare @functions_in_subset_filter nvarchar(500) declare @dynamic_filters_function_list nvarchar(500) declare @got_merge_admin_applock bit ,@obj_name sysname declare @filestream_col_published int declare @has_filestream int declare @fFileTable bit select @got_merge_admin_applock = 0 select @filestream_col_published = 0 select @has_filestream = 0 -- Security Check exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return (1) -- make sure current database is enabled for merge replication -- exec @retcode=sys.sp_MSCheckmergereplication if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 return (1) -- -- Initializations -- set @REPOLEVersion_80SP3= 60 select @is_publisher = 0 select @needs_pickup = 0 select @bump_to_80 = 0 select @already_published = 0 select @publisher = publishingservername() select @publisher_db = db_name() select @max_identity = NULL select @next_seed = NULL select @statusid = 0 select @resolver_clsid = NULL select @subset = 1 -- Const: publication type 'subset' -- select @merge_pub_object_bit = 128 select @db_name = db_name() select @additive_resolver = formatmessage(21701) select @average_resolver = formatmessage(21702) select @mindate_resolver = formatmessage(21703) select @maxdate_resolver = formatmessage(21704) select @minimum_resolver = formatmessage(21706) select @mergetxt_resolver = formatmessage(21707) select @maximum_resolver = formatmessage(21708) select @pricolumn_resolver = formatmessage(21709) select @sp_resolver = formatmessage(21712) select @reinit_subscriptions = 0 select @article_has_dynamic_filters = 0 select @publication_has_dynamic_filters = 0 select @pubname_lessthan90compat = NULL if @subscriber_upload_options not in (0, 1, 2) begin raiserror (22542, 16, -1) return (1) end if 'false' = lower(@compensate_for_errors collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @compensateforerrors= 0 end else if 'true' = lower(@compensate_for_errors collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @compensateforerrors= 1 end else begin raiserror (14148, 16, -1, '@compensate_for_errors') return (1) end if 'false' = lower(@delete_tracking collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @deletetracking= 0 end else if 'true' = lower(@delete_tracking collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @deletetracking= 1 end else begin raiserror (14148, 16, -1, '@delete_tracking') return (1) end if 'false' = lower(@stream_blob_columns collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @stream_blob_columns_bit= 0 end else if 'true' = lower(@stream_blob_columns collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) begin set @stream_blob_columns_bit= 1 end else begin raiserror (14148, 16, -1, '@stream_blob_columns') return (1) end if @source_owner is NULL begin select @source_owner = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(QUOTENAME(@source_object)) if @source_owner is NULL begin raiserror (14027, 11, -1, @source_object) return (1) end end select @qualified_name = QUOTENAME(@source_owner) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@source_object) -- -- Get the id of the @qualified_name -- select @objid = OBJECT_ID(@qualified_name) if @objid is NULL begin raiserror (14027, 11, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end -- check if the object is marked as ms shipped. If so it cannot be published if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = @objid and is_ms_shipped=1) begin raiserror (20696, 16, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end if @destination_owner is NULL select @destination_owner='dbo' -- -- Pad out the specified schema option to the left -- select @schema_option = fn_replprepadbinary8(@schema_option) -- -- Parameter Check: @publication. -- The @publication id cannot be NULL and must conform to the rules -- for identifiers. -- if @publication is NULL begin raiserror (14043, 16, -1, '@publication', 'sp_addmergearticle') return (1) end select @pubid = pubid, @snapshot_ready = snapshot_ready, @sync_mode=sync_mode, @compatlevel=backward_comp_level, @allow_anonymous = allow_anonymous, @use_partition_groups = use_partition_groups, @pub_number = publication_number, @publication_has_dynamic_filters = dynamic_filters, @allow_partition_realignment = allow_partition_realignment, @automatic_reinitialization_policy = automatic_reinitialization_policy, @dynamic_filters_function_list = dynamic_filters_function_list from dbo.sysmergepublications where name = @publication and UPPER(publisher) collate database_default = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default and publisher_db=@publisher_db if @pubid is NULL begin raiserror (20026, 16, -1, @publication) return (1) end if lower(@article)='all' begin raiserror(21401, 16, -1) return (1) end if (0=@allow_partition_realignment and 0=@subscriber_upload_options) begin raiserror(22543, 16, -1) return (1) end -- Compensate for errors can be turned on only when upload options allows subscriber uploads. if 1=@compensateforerrors and (1=@subscriber_upload_options or 2=@subscriber_upload_options) begin raiserror(20022, 10, -1) end -- Parameter check @subset_filterclause if @subset_filterclause <> '' and @subset_filterclause is not NULL begin -- check the validity of subset_filterclause -- exec ('declare @test int select @test=1 from ' + @qualified_name + ' where (1=2) and ' + @subset_filterclause) if @@ERROR<>0 begin raiserror(21256, 16, -1, @subset_filterclause, @article) return (1) end -- check if the subsetfilter clause contains a computed column. To do this get a list of computed columns -- for the given article. Then check if the filter name is like the computed column declare @computedcolname sysname declare compted_columns_cursor cursor LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for (select name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_computed=1) open compted_columns_cursor fetch compted_columns_cursor into @computedcolname while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin if sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@subset_filterclause, @computedcolname, @objid) = 1 begin raiserror(20656, 16, -1) return (1) end fetch compted_columns_cursor into @computedcolname end close compted_columns_cursor deallocate compted_columns_cursor -- check if the subsetfilter clause contains any column of type that is not supported in -- a subset filter. if exists ( select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and ( -- (sys.fn_IsTypeBlob(sc.system_type_id,sc.max_length) = 1) -- Blob type text,ntext,xml (system_type_id in (type_id('image'), type_id('text'), type_id('ntext'), type_id('xml'))) or max_length = -1 or system_type_id = 240 -- CLR-UDTs ) and sys.fn_MSisfilteredcolumn(@subset_filterclause, name, @objid) = 1 ) begin raiserror(22518, 16, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end end -- -- Parameter Check: @type -- If the article is added as a 'indexed view schema only' article, -- make sure that the source object is a schema-bound view. -- Conversely, a schema-bound view cannot be published as a -- 'view schema only' article. -- select @type = lower(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) if @type = N'indexed view schema only' and objectproperty(object_id(@qualified_name), 'IsSchemaBound') <> 1 begin raiserror (21277, 11, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end else if @type = N'view schema only' and objectproperty(object_id(@qualified_name), 'IsSchemaBound') = 1 begin raiserror (21275, 11, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end -- -- Only publisher can call sp_addmergearticle -- EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MScheckatpublisher @pubid IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 BEGIN RAISERROR (20073, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter Check: @article. -- Check to see that the @article is local, that it conforms -- to the rules for identifiers, and that it is a table, and not -- a view or another database object. -- exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_name @article, '@article', 'sp_addmergearticle' if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return(1) -- -- Set the precmdid. The default type is 'drop'. -- -- @precmdid pre_creation_cmd -- ========= ================ -- 0 none -- 1 drop -- 2 delete -- 3 truncate -- IF LOWER(@pre_creation_cmd collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('none', 'drop', 'delete', 'truncate') BEGIN RAISERROR (14061, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Determine the integer value for the pre_creation_cmd. -- IF LOWER(@pre_creation_cmd collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'none' select @precmdid = 0 ELSE IF LOWER(@pre_creation_cmd collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'drop' select @precmdid = 1 ELSE IF LOWER(@pre_creation_cmd collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'delete' select @precmdid = 2 ELSE IF LOWER(@pre_creation_cmd collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'truncate' select @precmdid = 3 -- -- Set the typeid. The default type is table. It can -- be one of following. -- -- @typeid type -- ======= ======== -- 0xa table -- 0x20 proc schema only -- 0x40 view schema only -- 0x80 func schema only -- 0x40 indexed view schema only (overloaded) -- 0xA0 synonym schema only -- IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('table', 'proc schema only', 'view schema only', 'func schema only', 'indexed view schema only', 'synonym schema only') BEGIN RAISERROR (21276, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'table' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0x0a END ELSE IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'proc schema only' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0x20 END ELSE IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'view schema only' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0x40 END ELSE IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'indexed view schema only' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0x40 END ELSE IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'func schema only' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0x80 END ELSE IF LOWER(@type collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'synonym schema only' BEGIN SET @typeid = 0xA0 END select @sync_objid = OBJECT_ID(@qualified_name) if @sync_objid is NULL begin raiserror (14027, 11, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end if @typeid in (0x20,0x40,0x80, 0xA0) begin if exists (select * from syscomments where id = @sync_objid and encrypted = 1) begin raiserror(21004, 16, -1, @source_object) return 1 end end -- -- Parameter Check: @article, @publication. -- Check if the article already exists in this publication. -- IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysmergeextendedarticlesview WHERE pubid = @pubid AND name = @article) BEGIN raiserror (21292, 16, -1, @article) RETURN (1) END -- if @compatlevel < 90 and @processing_order <> 0 -- begin -- raiserror(21585, 16, -1, @publication) -- return 1 -- end -- -- At this point, all common parameter validations -- for table and schema only articles have been -- performed, so branch out here to handle schema -- only articles as a special case. -- IF @typeid in (0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0xA0) BEGIN IF @destination_object IS NULL OR @destination_object = N'' BEGIN SELECT @destination_object = @source_object END IF @schema_option IS NULL BEGIN SELECT @schema_option = 0x0000000000000001 END EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddmergeschemaarticle @pubid = @pubid, @article = @article, @source_object = @source_object, @type = @typeid, @description = @description, @status = @status, @pre_creation_command = @precmdid, @creation_script = @creation_script, @source_owner = @source_owner, @destination_owner = @destination_owner, @schema_option = @schema_option, @destination_object = @destination_object, @qualified_name = @qualified_name, @publication = @publication, @snapshot_ready = @snapshot_ready, @force_invalidate_snapshot = @force_invalidate_snapshot, @processing_order = @processing_order RETURN (@retcode) END -- -- Make sure that the table name specified is a table. -- if OBJECT_ID(@qualified_name, 'U') is NULL begin raiserror (20074, 16, -1) return (1) end -- -- Don't allow filetables to be added as articles -- SELECT @fFileTable = is_filetable from sys.tables where object_id = @objid If (@fFileTable = 1) BEGIN RAISERROR (33435, 16, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) END -- Refer to the Yukon_Merge_Feature_Reference_Tables.doc for the detailed schema_option table. -- IF @schema_option IS NULL BEGIN IF @compatlevel < 90 BEGIN IF @sync_mode = 0 -- native BEGIN SELECT @schema_option = 0x0000000030034FF1 END ELSE -- character (SSCE) BEGIN SELECT @schema_option = 0x0000000030034FF1 END END ELSE -- 90 compatlevel BEGIN IF @sync_mode = 0 -- native BEGIN SELECT @schema_option = 0x000000000C034FD1 END ELSE -- character (SSCE) BEGIN SELECT @schema_option = 0x0000000008034FF1 END END END -- Verify that the schema option being set is compatible with publication compatibility level. -- -- Since only the lower 32 bits of @schema_option are -- used, the following check is sufficient. Note that @schema_option is -- already padded out to the left at the beginning of this procedure. -- whenever anything here is changed also change sp_MSmap_subscriber_type declare @schema_option_lodword int declare @schema_option_hidword int declare @schema_option_xml_to_ntext int declare @schema_option_max_to_nonmax int declare @schema_option_create_schema int declare @schema_option_xml_indexes int declare @schema_option_katmaidatetime_to_string int declare @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax int declare @schema_option_largeUDT_to_varbinarymax int declare @schema_option_spatial_indexes int declare @schema_option_spatial_to_varbinarymax int declare @schema_option_udt_to_base_types int declare @schema_option_filtered_indexes int declare @schema_option_filestream_attribute int declare @schema_option_str sysname declare @schema_option_compression int select @schema_option_lodword = sys.fn_replgetbinary8lodword(@schema_option) select @schema_option_hidword = sys.fn_replgetbinary8hidword(@schema_option) select @schema_option_xml_to_ntext = 0x10000000 -- this has to be on for < 90RTM select @schema_option_max_to_nonmax = 0x20000000 -- this has to be on for < 90RTM select @schema_option_create_schema = 0x08000000 -- this has to be off for < 90RTM select @schema_option_xml_indexes = 0x04000000 -- this has to be off for < 90RTM select @schema_option_katmaidatetime_to_string = 0x00000002 select @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax = 0x00000020 -- this has to be on for < 100RTM select @schema_option_largeUDT_to_varbinarymax = 0x00000010 -- this has to be on for < 100RTM select @schema_option_spatial_indexes = 0x00000100 -- this has to be off for < 100RTM select @schema_option_spatial_to_varbinarymax = 0x00000080 -- this has to be on for < 100RTM select @schema_option_udt_to_base_types = 0x00000020 select @schema_option_filtered_indexes = 0x00000040 -- this has to be off for < 100RTM select @schema_option_filestream_attribute = 0x00000001 select @schema_option_compression = 0x00000004 -- this has to be off for < 100RTM and SSCE select @schema_option_filtered_indexes = 0x00000040 -- this has to be off for < 100RTM declare @schema_option_has_changed bit; select @schema_option_has_changed = 0; -- -- If compatlevel is less than 100RTM then make sure the schema option to map down -- 100 datatypes to equivalent downlevel datatypes is set. -- * Namely, map large UDT down to varbinary(max) -- * If spatial_indexes are set for replication, disable if compatlevel < 100 -- * Map spatial types to varbinary(max) -- * Make sure the schema option to map down 100 datetime types to downlevel data types. -- * Disable compression if it is enabled -- * Map hierarchyid to varbinary(max) -- if (@compatlevel < 100 and ((@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_largeUDT_to_varbinarymax = 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_compression <> 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax = 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_spatial_to_varbinarymax = 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_spatial_indexes <> 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_filtered_indexes <> 