The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_peerconflictdetection_tableaug(nvarchar @publisher, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication
, bit @enabling
, int @originator_id
, nvarchar @artlist)
create procedure sys.sp_peerconflictdetection_tableaug ( @publisher sysname, @publisher_db sysname, @publication sysname, -- not null @enabling bit, -- not null @originator_id int, -- should not be null and not 0 and not 0x80000000, when @enabling is 1 and when the destination is a peer @artlist nvarchar(max) -- in xml format ) as begin set nocount on declare @retcode int = 0, @tabrepobjsexists bit, @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P int = 0x1, @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION int = 0x8, @ispub bit, -- used only when disabling @cursor_allocated bit = 0, @cursor_opened bit = 0, @schname sysname, @tabname sysname, @artname sysname, @schema_option bigint, @fulltablename nvarchar(540), -- qualified with owner @tabobjid int, @conftabname nvarchar(540), @forcetabaug bit -- used only when disabling -- security check - should be dbo or sysadmin if (@originator_id = 0x80000000) -- read-only subscriber begin exec @retcode = sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe if @@ERROR != 0 or @retcode != 0 return (1) end else begin exec @retcode = sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@ERROR != 0 or @retcode != 0 return (1) end -- obtain article list declare @arttab table (schname sysname, tabname sysname, artname sysname, schema_option bigint) declare @DocHandle int begin tran save tran tr_tableaug exec sp_xml_preparedocument @DocHandle OUTPUT, @artlist if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO insert @arttab select * from OPENXML (@DocHandle, N'/arts/art', 1) with (schname sysname, tabname sysname, artname sysname, schema_option bigint) if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO exec sp_xml_removedocument @DocHandle if @@error <> 0 goto UNDO if exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'MSreplication_objects') select @tabrepobjsexists = 1 else select @tabrepobjsexists = 0 if @enabling = 1 begin -- read-only subscription table has its p2porid as 0x80000000 if not exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'syspublications') select @originator_id = 0x80000000 else if not exists (select * from syspublications where name = @publication and options & @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION = @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P_CONFLICTDETECTION) select @originator_id = 0x80000000 end else begin if not exists (select * from sys.objects where name = N'syspublications') select @ispub = 0 else if not exists (select * from syspublications where name = @publication and options & @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P = @OPT_ENABLED_FOR_P2P) select @ispub = 0 else select @ispub = 1 end -- process all articles declare #harticle cursor local fast_forward for select * from @arttab if (@@error != 0) goto UNDO select @cursor_allocated = 1 open #harticle if (@@error != 0) goto UNDO select @cursor_opened = 1 fetch #harticle into @schname, @tabname, @artname, @schema_option while (@@fetch_status<>-1) begin select @fulltablename = QUOTENAME(@schname) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(@tabname) select @tabobjid = object_id(@fulltablename) if(@tabobjid is not NULL and exists (select * from sys.objects where object_id = @tabobjid and type = N'U')) begin select @conftabname =sys.fn_peerconflicttablename(@fulltablename) if @enabling = 1 -- create conflict table and insert object name into MSreplication_objects in case of read-only subscriptions begin if @originator_id <> 0x80000000 -- do not create conflict table on a read-only subscriber for now begin exec @retcode = sp_MSmakepeerconflicttable @fulltablename , @schema_option if @@error != 0 or @retcode = 1 goto UNDO -- leave the code to insert into MSreplication_objects here if @originator_id = 0x80000000 and @tabrepobjsexists = 1 begin if not exists (select * from dbo.MSreplication_objects where object_name =@conftabname and publisher = @publisher and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication and article = @artname and object_type = N'U') insert dbo.MSreplication_objects (publisher, publisher_db, publication, object_name, object_type, article) values(@publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @conftabname, N'U', @artname) end end EXEC %%Object(MultiName = @fulltablename).LockMatchID(ID = @tabobjid, Exclusive = 1, BindInternal = 0) -- enabling: for read-only subscription, @replpeerid is 0x80000000; for peer, @replpeerid is @originator_id -- this will internally add hidden column exec %%Relation(ID = @tabobjid).SetReplPeerId(Value = @originator_id) if @@error != 0 goto UNDO end else -- enabling = 0 begin if @originator_id = 0 select @forcetabaug = 1 else if @ispub = 0 and @tabrepobjsexists = 1 begin delete from dbo.MSreplication_objects where object_name = @conftabname and publisher = @publisher and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication and article = @artname and object_type = N'U' if not exists (select * from dbo.MSreplication_objects where object_name = @conftabname and object_type = N'U') select @forcetabaug = 1 end if @forcetabaug = 1 begin -- prefix with scheme name: dbo select @conftabname = N'[dbo].' + QUOTENAME(@conftabname) if object_id(@conftabname) is not NULL exec ('drop table ' + @conftabname) -- drop conflict table EXEC %%Object(MultiName = @fulltablename).LockMatchID(ID = @tabobjid, Exclusive = 1, BindInternal = 0) -- disabling: @replpeerid is 0, this will internally drop hidden column exec %%Relation(ID = @tabobjid).SetReplPeerId(Value = 0) if @@error != 0 goto UNDO end end end fetch #harticle into @schname, @tabname, @artname, @schema_option end -- while if @cursor_opened = 1 begin close #harticle end if @cursor_allocated = 1 begin deallocate #harticle end commit tran return (0) UNDO: if @cursor_opened = 1 begin close #harticle end if @cursor_allocated = 1 begin deallocate #harticle end rollback tran tr_tableaug commit tran raiserror(21542, 16, 1, @@error, 'sp_peerconflictdetection_tableaug') return (1) end
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