May 16, 2012

sp_MShelp_merge_agentid (Transact-SQL MetaData) Definition

Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.

I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.

Goto Definition or MetaData


sys.sp_MShelp_merge_agentid(smallint @publisher_id
, nvarchar @publisher_db
, nvarchar @publication
, smallint @subscriber_id
, nvarchar @subscriber_db
, int @subscriber_version
, nvarchar @subscriber)


 CREATE PROCEDURE sys.sp_MShelp_merge_agentid   
@publisher_id smallint,
@publisher_db sysname,
@publication sysname,
@subscriber_id smallint,
@subscriber_db sysname,
@subscriber_version int = 60, -- 60=shiloh sp3 or lower, 90=yukon
@subscriber sysname = NULL
declare @publisher sysname
declare @expired int
declare @agent_id int
declare @name sysname
declare @retention int
declare @retention_period_unit tinyint
declare @last_status int
declare @last_history datetime
declare @min_valid_day datetime
declare @reinited int
declare @status int
declare @success int
declare @publication_id int
declare @subscriber_datasource_type int
declare @sql_subscriber int
declare @sub_version int

select @expired = 0
select @reinited = 4
select @success = 2

select @subscriber_datasource_type = 0
select @sql_subscriber = 0

if not EXISTS (select * from dbo.MSpublications
where publisher_id=@publisher_id
and publisher_db = @publisher_db
and publication = @publication
and publication_type = 2) -- merge publication is gone
select 1, @publication, 1, 0 -- third column = 1 means publication is gone, making the other values meanningless.
return (1)

select @publication_id = publication_id
from dbo.MSpublications
where publisher_id = @publisher_id and
publisher_db = @publisher_db and
publication = @publication

-- Get subscriber info
if @subscriber IS NULL
select @subscriber = srvname from master.dbo.sysservers where srvid = @subscriber_id
select @publisher = srvname from master.dbo.sysservers where srvid = @publisher_id

select @subscriber_datasource_type = type
from MSsubscriber_info
where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber)

if (@subscriber_datasource_type = @sql_subscriber)
select @status = status, @sub_version = subscriber_version from dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions where
publisher_id = @publisher_id and
publisher_db = @publisher_db and
publication_id = @publication_id and
UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber) and
subscriber_db = @subscriber_db

select @agent_id = id, @name = name from dbo.MSmerge_agents
where publisher_id = @publisher_id
and publisher_db = @publisher_db
and publication = @publication
and UPPER(subscriber_name) = UPPER(@subscriber)
and subscriber_db = @subscriber_db
select @status = status, @sub_version = subscriber_version from dbo.MSmerge_subscriptions where
publisher_id = @publisher_id and
publisher_db = @publisher_db and
publication_id = @publication_id and
UPPER(subscriber) = UPPER(@subscriber)

select @agent_id = id, @name = name from dbo.MSmerge_agents
where publisher_id = @publisher_id
and publisher_db = @publisher_db
and publication = @publication
and UPPER(subscriber_name) = UPPER(@subscriber)

-- Security check. Do it here to let the agent fail at the beginning
if @agent_id is not null
exec sys.sp_MScheck_pull_access @agent_id = @agent_id, @agent_type = 1 -- merge agent

if @sub_version is NULL
select @sub_version = @subscriber_version

if @sub_version < 90
select @retention = retention, @retention_period_unit = retention_period_unit
from dbo.MSpublications
where publisher_id=@publisher_id and publisher_db=@publisher_db and publication=@publication

if @retention is not NULL and @retention > 0
select @min_valid_day = sys.fn_add_units_to_date(@retention * (-1), @retention_period_unit, getdate())
-- only do history based expiration if there is a valid successful run information available.
-- If we do not find the history for the last successful run we will not cleanup.
-- however a seperate cleanup happens that uses the last_sync_time on the publisher. So
-- even if we do not cleanup here sp_MSdrop_expired_mergesubscription will take care of it
select Top 1 @last_status = runstatus, @last_history = end_time
from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus=2 order by session_id DESC

commeting out since we do not want to use the failed history information
if @last_status = 6 and EXISTS (select * from dbo.MSmerge_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus = 2)
select Top 1 @last_history = time from dbo.MSmerge_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus = 2
order by time DESC
if @last_history is not NULL
if @last_history < @min_valid_day -- and @status <> @reinited //We no longer consider marked-for-reinit subscriptions as exempt for expiry
select @expired = 1

select @agent_id, @name, 0, @expired where @agent_id is not NULL

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