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_katmaidatetime_to_string = 0))) begin select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword | @schema_option_largeUDT_to_varbinarymax select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~(@schema_option_compression) select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword | @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword | @schema_option_spatial_to_varbinarymax select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~(@schema_option_spatial_indexes) select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~(@schema_option_filtered_indexes) select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword | @schema_option_katmaidatetime_to_string select @schema_option = sys.fn_replcombinehilodwordintobinary8(@schema_option_hidword, @schema_option_lodword) select @schema_option_str = sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@schema_option) select @schema_option_has_changed = 1; end -- -- For hierarchy we will map it to varbinarymax for 100 RTM compatibility level in character sync mode (for SSCE subscriber). -- Turn off the data compression for SSCE subscriber -- if(@compatlevel = 100 and @sync_mode <>0 and ((@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax = 0) or (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_compression <> 0) )) begin select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword | @schema_option_hierarchyid_to_varbinarymax select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~(@schema_option_compression) select @schema_option = sys.fn_replcombinehilodwordintobinary8(@schema_option_hidword, @schema_option_lodword) select @schema_option_str = sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@schema_option) select @schema_option_has_changed = 1; end -- -- If a spatial type is being mapped to non spatial type on the subscriber, -- ensure that the spatial index schema option is disabled. -- if (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_spatial_indexes <> 0 and ((@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_spatial_to_varbinarymax <> 0) or (@schema_option_lodword & @schema_option_udt_to_base_types <> 0))) begin select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~(@schema_option_spatial_indexes) select @schema_option = sys.fn_replcombinehilodwordintobinary8(@schema_option_hidword, @schema_option_lodword) select @schema_option_str = sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@schema_option) select @schema_option_has_changed = 1; end -- -- If compatlevel is less than 90RTM then make sure the schema option to map down -- 90 datatypes to equivalent downlevel datatypes is set. -- if (@compatlevel < 90 and (((@schema_option_lodword & (@schema_option_xml_to_ntext | @schema_option_max_to_nonmax)) <> (@schema_option_xml_to_ntext | @schema_option_max_to_nonmax)) or ((@schema_option_lodword & (@schema_option_create_schema | @schema_option_xml_indexes)) <> 0))) begin select @schema_option_lodword = @schema_option_lodword | @schema_option_xml_to_ntext | @schema_option_max_to_nonmax select @schema_option_lodword = @schema_option_lodword & ~(@schema_option_create_schema | @schema_option_xml_indexes) select @schema_option = sys.fn_replcombinehilodwordintobinary8(@schema_option_hidword, @schema_option_lodword) select @schema_option_str = sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@schema_option) select @schema_option_has_changed = 1; end -- -- If we changed what the user originally input, output a message telling them what -- the new schema_option value is. -- if @schema_option_has_changed = 1 begin RAISERROR (20732, 10, -1, @schema_option_str) end -- -- If filestream attribute is enabled, enable stream_blob_columns since -- this will lead to lower memory utilization during sync. -- if @schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_filestream_attribute <> 0 and @stream_blob_columns_bit = 0 begin RAISERROR (20737, 10, -1) select @stream_blob_columns_bit = 1 end -- -- If scheme option contains collation or extended properties, -- bump up the compatibility-level -- declare @xprop_schema_option int declare @collation_schema_option int select @xprop_schema_option = 0x00002000 select @collation_schema_option = 0x00001000 if (@schema_option_lodword & @collation_schema_option) <> 0 and @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21389, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end if (@schema_option_lodword & @xprop_schema_option) <> 0 and @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21390, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end -- -- Merge table articles does not really support destination object. It has the same value as source -- if @destination_object <> @source_object begin raiserror(20638, 10, -1) end select @destination_object = @source_object -- select @row_size=sum(max_length) from sys.columns where object_id=OBJECT_ID(@qualified_name) if @row_size>6000 begin RAISERROR (21062, 16, -1, @qualified_name) -- RETURN (1) end -- IF LOWER(@vertical_partition collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'false' begin select @ver_partition = 0 end else begin select @ver_partition = 1 end select @num_columns=count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = object_id(@qualified_name) -- After Yukon beta 1, this will be changed to 1024. if @num_columns > 246 and LOWER(@vertical_partition collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'false' begin RAISERROR (20068, 16, -1, @qualified_name, 246) RETURN (1) end -- Colvs can only handle 246 columns so we can not allow more than 246 columns to exist on a table -- if column tracking is being used. The reason is that we track all the columns even when vertical -- partitioning is used and only some of the columns are published. if @num_columns > 246 and LOWER(@column_tracking collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' begin RAISERROR (25020, 16, -1, @qualified_name, 246) RETURN (1) end -- If the input param @subscriber_upload_options contradicts to the property of an already existing -- article for the same base table, we raise an error. if exists (select top 1 artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and upload_options <> @subscriber_upload_options) begin raiserror (20053, 11, -1, 'subscriber_upload_options', @qualified_name) return (1) end -- If the input param @delete_tracking contradicts with the property of an already existing -- article for the same base table, we raise an error. if exists (select top 1 artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and delete_tracking <> @deletetracking) begin raiserror (20648, 16, -1, @qualified_name) return (1) end -- If the input param @stream_blob_columns contradicts with the property of an already existing -- article for the same base table, we raise an error. if exists (select top 1 artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and stream_blob_columns <> @stream_blob_columns_bit) begin raiserror (20053, 11, -1, 'stream_blob_columns', @qualified_name) return (1) end -- If the input param @compensate_for_errors contradicts to the property of an already existing -- article for the same base table, we raise an error. if exists (select top 1 artid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and compensate_for_errors <> @compensateforerrors) begin raiserror (20053, 11, -1, 'compensate_for_errors', @qualified_name) return (1) end -- Subscribers below 80SP3 build 858 will ignore the @compensate_for_errors=false setting. -- Raise a warning. if @compensateforerrors = 0 and @compatlevel <= @REPOLEVersion_80SP3 begin raiserror(20004, 10, -1, @publication, 'compensate_for_errors', '8.00.0858') end -- articles with >=246 columns can only be added to Yukon-compatible publications -- if the article is about to be republished, there might already be missing/excluded columns -- if @compatlevel <= 90 -- After Yukon beta 1, we will change this to " < 90". begin declare @cCols int -- number of columns in the table declare @cMissing int -- number of missing cols select @cCols= count(*) from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_computed <> 1 and system_type_id <> type_id('timestamp') set @cMissing= coalesce((select