June 8, 2012

sp_restoredbreplication (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_restoredbreplication(nvarchar @srv_orig
, nvarchar @db_orig
, int @keep_replication
, bit @perform_upgrade
, varbinary @recoveryforklsn)


 create procedure sys.sp_restoredbreplication (  
@srv_orig sysname,
@db_orig sysname,
@keep_replication int = 0, -- Make it int so that we can expand later.
@perform_upgrade bit = 0, -- server will set this parameter when the database is restored from a previous version of sql server.
@recoveryforklsn varbinary(16) = 0x0
* used by restore process to strip out replication settings if restoring to non-originating
* server/db or system otherwise not capable of keeping replication working
* WARNING : procs called here run internal to server and must be owner qualified
declare @retcode int

select @retcode = 0

-- Security Check: RESTORE statement requires sysadmin, dbcreator, or
-- dbo (THE dbo, not just any member of the db_owner
-- role.)
if (ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'),0) = 0)
and (ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('dbcreator'),0) = 0)
and (ISNULL(IS_MEMBER('db_owner'),0) = 0)
raiserror(18799, 16, -1)
return 1

-- Only attempt to run restore code on REPLICATION scenarios.
-- this helps us avoid failures when msdb or other dbs are
-- offline and a user is attempting to restore a non-repl db

-- 1. Transactional Publisher
if object_id(N'syspublications', N'U') is not null
or object_id(N'syspublications', N'V') is not null
-- 2. Merge Publisher
or object_id(N'sysmergepublications', N'U') is not null
-- 3. Distributor
or (object_id(N'MSrepl_commands', N'U') is not null
and object_id(N'MSrepl_transactions', N'U') is not null
and object_id(N'MSsnapshot_history', N'U') is not null
and object_id(N'MSlogreader_history', N'U') is not null
and object_id(N'MSdistribution_history', N'U') is not null
and object_id(N'MSmerge_history', N'U') is not null)
-- 4. Transactional Subscriber
or object_id(N'MSreplication_subscriptions', 'U') is not null
-- 5. Merge Subscriber
or object_id(N'MSmerge_replinfo', 'U') is not null
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSrestoredbreplication @srv_orig = @srv_orig,
@db_orig = @db_orig,
@keep_replication = @keep_replication,
@perform_upgrade = @perform_upgrade,
@recoveryforklsn = @recoveryforklsn
-- backup set does not contain replication system tables, but sys.objects or sys.columns are not in clean state
-- due to whatever failure occurred before, let's clean these bits here so not to block user from dropping the object
-- truncating the log, large text or textptr based operation
-- cleanup the objects that are still marked by replication bits
-- clear category field if we are not going to keep replication
declare @db_curr sysname,
@flush_proc nvarchar(300),
@done_proc nvarchar(300)
select @db_curr = db_name()

-- call repldone before removing the published bit
AND HAS_DBACCESS(@db_curr) = 1
AND DatabasePropertyEx(@db_curr, N'IsPublished') = 1
-- if cdc is still enabled, don't call sp_repldone
AND not exists(select * from sys.databases where db_id(@db_curr) = database_id and is_cdc_enabled = 1)
SELECT @flush_proc = QUOTENAME(@db_curr) + N'.sys.sp_replflush'
SELECT @done_proc = QUOTENAME(@db_curr) + N'.sys.sp_repldone'
EXEC @flush_proc
EXEC @done_proc NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1
EXEC @flush_proc

EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @db_curr).SetPublished(Value = 0)
EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @db_curr).SetMergePublished(Value = 0)
EXEC %%DatabaseEx(Name = @db_curr).SetDistributor(Value = 0)
exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScleandbobjectsforreplication
if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0
return (1)
return @retcode

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