June 13, 2012

sp_validate_redirected_publisher (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_validate_redirected_publisher(nvarchar @original_publisher
, nvarchar @publisher_db)


-- Name: sp_validate_redirected_publisher
-- Descriptions: Retrieve the redirected publisher for the specified
-- publisher database pair. If the publisher is not
-- currently redirected, return NULL.
-- For redirected publishers, validation checks are performed
-- to verify that the target of the redirection is a suitable
-- host for the published database. Both informational and
-- error messages may be raised.
-- NOTE: On error, all called stored procedures will first
-- return the temporary linked server and then raise
-- the error. No errors are caught here.
-- Parameters: as defined in create statement
-- Returns: 0 on success, 1 on failure; on failure errors are raised
-- Security: Public procedure invoked via RPC. check caller for db_owner
-- or in the PAL of a publication of the named pubisher check
create procedure sys.sp_validate_redirected_publisher
@original_publisher sysname,
@publisher_db sysname,
@redirected_publisher sysname output

set nocount on

@target_server sysname,
@publisher_linked_server sysname,
@dbname sysname,
@retcode int

set @redirected_publisher = null
set @target_server = null
set @publisher_linked_server = null
set @dbname = db_name()

-- Has to be executed from a distribution database
if (sys.fn_MSrepl_isdistdb (@dbname) <> 1)
raiserror(21874, 16, -1, 'sys.sp_validate_redirected_publisher', @dbname)
return 1

-- Verify input parameters are not NULL
if @original_publisher is null or
@publisher_db is null
raiserror (21875, 16, -1, 'sys.sp_validate_redirected_publisher')
return 1

-- Security check
if is_member(N'db_owner') <> 1
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrepl_DistDBPALAccess @original_publisher

if (@retcode <> 0) or (@@error <> 0)
raiserror (21873, 16, -1, 'sys.sp_validate_redirected_publisher')
return 1

-- If the publisher of the database has not been redirected
-- return without performing any validation.
select @redirected_publisher = redirected_publisher
from MSredirected_publishers
where upper(original_publisher) = upper(rtrim(@original_publisher))
and publisher_db = rtrim(@publisher_db)

if @redirected_publisher is null
return 0

-- Verify that the original publisher is a SQL Server publisher of this
-- distributor.
if not exists (
select name from msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers
where upper(rtrim(@original_publisher)) = upper(name) collate database_default
and N'MSSQLSERVER' = upper(publisher_type))
raiserror (21876, 16, -1, @@servername, @original_publisher, @publisher_db)
return 1

-- Verify that there is a sysservers entry for the original publisher
-- at the distributor.
if not exists (
select srvid
from master..sysservers
where upper(srvname) collate database_default = upper(rtrim(@original_publisher)))
raiserror (21877, 16, -1, @original_publisher, @publisher_db)
return 1

-- Create a linked server to connect to the target of redirection.
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_create_linked_server @original_publisher, @publisher_db,
@redirected_publisher, @publisher_linked_server output
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Get the name of the target host
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_get_target_server @original_publisher, @publisher_db,
@redirected_publisher, @publisher_linked_server, @target_server output
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Verify that the redirected publisher is configured for replication
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_verify_configured_for_repl @target_server, @publisher_db,
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Verify that the original publisher and redirected publisher both share the same
-- distributor
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_verify_publisher_at_distributor @target_server, @publisher_db,
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Verify that the redirected publisher is a replication publisher
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_verify_replication_publisher @target_server, @publisher_db,
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Verify that the published database subscribers of the original publisher are remote
-- servers of the redirected publisher
exec @retcode = sys.sp_hadr_verify_subscribers_at_publisher @original_publisher, @target_server,
@publisher_db, @publisher_linked_server
if @retcode <> 0
return 1

-- Drop the temporary linked server without raising an error
exec sys.sp_hadr_drop_linked_server @publisher_linked_server

return 0

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