max(missing_col_count) from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid), 0) if ((@cCols + @cMissing) > 246) and LOWER(@vertical_partition collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'false' begin -- raiserror(21522,16,1,@article,@publication, 246) RAISERROR (20068, 16, -1, @qualified_name, 246) return (1) end end -- -- If current publication contains a non-sync subscription, all articles to be added in it -- has to contain a rowguidcol. -- if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions where pubid = @pubid and sync_type = 2) begin if not exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id=@objid and is_rowguidcol = 1) begin raiserror(20086 , 16, -1, @publication) return (1) end end -- -- Parameter Check: @identityrangemanagementoption. -- We will override the value specified in @auto_identity_range if -- @identityrangemanagementoption is not null -- if (@identityrangemanagementoption is NULL) begin -- -- @identityrangemanagementoption is null -- Check @auto_identity_range -- IF @auto_identity_range IS NULL begin -- -- user did not specify any explicit values for identity management -- select @identityrangemanagementoption = 'none' end else if LOWER(@auto_identity_range collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) IN ('true', 'false') begin -- map the value of @auto_identity_range to @identityrangemanagementoption select @identityrangemanagementoption = case when LOWER(@auto_identity_range collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'true' then N'auto' else N'none' end -- Issue warning on deprecation of this option raiserror (21767, 10, 1, '@auto_identity_range', '@identityrangemanagementoption') end else BEGIN -- invalid value for @auto_identity_range RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@auto_identity_range') return (1) END end else begin -- -- validate @identityrangemanagementoption -- if LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('none', 'manual', 'auto') BEGIN -- invalid value for @identityrangemanagementoption RAISERROR (20644, 16, -1, @identityrangemanagementoption) return (1) END select @identityrangemanagementoption = lower(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) end if LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) <> 'auto' and (@identity_range is not NULL or @threshold is not NULL or @pub_identity_range is not NULL) begin raiserror(21282, 16, -1) return (1) end if LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'auto' begin -- -- If you want to have identity support, @range and threshold can not be NULL -- if (@identity_range is NULL or @pub_identity_range is NULL) begin raiserror(21193, 16, -1) return (1) end if @compatlevel < 90 and @threshold is NULL begin raiserror(21193, 16, -1) return (1) end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_autoident_parameters @qualified_name, @pub_identity_range, @identity_range, @threshold if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin raiserror(20707, 16, -1) return 1 end select @ident_incr = IDENT_INCR(@qualified_name) select @identity_support = 1 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScompute_maxmin_identity @objid, @max_range output, @min_range output if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin raiserror(20707, 16, -1) return 1 end if @ident_incr < 0 begin select @pub_identity_range = -1*@pub_identity_range select @identity_range = -1*@identity_range end end else select @identity_support = 0 -- -- If the table contains one more columns of type bigint or sql_variant, -- we bump up the backward compatibility level. -- if EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.columns c WHERE c.object_id = @sync_objid AND (c.system_type_id = type_id('bigint') or c.system_type_id = type_id('sql_variant'))) and @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21357, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end -- -- 7.0 subscribers do not like data type 'timestamp' -- if EXISTS (select * from sys.columns where object_id=@sync_objid and system_type_id = type_id('timestamp')) and @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21358, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end -- -- Validate the column tracking -- if @column_tracking IS NULL OR LOWER(@column_tracking collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@column_tracking') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@column_tracking collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' SET @column_tracking_id = 1 else SET @column_tracking_id = 0 -- -- Check for partioned tables. Not supported when sync_mode is 1 (SSCE) -- if @sync_mode = 1 begin -- Check if the table is partitioned. if exists (select * from (sys.indexes as i INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes as ps ON (i.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id)) where (i.object_id = object_id(@qualified_name)) and (i.index_id IN (0,1))) -- to ensure that we are dealing with tables begin RAISERROR (22534, 16, -1) RETURN (1) end end -- -- Replication not supported on a table with columnstore index. -- -- Check if the table has columnstore index. select TOP 1 @index_objid=object_id, @idxname=name from sys.indexes where (object_id = @objid) and (type = 5 or type = 6) if @index_objid is not NULL begin RAISERROR (35353, 16, -1, N'Replication', @idxname, @source_object) RETURN (1) end -- -- Parameter Check: @allow_interactive_resolver -- if LOWER(@allow_interactive_resolver collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@allow_interactive_resolver') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@allow_interactive_resolver collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' set @allow_interactive_bit = 1 else set @allow_interactive_bit = 0 -- -- Parameter Check: @published_in_tran_pub -- if LOWER(@published_in_tran_pub collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@published_in_tran_pub') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@published_in_tran_pub collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' BEGIN set @published_in_tran_pub_bit = 1 END else set @published_in_tran_pub_bit = 0 -- -- Parameter Check: @fast_multicol_updateproc -- if LOWER(@fast_multicol_updateproc collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@fast_multicol_updateproc') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@fast_multicol_updateproc collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' set @fast_multicol_updateproc_bit = 1 else set @fast_multicol_updateproc_bit = 0 if @partition_options not in (0, 1, 2, 3) begin RAISERROR (22526, 16, -1, '@partition_options') RETURN (1) end if @partition_options in (1, 2, 3) and @compatlevel < 90 begin raiserror(20681, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetreplnick @pubid = @pubid, @replnick = @replnick output if (@@error <> 0) or @retcode <> 0 or @replnick IS NULL begin RAISERROR (14055, 11, -1) RETURN(1) end -- -- Validate the article resolver -- if @article_resolver IS NOT NULL begin if @article_resolver = 'default' OR @article_resolver = '' begin select @article_resolver = NULL select @resolver_clsid = NULL end else begin EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_lookupcustomresolver @article_resolver, @resolver_clsid OUTPUT IF @retcode <> 0 or @resolver_clsid IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20020, 16, -1, @article_resolver) RETURN (1) END end end -- -- A resolver clsid of '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' indicates a .NET Assembly resolver , ensure that the -- resolver_info contains the name of the class that implements the Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport.BusinessLogicModule -- interface. -- IF @resolver_clsid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' begin declare @is_dotnet_assembly bit declare @dotnet_assembly_name nvarchar(255) declare @dotnet_class_name nvarchar(255) EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_lookupcustomresolver @article_resolver, @resolver_clsid OUTPUT, @is_dotnet_assembly OUTPUT, @dotnet_assembly_name OUTPUT, @dotnet_class_name OUTPUT if @dotnet_assembly_name IS NULL begin RAISERROR (21856, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return (1) end if @dotnet_class_name