The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_IH_LR_GetCacheData(nvarchar @publisher)MetaData:
-- -- Name: -- sp_IH_LR_GetCacheData -- -- Description: -- Retrieve meta data for Log Reader cache -- -- Inputs: -- @publisher == publisher name -- -- Returns: -- Return code (1 for error, 0 for success) -- -- Security: -- Internal -- Requires Certificate signature for catalog access -- -- Notes: -- Used by heterogeneous Log Reader for Oracle publishers -- create PROCEDURE sys.sp_IH_LR_GetCacheData ( @publisher sysname ) as begin DECLARE @transactional int SET @transactional = 0 -- -- -- -- security check, db_owner declare @retcode int exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_publish if @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 return(1) -- Begin serializable transaction SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRAN DECLARE @publisher_id int -- Determine the publisher ID select @publisher_id = i.publisher_id from IHpublishers i, master.dbo.sysservers s where UPPER(s.srvname collate database_default) = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default and i.publisher_id = s.srvid if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END -- Retreive the cache publisher data select i.publisher_id, d.login, sys.fn_repldecryptver4(d.password), i.vendor, CONVERT(varchar(255), i.publisher_guid), CONVERT(nvarchar(24), i.flush_request_time, 121), d.publisher_type from IHpublishers i, master.dbo.sysservers s, msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers d where UPPER(s.srvname collate database_default) = UPPER(@publisher) collate database_default and i.publisher_id = s.srvid and UPPER(s.srvname collate database_default) = UPPER( collate database_default if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END -- Retrieve the cache publication data select, i.repl_freq, i.status, i.sync_method, i.snapshot_jobid, i.enabled_for_internet, i.immediate_sync_ready, i.allow_queued_tran, i.allow_sync_tran, i.autogen_sync_procs, i.snapshot_in_defaultfolder, i.alt_snapshot_folder, i.pre_snapshot_script, i.post_snapshot_script, i.compress_snapshot, i.ftp_address, i.ftp_port, i.ftp_subdirectory, i.ftp_login, sys.fn_repldecryptver4(i.ftp_password), i.allow_dts, i.allow_anonymous, i.ad_guidname, i.backward_comp_level, m.publisher_id, m.publisher_db, m.publication_type, m.independent_agent, m.immediate_sync, m.allow_push, m.allow_pull, m.description, m.vendor_name, m.retention, m.allow_subscription_copy, i.pubid from IHpublications i, MSpublications m where m.publisher_id = @publisher_id and i.pubid = m.publication_id and i.repl_freq = @transactional if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END -- Retrieve the cache primary key data select DISTINCT ihpcn.table_id, ihpcc.publishercolumn_id, ihpcc.indid from IHpublisherconstraints ihpcn, IHpublishercolumnconstraints ihpcc, IHpublishercolumns ihpco, IHarticles iha, IHpublications ip where ihpcn.publisher_id = @publisher_id and ihpcn.publisherconstraint_id = ihpcc.publisherconstraint_id and ihpco.publishercolumn_id = ihpcc.publishercolumn_id and ihpcn.type = 'PRIMARYKEY' and ihpcn.table_id = iha.table_id and iha.publication_id = ip.pubid and ip.repl_freq = @transactional order by ihpcc.indid if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END -- Retrieve the cache column data select i.column_id, i.publishercolumn_id,, CASE i.mapped_length WHEN -1 THEN type_name(i.mapped_type) + N'(max)' ELSE type_name(i.mapped_type) END, i.mapped_length, i.mapped_prec, i.mapped_scale, i.article_id,, c.type, c.length, i.mapped_nullable from IHcolumns i, IHpublishercolumns c, MSarticles m, MSpublications l, IHarticles a, IHpublications ip where c.publisher_id = @publisher_id and i.article_id = m.article_id and m.publication_id = l.publication_id and i.article_id = a.article_id and a.publication_id = l.publication_id and m.publisher_id = a.publisher_id and m.publisher_id = l.publisher_id and i.publishercolumn_id = c.publishercolumn_id and m.publication_id = ip.pubid and ip.repl_freq = @transactional order by i.article_id, i.column_ordinal if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END -- Retrieve the cache article data select a.article_id,, a.table_id, del_cmd, filter, filter_clause, ins_cmd, pre_creation_cmd, a.status, type, upd_cmd, dest_owner, dest_table, a.publication_id, p.owner,, a.publisher_status, a.instance_id from IHarticles a, IHpublishertables p, MSarticles m, MSpublications l, IHpublications ip where a.publisher_id = @publisher_id and a.publisher_id = p.publisher_id and a.table_id = p.table_id and a.publication_id = l.publication_id and a.article_id = m.article_id and a.publication_id = m.publication_id and a.publisher_id = m.publisher_id and a.publisher_id = l.publisher_id and m.publication_id = ip.pubid and ip.repl_freq = @transactional if @@error<>0 BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return(1) END COMMIT TRAN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED return 0 end
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