IS NULL begin RAISERROR (21808, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return (1) end select @article_resolver = @dotnet_assembly_name -- If passed in resolver_info contains a .NET class name, do not override it with the default -- if @resolver_info is null select @resolver_info = @dotnet_class_name end -- -- If article resolver is 'SP resolver', make sure that resolver_info refers to an SP or XP; -- Also make sure it is stored with owner qualification -- if @article_resolver = @sp_resolver begin if not exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(@resolver_info) and ( type = 'P' or type = 'X')) begin raiserror(21343, 16, -1, @resolver_info) return (1) end select @sp_name = name, @sp_owner=SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(@resolver_info) select @resolver_info = QUOTENAME(@sp_owner) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@sp_name) end -- The following resolvers expect the @resolver_info to be NON NULL -- if @article_resolver = @sp_resolver or @article_resolver = @additive_resolver or @article_resolver = @average_resolver or @article_resolver = @minimum_resolver or @article_resolver = @maximum_resolver or @article_resolver = @mindate_resolver or @article_resolver = @maxdate_resolver or @article_resolver = @mergetxt_resolver or @article_resolver = @pricolumn_resolver begin if @resolver_info IS NULL begin RAISERROR (21301, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return (1) end end -- -- If article resolver uses column names, make sure that resolver_info refers to a valid column. -- if @article_resolver = @pricolumn_resolver or @article_resolver = @additive_resolver or @article_resolver = @average_resolver or @article_resolver = @minimum_resolver or @article_resolver = @maximum_resolver begin if not exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and name=@resolver_info) begin RAISERROR (21501, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return (1) end end -- -- If article resolver is 'mindate/maxdate resolver', make sure that resolver_info refers to a column that is of datatype 'datetime' or smalldatetime -- if @article_resolver = @mindate_resolver or @article_resolver = @maxdate_resolver begin if not exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and name=@resolver_info and (system_type_id=type_id('datetime') or system_type_id=type_id('smalldatetime') or system_type_id=type_id('datetime2') or system_type_id=type_id('date') or system_type_id=type_id('time') )) -- need to add version condition >=100 -- begin RAISERROR (21302, 16, -1, @article_resolver) return (1) end end -- The following resolvers expect the article to be column tracked - warn that the default resolver will be used -- if @article_resolver = @additive_resolver or @article_resolver = @average_resolver or @article_resolver = @mergetxt_resolver begin if @column_tracking_id = 0 begin RAISERROR (21303, 10, -1, @article, @article_resolver) end end if @resolver_info IS NOT NULL and @article_resolver IS NULL begin RAISERROR (21300, 10, -1, @article) set @resolver_info = NULL end -- -- Parameter Check: logical_record_level_conflict_detection -- if @column_tracking IS NULL OR LOWER(@logical_record_level_conflict_detection collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@logical_record_level_conflict_detection') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@logical_record_level_conflict_detection collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' SET @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id = 1 else SET @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id = 0 -- -- Parameter Check: logical_record_level_conflict_resolution -- if @column_tracking IS NULL OR LOWER(@logical_record_level_conflict_resolution collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@logical_record_level_conflict_resolution') RETURN (1) END if LOWER(@logical_record_level_conflict_resolution collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' SET @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id = 1 else SET @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id = 0 if @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id = 1 and @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id = 0 begin raiserror (21728, 16, -1) return 1 end if @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id = 1 or @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id = 1 begin -- Only supported with publications that have 90 compatibility level. select top 1 @pubname_lessthan90compat = name from dbo.sysmergepublications where backward_comp_level < 90 and (pubid = @pubid or pubid in (select pubid from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid)) if @pubname_lessthan90compat is not null begin raiserror(21574, 16, -1, @article, @pubname_lessthan90compat) return 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and sync_mode = 1) begin raiserror(22541, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and allow_web_synchronization = 1) begin raiserror(22545, 16, -1, @publication) return 1 end -- Cannot use Logical records and BusinessLogicResolvers at the same time. IF @resolver_clsid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' begin raiserror(20708, 16, -1) return 1 end -- based on usability feeback, we should set the allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot -- option to 1 rather than raise an error. update dbo.sysmergepublications set allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot = 1 where pubid = @pubid end -- Make sure that coltracking option matches -- if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid and identity_support <> @identity_support) begin raiserror (21240, 16, -1, @source_object) return (1) end -- Do not allow the table to be published by both merge and queued tran if object_id('syspublications') is not NULL begin if exists (select * from syspublications p, sysarticles a where p.allow_queued_tran = 1 and p.pubid = a.pubid and a.objid = @objid) begin select @obj_name = object_name(@objid) raiserror(21266, 16, -1, @obj_name) return (1) end -- Do not allow the table to be published in both merge tran using automatic identity range management if exists (select * from sysarticles sa, sysarticleupdates au, syspublications pub where sa.objid = @objid and au.artid = sa.artid and au.pubid = pub.pubid and au.identity_support = 1) and @identity_support = 1 begin raiserror(20677, 16, -1, @article) return (1) end end -- co-existance of uploadable merge article on queued subscription table may cause non-convergence in tran pub since queued trigger is NFR -- allow it in case some customer rely on this already, write warning to errorlog so we can track this condition if (0 = @subscriber_upload_options) and (object_id('dbo.MSsubscription_articles') is not null) begin if exists(select * from dbo.MSsubscription_articles where object_id(quotename(owner) + N'.' + quotename(dest_table)) = @objid) begin select @obj_name = object_name(@objid) raiserror(21860, 10, -1, @obj_name, @db_name) WITH LOG end end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid)=1) select @already_published = 1 if @already_published = 1 and LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'auto' begin if @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21359, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid=@objid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid)=1 and ((pub_range<>@pub_identity_range) or (range <> @identity_range) or (threshold <> @threshold))) begin raiserror(21291, 16, -1) return (1) end end if 0 <> @subscriber_upload_options and @compatlevel < 90 begin raiserror(21522, 16, -1, 'subscriber_upload_options', @publication) return 1 end -- Do not allow the table to be published if it contains sparse columns or sparse column_set if exists (select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and (is_sparse = 1 or is_column_set=1) ) begin raiserror(20738, 16, -1, @article); return (1) end -- -- Add article to dbo.sysmergearticles and update sys.objects category bit. -- begin tran save TRAN sp_addmergearticle exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSgetmergeadminapplock @timeout = 0, -- no wait @lockowner = N'Transaction' if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 begin raiserror(20713, 16, -1, 'sp_addmergearticle', @publication) goto FAILURE end select @got_merge_admin_applock = 1 -- Parameter check @subset_filterclause if @subset_filterclause <> '' and @subset_filterclause is not NULL begin -- check if this is a dynamically filtered article and this is not a dynamically filtered publication select @article_has_dynamic_filters = 0 exec @retcode = sys.sp_check_subset_filter @qualified_name, @subset_filterclause, @article_has_dynamic_filters output, @functions_in_subset_filter output if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 begin raiserror(20641, 16, -1) goto FAILURE end if @article_has_dynamic_filters = 1 and (@publication_has_dynamic_filters = 0 or @functions_in_subset_filter <> @dynamic_filters_function_list) begin if @snapshot_ready > 0 and ((@allow_anonymous = 1 and @compatlevel < 90) or exists (select * from dbo.sysmergesubscriptions where pubid=@pubid and subid<>pubid and status=1)) and @force_reinit_subscription = 0 begin raiserror(20642, 16, -1, @article, @subset_filterclause, @publication) goto FAILURE end select @reinit_subscriptions = 1 end -- If the newly added article has dynamic filters and the publication is already using partition groups -- then setup the correct metadata in merge system tables such that rerun of snapshot agent sets the partition groups metadata correctly if @article_has_dynamic_filters = 1 and @use_partition_groups > 0 and @functions_in_subset_filter <> @dynamic_filters_function_list begin if @use_partition_groups > 0 begin delete from dbo.MSmerge_current_partition_mappings where publication_number = @pub_number if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE delete from dbo.MSmerge_past_partition_mappings where publication_number = @pub_number if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE delete from dbo.MSmerge_generation_partition_mappings where publication_number = @pub_number if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergepublications set use_partition_groups = 2 where pubid = @pubid if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSdropmergedynamicsnapshotjob @publication = @publication if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE delete from dbo.MSmerge_dynamic_snapshots where partition_id in (select partition_id from dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups where publication_number = @pub_number) if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE delete from dbo.MSdynamicsnapshotjobs where partition_id in (select partition_id from dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups where publication_number = @pub_number) if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE delete from dbo.MSmerge_partition_groups where publication_number = @pub_number if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE update dbo.sysmergepublications set dynamic_filters_function_list = NULL, dynamic_filters = 0 where pubid = @pubid if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE -- Since this is called from sp_addmergearticle, make sure it doesn't raise errors since it is premature stage of the publication. -- The snapshot calls this with @dont_raise_error = NULL which should raise appropriate errors exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSset_dynamic_filter_options @publication = @publication, @dynamic_filters = @publication_has_dynamic_filters OUTPUT, @dont_raise_error = 1 if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end end -- -- We used to prevent an article from being added to a publication whose snapshot -- has been run already. Now we change this so that it is acceptable by doing reinit. -- if @snapshot_ready > 0 begin if @force_invalidate_snapshot = 0 and @snapshot_ready = 1 begin raiserror(21364, 16, -1, @article) goto FAILURE end update dbo.sysmergepublications set snapshot_ready=2 where pubid=@pubid if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end -- -- article status 5 or 6 means there is at least one new article after snapshot is ready -- hence all articles added after that point will be new articles as well, regardless of snapshot_ready value. -- if @snapshot_ready>0 or exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid=@pubid and (status=5 or status=6)) begin select @needs_pickup=1 end if @reinit_subscriptions = 1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreinitmergepublication @publication = @publication, @upload_first = @automatic_reinitialization_policy if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 return 1 end -- if because this article is dynamically filtered the publication is going to change from being -- a static to a dynamic publication, we need to delete all entries in sysmergeschemachange. if @publication_has_dynamic_filters = 0 and @article_has_dynamic_filters = 1 begin declare @SCHEMA_TYPE_DROPARTICLE int select @SCHEMA_TYPE_DROPARTICLE = 28 -- don't delete dropmergearticle related schema changes. delete from dbo.sysmergeschemachange where pubid = @pubid and schematype not in (@SCHEMA_TYPE_DROPARTICLE) if @reinit_subscriptions = 1 select @needs_pickup = 0 end -- Acquire sch-M lock up-front on the published object exec sys.sp_MSget_qualified_name @objid, @qualname OUTPUT if @qualname is null goto FAILURE exec %%Object(MultiName = @qualname).LockMatchID(ID = @objid, Exclusive = 1, BindInternal = 0) -- exec %%Object(MultiName = @qualname).LockExclusiveMatchID(ID = @objid) if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE select @artid = artid, @preserve_rowguidcol= preserve_rowguidcol from dbo.sysmergearticles where objid = @objid -- If that article is already in another publication, we reuse its preserve_rowguidcol. -- If the article is added the first time, we set preserve_rowguidcol depending -- on whether there already is a rowguidcol. if @preserve_rowguidcol is null begin if ObjectProperty(object_id(@qualified_name), 'tablehasrowguidcol') = 1 begin set @preserve_rowguidcol= 1 end else begin set @preserve_rowguidcol= 0 end end if @snapshot_ready > 0 begin -- -- Add the guid column to the user table if needed, cause snapshot_ready>0 would imply -- this article has got a rowguid column. No need to add index, triggers, or procedures -- as snapshot run will take care of those. -- execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddguidcolumn @source_owner, @source_object if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 -- NOTE: new change goto FAILURE execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddguidindex @publication, @source_owner, @source_object if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end -- -- Need to change sys.columns status before generating sync procs/custom procs -- because the status will be used to decide whether or not call set identity insert. Enable -- NFR property if identityrangemanagementoption is MANUAL or AUTO. If -- identityrangemanagementoption is NONE then we will not explicity enable NFR. -- -- This is to change identity column to 'not for replication' if not having been so already IF @identityrangemanagementoption in ('auto', 'manual' ) begin select @colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_identity = 1 and -- is identity ColumnProperty(object_id, name, 'IsIdNotForRepl') = 0 -- No 'not for repl' property if @colname is not null begin -- Mark 'not for repl' EXEC %%ColumnEx(ObjectID = @objid, Name = @colname).SetIdentityNotForRepl(Value = 1) IF @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO FAILURE end end select @statusid = 1 -- default status is inactive if @artid is NULL begin set @artid = newid() if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSgentablenickname @tablenick output, @replnick, @objid if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE end -- Clone the article properties if article has already been published (in a different pub) else begin -- -- Parameter Check: @article, @publication. -- Check if the table already exists in this publication. -- if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where pubid = @pubid AND artid = @artid) begin raiserror (21292, 16, -1, @source_object) goto FAILURE end -- Make sure that coltracking option matches -- if exists (select * from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid and column_tracking <> @column_tracking_id) begin raiserror (20030, 16, -1, @article) goto FAILURE end -- Reuse the article nickname if article has already been published (in a different pub) -- select @tablenick = nickname from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid if @tablenick IS NULL goto FAILURE -- Make sure that @resolver_clsid matches the existing resolver_clsid -- select @resolver_clsid_old = resolver_clsid from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid if ((@resolver_clsid IS NULL AND @resolver_clsid_old IS NOT NULL) OR (@resolver_clsid IS NOT NULL AND @resolver_clsid_old IS NULL) OR (@resolver_clsid IS NOT NULL AND @resolver_clsid_old IS NOT NULL AND @resolver_clsid_old <> @resolver_clsid)) begin raiserror (20037, 16, -1, @article) goto FAILURE end -- If publisher could be subscribing the article from another publisher. If so then select the missing_cols info from an existing entry. -- select @missing_cols = 0x00 select @missing_col_count = 0 select @missing_cols = missing_cols, @missing_col_count = missing_col_count from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid and sys.fn_MSmerge_islocalpubid(pubid) = 0 -- Insert to articles, copying some stuff from other article row -- insert into dbo.sysmergearticles (name, type, objid, sync_objid, artid, description, pre_creation_command, pubid, nickname, column_tracking, status, creation_script, article_resolver, resolver_clsid, schema_option, destination_object, destination_owner, subset_filterclause, view_type, resolver_info, gen_cur, missing_cols, missing_col_count, excluded_cols, excluded_col_count, identity_support, before_image_objid, before_view_objid, verify_resolver_signature, allow_interactive_resolver, fast_multicol_updateproc, check_permissions, processing_order, upload_options, published_in_tran_pub, before_upd_view_objid, delete_tracking, compensate_for_errors, pub_range, range, threshold, stream_blob_columns, preserve_rowguidcol) -- use top 1, distinct could return more than one matching row if status different on partitioned articles select top 1 @article, type, objid, @sync_objid, @artid, @description, @precmdid, @pubid, nickname, column_tracking, @statusid, @creation_script, article_resolver, resolver_clsid, @schema_option, @destination_object, @destination_owner, @subset_filterclause, 0, resolver_info, gen_cur, @missing_cols, @missing_col_count, 0x00,0, identity_support, before_image_objid, before_view_objid, verify_resolver_signature, allow_interactive_resolver, fast_multicol_updateproc, @check_permissions, @processing_order, @subscriber_upload_options, @published_in_tran_pub_bit, before_upd_view_objid, @deletetracking, @compensateforerrors, @pub_identity_range, @identity_range, @threshold, @stream_blob_columns_bit, @preserve_rowguidcol from dbo.sysmergearticles where artid = @artid if (@@rowcount = 1) begin insert into dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo (artid, pubid, logical_record_level_conflict_detection, logical_record_level_conflict_resolution, partition_options) values (@artid, @pubid, @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id, @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id, @partition_options) exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreate_article_repl_view @pubid, @artid if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE end -- need to validate well-partitioned articles even if this particular one -- may not be well-partitioned (e.g. with the same article already existing as well-partitioned -- in a different publication or subscription). exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSvalidate_wellpartitioned_articles @publication if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE -- identity range setup code -- we will only get here if this is a re-publisher or the article is being published in more than one -- publication on the root publisher -- if @already_published is 1 then the article is being published in more than one publication on the -- root publisher. In that case we need not do anything here. However, if @already_publisher is 0, this is a republisher -- and we need to setup the ranges for the republished publication if LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'auto' and @already_published = 0 begin if @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21359, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScheck_republisher_ranges @qualified_name, @artid, @pub_identity_range, @identity_range if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto FAILURE end -- end identity range code -- Jump to end of transaction -- goto DONE_TRAN end -- Add the specific GUID based replication columns to dbo.sysmergearticles -- insert into dbo.sysmergearticles (name, objid, sync_objid, artid, type, description, pubid, nickname, column_tracking, status, schema_option, pre_creation_command, destination_object, destination_owner, article_resolver, resolver_clsid, subset_filterclause, view_type, resolver_info, columns, missing_cols, missing_col_count, excluded_cols, excluded_col_count, identity_support, before_image_objid, before_view_objid, verify_resolver_signature, creation_script, allow_interactive_resolver, fast_multicol_updateproc, check_permissions, processing_order, upload_options, published_in_tran_pub, before_upd_view_objid, delete_tracking, compensate_for_errors, pub_range, range, threshold, stream_blob_columns, preserve_rowguidcol) values (@article, @objid, @sync_objid, @artid, @typeid, @description, @pubid, @tablenick, @column_tracking_id, @statusid, @schema_option, @precmdid, @destination_object, @destination_owner, @article_resolver, @resolver_clsid, @subset_filterclause, 0, @resolver_info, NULL, 0x00, 0, 0x00,0, @identity_support, NULL, NULL, @verify_resolver_signature, @creation_script, @allow_interactive_bit, @fast_multicol_updateproc_bit, @check_permissions, @processing_order, @subscriber_upload_options, @published_in_tran_pub_bit, NULL, @deletetracking, @compensateforerrors, @pub_identity_range, @identity_range, @threshold, @stream_blob_columns_bit, @preserve_rowguidcol) if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE insert into dbo.sysmergepartitioninfo (artid, pubid, logical_record_level_conflict_detection, logical_record_level_conflict_resolution, partition_options) values (@artid, @pubid, @logical_record_level_conflict_detection_id, @logical_record_level_conflict_resolution_id, @partition_options) if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE -- -- identity range setup -- if LOWER(@identityrangemanagementoption collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'auto' and @already_published = 0 begin declare @range_begin numeric(38,0) declare @range_end numeric(38,0) declare @next_range_begin numeric(38,0) declare @next_range_end numeric(38,0) if @compatlevel < 40 begin raiserror(21359, 10, -1, @publication) select @bump_to_80 = 1 end -- the following statement will ensure that the ident_curr in now equal to the highest values stored in the -- identity column (lowest value for negative increments). This to account for incorrect reseeds -- IDENT_CURRENT Returns the last identity value generated for a specified table in any session and any scope. DBCC CHECKIDENT(@qualified_name, RESEED) with no_infomsgs select @max_used = IDENT_CURRENT(@qualified_name) if @max_used is NULL select @max_used = IDENT_SEED(@qualified_name) -- max_used only matters in prepare merge article when we acually allocating a range -- insert the publisher's entry into MSmerge_identity_range table -- set max_used to NULL hence if @ident_incr > 0 insert dbo.MSmerge_identity_range(subid, artid, range_begin, range_end, is_pub_range, max_used) values(@pubid, @artid, @max_used, @max_range, 1, NULL) else insert dbo.MSmerge_identity_range(subid, artid, range_begin, range_end, is_pub_range, max_used) values(@pubid, @artid, @max_used, @min_range, 1, NULL) if @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE end -- end identity range code -- need to validate well-partitioned articles even if this particular one -- may not be well-partitioned (e.g. with the same article already existing as well-partitioned -- in a different publication or subscription). exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSvalidate_wellpartitioned_articles @publication if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreate_article_repl_view @pubid, @artid if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 goto FAILURE exec %%Relation(ID = @objid).SetMergePublished(Value = 1 , SetColumns=0) if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE -- set up the article's gen-cur -- set @genguid = newid() set @dt = getdate() exec @retcode= sys.sp_MSgetreplnick @replnick = @replnick out if @retcode<>0 or @@error<>0 goto FAILURE -- -- If there are no zero generation tombstones or rows, add a dummy row in there. -- if not exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_genhistory) begin begin tran set identity_insert dbo.MSmerge_genhistory on insert into dbo.MSmerge_genhistory (guidsrc, genstatus, generation, art_nick, nicknames, coldate) values (@genguid, 1, 1, 0, @replnick + 0xFF, @dt) if (@@error <> 0) goto FAILURE set identity_insert dbo.MSmerge_genhistory off commit tran end -- If the article status is active then prepare the article for merge replication -- For now, the rowguid column will be added at this time. This is needed until the merge partition group functionality has -- a way to defer the initial work done to set up the publication. if @status = 'active' -- or exists (select * from dbo.sysmergepublications where pubid = @pubid and use_partition_groups = 1) begin -- Get a holdlock on the underlying table -- select @cmd = 'select * into #tab1 from ' select @cmd = @cmd + @qualified_name select @cmd = @cmd + 'with (TABLOCK HOLDLOCK) where 1 = 2 ' execute(@cmd) -- Add the guid column to the user table -- execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddguidcolumn @source_owner, @source_object if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 -- NOTE: new change goto FAILURE -- Create an index on the rowguid column in the user table -- execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddguidindex @publication, @source_owner, @source_object if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE -- Create the merge triggers on the base table -- execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSaddmergetriggers @qualified_name, NULL, @column_tracking_id if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE -- Create the merge insert/update stored procedures for the base table -- execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetartprocs @publication, @article, 0, @pubid if @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE -- Set the article status to be active so that Snapshot does not do this again -- select @statusid = 2 -- Active article -- update dbo.sysmergearticles set status = @statusid where artid = @artid if @@ERROR <> 0 goto FAILURE end DONE_TRAN: if @needs_pickup=1 begin declare @needs_pick_value int select @needs_pick_value=5 -- new_inactive status update dbo.sysmergearticles set status=@needs_pick_value where artid = @artid and pubid=@pubid if @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE end -- -- Set all bits to '1' in the columns column to include all columns. -- IF @ver_partition = 0 -- meanning no vertical partition needed. BEGIN -- Indicate that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=1 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @publication=@publication, @article=@article, @schema_replication='true' IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 BEGIN RAISERROR(21198, 16, -1) goto FAILURE END -- Turn off indication that this is an internal caller of sp_mergearticlecolumn EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSsetcontext_internalcaller @onoff=0 IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto FAILURE -- check if table has filestream column if exists ( select * from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_filestream =1 ) select @filestream_col_published = 1 END -- -- Set all bits to '1' for all columns in the primary key. -- ELSE BEGIN -- varbinary(max) filestream column cannot be a part of PK select @filestream_col_published = 0 SELECT @indid = index_id FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = @objid AND is_primary_key <> 0 -- PK index -- -- -- First we'll figure out what the keys are. -- SELECT @i = 1 WHILE (@i <= 16) BEGIN SELECT @pkkey = INDEX_COL(@qualified_name, @indid, @i) if @pkkey is NULL break EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @publication, @article, @pkkey, 'add' IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 BEGIN RAISERROR(21198, 16, -1) goto FAILURE END select @i = @i + 1 END -- -- make sure any existing rowguidcol is in the partition. We can not live without it. -- select @colname=NULL select @colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_rowguidcol = 1 if @colname is not NULL BEGIN EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @publication, @article, @colname, 'add' if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE END -- -- If autoidentitymanagement make sure any existing rowguidcol is in the partition. We can not live without it. -- if @identity_support = 1 BEGIN select @colname=NULL select @colname = name from sys.columns where object_id = @objid and is_identity = 1 if @colname is not NULL BEGIN EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_mergearticlecolumn @publication, @article, @colname, 'add' if @@error<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE END END -- update the sysmergearticles entry to say that we are using vertical partitioning. update dbo.sysmergearticles set vertical_partition=1 where pubid=@pubid and artid=@artid END declare @schema_option_filestream int select @schema_option_lodword = sys.fn_replgetbinary8lodword(@schema_option) select @schema_option_hidword = sys.fn_replgetbinary8hidword(@schema_option) select @schema_option_max_to_nonmax = 0x20000000 -- this has to be on for < 90RTM select @schema_option_filestream = 0x00000001 -- varbinary(max) column with filestream attribute cannot be converted to base type (image) -- irrespective of whether filestream is repl. as filestream or varbinary(max) if ( @filestream_col_published = 1 and (@schema_option_lodword & @schema_option_max_to_nonmax = @schema_option_max_to_nonmax)) begin RAISERROR(22583, 16, -1, @article, @publication) goto FAILURE end -- if compat level is Yukon and turn OFF the schema_option to replicate filestream attribute, if ON if ( @filestream_col_published = 1 and @compatlevel >= 90 and @compatlevel < 100 and (@schema_option_hidword & @schema_option_filestream = @schema_option_filestream )) begin declare @schema_option_strg sysname select @schema_option_lodword = sys.fn_replgetbinary8lodword(@schema_option) select @schema_option_hidword = @schema_option_hidword & ~( @schema_option_filestream) select @schema_option = sys.fn_replcombinehilodwordintobinary8(@schema_option_hidword, @schema_option_lodword) UPDATE dbo.sysmergearticles SET schema_option = @schema_option WHERE artid = @artid AND pubid = @pubid select @schema_option_strg = sys.fn_varbintohexstr(@schema_option) RAISERROR (22584, 10, -1, @schema_option_strg) end exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSfillupmissingcols @publication, @qualified_name if @retcode<>0 or @@ERROR<>0 goto FAILURE -- -- For articles with subset filter clause - set the pub type to subset -- if len(@subset_filterclause) > 0 begin execute @retcode = sys.sp_MSsubsetpublication @publication if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE end -- set up deleted col info declare @deleted_cols varbinary(128) execute sp_MSfillup_deleted_cols @objid, @deleted_cols output update dbo.sysmergearticles set deleted_cols=@deleted_cols where artid = @artid and pubid=@pubid if @bump_to_80=1 begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSBumpupCompLevel @pubid, 40 if @@ERROR<>0 or @retcode<>0 goto FAILURE end exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' COMMIT TRAN return (0) FAILURE: RAISERROR (20009, 16, -1, @article, @publication) if @@TRANCOUNT > 0 begin if @got_merge_admin_applock=1 exec sys.sp_MSreleasemergeadminapplock @lockowner = N'Transaction' ROLLBACK TRANSACTION sp_addmergearticle COMMIT TRANSACTION end return (1)
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